Saints Apollonius et Philémon
martyrs (✝ 287)
Il y a plusieurs versions de leur martyr dont:
"Philémon (فيليمون ) était chanteur pour le compte d’Arien le gouverneur d’Antinoë alors qu’Apollonius (ابلانيوس ) était joueur de flûte de ce dernier. Ces deux saints étaient deux grands amis et ils eurent le désir d’obtenir la couronne du martyre. Philémon se présenta un jour devant Arien et confessa sa Foi en Jésus Christ. Le gouverneur ordonna alors qu’on le transperçât avec des flèches. Survint alors Apollonius tenant sa flûte à la main. Voyant cela, il confessa, lui aussi, sa Foi. Le gouverneur se mit en colère et ordonna qu’on soumette Apollonius au même châtiment que Philémon. L’une des flèches rebondit vers le gouverneur et lui creva l’œil. Les deux saints achevèrent ainsi leur combat et obtinrent la couronne du martyre." (Eglise copte orthodoxe de France)
Apollonius (diacre), Philémon, Arien et Théotique, martyrs à Antinoé; Apollone était un solitaire en Thébaïde, avait converti Philémon, un joueur de flûte, puis le juge Arienet les gardes Théotique et ses compagnons.
Egalement fêtés le 14 décembre, Philémon avec ses compagnons saint Apollonios et leurs compagnons martyrs durant la persécution de Dioclétien. Ils étaient trente-sept chrétiens de Thèbes en Egypte. Philémon était un musicien connu, joueur de cithare. Il fut pendu à un arbre et servit de cible à des archers. Apollonios eut les jambes brisées et fut traîné au sol par toute la ville. Le gouverneur lui-même confessa la foi des chrétiens et, avec quatre des gardes, ils furent enfermés chacun dans un sac et jetés à la mer. Un dauphin recueillit les cinq sacs et ramena les reliques sur le rivage à Alexandrie.
À Antinoé en Égypte, l’an 287, les saints Apollonius et Philémon, martyrs.
Martyrologe romain
Philemon and Apollonius MM (RM)
Died c. 305. Apollonius was a deacon at Antinoe in the Thebaid, Egypt, and was said to have converted Philemon, a popular musician and entertainer. According to legend, he was arrested during the persecution of Diocletian and, fearful of torture, offered the pagan Philemon four gold pieces if he would perform the rite of eating food sacrificed to false gods in his place.
Philemon agreed. He dressed himself in Philemon's clothes and his hooded cloak to hide his face. Philemon appeared before the judge, who asked him to carry out the rite. The Holy Spirit entered Philemon, and he claimed himself a Christian and refused to partake of the sacrifice.
The judge Arrian argued with him, and finally thinking he was speaking to Apollonius, asked that Philemon be brought to him. Unable to find Philemon, the court officers brought Philemon's brother, Theonas. Asked where his brother was, he pointed out Philemon in Apollonius's cloak.
The judge saw the situation as a joke but insisted that Philemon perform the rite. Philemon refused. Arrian responded that it was foolish of him to refuse when he was not even baptized. Philemon prayed, and a cloud miraculously appeared and rained upon him. He claimed that he was thus baptized.
Arrian appealed to him, begging him to think of what a terrible loss of musical skill such resistance would mean. The musician's pipes were then said to have been destroyed by Philemon himself or to have spontaneously burst into flames. Officers arrested Apollonius, proclaimed the two men as Christians, and they were condemned to death.
One legend says that before the execution, Apollonius and Philemon asked that a great pot be brought before them and a living baby be placed inside it. They then asked soldiers to shoot arrows at it, which they did, the arrows piercing the pot. The baby remained unharmed. The judge then ordered the soldiers to shoot the men with arrows, but all the arrows hung suspended int he air, except one, which blinded Arrian.
Despite this and several other miracles, Apollonius is said to have been tied in a sack, thrown into the sea, and drowned. Arrian's sight was said to have been restored when clay from Apollonius's tomb was applied to his eyes. This led to the conversion of Arrian and four other officials (Benedictines, Encyclopedia, White).
