Saint Margarito Flores Garcia
Prêtre mexicain et martyr (✝ 1927)
Canonisé le 21 mai 2000 avec Saint Cristóbal Magallanes et ses 24 compagnons.
Dans la grande persécution mexicaine, il fut arrêté en raison de son sacerdoce et abattu par une rafale de mitrailleuse à Tuliman au Mexique.
Martyrologe romain
Saint Margarito Flores
Margarito Flores Garcia naquit le 22 février 1899 au Mexique, dans le diocèse de Chilapa à Taxco. Sa famile était d' origine humble, aussi, lorsqu'à 14 ans il décida d' entrer au séminaire, ses parents s' y opposèrent, ne pouvant subvenir à ses études. Il avait déjà terminé son école primaire, et gagnait sa vie depuis l'âge de douze ans, comme commis de magasin.
Finalement il réussit à les convaincre, et il entra au petit séminaire de Chilapa à l'âge de 15 ans. Pour gagner un peu d' argent et le donner à ses parents, il faisait office de coiffeur, pour les autres séminaristes. Il fut ordonné prêtre dans la chapelle du grand séminaire, le 5 avril 1924.
Il fut nommé vicaire de la paroisse de Chilpancingo, toujours dans l' Etat de Guerrero. Chaque premier vendredi du mois, il redoublait d' activité et attiraient ses paroissiens à la confession.
Lorsque les événements de 1926, qui allaient mener à la guerre civile, intervinrent, il fut nommé à Tecalpulco.
Il rendait une visite à un curé de la région, l' abbé Pedro Bustos, lorsqu' il fut arrêté par les troupes fédérales. Libérés, les deux prêtres partirent se réfugier en montagne. De temps en temps, ils descendaient chercher des vivres chez des proches.
L' interdiction du culte catholique par le gouvernement franc-maçon de Calles l' exposait à de grands risques ; néanmoins il partit pour Mexico, afin de prendre contact avec des proches, et de suivre des cours de dessin à l' académie Saint-Charles. C'était une façon pour lui de continuer son apostolat pacifique.
Un jour, il fut interrogé en chemin dans une auberge par des soldats fédéraux qui cherchaient un prêtre, mais il se fit passer pour médecin.
A Mexico, il fut appréhendé par la police, en juin 1927, car on le soupçonnait d' appartenir à la Ligue Nationale de Défense Religieuse. Il fut accusé d' avoir confessé des citoyens mexicains...En prison, il soutenait spirituellement ses codétenus.
Sur l' intervention de la famille Calvillo qu' il connaissait et qui était amie du général de la police, il fut finalement libéré fin juillet ; mais dès lors il redoubla de ferveur et se prépara au sacrifice ultime en se dévouant totalement à son ministère de prêtre. La mort du prêtre David Urribe (1 ), survenue en avril, pour avoir refusé de devenir évêque schismatique d' une Eglise créée par le gouvernement, lui inspira le martyre. Il repartit pour Chilapa en octobre. La veille il offrit sa messe pour le salut du Mexique.
Alors qu' il allait à Atenango del Rio pour secourir des âmes, il fut surpris par des soldats fédéraux. Les mains attachées, en sous-vêtements, et pieds nus, il fut forcé par les soldats qui étaient à cheval de parcourir sous les coups le chemin de Tuliman pour comparaître devant les autorités locales. Il réclamait de l' eau en vain et recevait des coups en échange.
A l' issue de quelques questions expéditives, il fut condamné par le capitaine Manzo le 12 novembre.
On lui permit cependant de choisir le lieu de son exécution et le jeune prêtre leur désigna le côté arrière de l'église du bourg.
Il prit quelques minutes pour prier à haute voix le Tout Puissant,et il baisa le sol. Un des soldats du détachement lui demanda pardon et il lui répondit que non seulement il lui pardonnait, mais qu' il le bénissait...Ils le fusillèrent.
Le cadavre du prêtre resta trois heures sur le sol pour l' exemple. Plus tard deux bonnes personnes l' inhumèrent.
Dix-huit ans après son martyre, sont corps fut transféré à Taxco et plus tard enterré dans la chapelle de Notre-Seigneur d' Ojeda, le quartier de Taxco où il vit le jour.
Il fut béatifié en 1992 et canonisé par Jean-Paul II, le 21 mai 2000 à Rome.
