Figurines of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by an unknown artist, Chapel on the Michaelsberg, Untergrombach, Germany.
S. Catherine of Alexandria, decapitatet 307, anniversary Novemner 25; against sudden death and diseases of the tongue
S. Vitus, martyred 304, anniversary June 15; against epilepsy, chorea, lightning, the bites of animals, and storms, and for protection of domestic animals
S. Barbara, decapitated 306, anniversary December 4; against fever and sudden death, against lightning and fire, and against sudden and violent death at work
S. Blaise, decapitated about 316, anniversary February 3; against illness of the throat
S. Margareta, decapitated 305, anniversary July 20; Patron of women in childbirth, invoked against backache
S. Cyriakus, decapitated 305, anniversary August 8; against temptation on the death-bed, diseases of the eye, and demonic possession
S. Erasmus, martyred 303, anniversary June 2; against intestinal ailments, stomach ailments, for domestic animals
S. Agathius, decapitated 303 / 304, anniversary May 8; against fear of death, headache
S. Giles, died September 1, 720, anniversary September 1; against plague, epilepsy, mental illness, and nightmares, for a good confession
S. Denis, decapitated after 250, anniversary October 9; against headache and against demonic possession
S. Eustace, martyred 118, anniversary September 20; against family discord, against fire (temporal and eternal)
S. George, martyred 305, anniversary April 23; against war threats, fever, plague and other things, against temptation and for good weather, for the health of domestic animals
S. Pantaleon, martyred and decapitated 305, anniversary July 27; against cancer and tuberculosis, invoked for the protection of domestic animals
S. Christopher, decapitated about 205, anniversary July 24; Patron saint of travelers, against epilepsy, storms, famine, thunderstorms and hailstorms, plague, toothache, bad dreams
Statuetten der Vierzehn Nothelfer eines unbekannten Künstlers, Kapelle auf dem Michaelsberg, Untergrombach, Deutschland
S. Catharina, enthauptet 307, Gedenktag 25. November; Leiden der Zunge und Sprachschwierigkeiten
S. Vitus, gemartert 304, Gedenktag 15. Juni; Helfer bei Krämpfen, Epilepsie, Tollwut, Veitstanz (Chorea Huntington), Bettnässen und Schlangenbiss
S. Barbara, enthauptet 306, Gedenktag 4. Dezember; Helferin gegen Blitz- und Feuersgefahr, Patronin der Sterbenden
S. Blasius, enthauptet um 316, Gedenktag 3. Februar; Helfer bei Halsleiden, Geschwüren, Pest
S. Margareta, enthauptet 305, Gedenktag 20. Juli; Patronin der Gebärenden und Helferin bei Rückenschmerzen
S. Cyriakus, enthauptet 305, Gedenktag 8. August; Helfer in der Todesstunde gegen Anfechtungen, Augenkrankheiten
S. Erasmus, Gemartert 303, Gedenktag 2. Juni; Helfer bei Leibschmerzen, Krämpfen, Koliken, Unterleibsbeschwerden und bei Magenkrankheiten, Krankheiten der Haustiere
S. Achatius, enthauptet 303 / 304, Gedenktag 8. Mai; Helfer bei Todesangst, Kopfschmerzen
S. Egidius, gestorben 01.09.720, Gedenktag 1. September; Helfer bei Pest, Epilepsie, Geistekrankheit, bei der Beichte
S. Dionysius, enthauptet nach 250, Gedenktag 9. Oktober; Helfer bei Kopfschmerzen, Tollwut, Gewissensnöten und Seelenleiden
S. Eustachius, gemartert 118, Gedenktag 20. Septtember; Helfer bei schwierigen Lebenslagen und bei Trauerfällen, Feuer
S. Georg, gemartert 305, Gedenktag 23. April; Helfer bei Kriegsgefahren, Fieber, Pest und anderem, gegen Versuchung und für gutes Wetter, und insgesamt Beschützer der Haustiere
S. Pantaleon, gemartert und enthauptet 305, Gedenktag 27. Juli; Helfer bei Krebs und Tuberkulose, Schutz von Haustierren
S. Christophorus, enthauptet um 250, Gedenktag 24. Juli; Schutzheiliger der Reisenden, gegen Epilepsie, Unwetter, Hungersnot, Gewitter und Hagelstürme, Pest, Zahnschmerzen, schlechte Träume
Les Quatorze Secourables, ces saints toujours prêts à vous aider
Anne Bernet - publié le 22/04/22
Saint Georges, fêté le 23 avril, fait partie de la compagnie des Quatorze Secourables, ces "Saints Auxiliaires" encore appelés saints auxiliateurs que la piété populaire a sélectionné comme des intercesseurs particulièrement efficaces pour vous tirer des mauvais pas de l’existence.
Imaginez un temps où la médecine est balbutiante, désarmée face aux maladies graves et le médecin, d’ailleurs, trop cher pour la plupart des gens. Imaginez un temps où la moitié des femmes meurent en donnant la vie. Imaginez un temps où l’on voyage beaucoup, tout autant que nous peut-être, mais où les routes sont dangereuses, les périls innombrables, et où s’en aller de chez soi, pour affaires, raisons familiales ou par dévotion poussant à faire un pèlerinage, c’est prendre le risque de ne jamais revenir ni revoir le siens. Imaginez un temps où, faute d’eau courante et de pompiers, un incendie peut ravager en un instant tout un quartier, voire toute une ville. Imaginez un temps où la mort est omniprésente, réalité quotidienne qui frappe où elle veut, quand elle veut, jeunes et vieux. Imaginez un temps où la foi est ardente et le pire malheur non de perdre la vie mais de se damner…
Le secours des saints
Ce temps n’est pas si lointain. Trois cents ans environ. Alors, face aux dangers, aux périls, aux maladies, aux malheurs et difficultés de toutes sortes, nos ancêtres se tournent vers les seuls à même de les aider efficacement : les saints. Même si leurs images ornent les églises, ils sont présents à leurs fidèles, de manière presque tangible, toujours prêts à secourir ceux qui les appellent à l’aide. Au vrai, quasiment tous les hommes et toutes les femmes du martyrologe tiennent un rôle de médecin, psychiatre, exorciste, vétérinaire, assureur tous risques, avocat, marieur, réconciliateur, et d’autres fonctions encore, au profit de leurs dévots. Leur notoriété, leurs compétences varient en fonction des régions, des époques, des besoins. Les martyrs, dont les supplices atroces sont racontés avec force détails terrifiants, soignent la partie du corps par laquelle ils souffrirent : ainsi, Agathe est-elle invoquée pour les maladies des seins et les nourrices qui manquent de lait, car le bourreau trancha les siens ; Tryphon et son frère Respicius, dont on remplit les souliers de clous et de morceaux de verre pilés, guérissent les blessures des pieds ; Laurent, mis à rôtir, soigne les brûlures. La liste est très longue.
Gloires locales et célébrités universelles
Et puis, il y a ceux que leur nom même semble vouer à telle ou telle spécialité : Clair rend la vue, et Cornély, le nom breton du pape Corneille, s’occupe, cela va de soi, des bêtes à cornes, remplaçant en Bretagne le vieux dieu païen à tête de cerf Kernunos. Parce que ceux qui s’adressent à eux ont une foi à soulever les montagnes, leurs prières sont souvent exaucées et les recueils de miracles pieusement archivés dans les grands sanctuaires ne sont pas, comme certains l’ont prétendu, un ramassis de sottises à visées publicitaires destinées à attirer plus de pèlerins, plus d’infirmes, plus de malades, donc plus d’argent mais souvent une réalité. Chaque saint, chaque sainte a vocation à guérir, apaiser, protéger.
Pourtant, peu à peu, certaines figures, plus célèbres, mieux popularisées par leur légende, tendent à supplanter les petits cultes locaux et obtiennent une notoriété universelle. C’est que leur histoire est connue de tous. Tel est le cas des vierges Barbe, Catherine d’Alexandrie, Marguerite d’Antioche ou des saints Blaise, Christophe, Cyriaque d’Ancône, Eustache, Georges ou Guy, véritables héros de romans historiques populaires.
Les Quatorze super héros
Et puis, à côté de ces super héros, l’on rencontre des gens moins célèbres, tel l’évêque Acace ou le martyr Érasme. Peu à peu, des listes se forment et se répandent parmi le peuple chrétien. Au tournant du XIVe et du XVe siècles, la piété populaire se fixe ainsi sur quatorze noms mais, en réalité, comme les trois mousquetaires étaient quatre, les Quatorze Saints Auxiliaires, au sens étymologique du mot signifiant « ceux qui aident », parfois aussi appelés les Quatorze Secourables, seront souvent quinze, voire davantage. Les voici, par ordre alphabétique :
L’évêque de Mélitène Acace, patron des migraineux sans que l’on sache trop pourquoi car ce prélat, dont nous possédons le procès-verbal de l’interrogatoire, en 250, échappe à la mort, son sens de la répartie ayant amusé un magistrat romain peu féroce qui ne lui inflige aucune torture et le libère.
Barbara, Barbe en vieux français, vierge martyre au sujet de laquelle nous ne savons rien de sûr, patronne des pompiers, artificiers et polytechniciens, dont la passion rapporte qu’elle meurt sous les coups de son propre père, furieux de sa conversion, crime aussitôt puni puisque ce géniteur dénaturé est frappé par la foudre. À ce titre, elle protège des orages, incendies, explosions, et de la mort subite, qu’aucun chrétien jadis n’aurait tenu pour enviable puisqu’elle ne laisse pas le temps de se repentir.