In art, Apollonius is depicted on a funeral pyre or drowning in the sea or being crucified (White).
March 8
SS. Apollonius, Philemon, &c., Martyrs
APOLLONIUS was a zealous holy anchoret, and was apprehended by the persecutors at Antinous in Egypt. Many heathens came to insult and affront him while in chains; and among others one Philemon, a musician, very famous, and much admired by the people. He treated the martyr as an impious person and a seducer, and one that deserved the public hatred. To his injuries the saint only answered, “My son, may God have mercy on thee, and not lay these reproaches to thy charge.” This his meekness wrought so powerfully on Philemon, that he forthwith confessed himself a Christian. Both were brought before the judge whom Metaphrastes and Usuard call Arian, and who had already put to death SS. Asclas, Timothy, Paphnutius, and several other martyrs: after making them suffer all manner of tortures, he condemned them to be burnt alive. When the fire was kindled about them, Apollonius prayed: “Lord, deliver not to beasts the souls who confess thee; but manifest thy power.” At that instant a cloud of dew encompassed the martyrs, and put out the fire. The judge and people cried out at this miracle: “The God of the Christian is the great and only God.” The prefect of Egypt being informed of it, caused the judge and the two confessors to be brought, loaded with irons, to Alexandria. During the journey, Apollonius, by his instructions, prevailed so far upon those who conducted him, that they presented themselves also to the judge with their prisoners, and confessed themselves likewise to be Christians. The prefect finding their constancy invincible, caused them all to be thrown into the sea, about the year 311. Their bodies were afterwards found on the shore, and were all put into one sepulchre. “By whom,” says Rufinus, “many miracles are wrought to the present time, and the vows and prayers of all are received, and are accomplished. Hither the Lord was pleased to bring me, and to fulfil my requests.” See Rufinus, Vit. Patr. l. 2. c. 19. p. 477. Palladius Lausiac. c. 65, 66.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume III: March. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
Saint Apollonius of Antinoë
Christian ordered to sacrifice to pagan idols during the persecutions of Diocletian. Thinking that SaintPhilemon of Antinoë was a pagan, he asked him to switch clothes and offer the sacrifice in his place. Philemon announced in front of the pagansthat he was a Christian, too. Shamed, Apollonius confessed his faith, was tortured and executed. Martyr.
Saint Philemon of Antinoë
- 8 March
- 14 December (Orthodox)
Actor and musician. Convert. Ordered to sacrifice to idols during the persecutions of Diocletian, he confessed that he was a Christian. Tortured and executed. Marytr.
- bound hand and foot, then drowned c.305
- when his body washed up, it was hung in a tree and used by archers for target practice
Martyr Apollonius of Alexandria
The Holy Martyrs Philemon, Apollonius, Arianus and Theotychus suffered for the Faith in Egypt, at the city of Antinoe, under the emperor Diocletian (284-305). St Arrian up until his conversion to Christ was a persecutor of Christians, among whom were the martyrs Apollonius and Philemon.
St Apollonius, at first fearing to face the sufferings, asked the pagan musician Philemon to change clothes with him and offer sacrifice to the idols for him. But unexpectedly St Philemon confessed himself a Christian in front of the pagans.
St Apollonius repented and also confessed Christ. After torture, both martyrs were executed. St Philemon’s body was hung upon an olive tree, and arrows were shot at him. One struck prefect Arianus in the eye, destroying it. Arianus’ injured eye was healed by when he applied dirt taken from Philemon’s grave. He repented and was converted to the Christian Faith and baptized together with all his household and bodyguards. Out of love for Christ they voluntarily went to torture and were sentenced to death.
The Martyr Theotychus was the eldest of the guards, and is remembered with the other saints. The Martyrs Philemon and Apollonius died on March 16, 286, and the Martyrs Arrian and Theotychus on March 4, 287.