Michel Germain (1645–1694). Plan de l'Abbaye de Mont d'Hor, Abbatia Theodorici avant sa destruction au XVIIe siècle, dans le livre Monasticon Gallicanum, XVIIe siècle, Bibliothèque nationale de France
Saint Thierry
Abbé près de Reims (+ 533)
Martyrologe romain
La Parole de Dieu sera ma nourriture. Ce n'est pas de moi-même que je me promets une telle force. C'est vous, ô Jésus qui mettez ces paroles dans ma bouche et qui m'accordez la grâce de les accomplir.
Saint Prosper d'Aquitaine
SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/1422/Saint-Thierry.html
Also known as
Priest. Spiritual student of Saint Remigius of Rheims. Founded the abbey at Mont d’Or, France, and served as the house’s first abbot. Noted evangelist. A healer, he miraculously cured King Theodoric of an eye disease.
533 of natural causes
Additional Information
Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate
Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
other sites in english
sitios en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
sites en français
fonti in italiano
Martirlogio Romano, 2004 edizione
MLA Citation
“Saint Theodoric of Mont d’Or“. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 August 2018. Web. 1 July 2021. <https://catholicsaints.info/saint-theodoric-of-mont-dor/>
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saint-theodoric-of-mont-dor/
July 1
St. Thierri, Abbot
[Abbot of Mont-d’Hor, near Rheims.] HE was born in the district of Rheims. His father, Marquard, was abandoned to every infamous disorder. An education formed on the best Christian principles in the house of such a person would more than probable be blasted by his bad example; but our saint was happily removed, and educated in learning and piety, under the edifying example of the holy Bishop Remigius.
He married in complaisance to his relations; but easily persuaded his wife to embrace the virgin state; and becoming himself a monk, he was made superior of an abbey founded by St. Remigius on Mont-d’Hor, near Rheims. Some time after he received holy orders, and became famous by the many extraordinary conversions he wrought through the zeal and unction wherewith he exhorted sinners to repentance; among these was his own father, who persevered to his death under the direction of his son. He succeeded also, in conjunction with St. Remigius, in converting an infamous house into a nunnery of pious virgins. According to the most common opinion, he died on the 1st of July, 533. It is said that King Thierri assisted at his funeral, and esteemed himself honoured in being one of his bearers to the grave. His relics, lest they should be exposed to the impiety of the Normans, were hidden under ground, but discovered in 976, and are still preserved in a silver shrine. He is mentioned on this day in the Roman Martyrology. See Mabillon, Act. t. 1. p. 614. Bulteau, Hist. de l’Ordre de St. Ben. t. 1. p. 287; Baillet ad 1. Jul. and Gall. Christ. Nov. t. 9. p. 180.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume VII: July.The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
SOURCE : https://www.bartleby.com/210/7/018.html
01 July - Saint Thierry or Thierry du Mont d'Hor was the son of Lord Marcard, a famous highwayman. He would have been born in the 5th century or at the very beginning of the 6th century and would have died around 533. On his wedding day, he discovered that he had a monastic vocation.
A marriage he did not contract of his own free will but under pressure from his father. So he decided, against his wife's advice, to go to the Archbishop of Rheims to undo his marriage. He first became a cleric and then retired to a monastery he founded on the hill of Mont d'Hor, which became Saint-Thierry near Rheims. Thierry was the first abbot and had the joy of seeing his father who had converted to join him in monastic life.
His sanctity was soon known and many sick people flocked to the monastery. It is even said that Thierry cured the sick eye of Thierry I, son of Clovis I. This is why the kings of France had the custom after their coronation to go to the abbey to eat there. This rite continued long after the death of the saint in 533. He was buried by King Thierry I and the bishops Hespérius of Metz, Nizier of Trier and Loup de Soissons
SOURCE : https://www.rdb.mg/en/programs/credo-en/saint-of-the-day/3583-saint-thierry-du-mont-d-hor-en.html
San Teodorico di Mont-d'Or Abate
Etimologia: Teodorico = che sta a capo del popolo, dall'anglosassone
Emblema: Bastone pastorale
Martirologio Romano: Presso Reims nel territorio della Neustria, in Francia, san Teodorico, sacerdote, discepolo del vescovo san Remigio.
SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/60200