Blaise, évêque de Sébaste en Cappadoce, dépecé vif en 316, soigne les maux de gorge pour avoir un jour retiré l’arête plantée dans le gosier d’un enfant en train de s’étouffer mais il est aussi un protecteur des animaux sauvages qui cherchaient auprès de lui refuge contre les chasseurs.
Probablement étudiante du Didascalé d’Alexandrie, la première université catholique, Catherine a le malheur d’attirer l’attention du César Galère, grand persécuteur mais aussi obsédé sexuel qui se fait livrer les plus jolies chrétiennes et abuse d’elles. Parce que, dans des circonstances indéterminées, elle sauve sa virginité, la jeune fille est invoquée par celles qui veulent protéger leur pureté, mais elle est aussi la patronne des étudiants, philosophes et théologiens pour avoir su, telle Jeanne d’Arc dont elle sera plus tard la conseillère, désarmer la sagesse trop humaine des universitaires alexandrins.
Christophe, passeur de son état, est converti par l’évêque Babylas d’Antioche, et supplicié comme chrétien en 251. Christophoros, celui qui porte le Christ, est un nom de baptême mais il inspirera une histoire charmante, selon laquelle « le bon géant » aurait un jour chargé sur ses épaules un tout petit enfant dont le poids manque l’entraîner dans les flots. Rien d’étonnant à cela : l’enfant Jésus porte tout le péché du monde. Sa profession lui vaut de protéger les voyageurs, jusqu’à nos jours puisque Christophe est le patron des automobilistes. Lui aussi préserve de la mort subite, sans confession, comme le rappelle la prière figurant sur ses images : « Regarde saint Christophe et va-t-en rassuré ! »
Cyriaque, évêque d’Ancône, pour avoir joui d’un don de double vue, s’est fait une réputation en ophtalmologie.
Denis, premier évêque de Paris, est un saint céphalophore, ce qui signifie qu’après sa décapitation à Montmartre, il a ramassé sa tête tranchée et l’a portée jusqu’à l’emplacement de la future basilique Saint-Denis. Ses capacités de soigner les migraines sont donc évidentes. On ne sait trop pourquoi, en revanche, il protège de la rage, un fléau oublié.
Érasme, que dans le Midi l’on appelle Elme, évêque de Formies en Italie, est, lui, gastro-entérologue. Normal : il est mort éventré et étripé…
Bien avant saint Hubert, Eustache est le premier patron des chasseurs car c’est en allant courre le cerf que lui aussi se serait converti. Sa passion affirme que ce haut officier romain est mort brûlé à petit feu dans un taureau de fer lentement porté à incandescence … La chose n’a rien d’impossible, hélas … Pour cette raison, il est invoqué contre le feu, et surtout contre le feu éternel.
Patron des cavaliers et de la chevalerie, Georges, que l’on a voulu chasser du calendrier dans les années 1970, faute de sources historiques fiables, semble bien, cependant, faire partie des très nombreux martyrs militaires du début du IVe siècle. On ne sait s’il est mort à Lod en Israël ou à Beyrouth. Sa légende a fait de lui un saint sauroctone, tueur de dragon, ce qui signifie simplement le triomphe du Christ sur les idoles démoniaques. Il reste le patron de l’Angleterre, des militaires mais on lui attribue aussi des compétences en dermatologie.
Gilles, ermite près d’une ville du Gard qui a pris son nom, est un ami de la faune sauvage, lui aussi, puisqu’il a reçu une flèche dans la main en voulant protéger une biche traquée par des chasseurs. On ne sait pourquoi on l’invoque contre l’épilepsie, la folie, la stérilité, la possession, maux longtemps tenus pour le résultat d’une emprise infernale.
C’est également comme psychiatre et exorciste que Guy, très jeune patricien sicilien martyrisé vers 304 dans le Sud de l’Italie s’est taillé une réputation, au point de donner son nom populaire à la chorée, trouble neurologique pris pour un symptôme de possession ou de démence, vulgairement dite « danse de Saint Guy » en raison des mouvements désordonnés qu’elle provoque chez les malades.
Marguerite d’Antioche se prénomme en réalité Marine mais sa réputation de beauté et de sagesse lui a valu ce surnom de Margarita, la perle. Comme beaucoup de jeunes chrétiennes, elle a voué sa virginité au Christ. Arrêtée pour avoir repoussé les assiduités d’un prétendant, elle est très certainement morte martyre. Sa passion, tenue pour romanesque, raconte que, dans sa prison, le diable est venu la tenter sous l’apparence d’un serpent monstrueux et qu’il l’a même avalée, pour la recracher aussitôt, écœuré par le signe de croix tracé par sa victime. Cette renaissance symbolique lui vaut de protéger les femmes enceintes et de faciliter leur délivrance.
C’est probablement en raison de sa profession de médecin que le martyr Pantaléon est prié contre la tuberculose et la consomption, autrement dit la leucémie.
Et la Vierge Marie !
Voici donc la liste « officielle » de nos Auxiliaires secourables auxquels les Français ont systématiquement ajouté la Sainte Vierge. Mais un doute persiste… En effet, le 17 septembre 1445, puis le 29 juillet 1446, l’enfant Jésus, entouré de quatorze cierges brillants qui prendront, lors de sa seconde visite, l’aspect de jeunes garçons et filles et se présenteront comme les saints auxiliaires, apparaît en Allemagne à un berger nommé Hermann Leicht, réclamant un sanctuaire en ces lieux. Cependant, aucun nom n’ayant été mis précisément sur ces lumineux visiteurs, les fidèles ont eu tout loisir, selon leur humeur, de substituer d’autres saints à ceux de la liste officielle. Parmi eux, la martyre Dorothée, très vénérée dans le monde germanique, Léonard de Noblat, patron des prisonniers, et Nicolas de Myrrhe pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.
Et peu importe car, ce qui compte, c’est la foi mise en ces médecins célestes. Lors du premier confinement, il s’est trouvé des hommes d’Église pour assener qu’il valait mieux se fier à la science qu’à Dieu… Est-ce si certain ?
Découvrez en images les saints auxiliateurs :
Lire aussi :Sébastien, le saint qui triomphe des pandémies
Lire aussi :Prière à saint Côme et saint Damien pour demander une guérison
Accueil » Les quatorze saints de Hombourg-Haut
Les Quatorze Saints Auxiliaires
La dévotion populaire aux Quatorze Saints Auxiliaires1 a pour origine un miracle qui s'est déroulé en Bavière en 1445. Dans un champ du monastère cistercien de Lagheim, un berger trouva un enfant en pleurs qui disparut lorsqu'on voulut le recueillir. Il réapparut ensuite, accompagné de treize autres enfants, et déclara qu'ils étaient les quatorze intercesseurs et qu'ils désiraient qu'une église leur fût construite à cet endroit. Et il ajouta :
- Si vous nous servez, nous vous servirons.
Et quelques jours plus tard, en effet, on put constater une première guérison miraculeuse. Les moines érigèrent alors à l’endroit des apparitions la basilique des Quatorze Saint Auxiliaires2, qui est encore aujourd’hui un important lieu de pèlerinage. Cette dévotion s’est rapidement répandue dans les pays germaniques, mais aussi en Suisse, en Italie et en France. On en trouve une image dans de nombreuses églises d’Alsace et de Lorraine.
Ces saints représentaient un excellent support pour une dévotion populaire. D’une part, à l'exception de Saint Gilles, ce sont tous des martyrs, et leurs vies sont émaillées d'aventures terrifiantes autant qu'édifiantes ; miracles, conversions, supplices cruels et élaborés fournissent les caractéristiques de leur représentation et les raisons pour lesquelles on les invoque. Leurs pouvoirs, en effet, couvraient presque tous les aspects de la vie courante et répondaient à la plupart des besoins physiques et spirituels : troubles de la santé du corps ou de l'esprit, mais aussi difficultés de la foi.
Les Saints Auxiliaires sont d’ordinaire représentés et sollicités ensemble3. Plusieurs d’entre eux, toutefois, sont particulièrement vénérés en Lorraine. St Blaise a son propre pèlerinage à Metz, de même que St Guy, au dessus de Phalsbourg. Sainte Barbe est la patronne de Metz, ville d'armée, et des mineurs si nombreux dans le bassin minier. Et saint Christophe jouit en Lorraine, pays de voyageurs et de bateliers, d'une dévotion si intime qu’on offre au baptême une médaille à son image. La Vierge Marie se joint parfois à eux, ainsi que d’autres saints protecteurs, comme St Sébastien, St Roch, St Ulrich, Ste Apolline, St Lazare, ou encore, comme ici, St Antoine de Padoue.
1.Cette dénomination vient du latin auxilium, asistance ; on trouve aussi « Auxiliateur ».
2.Basilika Vierzehnheiligen.
3.Ils sont parfois associés par paire : St Guy et St Christophe, Ste Catherine et Ste Barbe, St Pantaléon et St Acace, St Georges et St Eustache, St Érasme et St Blaise, St Gilles et St Cyriaque, St Denis et Ste Marguerite.
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Achatius, Martyr
Of the saints named Achatius, that one is reckoned among the Holy Helpers who, as a Roman soldier, died for Christ.
