Bienheureux Faustin Miguez
Fondateur de la Congrégation des Filles de Calasanz (✝ 1925)
Né en 1831, prêtre scolope(*), fondateur de la Congrégation des Filles de Calasanz.
Béatifié le 25 octobre 1998 par Jean-Paul II - homélie en anglais
(*) des Écoles pies, fondées par Saint Joseph de Calasanz
À Getafe près de Madrid, en 1925, le bienheureux Faustin Miguez, prêtre des Clercs réguliers des écoles religieuses, qui se donna tout entier à sa charge d’enseignant, avec une activité pastorale qui lui valut d’être reconnu comme maître et expert, et il fonda la Congrégation des Filles de Calasanz.
Martyrologe romain
Bx FaustinoMíguez
Prêtre scolope et fondateur de la Congrégation “Hijas de la Divina Pastora” (Filles de la Divine Bergère)
Parmi les saints inscrits par le Martyrologe Romain au 8 mars, se trouve un bienheureux prêtre espagnol : Faustino (dans le siècle Manuel) Míguez.
Le village de Rio Calanova, en Espagne, a vu naître, le 24 mars 1831, celui qui devait devenir un grand éducateur et fondateur de la Congrégation mariale des “Hijas de la Divina Pastora” qui poursuivent aujourd'hui son œuvre.
Quatrième enfant d'une famille catholique très fervente, il répondit très tôt à l'appel de la vie religieuse. Attiré par l'exemple de St Joseph Calasanz (1557-1648), il rejoignit les Scolopes - ou Piaristes -, les frères des "Ecoles pieuses", en décembre 1850, à Madrid.
Ordonné prêtre le 08 mars 1856, dans la paroisse de saint Marcos de Madrid, il enseigna dans les collèges de San Fernando, Guanboacoa, Getafe, Monforte de Lemas, Celanova, El Escurial et Sanlucar de Barrameda.
Son attention aux jeunes et sa très grande gentillesse frappaient tous ceux qui le côtoyaient. Mais aussi sa grande compétence, que ce soit comme confesseur ou comme chercheur médical! A Getafe (10 kms au sud de Madrid), il ouvrit même le Laboratoire Míguez qui existe toujours.
À Sanlucar de Barrameda il prit conscience des difficultés des jeunes filles voulant accéder aux études. C'est pour elles qu'il fonda, le 02 janvier 1885, la Congrégation mariale des “Hijas de la Divina Pastora”, vouée aux pauvres et particulièrement aux jeunes filles.
Du vivant de son fondateur, la nouvelle communauté essaima en Espagne, en Andalousie, en Castille et en Galicie, mais aussi en Amérique latine, en Argentine et au Chili.
Il meurt à Getafe, à l’âge de 94 ans, le 10 mars 1925.
Faustino Míguez a été béatifié à Rome, le 25 octobre 1998, par Saint Jean-Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła, 1978-2005).
Sources principales : ; (« Rév. x gpm »).
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Bienheureux Faustin MIGUEZ
Prénom: Faustin (Faustino)
Pays: Espagne
Naissance: 1831
Mort: 08.03.1925
Etat: Prêtre - Religieux - Fondateur
Note: Prêtre scolope, fondateur de l'Institut Calasanziano des filles de la Divine Providence.
Béatification: 25.10.1998 à Rome par Jean Paul II
Fête: 8 mars
Réf. dans l’Osservatore Romano: 1998 n.43 p.3
Réf. dans la Documentation Catholique: 1998 n.21 p.1049
Le Père Faustino Miguez, prêtre scolope (de Scholæ piæ, Écoles pies, fondées par Saint Joseph de Calasanz) naquit en 1831. Renonçant à ses propres ambitions, il suivit Jésus, le Maître, et consacra sa vie à l'éducation des enfants et des jeunes selon le style de Saint Joseph de Calasanz. En tant qu'éducateur, son objectif fut la formation intégrale de la personne. En tant que prêtre, il rechercha inlassablement la sainteté des âmes. En tant que scientifique, il voulut apporter un soulagement à la maladie, en libérant l'humanité qui souffrait dans son corps. A l'école et dans la rue, au confessionnal et dans son laboratoire, le Père Faustino fut toujours la clarté de Dieu qui accueille, pardonne et anime. "Homme du peuple et pour le peuple", rien ni personne ne lui fut étranger. C'est pourquoi il prit en considération la situation d'ignorance et de marginalité dans laquelle vivait la femme, qu'il considérait comme "l'âme de la famille et la partie la plus intéressante de la société". Dans le but de les guider, dès leur enfance, sur le chemin de la promotion humaine et chrétienne, il fonda l'"Instituto Calasancio de Hijas de la Divina Pastora" (Institut calasancien des filles de la divine Providence) pour l'éducation des jeunes filles dans la piété et l'instruction. Il mourut en 1925, laissant un exemple lumineux, mêlé de prière, d'étude et d'apostolat.
