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Bienheureuse MADDALENA PANATTIERI, tertiaire de Saint Dominique



Beata Panattieri, Chiesa San Domenico, Trino, Trino Vercellese, Vercelli

Bienheureuse Madeleine Panattieri

Tertiaire de Saint Dominique (+ 1503)

A Trino entre Turin et Milan, Madeleine Panattieri était très charitable et soulageait la misère des pauvres par ses soins. Elle catéchisait avec humilité, conseillant les jeunes, les femmes, puis des hommes et même des prêtres attirés par son enseignement.

À Trino dans le Piémont en 1503, la bienheureuse Madeleine Panattieri, tertiaire dominicaine, sœur de la Pénitence de Saint-Dominique.

Martyrologe romain

SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/12275/Bienheureuse-Madeleine-Panattieri.html

Blessed Magdalen Panattieri

Also known as

Maddalena Panattieri

Mary Magdalen Panattieri

Magdalene of Trino


13 October


Tertiary of the Sisters of Penance of Saint Dominic at age 20. She had a great devotion to Saint Catherine of Siena. Magdalen lived at with her family, devoting her days to prayer, and care for the poor and young children. She gave talks to groups of lay people and children, then later to priests and religious. Received the stigmata, but kept it quiet. Noted for her simple innocence and piety; public devotion started spontaneously soon after her death.


1443 at Turinodiocese of VercelliPiedmontItaly


13 October 1503 at TurinoItaly of natural causes


26 September 1827 by Pope Leo XII (cultus confirmed)

Additional Information

Saints and Saintly Dominicans, by Blessed Hyacinthe-Marie CormierO.P.


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

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Martirologio Romano2001 edición

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Santi e Beati



Faithful God, you forsake no one who trusts in you and in your mercy hear the prayers of the devout. Through the help of Blessed Magdalen may we receive what we cannot obtain of ourselves. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. – General Calendar of the Order of Preachers

MLA Citation

“Blessed Magdalen Panattieri“. CatholicSaints.Info. 19 December 2021. Web. 10 October 2022. <https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-magdalen-panattieri/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-magdalen-panattieri/

Saints and Saintly Dominicans – 14 October

Blessed Magdalene of TrinoVirginTertiaryO.P.

Blessed Magdalene as a true Tertiary observed even in childhood great modesty in dress, conversations and looks. She received the gift of prophecy from heaven, and a participation in Our Saviour’s Passion. But it is more to the purpose to look upon her as a model in her zeal for the conversion of sinners, and in her care of the sick. In procuring for these latter all the relief possible she, taught them also at the same time to love their trials for the sake of God; a favor far more precious than all her care for their well-being. She prayed much for Italy, then overwhelmed with miseries, and seeing that God was about to strike her country, she obtained that at least he would spare her native city. She knew the day of her death three years before it took place, and prepared for it by redoubling her fervor and praying up to the end for her Order and her country. She had always been remarkable for her devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, and it was in a chapel under this title belonging to the Fathers, that she generally followed the conventual Office. Before dying she wished to sing the hymn “Jesu nostra redemptio” with those who were around her death-bed. She sent for the Tertiaries to bid them farewell, recommending them to observe fidelity to the Rule and practice chanty among themselves. Her last words were those of Jesus upon the Cross: “In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum.” (1503)


My God, turn Thy wrath from my country.


Examine how you observe silence and modesty in your comportment, in church, either out of respect for God or from the desire of giving edification.

– taken from the book Saints and Saintly Dominicans, by Blessed Hyacinthe-Marie CormierO.P.

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saints-and-saintly-dominicans-14-october/

OCTOBER 12, 2014

Blessed Magdalen dei Panattieri

One hears so much about the detachment necessary for sanctity that it is refreshing to read about someone beatified who unblushingly loved her family, her country, her friends, and all little children.

Magdalen Pannatieri was born at Trino, near Vercelli, in 1443, of deeply religious parents. She was a devout child, who made a vow of virginity while she was quite young. Before she was twenty years old, she took her vows as a Dominican Tertiary, an exceptional circumstance, showing that she was held in high esteem. The Tertiary chapter was made up principally of widows and older woman who centered their apostolate of active charities around the Dominican Church. Magdalen fitted into this work with ease, and she brought to the chapter a spirit of penance that few of her companions could match . The delightful part of it all was that her penances never rendered her dreary; she was a cheerful, resourseful person to have around. People drew as much good from her spirit of joy as from any other feature of her spirtuality.

Magdalen had a special fondness for little children, and what we now call baby-sitting, and used her influence witht he children to bring their parents to a better way of life. Childless women won her sympathy , and several times her prayers brought the blessing of motherhood to such people. She taught catechism to children, and gradually the older folk of her acquaintance began to sit in on her classes. She was quite unaware that she had great powers of description and could make the truths of religion clear to simple people. The Dominican fathers allowed her to use a large room attached to the church for a class room, and the class grew. Not only the parents of the children and the simple folk of the neighborhood, but also a number of priest and religious were attending regularly.

When the reform movement started by Blessed Raymond of Capua got underway, Magdalen Parnatieri promoted it in Trino. Though her influence, Blessed Sebastian Maggio was invited to preach there, and he accomplished great good.