Achatius was a native of Cappadocia and as a youth joined the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, attaining the rank of captain. One day, when leading his company against the enemy, he heard a voice saying to him, “Call on the God of Christians!” He obeyed, was instructed, and received Baptism. Filled with zeal, he henceforth sought to convert also the pagan soldiers of the army. When the emperor heard of this, Achatius was thrown into prison, then placed on the rack, bound to a post and scourged, because he refused to offer sacrifice to the idols. When all these tortures availed nothing, he was brought before the tribune Bibianus.
Asked by him what was his name and country, Achatius replied, “My name is Christian, because I am a follower of Christ; men call me Achatius. My country is Cappadocia. There my parents lived; there I was converted to the Christian faith, and was so inspired by the combats and sufferings of the Christian martyrs that I am resolved to shed my blood for Christ to attain heaven.” Then Bibianus ordered him to be beaten with leaden clubs, after which he was loaded with chains and returned to the prison.
After Achatius had been in prison seven days, Bibianus was called to Byzantium, and ordered all prisoners to be transported there. On the journey Achatius suffered greatly, for his entire body was covered with wounds, his chains were galling, the guards were cruel and the roads were bad. He thought himself dying. Praying to God, a voice from the clouds answered him, “Achatius, be firm!” The soldiers of the guard were terrified and asked each other, “What is this? How can the clouds have a voice?” Many prisoners were converted. Next day some of the converts saw a number of men in shining armor speaking to Achatius, washing his wounds and healing them, so that not even a scar remained.
Arrived in Byzantium the saint was again cast into prison, and after seven days dragged before the judge. When neither promises nor the most cruel torments shook the constancy of the brave confessor of the Faith, the judge sent him to Flaccius, the proconsul of Thracia, who imprisoned him for five days, and meanwhile read the records of his former trials. Then he ordered him to be beheaded. Achatius suffered death for Christ on May 8, 311.
Achatius manfully and without fear confessed the Faith amid persecutions and sufferings. We, too, are often placed in circumstances where the profession of our Faith and the practice of the virtues inculcated by it cause us trials. But so deplorable are the effects of sensuality, avarice, and ambition, and such is the laxity and spiritual callousness of many Christians, that there is real cause for every one to be filled with alarm for the safety of his soul. It is not the crowd we are to follow, but the precepts of the Gospel. Therefore we ought to strive to give a good example by our faithful compliance with the demands of religion. For Our Lord Himself exhorts us: “So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Prayer of the Church
O God, who dost give us joy through the remembrance of Thy blessed martyrs, Achatius and his companions; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may be inflamed by the example of those for whose merits we rejoice. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Joan Gascó (1480–1529). Santa Barbara, 1516, 128,5 x 73, musée épiscopal de Vic. Provenance : Chapel of Santa Maria de la Pietat de Vic
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Barbara, Virgin and Martyr
Nicomedia, a city in Asia Minor, was Saint Barbara’s birthplace. Her father Dioscurus was a pagan. Fearing that his only child might learn to know and love the doctrines of Christianity, he shut her up in a tower, apart from all intercourse with others. Nevertheless Barbara became a Christian. She passed her time in study, and from her lonely tower she used to watch the heavens in their wondrous beauty. She soon became convinced that the “heavens were telling the glory of God,” a God greater than the idols she had been taught to worship. Her desire to know that God was in itself a prayer which He answered in His own wise way.
The fame of Origen, that famous Christian teacher in Alexandria, reached even the remote tower, and Barbara sent a trusty servant with the request that he would make known to her the truth. Origen sent her one of his disciples, disguised as a physician, who instructed and baptized her. She practised her new religion discreetly while waiting for a favorable opportunity of acquainting her father with her conversion.
This opportunity came in a short time. Some workmen were sent by Dioscurus to make another room in the tower, and when they had made two windows she directed them to make a third. When her father saw this additional window, he asked the reason for it. She replied, “Know, my father, that the soul receives light through three windows, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and the three are one.” The father became so angry at this discovery of her having become a Christian, that he would have killed his daughter with his sword, had she not fled to the top of the tower. He followed her, and finally had her in his power. First he wreaked his vengeance on her in blows, then clutching her by the hair he dragged her away and thrust her into a hut to prevent her escape. Next he tried every means to induce her to renounce her faith; threats, severe punishments, and starvation had no effect on the constancy of the Christian maiden.
Finding himself powerless to shake his daughter’s constancy, Dioscurus delivered her to the proconsul Marcian, who had her scourged and tortured, but without causing her to deny the Faith. During her sufferings, her father stood by, exulting in the torments of his child. Next night, after she had been taken back to prison, Our Lord appeared to her and healed her wounds. When Barbara appeared again before him, Marcian was greatly astonished to find no trace of the cruelties that had been perpetrated on her body. Again she resisted his importunities to deny the Faith, and when he saw that all his efforts were in vain, he pronounced the sentence of death. Barbara was to be beheaded. Her unnatural father claimed the privilege to execute it with his own hands, and with one blow severed his daughter’s head from her body, on December 4, 237.
At the moment of the saint’s death a great tempest arose and Dioscurus was killed by lightning. Marcian, too, was overtaken by the same fate.
Since early times Saint Barbara is invoked as the patroness against lightning and explosions, and is called upon by those who desire the sacraments of the dying in their last illness, and many are the instances of the efficacy of her intercession.
We all wish for a happy and blessed death. To attain it, we must make the preparation for it the great object of our life; we must learn to die to the world and to ourselves, and strive after perfection in virtue. There is no greater comfort in adversity, no more powerful incentive to withdrawing our affections from this world, than to remember the blessing of a happy death. Well prepared, death may strike us in any form whatsoever, and however suddenly, it will find us ready.
We can be guilty of no greater folly than to delay our preparation for death, repentance, the reception of the sacraments, and the amendment of our life, from day to day, from the time of health to the time of illness, and in illness to the very last moments, thinking that even then we can obtain pardon. Saint Augustine observes: “It is very dangerous to postpone the performance of a duty on which our whole eternity depends to the most inconvenient time, the last hour.” And Saint Bernard remarks: “In Holy Scripture we find one single instance of one who received pardon at the last moment. He was the thief crucified with Jesus. He is alone, that you despair not; he is alone, also, that you sin not by presumption on God’s mercy.” If you, therefore, wish for a happy death, prepare for it in time.
Prayer of the Church
O God, who among the wonders of Thy might didst grant the victory of martyrdom also to the weaker sex, graciously grant us that we, by recalling the memory of Thy blessed virgin and martyr Barbara, through her example may be led to Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Blase, Bishop and Martyr
Saint Blase was born at Sebaste, Armenia. He became a physician, but at the same time devoted himself zealously to the practice of his Christian duties. His virtuous conduct gained for him the esteem of the Christian clergy and people to such a degree, that he was elected bishop of his native city. Henceforth he devoted himself to ward off the dangers of soul from the faithful, as he had hitherto been intent on healing their bodily ills. To all, he was a shining example of virtue.
During the reign of Emperor Licinius a cruel persecution of Christians broke out. The persecutors directed their fury principally against the bishops, well knowing that when the shepherd is stricken the flock is dispersed. Listening to the entreaties of the faithful, and mindful of the words of Our Lord, “When they shall persecute you in this city, flee into another” (Matthew 10:23), Saint Blase hid himself in a cave. But one day the prefect Agricola instituted a chase, and his party discovered the holy bishop and brought him before their master.
St. Blase remained steadfast in the Faith, and by its able confession and defense attracted the attention of the attendants at his trial. The cruel tyrant had him bound and tortured with iron combs. After suffering these torments with great patience and meekness, the saint was cast into prison. He was kept there a long time, because the prefect hoped to exhaust his powers of endurance, and to bring him to sacrifice to the idols. His jailer permitted the holy bishop to receive visitors in his prison, and many sick and suffering availed themselves of this privilege. He cured some of them and gave good advice to others.
One day a mother brought to him her boy, who, while eating, had swallowed a fishbone, which remained in his throat, and, causing great pain, threatened suffocation. Saint Blase prayed and made the sign of the cross over the boy, and behold, he was cured. For this reason the saint is invoked in throat troubles.
At length the holy bishop was again brought before the judge and commanded to sacrifice to the idols. But he said: “Thou art blind, because thou art not illuminated by the true light. How can a man sacrifice to idols, when he adores the true God alone? I do not fear thy threats. Do with me according to thy pleasure. My body is in thy power, but God alone has power over my soul. Thou seekest salvation with the idols; I hope and trust to receive it from the only true and living God whom I adore.”
Then the prefect sentenced him to death. Saint Blase was beheaded, suffering death for the Faith February 3, 316.
Saint Blase gave us a glorious example of fortitude in the confession of the Faith. According to the teaching of Saint Paul, confession of the Faith is necessary for our salvation. He says, “For if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thy heart that God hath raised Him up from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart we believe unto justice, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9,10). We are, therefore, not permitted to be silent, much less to agree, when our Faith, and whatever is connected therewith, as the sacraments, ceremonies, priests, etc., are ridiculed and reviled. Parents especially must be most careful in speaking of these subjects before their children and servants, and do so only with due reverence.
On the contrary, we must confess our Faith, and if necessary, defend it against all attacks. Often one serious word will suffice to silence a calumniator of the Faith and cause him to blush. We must confess our Faith not only in the bosom of our family, but also in public. We must let our fellow-men know that we are true Catholics, who adhere to our Faith from conviction, without regard to what others say of us, or how they judge us, remembering the words of Our Lord, “Every one, therefore, that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32).