Il est fêté le 21 mai.
(1) Il fut canonisé le même jour que Margarito Flores.
Saint Margarito FLORES GARCIA
Prénom: Margarito
Pays: Mexique
Naissance: 22.02.1899 à Taxco (Guerrero – Diocèse de Chilapa)
Mort: 12.11.1927 à Tuliman (Guerrero)
Etat: Prêtre - Martyr du Groupe des 25 martyrs du Mexique (1915-1937) 2
Note: Prêtre en 1924. La mort héroïque du Père David URIBE 2 lui inspire le désir du martyr. Curé d’Atenango du Rio (Guerrero). Emprisonné et fusillé à Tuliman.
Béatification: 22.11.1992 à Rome par Jean Paul II
Canonisation: 21.05.2000 à Rome par Jean Paul II
Fête: 21 mai
Réf. dans l’Osservatore Romano: 1992 n.48 - 2000 n.22 p.5-7
Réf. dans la Documentation Catholique: 1993 n.1 p.49
Saint Margarito Flores-García
- 12 November
- 21 May as one of the Martyrs of the Mexican Revolution
- 22 February 1899 in Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
- 12 November 1927 in Tulimán, Guerrero, Mexico
- 7 March 1992 by Pope John Paul II (decree of martyrdom)
Saint Margarito Flores Garcia, Priest and Martyr
Taxco, Mexico, February 22, 1899 – Tulimán, Mexico, November 12, 1927
He was born in Taxco, Guerrero (Diocese of Chilapa) on February 22, 1899. Pastor of Atenango del Rio, Guerrero (Diocese of Chilapa). His three years in the ministry were enough to know his priestly character. The Vicar General of the Diocese appointed him vicar to act as pastor of Atenango del Rio, Guerrero. Father Margarito set to work. He was discovered and identified as a priest when he was about to reach that goal; he was imprisoned and taken to Tulimán, Guerrero, where orders were given to shoot him. Father Margarito asked permission to pray, he knelt for a moment, kissed the ground and then rose and waited for the shots that destroyed his head and forever united him to Christ the Priest, on November 12, 1927. On May 21, 2000, he was Canonized by Pope John Paul II together with 24 other martyrs of Mexico. The group is known as Christopher Magallanes Jara and 24 companion and is celebrated with an optional Memorial on May 21.Each is celebrated separately, on their martrydom anniversary.
Roman Martyrology: In the city of Tulimán Mexico, Saint Margarito Flores, Priest and Martyr, who, during the great persecution against the Church, was arrested for his priesthood and crowned by glorious martyrdom with the shooting.
Source: Santi e Beati
Martyr, priest; b. Feb. 22, 1899, Taxco, Guerrero, Diocese of Chilapa, Mexico; d. Nov. 12, 1927, Tulimán, between Chilapa and Chilpancingo. From the age of 12, Margarito dedicated himself to God's service, while working in the fields to help support his poverty-stricken family. He entered the seminary at Chilapa and was ordained priest (1924). Soon thereafter he was appointed professor in the seminary. He took refuge in Mexico City during the persecution and attended the academy of San Carlos. After he was arrested, then released there, he decided to return to Chilapa, where the vicar general had named him pastor of the parish at Atenango del Rio, Guerrero. He was captured upon his arrival, humiliated, and led to Tulimán where he was shot. Fr. Flores was both beatified (Nov. 22, 1992) and canonized (May 21, 2000) with Cristobal magallanes [see guadalajara, martyrs of, ss.] by Pope John Paul II.
Feast: May 25 (Mexico).
Bibliography: j. Cardoso, Los mártires mexicanos (Mexico City 1953).
[K. I. Rabenstein]
New Catholic Encyclopedia
COPYRIGHT 2003 The Gale Group Inc.
The Cristero War: the Story Behind the Cover Up
Historian Gives Evaluation of Film, Explains What Happened in 1920s Mexico
By Kathleen Naab
If one asks a young Mexican about the basics of the Cristero War — what it was and when it happened — it's entirely possible to get a blank stare in response. Though one of the most important chapters in 20th-century Mexico, the war has been largely covered up.
The film "For Greater Glory," which opens Friday in the United States and has found great success in Mexico since it opened in April, aims to correct that injustice and bring the war and its heroes to light.
