Jan van den Hoecke (1611–1651). The Holy Communion of the Blessed Frederick of Regensburg, between 1630 and 1651, 136.3 x 182.8, Unidentified location, Auction: Christie's, Live Auction 15497, London, 6 - 7 December 2018, Old Masters Day Sale, lot 128
Bienheureux Frédéric de Ratisbonne
Frère augustin (+ 1329)
Ce religieux de l'Ordre de Saint Augustin n'eut pas une vie brillante aux yeux des hommes.
Né à Ratisbonne en Allemagne dans une famille de classe moyenne, il entre au couvent des Augustins comme frère convers ou "frère lai" et sert la communauté en tant que charpentier et comme forestier, ce qui lui permettait de vivre comme un ermite, heureux de vivre dans cette création de Dieu. Très dévot, il est connu pour sa piété et son amour de l'eucharistie. Il fut déclaré bienheureux 1909.
À Ratisbonne en Bohême, l'an 1329, le bienheureux Frédéric, religieux de l'Ordre des Ermites de Saint-Augustin. Charpentier adroit, il fut encore plus remarquable par sa ferveur à prier, son obéissance et sa chasteté.
Martyrologe romain
SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/11224/Bienheureux-Frederic-de-Ratisbonne.html
Blessed Frederick of Regensburg
Also known as
Born to a poor family. Skilled carpenter. Member of the Augustinians. Worked as a carpenter and wood cutter for his house. Noted for his obedience to the Rule of his Order, his piety, the fervor of his prayer life and devotion to Eucharistic Adoration.
late 13th century in Regensburg, Bohemia (in modern Germany)
30 November 1329 in Regensburg, Bohemia (in modern Germany) of natural causes
buried at the parish of Saint Cecilia at the Augustinian house in Regensburg
grave re-discovered during construction in 1911, and relics enshrined in the church of Saint Cecilia
12 May 1909 by Pope Pius X (cultus confirmation)
Augustinian hermit surrounded by 12 medallions (representing 12 miracles traditionally performed by him)
Augustinian hermit with an ax and/or carpenter‘s tools
Augustinian hermit with an angel
Augustinian hermit chopping wood
Augustinian hermit receiving Communion from an angel
Additional Information
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
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Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
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MLA Citation
“Blessed Frederick of Regensburg“. CatholicSaints.Info. 18 May 2022. Web. 29 November 2022. <https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-frederick-of-regensburg/>
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-frederick-of-regensburg/
Blessed Frederick of Regensburg
November 29
Frederick of Regensburg (died 1329) was an Augustinian Brother known for his generosity, humility, dedication to prayer and devotion to the Eucharist.
Many legends exist about Frederick, but documented factual information is scarce.
He was born in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. He joined the Order of Saint Augustine at Saint Nicholas Monastery in his native city.
Frederick worked in the monastery as a wood cutter and carpenter. His love for prayer, generous charity, devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and humility were evident to all in the community.
He died November 29, 1329 in Regensburg. He is buried at St. Cecelia Church, Regensburg. Following his death, many miracles were credited to his intercession. He is sometimes called Frederick of Ratisbon. Pope Pius X proclaimed him Blessed in 1909.
SOURCE : https://www.midwestaugustinians.org/bl-frederick-of-regensburg
Blessed Frederick of Regensburg - 29th November
27 June 2020
Blessed Frederick is a fine example of putting into practice what St. Augustine maintained: “where there is humility, there is love; where there is love there is peace”. Frederick did not pronounce this with his treatises and his writings, but by his example of leading a life of fidelity and religious observance. His date of birth is unknown, but we know that he was born around the second half of the XIII century and that the city of his birth was Regensburg (or Ratisbone), Germany. At a young age he decided to join the Augustinians who had a convent in that city and where, in 1290, the General Chapter that finally approved the oldest known Constitutions of the Order, the so-called “Constitutions of Ratisbona”, was celebrated.