It was remarked above that Saint Blase is the patron invoked in throat troubles. Therefore the Church, on his feast, February 3, gives a special blessing, at which she prays over those receiving it: “By the intercession of Saint Blase, bishop and martyr, may God deliver thee from all ills of the throat and from all other ills; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” Do not neglect to receive this blessing, if you have the opportunity. The blessings of the Church are powerful and effective, for she is God’s representative on earth. Therefore her blessing is God’s blessing, and is always effective, except we ourselves place an obstacle in its way.
Prayer of the Church
O God, who dost rejoice us through the memory of Thy blessed bishop and martyr Blase: graciously grant us, that we, who honor his memory, may experience his protection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Maître de la légende de sainte Lucie, Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie, vers 1500, Exposition à Palerme, "Sicilië, pittura fiamminga" (2018). Prêt du Couvent des capucins de Palerme
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
Saint Catherine was a native of Alexandria, Egypt, a city then famous for its schools of philosophy. She was a daughter of Costis, half-brother of Constantine, and of Sabinella, queen of Egypt. Her wisdom and acquirements were remarkable, the philosophy of Plato being her favorite study. While Catherine was yet young her father died, leaving her heiress to the kingdom. Her love of study and retirement displeased her subjects, who desired her to marry, asserting that her gifts of noble birth, wealth, beauty, and knowledge should be transmitted to her children.
The princess replied that the husband whom she would wed must be even more richly endowed than herself. His blood must be the noblest, his rank must surpass her own, his beauty without comparison, his benignity great enough to forgive all offences. The people of Alexandria were disheartened, for they knew of no such prince; but Catherine remained persistent in her determination to wed none other.
Now, it happened that a certain hermit who lived near Alexandria had a vision in which he saw the Blessed Virgin, who sent him to tell Catherine that her divine Son was the Spouse whom she desired. He alone possessed all, and more, than the requirements she demanded. The holy man gave Catherine a picture of Jesus and Mary; and when the princess had gazed upon the face of Christ she loved Him so that she could think of naught else, and the studies in which she had been wont to take delight became distasteful to her.
One night Catherine dreamed that she accompanied the hermit to a sanctuary, whence angels came to meet her. She fell on her face before them, but one of the angelic band bade her, “Rise dear sister Catherine, for the King of glory delighteth to honor thee.” She rose and followed the angels to the presence of the queen of heaven, who was surrounded by angels and saints and was beautiful beyond description. The queen welcomed her and led her to her divine Son, Our Lord. But He turned from her, saying: “She is not fair and beautiful enough for me.”
Catherine awoke at these words and wept bitterly until morning. She then sent for the hermit and inquired what would make her worthy of the heavenly Bridegroom. The saintly recluse instructed her in the true Faith and, with her mother, she was baptized. That night, in a dream, the Blessed Virgin and her divine Son again appeared to her. Mary presented her to Jesus, saying: “Behold, she has been regenerated in the water of Baptism.” Then Christ smiled on her and plighted His troth to her by putting a ring on her finger. When she awoke the ring was still there, and thenceforth Catherine despised all earthly things and longed only for the hour when she should go to her heavenly Bridegroom.
After the death of Sabinella, Emperor Maximin came to Alexandria and declared a persecution against the Christians. Catherine appeared in the temple and held an argument with the tyrant, utterly confounding him. The emperor ordained that fifty of the most learned men of the empire be brought to dispute with her; but, sustained by the power of God, Catherine not only vanquished them in argument, but converted them to the true Faith. In his fury Maximin commanded that the new Christians be burned; and Catherine comforted them, since they could not be baptized, by telling them that their blood should be their baptism and the flames their crown of glory.
The emperor then tried other means to overcome the virtue of the noble princess; but, failing to do this, he ordered her to be cast into a dungeon and starved to death. Twelve days later, when the dungeon was opened, a bright light and fragrant perfume filled it, and Catherine, who had been nourished by angels, came forth radiant and beautiful. On seeing this miracle, the empress and many noble Alexandrians declared themselves Christians, and suffered death at the command of the emperor.
Catherine was not spared, for Maximin made a further attempt to win her. He offered to make her mistress of the world if she would but listen to him, and when she still spurned his proposals, he ordered her to the torture. She was bound to four spiked wheels which revolved in different directions, that she might be torn into many pieces. But an angel consumed the wheels by fire, and the fragments flying around killed the executioners and many of the spectators. The tyrant then ordered her to be scourged and beheaded. The sentence was carried into effect on November 25, 307.
A pious legend, recognized by the Church, says that angels bore Catherine’s body to Mount Sinai, and buried it there.
Saint Catherine, for her erudition and the spirit of piety by which she sanctified it, was chosen the model and patroness of Christian philosophers.
Learning, next to virtue, is the noblest quality and ornament of the human mind. Profane science teaches many useful truths, but when compared with the importance of the study of the science of the saints, they are of value only inasmuch as when made subservient to the latter. The study of the saints was to live in the spirit of Christ. This science is taught by the Church, and acquired by listening to her instructions, by pious reading and meditation.
Be intent on learning this science, and order your life according to its rules. It is the “one thing necessary,” for it is the foundation of all wisdom and true happiness. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Ps. cx. 10).
Prayer of the Church
O God, who didst give the law to Moses on the summit of Mount Sinai, and by the holy angels didst miraculously transfer there the body of blessed Catherine, virgin and martyr; grant us, we beseech Thee, to come, through her intercession, to the mountain which is Christ. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Jacopo Bassano (1510–1592), San Cristóba, XVIe siècle, 148 x 87, musée national des Beaux-Arts de Cuba
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Christophorus, Martyr
An ancient tradition concerning Saint Christophorus relates: He was born in the land of Canaan, and was named Reprobus, that is Reprobate, for he was a barbarous heathen. In stature and strength he was a giant. Thinking no one his like in bodily vigor, he resolved to go forth in search of the mightiest master and serve him. In his wanderings, he met with a king who was praised as the most valorous man on earth. To him he offered his services and was accepted. The king was proud of his giant and kept him near his person. One day a minstrel visited the king’s castle, and among the ballads he sung before the court was one on the power of Satan. At the mention of this name the king blessed himself, making the sign of the cross. Reprobus, wondering, asked him why he did that. The king replied: “When I make this sign, Satan has no power over me.” Reprobus rejoined: “So thou fearest the power of Satan? Then he is mightier than thou, and I shall seek and serve him.”
Setting forth to seek Satan, he came into a wilderness. One dark night he met a band of wild fellows riding through the forest. It was Satan and his escort. Reprobus bravely accosted him, saying he wished to serve him. He was accepted. But soon he was convinced that his new master was not the mightiest on earth. For one day, whilst approaching a crucifix by the wayside, Satan quickly took to flight, and Reprobus asked him for the reason. Satan replied: “That is the image of my greatest enemy, who conquered me on the cross. From him I always flee.” When Reprobus heard this, he left the devil, and went in search of Christ.
In his wanderings, he one day came to a hut hidden in the forest. At its door sat a venerable old man. Reprobus addressed him, and in the course of the conversation that ensued the old man told him that he was a hermit, and had left the world to serve Christ, the Lord of heaven and earth. “Thou art my man,” cried Reprobus; “Christ is He whom I seek, for He is the strongest and the mightiest. Tell me where I can find Him.”
The hermit then began instructing the giant about God and the Redeemer, and concluded by saying: “He who would serve Christ must offer himself entirely to Him, and do and suffer everything for His sake. His reward for this will be immense and will last forever.” Reprobus now asked the hermit to allow him to remain, and to continue to instruct him. The hermit consented. When Reprobus was fully instructed, he baptized him. After his baptism, a great change came over the giant. No longer proud of his great size and strength, he became meek and humble, and asked the hermit to assign to him some task by which he might serve God, his master. “For,” said he, “I can not pray and fast; therefore I must serve God in some other way.” The hermit led him to a broad and swift river nearby, and said: “Here build thyself a hut, and when wanderers wish to cross the river, carry them over for the love of Christ.” For there was no bridge across the river.
Henceforth, day and night, whenever he was called, Reprobus faithfully performed the task assigned to him. One night he heard a child calling to be carried across the river. Quickly he rose, placed the child on his stout shoulder, took his staff and walked into the mighty current. Arrived in midstream, the water rose higher and higher, and the child became heavier and heavier. “O child,” he cried, “how heavy thou art! It seems I bear the weight of the world on my shoulder.” And the child replied, “Right thou art. Thou bearest not only the world, but the Creator of heaven and earth. I am Jesus Christ, thy King and Lord, and henceforth thou shalt be called Christophorus, that is, Christ-bearer. Arrived on yonder shore, plant thy staff in the ground, and in token of my power and might tomorrow it shall bear leaves and blossoms.”
And the child disappeared. On reaching the other shore, Christophorus stuck his staff into the ground, and behold, it budded forth leaves and blossoms. Then, kneeling, he promised the Lord to serve Him ever faithfully. He kept his promise, and thenceforth became a zealous preacher of the Gospel, converting many to the Faith. On his missionary peregrinations he came also to Lycia, where, after his first sermon, eighteen thousand heathens requested baptism. When Emperor Decius heard of this, he sent a company of four hundred soldiers to capture Christophorus. To these he preached so convincingly, that they all asked for baptism. Decius became enraged thereat and had him cast into prison. There he first treated him with great kindness, and surrounded him with every luxury to tempt him to sin, but in vain. Then he ordered him to be tortured in the most cruel manner, until he should deny the Faith. He was scourged, placed on plates of hot iron, boiling oil was poured over and fire was lighted under him. When all these torments did not accomplish their purpose, the soldiers were ordered to shoot him with arrows. This, too, having no effect, he was beheaded, on July 25, 254.