"For Greater Glory" (titled Cristiada in Spanish) is essentially historically accurate, says historian Ruben Quezada, who has written “For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada" as a companion book to the film. The companion volume is being published by Ignatius Press and will be released June 15 in English and Spanish.
ZENIT asked Quezada for an overview of the history of the Cristero War, and about some of the heroes of the conflict — heroes both for society and for the Church.
ZENIT: Neither a film nor a ZENIT interview is sufficient to explain all the historical intricacies of such a complex epoch. Still, could you give us a brief overview of the Cristero War?
Quezada: The Cristero War is a chapter in Mexico’s history in the 1920s, when thousands of Catholics answered this crucial question [of religious freedom] at the cost of their very lives. President Plutarco Calles launched a direct attack on the Catholic Church using articles from Mexico’s Constitution, which created this uprising and counter-revolution against the Mexican government during that time. The original rebellion was set off by the persecution of Roman Catholics and a ban on their public religious practices.
There are two important dates to point out here.
The persecution began on Aug. 1, 1926, when the government re-enacted the penal code and forced the closure of all Catholic churches throughout the entire country with its new anticlerical laws. However, the first coordinated uprising for religious freedom did not occur until Jan. 1, 1927.
It was not until mid June 1929 when the truce was officially signed, bringing an end to the Cristero War.
ZENIT: Is For Greater Glory a historically accurate film?
Quezada: Apart from some “artistic license” the film is essentially accurate.
ZENIT: The movie alludes to some discrepancy between the Vatican's position regarding the religious persecution, and that of the Cristero fighters. Could you explain this?
Quezada: When the oppression was about to begin, the Vatican granted permission — requested by the Mexican bishops — to cease any Catholic religious services in order to avoid confrontations. Additionally, the Holy See wrote letters to the government requesting they abolish the Calles Law. The government ignored each request. As the war intensified, Rome continued to have direct communications with President Calles to ask for leniency. Not only were Vatican officials [in Mexico] dismissed, but diplomatic relations were broken off by the government.
Lastly, Pope Pius XI wrote an encyclical letter to the clergy and the faithful of Mexico to give them courage and hope during this persecution. There was really not much else the Holy See could do. On Nov. 18, 1926, the Pope sent the encyclical letter Iniquis Afflictisque (On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico) to offer prayers and encouragement during this difficult time.
ZENIT: Some of the characters of the film are real-life blesseds or saints. Who are they and what is their story?
Quezada: Anacleto González Flores (played by actor Eduardo Verástegui of Bella) was born on July 13, 1888, in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, Mexico.
He was greatly involved in social and religious activities and was an enthusiastic member of the Catholic Association of Young Mexicans (ACJM). He taught classes in catechism, was dedicated to works of charity and wrote articles and books with a Christian spirit. In 1922 he married María Concepción Guerrero and they had two children.
By 1926, the situation in Mexico had worsened and Anacleto, who up until this time had advocated passive, non-violent resistance, joined the cause of the National League for the Defense of Religious Freedom upon learning of the murder of four members of the ACJM.In January 1927 guerrilla warfare spread throughout Jalisco; and from his many hiding places, Anacleto wrote and sent bulletins and studied major strategies. The young man was captured on the morning of April 1, 1927, in the home of the Vargas González family, along with the three Vargas brothers.
He was taken to Fort Colorado where his torture included being hung by his thumbs until his fingers were dislocated and having the bottom of his feet slashed. He refused, however, to supply his captors with any information. Anacleto González Flores was condemned to death and was shot together with the Vargas González brothers and Luis Padilla Gómez on that same day, April 1, 1927.
It is important to note here that Anacleto González Flores along with Miguel Gómez Loza both received the “Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice” award for their incredible works of service to the Catholic Church.
Miguel Gómez Loza (played by actor Raúl Mendez) was born on Aug. 11, 1888, in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, Mexico. From a young age he had a strong love for God and a great devotion to the Blessed Mother.When he was 26, Miguel entered the University of Morelos where he earned a law degree, and eventually opened an office in Arandas (state of Jalisco) as an attorney.In 1915 he became a member of the ACJM, and in 1919 he established a national congress of Catholic workers to unify industry workers, commercial employees and agricultural laborers. He also worked tirelessly to defend the rights of the needy, which caused him to be arrested 59 times for organizing protests against the government.In 1922, Miguel married María Guadalupe Sánchez Barragán and they had three children. He joined the "National League for the Defense of Religious Freedom" in 1927, but believed in non-violence in order to resist the persecution.