Faustin Miguez, prêtre espagnol, surdoué et bienheureux
Un grand éducateur
Parmi les saints inscrits par le martyrologe romain au 8 mars se trouve un bienheureux prêtre espagnol, Faustin Miguez (1831-1925).
Le village de Rio Calanova, en Espagne, a vu naître celui qui devait devenir un grand éducateur, et fondateur de la congrégation mariale des Filles de la Divine Bergère qui poursuivent aujourd’hui son œuvre.
Quatrième enfant d’une famille catholique très fervente, il répondit très tôt à l’appel de la vie religieuse. Attiré par l’exemple de saint Joseph de Calasanz, il rejoignit les Scolopes – ou Piaristes -, les frères des « Ecoles pieuses », en 1850, à Madrid.
Devenu prêtre, il enseigna dans les collèges de San Fernando, Guanboacoa, Getafe, Monforte de Lemas, Celanova, El Escurial, et Sanlucar de Barrameda.
Son attention aux jeunes et sa très grande gentillesse frappaient tous ceux qui le côtoyaient. Mais aussi sa grande compétence, que ce soit comme confesseur ou comme… chercheur médical! A Getafe, il ouvrit même le Laboratoire Miguez, qui existe toujours.
Mais c’est à Sanlucar de Barrameda qu’il prit conscience des difficultés des jeunes filles voulant accéder aux études. C’est pour ellles qu’il fonda, en 1885, la Congrégation de la Divine Bergère, vouée aux pauvres et particulièrement aux jeunes filles.
Du vivant de son fondateur, la nouvelle communauté esséma en Espagne, en Andalousie, en Castille, et en Galicie, mais aussi en Amérique latine, en Argentine et au Chili.
Il s’éteignit à Getafe, nonagénaire, le 10 mars 1925.
Blessed Faustino Miguez, Sch. P. (AC)
Born at Xamiras, Orense, Spain, March 24, 1831; died Getafe, March 8, 1925; beatified October 24, 1998.
Faustino was the fourth child of a hard-working Christian family. After studying Latin and the humanities in Orense, there he heard God's call to be a priest and teacher in the spirit of St Joseph Calasanz. In 1850 he entered St Ferdinand's novitiate of the Piarist Fathers in Madrid. In his long life as a Piarist, almost 50 years dedicated to education, he was sent to schools in San Fernando, Guanaboacoa, Getafe, Monforte de Lemos, Celanova, El Escorial and Sanlucar de Barameda.
Convinced that "those who want to teach need to learn," he worked tirelessly, training himself daily to fulfil his educational mission. God endowed him with a special love for the young and a sensitivity that enabled him to approach them with kindness, to know them and to seek their welfare. School was the place where he met the Lord, whom he loved and served in children. Through piety and learning he opened horizons of culture to them, encouraging them and teaching them to love what is true, noble and sublime. A Piarist for all children, his devotion to them was expressed in his concern for the weakest and neediest. Fr Faustino, like St Joseph Calasanz, lauded education as "the noblest work, the greatest and the most sublime in the world because it embraces the whole of man as God conceived him . . . ."
He spent many hours hearing confessions and was renowned for his patience and wise advice. His whole life was dedicated to the love of God and to learning. He combined scientific research with his vocation as an educator and studied the healing properties of plants, which he believed were Providence's remedy for illness. He prepared medicines and cured many of the sick who consulted him. The Miguez Laboratory in Getafe is one of his great legacies to society.
In Sanlucar de Barrameda, he encountered the illiteracy and marginalization of women and, aware of their importance in the family and in society, he felt an urgent need to assist with the human and Christian advancement of girls, especially the very poor. This Inspired him to found the Calasanctian Institute of the Daughters of the Divine Shepherdess on 2 January 1885. He devoted great wisdom to their formation, imbuing their life with a spirit of prayer, humility, simplicity and ardent love for Mary so that, as Mother and Shepherdess, she might be the model for their vocation of service to the young and the lowly. He outlined their charism in the Constitutions: "The aim of the Daughters of the Divine Shepherdess is to seek souls and lead them to God . . . ."