Two great saints refer to the wonderful achievements of Saint Christophorus. Saint Ambrose mentions that this saint converted forty-eight thousand souls to Christ. Saint Vincent Ferrer declares, that when the plague devastated Valencia, its destructive course was stayed through the intercession of Saint Christophorus.
The legend of Saint Christophorus conveys a wholesome truth. We ought all to be Christ-bearers, by preserving in our hearts faith, hope, and charity, and by receiving Our Lord worthily in holy communion. He alone is worthy of our service. In the service that we owe to men, we ought to serve God by doing His will. We can not divide our heart, for Our Lord Himself says, “No man can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24). If you serve the world, it deceives you, for it can not give you what it promises. If you serve sin, Satan is your master. He, too, deceives his servants, and leads them to perdition. Christ on the cross conquered these two tyrants, and with His help you can also vanquish them. Therefore, give yourself to Him with all your heart, and you shall find peace in this world, and eternal bliss in the next. Saint Augustine learned this truth by sad experience, and therefore exclaims: “Thou hast created us for Thee, O Lord, and our heart is restless till it rests in Thee.”
Prayer of the Church
Grant us, almighty God, that whilst we celebrate the memory of Thy blessed martyr Saint Christophorus, through his intercession the love of Thy name may be increased in us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Cyriacus, Deacon and Martyr
Emperor Maximin in token of his gratitude to Diocletian, who had ceded the western half of his empire to him, ordered the building of that magnificent structure in Rome, whose ruins are still known as the “Baths of Diocletian.” The Christians imprisoned for the Faith were compelled to labor under cruel overseers at this building. A zealous Christian Roman, touched with pity at this moving spectacle, resolved to employ his means in improving the condition of these poor victims of persecution.
Among the deacons of the Roman Church at that time was one by the name of Cyriacus, who was distinguished by his zeal in the performance of all good works. Him, with two companions, Largus and Smaragdus, the pious Roman selected for the execution of his plan. Cyriacus devoted himself to the work with great ardor. One day, whilst visiting the laborers to distribute food amongst them, he observed a decrepit old man, who was so feeble that he was unable to perform his severe task. Filled with pity, Cyriacus offered to take his place. The aged prisoner consenting, the merciful deacon thenceforth worked hard at the building. But after some time he was discovered, and cast into prison. There he again found opportunity to exercise his zeal. Some blind men who had great confidence in the power of his prayer, came to ask him for help in their affliction, and he restored their sight. He and his companions spent three years in prison, and during that time he healed many sick and converted a great number of heathens from the darkness of paganism.
Then Emperor Diocletian’s little daughter became possessed by an evil spirit, and no one was able to deliver her from it. To the idolatrous priests who were called, the evil spirit declared that he would leave the girl only when commanded to do so by Cyriacus, the deacon. He was hastily summoned, and prayed and made the sign of the cross over the girl, and the evil spirit departed. The emperor loved his daughter, therefore he was grateful to the holy deacon, and presented him with a house, where he and his companions might serve their God unmolested by their enemies.
About this time the daughter of the Persian King Sapor was attacked by a similar malady, and when he heard what Cyriacus had done for Diocletian’s daughter, he wrote to the emperor, asking him to send the Christian deacon. It was done, and Cyriacus, on foot, set out for Persia. Arrived at his destination, he prayed over the girl and the evil spirit left her. On hearing of this miracle, four hundred and twenty heathens were converted to the Faith. These the saint instructed and baptized, and then set out on his homeward journey.
Returned to Rome, he continued his life of prayer and good works. But when Diocletian soon afterward left for the East, his co-emperor Maximin seized the opportunity to give vent to his hatred for the Christians, and renewed their persecution. One of the first victims was Cyriacus. He was loaded with chains and brought before the judge, who first tried blandishments and promises to induce him to renounce Christ and to sacrifice to the idols, but in vain. Then the confessor of Christ was stretched on the rack, his limbs torn from their sockets, and he was beaten with clubs. His companions shared the same tortures. Finally, when the emperor and the judge were convinced that nothing would shake the constancy of the holy martyrs, they were beheaded. They gained the crown of glory on March 16, 303.
In the life of Saint Cyriacus two virtues shine forth in a special manner; his love of God and his charity toward his fellow-men. His love of God impelled him to sacrifice all, even his life, for His sake, thereby fulfilling the commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind” (Matthew 22:37). A greater love of God no man can have than giving his life for Him.
Saint Cyriacus also fulfilled the other commandment, of which Our Lord declared, “And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matt. xxii. 39). He helped his fellow-Christians to bear their burdens, relieved them in their sufferings, assisted and encouraged them by word and deed, and edified them by his example. His sole aim was to do good to all men, mindful of the words of the Royal Prophet: “Blessed is he that understandeth concerning the needy and the poor” (Psalm 40:2). He was so imbued with the virtue of charity, that he was disposed even to sacrifice his life for the relief and assistance of others.
How shall we justify our unfeeling hardness of heart, by which we seek every trifling pretense to exempt us from the duty of aiding the unfortunate? Remember the threat of the apostle, “Judgment without mercy to him that hath not done mercy” (James 2:13).
Prayer of the Church
O God, who rejoicest us by the remembrance of Thy blessed martyrs Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus; grant, we beseech Thee, that we, by celebrating their memory, may imitate their fortitude in suffering. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Maître de Meßkirch (fl. 1520–1540), Heiliger Dionysius von Paris als Bischof und Märtyrer / saint Denis de Paris, Pieces of the side altars of St. Martin in Messkirch, vers 1535-1540, 61,8 x 27,3, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Dionysius, Bishop and Martyr
When Saint Paul the Apostle, in the year of Our Lord 51, came to Athens to preach the Gospel, he was summoned to the Areopagus, the great council which determined all religious matters. Among the members of this illustrious assembly was Dionysius. His mind had already been prepared to receive the good tidings of the Gospel by the miraculous darkness which overspread the earth at the moment of Our Lord’s death on the cross. He was at that time at Heliopolis, in Egypt. On beholding the sun obscured in the midst of its course, and this without apparent cause, he is said to have exclaimed: “Either the God of nature is suffering, or the world is about to be dissolved.” When Saint Paul preached before the Areopagus in Athens, Dionysius easily recognized the truth and readily embraced it.
The Apostle received him among his disciples, and appointed him bishop of the infant Church of Athens. As such he devoted himself with great zeal to the propagation of the Gospel. He made a journey to Jerusalem to visit the places hallowed by the footsteps and sufferings of our Redeemer, and there met the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint James, the evangelist Saint Luke, and other holy apostolic men. He also had the happiness to see and converse with the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was so overwhelmed by her presence that he declared, that if he knew not Jesus to be God, he would consider her divine.
The idolatrous priests of Athens were greatly alarmed at the many conversions resulting from the eloquent preaching of Dionysius, and instigated a revolt against him. The holy bishop left Athens, and, going to Rome, visited the Pope, Saint Clement. He sent him with some other holy men to Gaul. Some of his companions remained to evangelize the cities in the south, while Dionysius, with the priest Rusticus and the deacon Eleutherius continued their journey northward as far as Lutetia, the modern Paris, where the Gospel had not yet been announced. Here for many years he and his companions labored with signal success, and finally obtained the crown of martyrdom on Oct. 9, 119. Dionysius was beheaded at the advanced age of 110 years.
The spot where the three martyrs Dionysius, Rusticus, and Eleutherius suffered martyrdom, is the well-known hill of Montmartre. An ancient tradition relates that Saint Dionysius, after his head was severed from his body, took it up with his own hands and carried it two thousand paces to the place where, later, a church was built in his honor. The bodies of the martyrs were thrown into the river Seine, but taken up and honorably interred by a Christian lady named Catulla not far from the place where they had been beheaded. The Christians soon built a chapel on their tomb.
Saint Dionysius was not only a great missionary and bishop, but also one of the most illustrious writers of the early Church. Some of his works, which are full of Catholic doctrine and Christian wisdom, are still extant, and well worthy of a convert and disciple of Saint Paul, whose spirit they breathe.
The apostolic men like Saint Dionysius, who converted so many to Christ, were filled with His spirit, and acted and lived for Him alone. They gave their lives to spread His religion, convinced that the welfare of individuals and nations depends upon it.
On religion depends the security and stability of all government and of society. Human laws are too weak to restrain those who disregard and despise the law of God. Unless a man’s conscience is enlightened by religion and bound by its precepts, his passions will so far enslave him, that the impulse of evil inclinations will prompt him to every villainy of which he hopes to derive an advantage, if he can but accomplish his purpose secretly and with impunity.
True religion, on the contrary, insures comfort, peace, and happiness amid the sharpest trials, safety in death itself, and after death the most glorious and eternal reward in God. How grateful, therefore, must we be to the men who preached the true religion amid so many difficulties, trials, and persecutions; and also to those who preach it now, animated by the same spirit. And how carefully should we avoid all persons, books, and periodicals that revile and calumniate our holy Faith, and attempt its subversion!