After the death of Anacleto, he was appointed by Catholics as governor of Jalisco and strove by all the means at his disposal to defend liberty and justice.By March of 1928, Miguel was living on a ranch near Atotonilco, Jalisco. On March 21, federal forces who had been hunting for him discovered his whereabouts; he was executed by firing squad the same day.
José Sanchez del Rio (played by actor Mauricio Kuri) was a young Cristero soldier who joined the uprising to defend religious liberty. He was horrified to see the attacks on the priests and the desecration of churches in his small hometown of Sahuayo, Michoacan.When the Cristero War broke out in 1926, his brothers joined the rebel forces, but his mother would not allow him to take part [because of his young age]. The rebel general, Prudencio Mendoza, also refused his enlistment.The general finally relented and allowed José to become the flag bearer of the troop. He was known to be one of the youngest members of the Cristero movement.After his arrest we know of the gruesome events that transpired after the government's failure to break José's resolve on the evening of Feb. 10, 1928: “Consequently they cut the bottom of his feet and obliged him to walk around the town toward the cemetery. They also at times cut him with a machete until he was bleeding from several wounds. He cried and moaned with pain, but he did not give in. At times they stopped him and said, ‘If you shout ‘Death to Christ the King’ we will spare your life.’ José would only shout, "I will never give in. Viva Cristo Rey!" When they reached the place of execution, they stabbed him numerous times with bayonets. He only shouted louder, "Viva Cristo Rey!" The commander was so furious that he pulled out his pistol and shot Blessed José Sanchez del Rio in the head.
We do have a list of priests and laymen who have been beatified and canonized from this persecution in Mexico.
St. Agustín Caloca
St. Atilano Cruz Alvarado
St. Cristobal Magallanes
St. David Galván Bermudes
St. David Roldán Lara
St. David Uribe Velasco
St. Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo
St. Jesús Méndez Montoya
St. José Isabel Flores Varela
St. José Maria Robles Hurtado (Priest)*
St. Jóven Salvador Lara Puente
St. Julio Álvarez Mendoza
St. Justino Orona Madrigal
St. Luis Batiz Sáinz (Priest)*
St. Manuel Morales
St. Margarito Flores García
St. Mateo Correa Magallanes (Priest)*
St. Miguel De La Mora (Priest)*
St. Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Lucero (Priest)*
St. Pedro Esqueda Ramírez
St. Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán (Priest)*
St. Román Adame Rosales
St. Sabas Reyes Salazar
St. Tranquilino Ubiarco
St. Toribio Romo González
Blessed Anacleto González Flores
Blessed Andrés Solá Molist (Priest)*
Blessed Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita (Priest)
Blessed Ezequiel Huerta Gutiérrez
Blessed Jorge Vargas González
Blessed José Sánchez del Río
Blessed José Trinidad Rangel Montaño (Priest) *
Blessed Leonardo Pérez Larios *
Blessed Luis Magaña Servín
Blessed Luis Padilla Gómez
Blessed Miguel Gómez Loza
Blessed Mateo Elías del Socorro Nieves (Priest)
Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro Juárez (Priest)
Blessed Ramón Vargas González
Blessed Salvador Huerta Gutiérrez
* Indicates member of Knights of Columbus
Our site will have documentation on the lives of each one along with the new book “For Greater Glory: The True Story of the Cristiada.” It’s the official companion book to the film published in English and Spanish by Ignatius Press. As an expert on the Cristero War, I was honored to write it. The book also includes a foreword by Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles and an introduction by Eduardo Verástegui, and there is an essay by Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.
ZENIT: The Cristero War is a page mostly lost to history, even for young Mexicans, who don't learn about it in school. How is this possible?
Quezada: As recently as the 1980s it was difficult to find a single book that mentioned anything substantive about the Cristiada. If it was mentioned, it usually was no more than a single sentence in President Calles’ biography. School systems did not include the Cristiada as part of its history so that future generations would soon lose any knowledge of it.
But even today, it is important to note a crucial difference between the official state narrative and the Catholic understanding of events. The Mexican government portrays the Cristiada as a rebellion because the Cristeros “rebelled” against the enforcement of the Calles Law. But rebellion is hardly a fitting way to describe an attempt to restore customs in place for centuries before the Mexican Revolution. Catholics see the Cristiada as a response, albeit a violent one, to unjust persecution because Catholics were persecuted by unjust laws that inhibited their religious freedom.