As a novice friar and one of the religious brethren, as soon as he completed his one-year trial period he made his solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and he engaged his body and soul towards the service of his brethren, as was expected of him by the community. A docile and affable person but, above everything, he was determined in the belief that everyting he did was pleasing to God and that he would serve his brethren. He knew that, on being professed, the common good had to take precedence in community life over any personal gain. His life was described as a continuous song of humility, genuine humility that sought the truth.
His biographers praised the various aspects of his simple way of life: obedience towards his superiors, the least possible words and only when required, attention to the community’s sick, service to his fellow friars, simplicity and poverty. His genuine life of prayer that he lived, rendered in him a great devotion towards the Eucharist. In those days daily communion was not normal, not even for the friars. In fact, the Constitutions used to indicate how many times during the year one was permitted to receive communion, and such occasions were quite few. However, Frederick’s spiritual hunger rendered him, in adoration, one and the same thing as the Eucharist.
Later historic happenings revealed this devotion through the apparitions that he used to have by an angel who used to bring him communion, many times whilst he used to be in the woods collecting wood for the oven; something which he much enjoyed because it gave him the opportunity to experience the quietness of nature where he could spend time working and praying. He died a blessed death in 1329, The devotions towards him, especially in the region of Regensburg, never ceased and in 1909 Pope Pius X added his name to the list of the Blessed. His remains are still honoured in what was the Augustinian Church of Ratisbone.
In the Augustinian Order, Blessed Frederick is traditionally recognised as being the patron of the religious brethren, or the fraternities, because, by his example, even they can achieve holiness. May through his intercession even more youths recognise and welcome this Augustinian call as he himself did, and to embrace this with perseverance until the end. Blessed Frederick reminds us how we ourselves should lead a life of true humility.
Blessed Frederick of Regensburg, religious
Feast Day: Nov, 29
Frederick was born in Regensburg (Ratisbon), Germany, and joined the Order there in the Monastery of Saint Nicholas. His life as an Augustinian was marked by humility and generosity, dedication to prayer and great devotion to the Eucharist. His talents served the community principally as carpenter and woodcutter, activities in which he demonstrated his concern for his fellow religious and the needs of the monastery. Frederick died on November 29, 1329 in Regensburg where devotion to him continued without interruption, and the testimony of miracles attributed to his intercession, were gathered. Frederick is buried at St. Cecelia Church in the city of Regensburg. Pius X beatified him on May 12, 1909.
History has not left us a great deal of factual information about Blessed Frederick. Perhaps this is an indication of the ‘ordinariness’ of this servant of God, who spent his religious life in fidelity to the daily cycle of prayer and work which characterize so many religious of his day and ours. Frederick reminds us that loyal devotion to one’s state in life, lived in faith, charity, and generosity, is the material of which holiness consists.
SOURCE : https://www.augustiniansphilippines.com/saints/blessed-frederick-of-regensburg-religious/
Saint of the Day – 30 November – Blessed Frederick of Regensburg OSA (Died 1329)
Posted on November 30, 2021
Saint of the Day – 30 November – Blessed Frederick of Regensburg OSA (Died 1329) Lay Friar of the Order of St Augustine, devotee of the Blessed Sacrament. Born in the late 13th century in Regensburg, Bohemia (in modern Germany) and died on 30 November 1329 in Regensburg, of natural causes. Additional Memorial – 29 November in the Augustinian Order.
History has not left us a great deal of factual information about Blessed Frederick. Perhaps this is an indication of the ‘ordinariness’ of this servant of God, who spent his religious life in fidelity to the daily cycle of prayer and work, which characterises so many religious of his day and ours. Frederick reminds us that loyal devotion to one’s state in life, lived in fidelity to the Gospel is the means to holiness.
Blessed Frederick was born of poor parents in Regensburg, Germany. He entered the Augustinian Monastery of Saint Nicholas in that City as a lay brother. At that time, the Monastery of Saint Nicholas was considered to be the most important community of the Bavarian Province of the Order and even hosted the General Chapter of 1290, at which the first Constitution of the Augustinians was promulgated.