Prayer of the Church
O God, who didst confer on Thy blessed servant Dionysius the virtue of fortitude in suffering, and didst join with him Rusticus and Eleutherius, to announce Thy glory to the heathens, grant, we beseech Thee, that following them, we may despise, for the love of Thee, the pleasures of this world, and that we do not recoil from its adversities. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Erasmus, Bishop and Martyr
The pious historians of the early Christian times state, as a rule, only what the saints did and suffered for the Faith, and how they died. They deemed the martyrs’ glorious combat and their victorious entrance into heaven more instructive, and therefore more important, than a lengthy description of their lives.
Hence we know little of the native place and the youth of Saint Erasmus, except that at the beginning of the fourth century of the Christian era he was bishop of Antioch in Asia Minor, the city where the name of “Christian” first came into use. When a long and cruel persecution broke out under the Emperor Diocletian, Saint Erasmus hid himself in the mountains of the Libanon, and led there, for some years, an austere life of penance and fasting. Finally he was discovered and dragged before the judge.
At first, persuasions and kindness were employed to induce him to deny the Faith, but when these efforts failed recourse was had to the most cruel torments. He was scourged, and finally cast into a caldron filled with boiling oil, sulphur, and pitch. In this seething mass God preserved him from harm, and by this miracle many spectators were converted to the Faith. Still more enraged thereat, the judge ordered the holy bishop to be thrown into prison and kept there in chains till he died of starvation. But God delivered him, as He had once delivered Saint Peter. One night an angel appeared to him and said: “Erasmus, follow me! Thou shalt convert a great many.” Thus far he had led numbers to the Faith by suffering, now he was to convert multitudes as a missionary.
Delivered from prison by the power of God, he went forth into many lands and preached the Faith. Mighty in word and deed, he wrought many miracles and converted great numbers of heathens. At length he came to Italy, where Emperor Maximin persecuted the Christians as fiercely as did Diocletian in the East. As soon as Maximin heard of Erasmus and the conversions effected by his preaching and miracles, he ordered the slaughter of three hundred of the converts. Erasmus himself was most cruelly tortured, but to no purpose. He remained firm. Then cast into prison, he was again liberated by an angel.
At last the hour of deliverance came to this valiant and apostolic confessor and martyr of Christ. He heard a heavenly voice, saying: “Erasmus, come now to the heavenly city and rest in the place which God has prepared for thee with the holy martyrs and prophets. Enjoy now the fruit of thy labor. By thee I was honored in heaven and on earth.” Erasmus, looking toward heaven, saw a splendid crown, and the apostles and prophets welcoming him. He bowed his head, saying: “Receive, O Lord, the soul of thy servant!” and peacefully breathed forth his spirit on June 2, 308.
The tortures which Saint Erasmus suffered for the Faith seem almost incredible, and the events related of him are truly wonderful. Martyrdom and miracles illustrated the doctrine he preached; he converted multitudes and gained the crown of heaven.
Perhaps you say that in our times there are no longer any martyrs, at least not in civilized countries. Are you quite sure of it? Saint Augustine writes: “Peace also has its martyrs.” It is certainly not easy to suffer torments like the martyrs and to receive finally the death-dealing blow of the sword. But is it not also a martyrdom to suffer for years the pains of a lingering illness? Again, how difficult the combat with the world, the flesh, and the powers of hell! How carefully must we watch and pray to gain the victory! This is our martyrdom. Let us imitate the example of the holy martyrs in bearing the trials and sufferings of life, and we shall receive, as they did, the crown of heaven.
Prayer of the Church
O God, who dost give us joy through the memory of Thy holy martyrs, graciously grant that we may be inflamed by their example, in whose merits we rejoice. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Eustachius, Martyr
At the beginning of the second century, during the reign of Emperor Trajan, there lived in Rome a famous general by the name of Placidus, who was distinguished among his fellow-citizens for his wealth and military prowess. It happened one day, that while following the chase he became separated from his companions, and was pursuing with eagerness a stag of extraordinary size, when suddenly it turned toward him, and he beheld raised aloft between its antlers the image of Jesus Christ suspended on the cross. At the same time our blessed Saviour addressed him in loving words, inviting him henceforth to follow Him by embracing the Christian faith, and to make eternal life in future the object of his pursuit.
Faithful to the grace which he had received, Placidus on his return home communicated the heavenly vision to his wife Tatiana, who informed him that she too had been favored with a heavenly apparition. Together they went immediately to the Pope, related their experience, and after due instruction received Baptism.
At the sacred font Placidus received the name of Eustachius, and his wife was called Theopista, while his sons were baptized by the names of Agapitus and Theopistus.
Upon returning to the spot where he first received the call, Eustachius was favored with another communication from Our Lord, announcing to him that he was destined to endure many and great afflictions for the sake of Christ. It was not long before his faith and patience were put to a severe trial. Stripped of all his possessions and forced to flee from the fury of the persecution, he was reduced to extreme distress, and in the course of his wanderings was by a series of calamitous events separated from his wife and children, of whom he lost all trace. For many years he dwelt in a remote spot, following the occupation of a farm laborer, until he was found by the messengers of the emperor, who was sadly in need of the skill of his former general, because a fierce war had broken out, in which the Romans sustained severe losses.
Being again invested with the command of the imperial troops, Eustachius set out for the seat of war, and achieved a decisive victory. In the course of his march he had the happiness, by a singular providence of God, to recover his wife and children, with whom he returned to Rome. His entrance into the city was attended with great rejoicings, and many were the congratulations which he received on his extraordinary good fortune. But soon afterward a solemn sacrifice of thanksgiving to the pagan deities was proclaimed, in which he was ordered by the emperor to take a part. Upon his refusal, after every effort had been made to shake his constancy, he was condemned to be exposed to the lions in the public amphitheater along with his wife and children. Finally, as the savage animals, laying aside their natural ferocity, refused to injure the confessors of Christ, Eustachius and his family were by order of the emperor enclosed in the body of an immense brazen bull, which was heated by means of a great fire enkindled beneath. The last moments of these heroic martyrs was spent in chanting the divine praises, in the midst of which their happy souls passed to the enjoyment of everlasting bliss. Their bodies, miraculously preserved uninjured, were buried with great devotion by the faithful Christians, and were afterward transferred to a magnificent church erected in their honor.
Hhow inspiring, to see a great man preferring justice, truth, and religion to the favor of the mighty, readily quitting estate, friends, country, and even sacrificing life, rather than consent to do violence to his conscience; and to see him, at the same time, meek, humble, patient in suffering, forgiving sincerely and loving his unjust and treacherous persecutors! Passion and revenge often beget anger and triumph over virtue and integrity. Ambition and the desire of wealth may, for a time, urge men on to brave danger, but finally they reduce them to the most abject slavery, and result in grievous crimes and misery. Religion alone is the source of charity, magnanimity, and true courage. It so enlightens the mind, as to place a man above the vicissitudes of the world; it renders him steadfast and calm in adversity, preserves him from error, teaches him to bear injustice and calumny in a tranquil spirit, and gives him that ineffable peace and joy which springs from the conviction that God’s will is always most just and holy and that He protects, aids, and rewards His servants.
Does religion exert this powerful influence on us? Do we show it in our actions and conduct? Our courage and constancy must be apparent not only when we encounter danger and opposition, but also when our evil propensity urges us to yield to temptations that present sin to us in the guise of pleasure.
Prayer of the Church
O God, who dost permit us to celebrate the remembrance of Thy blessed martyrs, Eustachius and companions, grant us, that we may enjoy their company in eternal bliss. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint George, Martyr
Saint George is honored throughout Christendom as one of the most illustrious martyrs of Jesus Christ. In the reign of the first Christian emperors numerous churches were erected in his honor, and his tomb in Palestine became a celebrated place of pilgrimage. But his history is involved in great obscurity, as no early records of his life and martyrdom are at present in existence. The following are the traditions concerning him which have been handed down to us by the Greek historians, and which are celebrated in verse by that illustrious saint and poet of the eighth century, Saint John Damascene.
Saint George is said to have been born in Cappadocia of noble Christian parents. After the death of his father, he traveled with his mother into Palestine, of which she was a native. There she possessed a considerable estate, which fell to him upon her death. Being strong and robust in body, he embraced the profession of a soldier, and was made a tribune, or colonel, in the army. His courage and fidelity attracted the attention of Emperor Diocletian, who bestowed upon him marks of special favor. When that prince declared war against the Christian religion, Saint George laid aside the signs of his rank, threw up his commission, and rebuked the emperor for the severity of his bloody edicts. He was immediately cast into prison, and alternate threats and promises were employed to induce him to apostatize. As he continued firm, he was put to the torture and tormented with great cruelty. “I despise your promises,” he said to the judge, “and do not fear your threats. The emperor’s power is of short duration, and his reign will soon end. It were better for you, to acknowledge the true God and to seek His kingdom.” Thereupon a great block of stone was placed on the breast of the brave young officer, and thus he was left in prison.
Next day he was bound upon a wheel set with sharp knives, and it was put in motion to cut him to pieces. Whilst suffering this cruel torture, he saw a heavenly vision, which consoled and encouraged him, saying, “George, fear not; I am with thee.” His patience and fortitude under the torments inflicted on him so affected the numerous pagan spectators that many of them were converted to the Faith and suffered martyrdom for it. On the next day, April 23, 303, Saint George was led through the city and beheaded. This took place at Lydda, the city in which, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles (ix.), Saint Peter healed a man sick with the palsy.