There is more freedom of the press today, and a large volume of untold stories about the Cristiada — testimonies and images that were illegal to print or publish for many years — are finally emerging. There are literally thousands of testimonies coming to light that reveal an inspiring history that has been hidden for decades under a dark shadow of fear and denial.
On the Net:
“For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada”:
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San Margarito Flores Garcia Sacerdote e martire
Taxco, Messico, 22 febbraio 1899 - Tulimán, Messico, 12 novembre 1927
Nacque a Taxco, Guerrero (Diocesi di Chilapa) il 22 febbraio 1899. Parroco di Atenango del Río, Guerrero (Diocesi di Chilapa). I tre anni trascorsi nel ministero furono sufficienti per conoscere la sua indole sacerdotale. Il Vicario generale della Diocesi lo nominò vicario con funzioni di parroco di Atenango del Rio, Guerrero. Il Padre Margarito si mise all'opera. Fu scoperto, identificato come sacerdote, quando stava per giungere alla meta; fu imprigionato e condotto a Tulimán, Guerrero, luogo in cui venne dato l'ordine di fucilarlo. Il Padre Margarito chiese il permesso di pregare, si inginocchiò per qualche secondo, baciò il suolo e quindi, in piedi, attese gli spari che gli distrussero la testa e lo unirono per sempre a Cristo Sacerdote, il giorno 12 novembre 1927.
Emblema: Palma
Martirologio Romano: Nella città di Tulimán in Messico, san Margherito Flores, sacerdote e martire, che, durante la grande persecuzione contro la Chiesa, fu arrestato per il suo sacerdozio e coronato da glorioso martirio con la fucilazione.
Soltanto perché non potevano permettersi il lusso di pagargli la scuola, si erano opposti con tanta fermezza all’idea che uno dei loro figli entrasse in seminario. Per il resto, Germano Flores e Mercede García erano buoni e ferventi cristiani e non si sarebbero mai permessi di ostacolare una vocazione sacerdotale. Siamo in Messico, nel 1915, e precisamente a Taxco, Guerrero, nella diocesi di Chilapa, dove vivere non è sempre facile, specie in quel periodo e per far andare avanti una famiglia servono anche le braccia di un ragazzo di 14 anni. Che è però talmente convinto che quella del sacerdozio sia la sua strada, da mettersi in quattro per trovare da sé, presso sacerdoti e amici, i benefattori di cui ha bisogno per andare in seminario di Chilapa, dove studia senza farsi pregare; tutti gli riconoscono intelligenza e capacità non comuni e lui collabora per quanto può al suo mantenimento, tagliando barba e capelli a questo e a quello. Intraprendente e determinato, dunque, il ragazzino, che nel poco tempo libero si dedica anche con profitto alla scultura e alla pittura. Il 5 aprile 1924 è ordinato sacerdote e lo mandano subito ad esercitare il ministero nella parrocchia di Chilpancingo, dove rimane fino allo scoppio, nel 1926, della persecuzione religiosa. In quell’anno dovrebbe trasferirsi a Tecalpulco, ma la situazione è così incandescente e i preti sono così braccati e perseguitati che deve darsi alla macchia, vivendo per parecchio tempo tra i monti, patendo la fame e la sete fino a quando riesce a trovare rifugio nella casa paterna. Qui si ferma il meno possibile, cosciente dei pericoli che fa correre anche ai suoi familiari, e nei primi giorni del 1927 raggiunge Città del Messico, qualificandosi come medico e frequentando anche per alcuni mesi l’Accademia, dove perfeziona le sue inclinazioni artistiche. Ma nella capitale non resta con le mani in mano: oltre ad esercitare clandestinamente il suo ministero, insieme alla Lega Nazionale per la Difesa della Religione cerca di pacificare gli animi nel clima torrido della persecuzione religiosa che si sta respirando in tutto il Messico. Così facendo, finisce per esporsi troppo e con un bel gruppetto della Lega a giugno finisce in cella e vi resta per oltre un mese, tutto trascorso in preghiera e nel sostegno spirituale degli altri detenuti. A tirarlo fuori dal carcere ci pensa una famiglia amica, ma Padre Margarito ormai ha il presentimento