His life as an Augustinian was marked by humility and generosity, dedication to prayer and great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
His talents served the community principally as carpenter and woodcutter, activities in which he demonstrated his concern for his fellow religious and the needs of the Moonastery.
Frederick died on 30 November 1329 in Regensburg where devotion to him continued without interruption and the testimony of miracles attributed to his intercession, were gathered. Frederick is buried at St Cecelia Church in the City of Regensburg.
St Pius X Beatified him on 12 May 1909.
Blessed Frederick’s secret to holiness and message to us, is one of humble service and generous offering of self for the well being of others. His life of prayer and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament were the food that nourished his spirit and strengthened his daily resolve, to live for God and to practice love for his brothers – which is the heart of the Gospel.
Author: AnaStpaul
Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. "For the saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and bless you
Beato Federico da Ratisbona Religioso eremita agostiniano
† Ratisbona, 29 novembre 1329
Il beato Federico nacque a Ratisbona (Germania) da genitori appartenenti alla classe media. Entrato come fratello laico nel convento degli agostiniani, servì la comunità come falegname. Divenne ben presto noto per la sua religiosità, la sua umiltà e la sua ardente devozione per l'Eucaristia. Poco si sa della sua vita, conosciamo però alcune leggende. Quella più conosciuta narra che Federico un giorno, non potendo partecipare alla Messa, ricevette proprio nel luogo dove stava lavorando la comunione da un angelo. Racconti come questo rispecchiavano la devozione eucaristica del nostro beato e provano la profonda influenza prodotta sui contemporanei e il culto incessante che gli fu tributato. Federico morì a Ratisbona il 29 novembre del 1329. Nel 1909 Pio X lo proclamò beato. (Avvenire)
Martirologio Romano: A Ratisbona nella Baviera in Germania, beato Federico, religioso dell’Ordine degli Eremiti di sant’Agostino, che, solerte falegname, eccelse per fervore di preghiera, obbedienza e carità.
Il Beato Federico nacque a Ratisbona (Germania) da genitori appartenenti alla classe media. Entrato come fratello laico nel convento degli agostiniani, servì la comunità come falegname con il compito di provvedere alla legna occorrente per l’uso quotidiano. Univa il lavoro manuale ad una profonda vita di preghiera. Divenne ben presto noto per la sua religiosità, la sua umiltà e la sua ardente devozione per l’Eucaristia.
Poco si sa della sua vita, conosciamo però alcune leggende. All'inizio di questo secolo è stata rinvenuta la relazione scritta di due di esse nella biblioteca del capitolo metropolitano di Praga, pubblicate poi dal canonico Dr. Podlaha. L'autore, P Hieronymus Streitel, Priore di Ratisbona e cronista dell'Ordine nel primo decennio del sec. XVI, raccoglie tradizioni orali e in particolare quelle messe insieme per la composizione del ritratto istoriato che uno dei suoi immediati predecessori a capo della comunità ratisbonense, il P Konrad Schleier, aveva commissionato per decorare la tomba di Federico. La leggenda più conosciuta narra che Federico un giorno, non potendo partecipare alla Messa, ricevette proprio nel luogo dove stava lavorando la comunione da un angelo.
La preferenza per la coloritura dei fatti storici fa guardare oggi con sospetto, se non con un tendenziale rifiuto a simili racconti. Ma il narratore medievale non era interessato tanto alla vita dei santi, quanto alla loro testimonianza e alla conferma e al riconoscimento divino della loro santità. Egli aveva intenzione di rappresentare un esempio di virtù, un ideale religioso e entusiasmare così gli animi. Racconti come questo rispecchiavano la devozinne eucaristica del nostro beato e provano la profonda influenza prodotta sui contemporanei e il culto incessante che gli fu tributato.
Il Beato Federico morì a Ratisbona il 29 novembre del 1329.
Gli sforzi del servo di Dio Padre Pio Keller andarono a buon fine quando il papa San Pio X, il 12 maggio 1909, ratificò la venerazione ininterrotta di cui Federico aveva goduto e lo proclamò Beato.