Saint George is usually represented as a knight tilting against a dragon; but this is only emblematical of the glorious combat in which he encountered and overthrew the devil, winning for himself thereby a martyr’s crown.
We, too, like Saint George, often have opportunity to confess our faith in Christ. We confess it by patiently bearing adversity, by suppressing our evil inclinations, by suffering injustice without retaliating evil for evil, by using every opportunity of performing deeds of charity, by devoting ourselves unremittingly to our daily duties, by carefully guarding our tongue, etc. Examine yourself whether you have not often denied your Faith, if not in words, through your works.
Prayer of the Church
O God, who dost rejoice us by the merits and intercession of Thy blessed martyr George; graciously grant that we, who through him implore Thee for Thy bounty, may receive thereby the gift of Thy grace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Giles, Hermit and Abbot
Athens, in Greece, was the native city of Saint Giles. He was of noble parentage, and devoted himself from early youth to piety and learning. After the death of his parents he distributed his rich inheritance to the poor, and to escape the applause of men for his charity left his country to bury himself in obscurity.
He sailed for France, and on his arrival there retired to a deserted country near the mouth of the river Rhone. Later he made his abode near the river Gard, and finally buried himself in a forest in the diocese of Nimes. In this solitude he passed many years, living on wild herbs and roots, with water for his drink. It is related that for some time a hind came daily to be milked by him, thus furnishing him additional sustenance. Here he lived, disengaged from earthly cares, conversing only with God, and engaged in the contemplation of heavenly things.
One day the king instituted a great hunt in the forest where Giles lived, and encountered the hind. Giving chase, the royal hunter was led to the saint’s hut, where the panting animal had sought refuge. The king inquired who he was, and was greatly edified at the holiness of his life. The fame of the saintly hermit now spread far and wide, and was much increased by the many miracles wrought through his intercession. The king tried to persuade him to leave his solitude, but prevailed upon him only in so far, that Giles accepted several disciples and founded a monastery in which the rule of Saint Benedict was observed, and of which he was chosen the abbot. He governed his community wisely and well, and at the earnest solicitation of his monks was ordained priest.
The fame of Saint Giles’ sanctity induced the Frankish King, Charles Martel to call him to his court to relieve him of a great trouble of conscience. The saint made the journey, and told the king that he would find relief and comfort only by the sincere confession of a sin which he had hitherto concealed. The king followed his advice, found interior peace and dismissed Giles with many tokens of gratitude. On his homeward journey the saint raised the recently deceased son of a nobleman to life.
After a short stay in his monastery Saint Giles went to Rome, to obtain from the Pope the confirmation of some privileges and the apostolic blessing for his community. The Pope granted his wishes, and presented him, besides, with two grand and beautifully carved doors of cedar wood for his church.
Saint Giles died at a ripe old age on September 1, 725. Many miracles were wrought at his tomb.
Saint Giles left his native country and retired into solitude to escape the notice and applause of the world, and served God as a recluse. To lead such a life, there must be a special call from God. It is not suited to all, and even inconsistent with the duties of most men. But all are capable of disengaging their affections from the inordinate attachment to creatures, and of attaining to a pure and holy love of God. By making the service of God the motive of their thoughts and actions, they will sanctify their whole life.
In whatever conditions of life we may be placed, we have opportunities of subduing our evil inclinations and mortifying ourselves by frequent self-denials, of watching over our hearts and purifying our senses by recollection and prayer. Thus each one, in his station of life, may become a saint, by making his calling an exercise of virtue and his every act a step higher to perfection and eternal glory.
Prayer of the Church
O Lord, we beseech Thee to let us find grace through the intercession of thy blessed confessor Giles; that what we can not obtain through our merits be given us through his intercession. Through Christ our Lord Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Raphael (1483–1520), Sainte Marguerite d'Antioche, 1518, 192 x 122, Kunsthistorisches Museum
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Margaret, Virgin and Martyr
Saint Margaret was the daughter of a pagan priest at Antioch. She lost her mother in infancy and was placed in the care of a nurse in the country, who was a Christian, and whose first care was to have her little charge baptized and to give the child a Christian education. Margaret grew up a modest, pious virgin, and when she returned to her father he was charmed with the grace and virtue of his daughter. He regretted only one thing; she took no part in the worship of the idols. When she told him the reason he was greatly displeased, for she stated that she was a Christian, and that nothing should separate her from the love of Christ.
Her father tried every means to change her mind, and when all his endeavors failed became enraged and drove her forth from his house. Margaret returned to her nurse and became her servant, doing all kinds of menial work, and at the same time perfecting herself in virtue.
About this time Emperor Diocletian began to persecute the Christians. One day Alybrius, the prefect of the city, saw Margaret, and fell in love with her. He sent a messenger to ask her in marriage. The pious virgin was filled with consternation at the proposal and replied to the messenger: “I can not be espoused to your master, because I am the spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am promised to Him, and to Him I wish to belong.” When the prefect heard this, he became furious with rage, and gave orders to have the virgin brought to him by force. When she appeared before him he thus addressed her: “What is your name and condition?” She replied: “I am called Margaret, and belong to a noble family. I adore Christ and serve Him.” The prefect now advised her to abandon the worship of a crucified God. Margaret asked him, “How do you know that we worship a crucified God?” The prefect replied: “From the books of the Christians.” Margaret continued: “Why did you not read further on? The books of the Christians would have told you that the Crucified rose on the third day, and that He ascended into heaven. Is it love of truth to believe in the abasement of Christ and to reject His glorification, when both are related in the selfsame book?”
At this reproof the prefect became angry and ordered the tender virgin to be cruelly scourged, placed on the rack, and torn with iron combs. Then she was cast into prison. There Margaret fervently thanked God for the victory she had achieved and implored His help for the combat yet in store for her. Suddenly there appeared to her the arch-enemy of mankind in the shape of a furious dragon, threatening to swallow her. The brave virgin feared him not, but made the sign of the cross, and the monster vanished. Then her desolate prison cell became suffused with heavenly light, and her heart was filled with divine consolation. At the same time her terrible wounds were suddenly healed, and not the least scar was left.
Next day Margaret was again brought before the prefect. Surprised at her complete recovery from the effects of his cruelty, he remarked that no doubt it was due to the power of the pagan gods, and exhorted her to show her gratitude to them by sacrificing to the idols. Margaret maintained that she had been healed by the power of Christ alone and declared that she despised the heathen gods. At this, the rage of Alybrius knew no bounds. He ordered lighted torches to be applied to Margaret’s body, and then had her cast into icy water to intensify her torture. But scarcely had this been done when a violent earthquake occurred. Her bonds were severed and she rose unscathed from the water, without a mark of the burns caused by the flaming torches. On witnessing this miracle, a great number of spectators were converted to the Faith.
Finally the prefect ordered Margaret to be beheaded. Her glorious martyrdom and death occurred about the year 275.
The history of the virgin martyr Saint Margaret teaches us that we can and ought to serve God even in youth. In the Old Law God commanded all the first-born and the first-fruits to be offered to Him. “Thou shalt not delay to pay thy tithes and first-fruits. Thou shalt give the first-born of thy sons to Me” (Ex. xxii. 29).
Certainly our whole life ought to be dedicated to the service of God; but from the above command we are to understand that God especially desires our service during the early years of our life. They are our first-fruits. Saint Augustine calls the years of youth the blossoms, the most beautiful flowers of life, and Saint Thomas Aquinas writes: “What the young give to God in their early years, they give of the bloom, of the full vigor and beauty of life.”
Youth is the age beset with countless temptations. Safety is found only in the service of God, by obedience, humility, and docility. This is not so difficult as it appears, and Our Lord Himself invites you to His service, saying: “My son, give Me thy heart” (Proverbs 23:26), and, “Taste and see that the Lord is sweet” (Psalm 33:9).
Prayer of the Church
We beseech Thee, O Lord, grant us Thy favor through the intercession of Thy blessed virgin and martyr Margaret, who pleased Thee by the merit of her purity and by the confession of Thy might. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Pantaleon, Physician and Martyr
Saint Pantaleon was physician to Emperor Maximin and a Christian, but he fell through a temptation which is sometimes more dangerous than the most severe trials by the fiercest torments. This temptation was the bad example of the impious, idolatrous courtiers with whom the young physician associated. He was seduced by them and abandoned the Faith. But the grace of God called him, and he obeyed.
Hermolaus, a zealous priest, by prudent exhortation awakened Pantaleon’s conscience to a sense of his guilt, and brought him back into the fold of the Church. Henceforth he devoted himself ardently to the advancement of the spiritual and temporal welfare of his fellow-citizens. First of all he sought to convert his father, who was still a heathen, and had the consolation to see him die a Christian. He divided the ample fortune which he inherited amongst the poor and the sick. As a physician, he was intent on healing his patients both by physical and by spiritual means. Christians he confirmed in the practice and confession of the Faith, and the heathens he sought to convert. Many suffering from incurable diseases were restored to health by his prayer and the invocation of the holy name of Jesus. His presence was everywhere fraught with blessings and consolation.