Magdalen was considered the protectress of the city of Trino. Whatever disaster threatened it, the citizens expected her to look out for their interests, and she usually did. In her life there is no mention of a “dark night of the soul” or of grim detachment from all things of earth. Her love of God kept her from attaching herself to any illegitimate pleasures, but she thoroughly enjoyed the lawful ones- she loved her family and her townspeople and was happy in their company. Her favorite brother was a good-for-nothing- he was always in trouble. When his conduct had gone beyond the patience of everyone but Magdalene, she threw herself on her knees in front of her crucifix, and she stayed there until our Lord assured her that He would take a hand with the black sheep: ” I cannot refuse you anything,” He said.

The Dominican fathers received her solitude when they were persecuted by a wealthy man of the town. This person carried his hatred so far that he was finally excommunicated for persecuting the Church. there was of course, a good deal of blood shed before the affair was over, and one of the reprobate’s followers made the mistake of hitting Magdalene and calling her names. Before the irate townspeople could deal out justice to him, God did; the man died a violent death.

God revealed to Magdalen the coming political troubles of Italy: the French invasion of the country. She did not live to see this prophecy accomplished, but she persistently asked God’s mercy for her people. During the violent quarrels and bloodshed of the time, Trino was always spared, though the villages all around were in a shambles. The townsfolk unhesitatingly gave credit to Magdalen.

Born: Trino, diocese of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy, in 1443

Died: 1503

Beatified: beatified by Leo XIII

SOURCE : https://orderofpreachersindependent.org/2014/10/12/blessed-magdalen-dei-panattieri/

Beata Maddalena Panattieri Domenicana

13 ottobre

Trino, Vercelli, 1443 - 1503

Da principio, le opere di Maddalena Panattieri furono più che altro di misericordia. Ebbe una speciale predilezione per i fanciulli nei quali, come il Savonarola, vedeva l'innocenza e l'avvenire del mondo. Ma il successo maggiore lo ottenne, non tanto come predicatrice, quanto come maestra di spiritualità. Ella catechizzava in una piccola cappella e le sue modeste conferenze furono destinate, sul principio, a un gruppo di donne, le quali riconoscevano nella Panattieri un'ottima consigliera. A poco a poco, qualche uomo si uni alle donne, ed avvenne che gli stessi sacerdoti dei luogo si sentirono attratti dalla parola ispirata della terziaria domenicana. La Panattieri insisteva soprattutto sulla riforma dei costumi, e spesso trattava il problema dell'usura, vivo e scottante in quel tempo, in cui la moneta scarseggiava e i commerci si andavano fortemente espandendo. Per merito della Panattieri, Trino divenne un centro di predicazione. Il Priore generale dei Domenicani vi giunse da Milano, e da ogni parte del Piemonte molti predicatori andavano - diciamo così - a prendere l'imbeccata a Trino, dove, d'altra parte, la terziaria domenicana non si insuperbiva ma, al contrario, dava prova di profonda umiltà. Ad un uomo che, urtato dalle sue parole, la colpì con uno schiaffo, la Panattieri, cadendo in ginocchio, disse evangelicamente: "Fratello, ecco l'altra guancia; colpisci pure. Ti ringrazio per amore di Cristo". Come il Savonarola, ella fu profetessa di sventure, e nelle sue prediche ripeteva il grido che ritroviamo anche nei sermoni del domenicano di San Marco: "Guai all'Italia! Vedo avvicinarsi il flagello".

Martirologio Romano: A Trino nel Monferrato in Piemonte, beata Maddalena Panatieri, vergine, suora della Penitenza di San Domenico.

Maddalena Panattieri fin dai primi anni apparve un’anima tutta piena di grazia. Adorna di rara bellezza, seppe sfuggire all’insidiosa rete della vanità in cui restano impigliate miseramente tante giovinette, e suo specchio fu solo il Crocifisso. Vestì giovanissima l’Abito del Terz’Ordine di San Domenico abbracciando con gran fervore tutte le austerità dell’Ordine. Portò sempre la ruvida camicia di lana, osservò con estremo rigore l’astinenza e i lunghi digiuni, e nelle veglie fu eroica. Fece suo il duplice spirito di contemplazione e di azione, divenendone espressione vivente. Contemplò con appassionato amore la Passione di Gesù, meritando di partecipare nell’anima e nel corpo a tutti i dolori del Salvatore. Si accese di zelo per la salvezza delle anime per le quali lavorò e pregò. Ebbe il dono della predicazione, e in una cappella accanto alla chiesa dei Domenicani di Trino, teneva calde esortazioni a cui non disdegnavano di assistere sacerdoti e religiosi, e perfino il Maestro dei Novizi vi conduceva i suoi giovani religiosi. Aveva un’arte tutta celeste per piegare gli animi al bene, e si deve alle sue opere se i Domenicani di Trino abbracciarono la stretta osservanza restaurata da Raimondo da Capua. Il Marchese di Monferrato ebbe per lei particolare venerazione e la chiamava la “sua mamma". Del resto fu la mamma di tutti, e da tutti fu amata. Predisse la sua morte, avvenuta il 13 ottobre 1503, e quando fu in agonia, con voce dolcissima, intonò l’Inno “Jesu nostra Redemptio” e “l’Ave Maris stella”. Papa Leone XII il 26 settembre 1827 ha confermato il culto. Il suo corpo, sepolto nella chiesa conventuale, fu subito oggetto di molta venerazione. Nascosto nel secolo XVII nel vicino oratorio di San Pietro Martire, fu rinvenuto nel 1964. Nel 1970, con l’autorizzazione della Santa Sede, fu solennemente ricollocato nella chiesa.

Autore: Franco Mariani

SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/90480

Voir aussi : https://www.villaschiari.it/insegnamenti/06_190.pdf


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