Obedience required him to leave his congregation for Getafe, but Fr Faustino knew that if it was God's work it would last. Indeed, the congregation expanded to Andalucia, Castille and Galicia, and he had the joy of seeing new foundations in Chile and Argentina. He died in Getafe, at the age of 94 (verbatim from the EWTN Library).
Sunday, 25 October 1998
1.“The lowly will hear me and be glad” (Ps 33 [34]:3).
With these words today’s liturgy invites us to rejoice as we give thanks to the Lord for the gift of these new blesseds. The Church’s joy is expressed in the song of praise that the assembly lifts to heaven. Yes, let the lowly hear and be glad as they consider what God accomplishes in the lives of his faithful servants. The Church, which is the “People of the lowly”, hears and rejoices because in these members, enrolled among the blessed, she sees a reflection of the heavenly Father’s merciful love. At this liturgy let us make our own the inspired words of Jesus: “Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom” (Gospel acclamation).
The “little ones”: how different is human logic from the divine! The “little ones”, according to the Gospel, are those who know they are God’s creatures and shun all presumption: they expect everything from the Lord and so are never disappointed. This is the basic attitude of the believer: faith and humility are inseparable. Proof of this is the witness given by the new blesseds: Zefirino Agostini, Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão, Faustino Míguez and Theodore Guérin. The greater a person’s faith, the “littler” he feels, in the image of Jesus Christ, who, “though he was in the form of God, ... emptied himself” (Phil 2:6-7) and came among men as their servant.
2. The new blesseds are examples for us to imitate and witnesses to follow. Their lives show that the strength of little ones is prayer, as this Sunday’s word of God emphasizes. The saints and blesseds are first of all men and women of prayer: they bless the Lord at all times, his praise is ever in their mouth; they cry out and the Lord hears them, and from all their distress he rescues them, as the responsorial psalm reminds us (cf. Ps 33 [34]:2, 18). Their prayer pierces the clouds, is ceaseless and untiring, and never rests until the Most High responds (cf. Sir 35:16-18).
The prayerful power of spiritual men and women is always accompanied by a deep sense of their own limitations and unworthiness. It is faith, not presumption, that nurtures the courage and fidelity of Christ’s disciples. Like the Apostle Paul, they know that the Lord has reserved a crown of righteousness for those who await his appearing with eager longing (cf. 2 Tm 4:8).
3. “The Lord stood by me and gave me strength” (2 Tm 4:17).
These words of the Apostle to Timothy certainly apply to Fr Zefirino Agostino, who never lost heart despite countless difficulties. He stands before us today as a humble, steadfast witness to the Gospel in the latter half of the 19th century, a fruitful period for the Church in Verona. His faith was steadfast, his charitable work effective, and ardent was the priestly spirit that distinguished him.
The love of the Lord spurred him in his apostolate to the poor, especially in the Christian education of girls, particularly the most needy. He understood well the important role women play in the rehabilitation of society by teaching the values of freedom, honesty and charity.
He advised the Ursulines, his spiritual daughters: “Poor girls: let them be the favourite object of your care and attention. Awaken their minds, teach their hearts virtue and save their souls from malignant contact with the wicked world” (Scritti alle Orsoline, 289). May his example strongly encourage those who honour him today as blessed and invoke him as their protector.
4.“The Lord stood by me and gave me strength to proclaim the word fully” (2 Tm 4:17).
This message of St Paul to Timothy is well reflected in the life of Friar Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão, who fulfilled his religious consecration by dedicating himself with love and devotion to the afflicted, the suffering and the slaves of his era in Brazil.
Let us thank God for the continual blessings granted through the powerful evangelizing influence which the Holy Spirit has exercised in so many souls down to our day through Friar Galvão. His authentically Franciscan faith, evangelically lived and apostolically spent in serving his neighbour, will be an encouragement to imitate this “man of peace and charity”. His mission of founding “Recolhimentos” dedicated to Our Lady and to Providence still bears astounding fruit: he was a fervent adorer of the Eucharist, a teacher and defender of Gospel charity, a wise spiritual director for many souls and a defender of the poor. May Mary Immaculate, whose “son and everlasting slave” Friar Galvão considered himself, enlighten the hearts of the faithful and awaken in them a hunger for God and a commitment to serving his kingdom through their own witness of authentic Christian life.
5. “He who humbles himself will be exalted” (Lk 18:14). These words of Jesus which we have heard in the Gospel are fulfilled as the Piarist priest, Faustino Míguez, is raised to the glory of the altars. By renouncing his own ambitions, the new blessed followed Jesus the Teacher and dedicated his life to teaching children and young people in the style of St Joseph Calasanz. As an educator, his goal was the formation of the whole person. As a priest, he continually sought the holiness of souls. As a scientist, he was able to alleviate sickness by freeing humanity from physical suffering. In school and the street, in the confessional and the laboratory, Fr Faustino Míguez was the very image of Christ, who welcomes, pardons and gives life.