Dal 1913 i suoi resti mortali, insieme al menzionato lavoro pittorico, che di fatto risulta la più antica “Vita” del Beato, sono esposti alla venerazione dei fedeli nella chiesa di S. Cecilia di Ratisbona.
La sua memoria liturgica ricorre il 29 novembre.
Autore: P. Bruno Silvestrini O.S.A.
SOURCE : http://santiebeati.it/dettaglio/90155
Den salige Fredrik av Regensburg ( -1329)
Minnedag: 30. november
Den salige Fredrik (ty: Friedrich) ble født en gang på 1200-tallet i Regensburg i Bayern i Sør-Tyskland. Han var sønn av fattige middelklasseforeldre. Som ung mann ble han opptatt som legbror hos augustinereremittene (Ordo Fratrum Eremitarum Sancti Augustini – OESA; siden 1969 Ordo Sancti Augustini – OSA) i Regensburg. Han arbeidet der som snekker, og det var også hans jobb å hogge ved til brensel. Han pleide å takke Gud for at det fantes et arbeid som han var egnet til.
Bortsett fra noen overleverte legender og en kort, konvensjonell biografi som ble utgitt i 1615, vet vi ikke mer om Fredriks liv, bare at han allerede mens han levde ble æret som hellig av folket. Han fremhevet seg snart for sin religiøsitet, sin ydmykhet og sin brennende hengivenhet for eukaristien. Han forsømte aldri å motta kommunionen. Men da han en dag under messen måtte hogge opptenningsved, viste en engel seg for ham og ga ham kommunionen (se illustrasjonen).
Han døde den 30. november 1329 i Regensburg. Hans navn ble tatt inn i kalenderen og hans grav var på 1400- og 1500-tallet målet for mange valfarter og han ble kalt salig, noe som tyder på at han ble høyt æret av sine samtidige. Han ble offisielt saligkåret den 12. mai 1909 ved at hans kult ble stadfestet av den hellige pave Pius X (1903-14). Hans minnedag er dødsdagen 30. november, men 29. november nevnes også.
Da augustinereremittene i Regensburg bygde et nytt kloster i 1911, fant Fredriks levninger sitt siste hvilested i den tilhørende sognekirken St. Cecilia. Selv om klostret ble oppløst i 1987 på grunn av manglende ettervekst, har relikviene blitt værende i Friedrichskapelle i kirken St. Cecilia. Der befinner det seg et maleri av en anonym kunstner fra 1699, og der blir Fredrik fremstilt som augustinereremitt omgitt av 12 medaljonger med avbildninger av hans undergjerninger.
Kilder: Attwater/Cumming, Butler (XI), Benedictines, Schauber/Schindler, Index99, KIR, Patron Saints SQPN, Infocatho, Heiligenlexikon, santiebeati.it - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden - Opprettet: 2000-09-01 00:01 - Sist oppdatert: 2006-07-06 11:37
SOURCE : http://www.katolsk.no/biografier/historisk/fregensb
Illustration of Blessed Frederick of Regensburg by János Hajnal in Il fascino di dio: profili de agiografia agostiniana by Fernando Rojo Martínez, o.s.a. copyright © 2000 Pubblicazioni Agostiniane Rome. used with permission. Original art preserved in the Office of augustinian postulator of causes, Rome
Friedrich von Regensburg
auch: Fridrich
Gedenktag katholisch: 30. November
nicht gebotener Gedenktag im Bistum Regensburg und bei den Augustiner-Eremiten: 29. November
Name bedeutet: der Friedensreiche (althochdt.)
* nach 1250 in Regensburg in Bayern
† 29. November 1329 1 daselbst
Friedrich trat als Laienbruder ins damalige Kloster der Augustiner-Eremiten in seiner Heimatstadt ein und arbeitete dort als Schreiner. Seine tiefe Frömmigkeit, sein Gebetseifer, sein Gehorsam, seine Nächstenliebe und wunderbare Ereignisse führten dazu, dass er schon zu Lebzeiten als Heiliger verehrt wurde.