Saint Pantaleon yearned to prove his fidelity to the Faith by shedding his blood for it, and the opportunity came to him when his heathen associates in the healing art denounced him to the emperor as a zealous propagator of Christianity. He was brought up before the emperor’s tribunal and ordered to sacrifice to the idols. He replied: “The God whom I adore is Jesus Christ. He created heaven and earth, He raised the dead to life, made the blind see and healed the sick, all through the power of His word. Your idols are dead, they can not do anything. Order a sick person to be brought here, one declared incurable. Your priests shall invoke their idols for him and I shall call on the only true God, and we shall see who is able to help him.” The proposal was accepted. A man sick with the palsy was brought, who could neither walk nor stand without help. The heathen priests prayed for him, but in vain. Then Pantaleon prayed, took the sick man by the hand, and said: “In the name of Jesus, the Son of God, I command thee to rise and be well.” And the palsied man rose, restored to perfect health.
By this miracle a great number of those present were converted. But the emperor and the idolatrous priests were all the more enraged. Maximin now attempted to gain Pantaleon by blandishments and promises to deny the Faith, but without success. Then he had recourse to threats, and as they too availed nothing, he proceeded to have them put into execution. The brave confessor of the Faith was tortured in every conceivable manner. Finally he was nailed to a tree, and then beheaded. The priest Hermolaus and the brothers Hermippos and Hermocrates suffered death with him, in the year 308.
Happy are they who, whatever may be their station or calling in life, are intent on bringing those with whom they come into contact under the influence of religion. But, alas, too many do just the reverse. They permit themselves to be led astray by bad example, and set aside the claims of the Church as too severe and exacting. How do you act in this regard? Do you shun the company of the wicked? A proverb says: “Tell me in whose company you are found, and I will tell you who you are.” Bad company insensibly undermines faith and morals, overcomes the fear of evil and the aversion to it and weakens the will. “He that loveth danger shall perish in it” (Ecclus. iii. 27).
As soon as Saint Pantaleon came to a sense of his apostasy, he repented and returned to the practice of the Faith. He did this despite the knowledge that he thereby incurred hatred and persecution. The true Christian will ever follow the dictates of conscience and please God, whether he thereby incur the displeasure of men or not. If, to please men, we become remiss in the service of God, we show that we fear and love Him less than men. What a lamentable folly! Of whom have we to expect greater benefits or to fear greater evils—from God or man? Do not act thus unwisely; rather imitate Saint Pantaleon, and live for God and His service.
Prayer of the Church
Almighty God, grant us through the intercession of Thy blessed martyr Pantaleon to be delivered and preserved from all ills of the body, and from evil thoughts and influences in spirit. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers – Saint Vitus, Martyr
Saint Vitus belonged to a noble pagan family of Sicily, and was born about the year 291, at Mazurra. His father, Hylas, placed him in early childhood in charge of a Christian couple named Modestus and Crescentia, who raised him in the Christian faith, and had him baptized. He grew in years and in virtue, till, at the age of twelve, he was claimed by his father, who, to his great anger, found him a fervent Christian. Convinced, after many unsuccessful attempts, that stripes and other chastisements would not induce him to renounce the Faith, his father delivered the brave boy up to Valerian, the governor, who in vain employed every artifice to shake his constancy. Finally he commanded Vitus to be scourged, but when two soldiers were about to execute this order their hands and those of Valerian were suddenly lamed. The governor ascribed this to sorcery, yet he invoked Vitus’ help, and behold, when the Christian boy made the sign of the cross over the lamed members, they were healed. Then Valerian sent him back to his father, telling him to leave no means untried to induce his son to sacrifice to the idols.
Hylas now tried blandishments, pleasures, and amusements to influence the brave boy. He even sent a corrupt woman to tempt him, and for that purpose locked them both together in one room. But Vitus, who had remained firm amid tortures, resisted also the allurements of sensuality. Closing his eyes, he knelt in prayer, and behold, an angel appeared, filling the room with heavenly splendor, and stood at the youth’s side. Terrified, the woman fled. But even this miracle did not change the obstinate father.
Finally Vitus escaped, and with Modestus and Crescentia fled to Italy. They landed safe in Naples, and there proclaimed Christ wherever they had an opportunity. Their fervor and many miracles which they wrought attracted the attention of Emperor Diocletian to them. He ordered them to be brought before his tribunal, which being done, he at first treated them kindly, employing blandishments and making promises to induce them to renounce Christ. When this had no effect, they were cruelly tormented, but with no other result than confirming them in their constancy. Enraged, the emperor condemned them to be thrown to the wild beasts. But the lions and tigers forgot their ferocity and cowered at their feet. Now Diocletian, whose fury knew no bounds, ordered them to be cast into a caldron of molten lead and boiling pitch. They prayed, “O God, deliver us through the power of Thy name!” and behold, they remained unharmed. Then the emperor condemned them to the rack, on which they expired, in the year 303.
The heroic spirit of martyrdom exhibited by Saint Vitus was owing to the early impressions of piety which he received through the teaching and example of his virtuous foster-parents. The choice of teachers, nurses, and servants who have the care of children is of the greatest importance on account of the influence they exert on them. The pagan Romans were most solicitous that no slave whose speech was not perfectly elegant and graceful should have access to children. Shall a Christian be less careful as to their virtue? It is a fatal mistake to imagine that children are too young to be infected with the contagion of vice. No age is more impressionable than childhood; no one observes more closely than the young, and nothing is so easily acquired by them as a spirit of vanity, pride, revenge, obstinacy, sloth, etc., and nothing is harder to overcome. What a happiness for a child to be formed to virtue from infancy, and to be instilled from a tender age with the spirit of piety, simplicity, meekness, and mercy! Such a foundation being well laid, the soul will easily, and sometimes without experiencing severe conflicts, rise to the height of Christian perfection.
Prayer of the Church
We beseech Thee, O Lord, to graciously grant us through the intercession of Thy blessed martyrs Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, that we may not proudly exalt ourselves, but serve Thee in humility and simplicity, so as to avoid evil and to do right for Thy sake. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from Legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Father Bonaventure Hammer, 1908
The Litany of the Fourteen Holy Helpers
For Private Devotion.
St. Joseph, helper in all needs, etc.
Let us Pray.
ALMIGHTY and eternal God, Who hast bestowed extraordinary graces and gifts on Thy Saints George, Blase, Erasmus, Pantaleon, Vitus, Christophorus, Dionysius, Cyriacus, Eustachius, Achatius, Giles, Margaret, Catherine, and Barbara, and hast illustrated them by miracles; we beseech Thee to graciously hear the petitions of all who invoke their intercession. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God, who didst miraculously fortify the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the confession of the Faith; grant us, we beseech Thee, to imitate their fortitude in overcoming all temptations against it, and protect us through their irttercession in all dangers of soul and body, so that we may serve Thee in purity of heart and chastity of body. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fourteen Holy Helpers, select friends of God, I honor thee as mighty intercessors, and come with filial confidence to thee in my needs, for the relief of which I have undertaken to make this novena. Help me by thy intercession to placate God's wrath, which I have provoked by my sins, and aid me in amending my life and doing penance. Obtain for me the grace to serve God with a willing heart, to be resigned to His holy will, to be patient in adversity and to persevere unto the end, so that, having finished my earthly course, I may join thee in Heaven, there to praise for ever God, Who is wonderful in His Saints. Amen.
AMONG THE SAINTS/MARTYRS who in Catholic devotion are invoked with special confidence, because they have proved themselves efficacious helpers in adversity and difficulties, there is a group venerated under the collective name of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, although many of them have a devoted following as individual Saints:
These Saints are invoked as a group, apart from individual patronage, because of the epidemic called the "Black Plague," which devastated Europe between 1346-1349. Among its symptoms were a turning black of the tongue, parching of the throat, violent headache, fever and boils on the abdomen. The malady attacked its victims without warning, robbed them of reason and killed them within a few hours, and many died without the last Sacraments. fear caused many attacks and disrupted social and family ties. To all appearances the disease was incurable.
During this affliction, the pious turned toward Heaven, having recourse to the Saints, praying to be spared or cured. Among the Saints invoked were these 14 who already had patronage over certain illnesses or tragedies:
St. Christopher and St. Giles, plagues, St. Denis, headaches, St. Blaise, ills of the throat [although St. Ignatius of Antioch is also a patron of those with sore throats], St. Elmo, patron of abdominal maladies [and one of the several Saints having patronage over childbirth, which is not an illness, of course, as well as patron of sailors], St. Barbara, against fever, St. Vitus, [with St. Dymphna, against epilepsy], St. Pantaleon, patron of physicians, St. Cyriacus, recourse in time of temptations, especially at the hour of death; Sts. Christopher, Barbara, and Catherine were appealed to for protection against a sudden, unprovided death; the aid of St. Giles was implored for making a good confession; St. Eustace, patron of all kinds of difficulties, especially family troubles. Domestic animals were also attacked by the plague: Sts. George, Erasmus, Pantaleon and Vitus were invoked for their protection. St. Margaret of Antioch is the patron of safe childbirth deliveries [along with St.Gerard Majella and Raymond Nonnantus]. As devotion spread, Pope Nicholas V in the 16th century attached indulgences to devotion of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, which are no longer attached under the modern norms and grants, although their cultus is still efficacious and to be promoted.
TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS, 1995; with Imprimatur, Imprimi Potest and Nihil Obstat.
against headaches
against ills of the throat
against sudden death
against temptations, especially at time of death
against headaches
against family trouble
for protection of domestic animals
for safe childbirth
As devotion spread, Pope Nicholas V attached indulgences to devotion of the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the 16th century, but these are no longer attached under the modern norms and grants.
The Litany of the Fourteen Holy Helpers
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