che la sua sorte è definitivamente segnata. Ne parla apertamente, con serenità e fermezza, raddoppiando le preghiere e le occasioni per esercitare bene il suo ministero, consapevole che il tempo a sua disposizione si fa sempre più breve. E’ sicuramente questo il pensiero che lo accompagna in quel giorno di ottobre, quando celebra l’ultima messa nella capitale, poche ore prima della sua partenza per tornare in diocesi. È sicuramente la sua messa più sofferta, celebrata per ottenere il dono della pacificazione del suo amato Messico, durante la quale offre la propria vita perché non venga più sparso altro sangue innocente. Arrivato fortunosamente a Chilapa, non ha neppure il tempo di disfare le valigie che il vicario generale subito lo destina come parroco di Atenango del Rio. Si rimette in viaggio per raggiungere la sua nuova parrocchia , ma qui trova ad accoglierlo le truppe federali. Spogliato e lasciato con i soli indumenti intimi, picchiato e malmenato, viene trascinato fino a Tuliman a piedi nudi, circondato come un malfattore dalle guardie, che gli negano anche il conforto di un goccio d’acqua. Qui lo attende un processo sommario , al termine del quale è scontata la sua condanna a morte per il semplice motivo di essere un prete. Sceglie come luogo per essere fucilato il muro posteriore della chiesa e vi si dirige con assoluta serenità. È il 12 novembre 1927. Come ultimo desiderio chiede il tempo necessario per una breve preghiera e per baciare la sua amata terra messicana; il gesto non deve passare inosservato al plotone d’esecuzione, se una delle guardie gli si avvicina per sussurrargli una richiesta di perdono. “Non solo il mio perdono, ma anche la mia benedizione per tutti voi”: sono le ultime parole, prima che una raffica di pallottole gli fracassino il cranio. Padre Margarito Flores Garcia, il parroco massacrato a 28 anni a causa del suo ministero, è stato beatificato nel 1992 e proclamato santo il 21 maggio 2006.
Autore: Gianpiero Pettiti
San Margarito Flores, sacerdote
Nació en Taxco el 22 de febrero de 1899. A los 12 años, cuando concluyó sus estudios primarios se dedicó con fervor al servicio de Dios y visitaba diariamente el santísimo sacramento. Por las dificultades económicas de la familia se puso a trabajar la tierra. A los 14 años manifestó sus deseos de ingresar al seminario y al poco tiempo lo hizo.
Fue ordenado sacerdote en el seminario de Chilapa en 1924, y al poco tiempo se le nombró catedrático del seminario. Era un hombre de carácter serio, atento y amable con todos, siempre dispuesto a servir con humildad. Durante la persecución contra los cristianos se refugió en la ciudad de México y asistió a la academia de San Carlos.
Al poco tiempo fue capturado y cuando salió libre decidió regresar a Chilapa. A su arribo fue apresado y conducido a Tulimán semidesnudo, descalzo, atado a la caballería y bajo un sol agobiante. El 12 de noviembre de 1927 el capitán Manzo ordenó su ejecución.
Fue beatificado el 22 de noviembre de 1992 y canonizado el 21 de mayo del 2000 por el Santo Padre Juan Pablo II.
Nació en Taxco, Gro. (Diócesis de Chilapa), el 22 de febrero del 1899. Párroco de Atenango del Río, Gro., (Diócesis de Chilapa). Tres años de ministerio fueron suficientes para conocer la entrega sacerdotal del Padre Margarito. Se encontraba fuera de la Diócesis a causa de la persecución, cuando supo de la muerte heroica del Sr. Cura David Uribe, exclamó: «Me hierve el alma, yo también me voy a dar la vida por Cristo; voy a pedir permiso al Superior y también voy a emprender el vuelo al martirio». El Vicario general de la Diócesis le nombró vicario con funciones de párroco de Atenango del Rio, Gro. El Padre Margarito se puso luego en camino. Fue descubierto como sacerdote al llegar a su destino; apresado y conducido a Tulimán, Gro., donde se dio la orden de fusilarlo. El Padre Margarito pidió permiso para orar, se arrodilló unos momentos, besó el suelo y luego, de pie, recibió las balas que le destrozaron la cabeza y le unieron para siempre a Cristo Sacerdote, el 12 de noviembre de 1927.