Im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert wurde Friedrichs Grab, das heute in der Kirche St. Cäcilia in Regensburg ist, von vielen Wallfahrern besucht. Im 16. Jahrhundert verfasste der damalige Prior und Ordenschronist Hieronymus Streitet eine Sammlung von Legenden über Friedrich. Die bekannteste erzählt, dass Friedrich eines Tages, als er an der Teinahme an der Messe verhindert war, in seiner Werkstatt von einem Engel die Eucharistie empfing.
Kanonisation: Friedrich wurde v. a. auf Betreiben von Pius Keller am 12. Mai 1909 von Papst Pius X. selig gesprochen.
1 Oft wird als Todestag der 30. November genannt. Zwar steht auf der ehemaligen Grabplatte von Friedrich obiit die S. Andreae - gestorben am Andreastag; Friedrich starb jedoch am Vorabend, der liturgisch schon zum nächsten Tag gehört.
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Autor: Joachim Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 16.03.2021
• Vera Schauber, Hanns Michael Schindler: Heilige und Patrone im Jahreslauf. Pattloch, München 2001
• http://www.augustiner.de/html/texte/tx_beschreibung.htm#friedrich
• E-Mail Fabian Weber vom 1. Dezember 2004
• Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, begr. von Michael Buchberger. Hrsg. von Walter Kasper, 3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Bd. 4. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1995
korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Friedrich von Regensburg, aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon - https://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienF/Fridrich_von_Regensburg.htm, abgerufen am 30. 11. 2022
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet das Ökumenische Heiligenlexikon in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://d-nb.info/1175439177 und http://d-nb.info/969828497 abrufbar.
SOURCE : https://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienF/Fridrich_von_Regensburg.htm
Seliger Friedrich von Regensburg (Festtag am 29. November)
Friedrich von Regensburg wurde vermutlich als Sohn einer angesehenen Bürgerfamilie in der Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts geboren. Die Predigten Bertholds und die Person eines Albertus Magnus auf dem Bischofsstuhl dürften die prägendsten Glaubenseindrücke seiner Jugend gewesen sein. Seinen Eintritt ins Kloster soll ein an Franz von Assisi erinnerndes Bekehrungserlebnis veranlasst haben.
Friedrich wird Augustiner-Mönch
Anders als viele junge Menschen seiner Zeit trat Friedrich nicht in den Orden der Dominikaner oder Franziskaner ein. Ihn zogen die Augustiner an, die 1267 eine Niederlassung in der Domstadt gegründet hatten. In der zum Kloster gehörenden Kreuzkapelle wurde die Verehrung der Eucharistie von den Augustinern besonders gepflegt; nach der Legende war sie immer ein besonderes Anliegen Friedrichs. Seine Profess dürfte eine der ersten des jungen Konventes gewesen sein.
Am 29. November 1329 starb Friedrich, nachdem er seine Mitbrüder um Verzeihung und ihr Gebet ersucht hatte. Von Anfang an Ort des Gedächtnisses, entwickelte sich das Grab vor allem im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert zum Ziel zahlreicher Pilger, die den Laienbruder wie einen Heiligen verehrten. Häufige Gebetserhörungen trugen zusätzlich zum Aufschwung der Wallfahrt bei.
Ruhestätte in St. Cäcilia
Am 12. Mai 1909 genehmigte Papst Pius X. die allgemeine Verehrung Friedrichs als Seliger. Im Jahr 1913 erfolgte schließlich die feierliche Übertragung der Reliquien nach St. Cäcilia, wo zwei Jahre zuvor ein neues Augustinerkloster errichtet worden war. In einem neuen Schrein fanden sie dort ihre letzte Ruhestätte am Friedrichsaltar. Alljährlich pilgern die Mitglieder des Augustinerordens an seinem Gedenktag zum Grab des Seligen.
SOURCE : https://bistum-regensburg.de/glauben/heilige-selige-engel/bistumspatrone
Voir aussi : https://www.augustiner.at/ordensheilige/sel-friedrich-von-regensburg/