A “man of the people and for the people”, everything and everyone were his concern. Thus, he observed the conditions of ignorance and marginalization in which women lived, whom he regarded as the “soul of the family and the most important part of society”. To guide them from their childhood years on the path of human and Christian advancement, he founded the Calasanctian Institute of the Divine Shepherdess for the education of girls in religion and the arts.
His shining example, an interweaving of prayer, study and apostolate, continues today in the witness of his daughters and of the many teachers who courageously and joyfully work to imprint the image of Jesus on the minds and hearts of young people.
6. “The Lord stood by me and gave me strength to proclaim the word fully” (2 Tm 4:17). In these words to Timothy, St Paul looks back across the years of his apostolic ministry and affirms his hope in the Lord in the face of adversity.
The words of the Apostle were engraved on Mother Theodore Guérin’s heart when she left her native France in 1840 with her five companions to face the uncertainties and dangers of the frontier territory of Indiana. Her life and work were always guided by the sure hand of Providence, in which she had complete confidence. She understood that she must spend herself in God’s service, seeking always his will. Despite initial difficulties and misunderstandings, and subsequent crosses and afflictions, she felt deeply that God had blessed her Congregation of the Sisters of Providence, giving it growth and forging a union of hearts among its members. In the congregation’s schools and orphanages, Mother Theodore’s witness led many young boys and girls to know the loving care of God in their lives.
Today she continues to teach Christians to abandon themselves to the providence of our heavenly Father and to be totally committed to doing what pleases him. The life of Bl. Theodore Guérin is a testimony that everything is possible with God and for God. May her spiritual daughters and all who have experienced her charism live the same spirit today.
7. Dear brothers and sisters who have come from various parts of the world for this festive celebration, I warmly greet you and thank you for your presence!
May the witness offered by the new blesseds encourage us to advance generously on the way of the Gospel. By looking at those who found favour with God because of their humble submission to his will, may our spirit feel moved to follow the Gospel with patient and constant generosity.
“He whose service is pleasing to the Lord will be accepted, and his prayer will reach to the heavens” (Sir 35:16). Here is the great lesson which our brothers and sister offer us: to honour, love and serve God with our whole life, always knowing that “everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Lk 18:14).
May God generously open the treasures of his mercy to all: he who “hears the cry of the oppressed” (Sir35:13); who “is close to the broken-hearted” (Ps 33 [34]:19); who rescues the poor “from all their distress” (Ps 33 [34]:18); who gives satisfaction to the just and affirms the right (cf. Sir 35:18).
May the Virgin Mary, Queen of All Saints, obtain the gift of humility and fidelity for us and for every believer, so that our prayer may always be genuine and pleasing to the Lord.
© Copyright 1998 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Beato Faustino Miguez Padre Scolopio
Xamiras, Oreuse, Spagna, 24 marzo 1831 - Getafe, 8 marzo 1925
Religioso dell'Ordine delle Scuole Pie, a Madrid, passava gran parte del suo tempo occupandosi delle confessioni. Fondò la Congregazione delle Figlie della Divina Pastora, per la formazione delle giovani.
Martirologio Romano: Nella città di Getafe vicino a Madrid in Spagna, beato Faustino Míguez, religioso dell’Ordine dei Chierici Regolari delle Scuole Pie, che, ordinato sacerdote, si dedicò appieno all’insegnamento e, raggiunta una grande fama di maestro e di scienziato naturalista, fu tuttavia sempre solerte nell’impegno pastorale e fondò la Congregazione delle Figlie della Divina Pastora.
Il padre Faustino nacque a Xamiras, provincia di Oreuse in Spagna, il 24 marzo 1831. E’ il quarto figlio di una famiglia cristiana e lavoratrice, le valli tra le scoscese montagne natìe, il paesaggio, imprimono il suo carattere riservato, osservatore, amante della natura, deciso nell’affrontare e superare gli ostacoli, capace di lavorare con costanza e rettitudine.
Studia latino e scienze umane nel Santuario di Nostra Signora dei Miracoli a Orense, lì sente la chiamata di Dio a diventare Sacerdote e maestro secondo lo spirito di s. Giuseppe Calasanzio. Nel 1850 entra nel Noviziato delle Scuole Pie di s. Fernando in Madrid.
Come padre scolopio è destinato ai collegi di san Fernando, Getafe, Monforte, Celanova, El Escorial, Guanabacoa e Sanlucar, come professore di molte materie di studi ma in particolare di scienze naturali. Nei quasi 50 anni d’insegnamento vuole rimanere sempre nascosto senza distinzioni, dedicandosi ai ragazzi ed ai giovani, con sensibilità unica, con rispetto e affetto, conosceva ognuno e di ciascuno voleva il suo bene.
Si sente chiamato ad essere compagno e amico, maestro e guida nel cammino della realizzazione piena di “questo essere che racchiude nei suoi pochi anni il futuro della famiglia e dell’intera società”. Scrisse vari libri semplici a capirsi, per un dialogo vivo e informativo delle scienze. Come sacerdote dedica molte ore al confessionale diventando il Direttore Spirituale di molte anime.
La sua fama di ottimo chimico gli fa avere l’incarico di analizzare le acque potabili dal Municipio di Sanlucar. Ebbe l’invito a visitare un’illustre ammalato e lui lo cura e guarisce dalla sua grave malattia. Molti si rivolgevano ormai a lui per essere curati con l’applicazione delle proprietà delle piante. Ben 12 medicinali vengono registrati come validi dalla Direzione Generale della Sanità dal 1922 e venduti in Farmacia.
A Getafe fonda per il bene dell’umanità il Laboratorio Mìguez. Con il permesso dei suoi superiori, egli fonda il 2 gennaio 1885 anche per le bimbe che ne erano escluse, l’Istituto Calasanziano Figlie della Divina Pastora, questo per creare per la donna una formazione che la porti ad una completa promozione nella famiglia e nella società.
All’età di 94 anni, muore a Getafe l'8 marzo 1925. Servì con impegno, sereno e perseverante la Chiesa e la Società. Amò le Scuole Pie e aspirò sempre a vivere in pienezza il carisma dell’Ordine.
Papa Giovanni Paolo II lo dichiara Beato il 25 ottobre 1998 in Roma.
Autore: Antonio Borrelli
Faustino Míguez
FAUSTINO MÍGUEZ nasceu em Xamirás, uma aldeia de Acebedo del Rio, Celanova, na província de Orense (Espanha), a 24 de Março de 1831. A sua família era profundamente cristã e trabalhadora, propiciando-lhe um ambiente de fé, onde aprendeu a oração e o amor a Maria, a solidariedade com os necessitados e a responsabilidade no trabalho. Na escola de S. José de Calasanz seguiu Cristo, dedicando-se à educação. Como Padre das Escolas Pias aplicou-se todos os dias ao serviço da infância e da juventude.
Sempre atento às necessidades das pessoas, tomou contacto com a realidade vital do povo, participou nos seus problemas, sofrimentos e enfermidades, e respondeu-lhes na medida das suas forças. Dada a sua vocação científica, procurou também com este seu talento socorrer a humanidade abatida por tantos sofrimentos físicos e, a exemplo do Mestre divino, preocupou-se da saúde tanto da alma como do corpo.
Em Sanlúcar de Barrameda, na Galiza, constatou a ignorância e o abandono em que vivia a mulher e a marginalização que existia no campo educativo. Convicto da importância da mulher na família e na sociedade, e animado do mesmo espírito que tinha impelido S. José de Calasanz, fundou em 1875 o Instituto Calasanziano das Filhas da Divina Pastora, dedicado à promoção humana e cristã das meninas, especialmente das mais pobres, a fim de que, guiadas desde a mais tenra idade, chegassem a ser, dizia, boas cristãs, boas filhas, boas esposas e boas mães e membros úteis para a sociedade, da qual devem formar a parte mais interessante.
Morreu em Getafe, aos 94 anos de idade, no dia 8 de Março de 1925. A sua longa vida consagrada totalmente ao Senhor, a quem amou sobre todas as coisas, foi um contínuo acto de fé e de aceitação da Sua vontade em todos os momentos. Deixou-se modelar por Deus e só procurou a Sua glória. Amou o Instituto das Escolas Pias e procurou viver com radicalidade e autenticidade a sua vida religiosa. Este desejo está expresso num dos grandes motes da sua vida: «Ser como se deve ser, ou então não ser». Orientou o seu caminho para a contemplação do mistério da Encarnação, identificando-se com Aquele que, sendo Filho de Deus, assumiu a condição de servo, e seguiu o Seu exemplo de despojamento e humildade. Pelo caminho da verdade e da cruz chegou a ser um digno discípulo do Mestre divino.