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Bienheureuse EDVIGE CARBONI, laïque et mystique


Bienheureuse Edvige Carboni

Laïque mystique italienne (+ 1952)

décret du 7 novembre 2018, en italien reconnaissant le miracle attribué à  la laïque italienne Edvige Carboni.

- le 4 mai 2017, promulgation de plusieurs décrets dont la reconnaissance des vertus héroïques de la laïque italienne Edvige Carboni (1880-1952); née le 2 mai 1880 à Pozzomaggiore en Sardaigne et morte le 17 février 1952 à Rome.

Mystique connue pour ses extases et ses stigmates, elle eut de nombreuses visions du Christ et des saints.

Elle menait une vie de charité, aidant les pauvres, rendant visite aux malades, priant et souffrant pour la conversion des pêcheurs...

En italien

- site officiel de la servante de Dieu Edvige Carboni

- la dépouille d'Edvige Carboni repose dans la basilique pontificale Madonna delle Grazie e S. Maria Goretti di Nettuno.

« une simple femme du peuple qui dans l’humble vie quotidienne a embrassé la Croix, en donnant un témoignage de foi et de charité »

Pape François

SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/13197/Bienheureuse-Edvige-Carboni.html

Italie : bienheureuse Edvige Carboni, une vie ordinaire mais extraordinaire

Homélie du card. Becciu à la messe de béatification (Traduction intégrale)


Edvige Carboni « a vécu pendant de longues années une vie ordinaire, apparemment semblable à celle de nombreux laïcs, mais extraordinaire par son intimité avec Dieu, son union avec lui » : c’est ainsi le cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, préfet de la Congrégation pour les causes des saints, a présenté la nouvelle « Bienheureuse » sarde en célébrant sa messe de béatification le 15 juin 2019, à l’Hippodrome de Pozzomaggiore (Province de Sassari).

Les « points forts » de sa vie chrétienne étaient « la contemplation constante du Seigneur crucifié et l’adoration de l’Eucharistie », a-t-il souligné. « C’est seulement en embrassant la croix que l’on a la plénitude de la vie et que l’on est capable de rayonner de lumière, d’espérance et de réconfort ».

Avec une « force intérieure » et une « foi inébranlable », a déclaré le cardinal, elle était « poussée par une incessante charité envers les autres, surtout les plus faibles et les plus démunis. Amie des pauvres et des personnes marginalisées, elle avait des paroles de consolation pour tous ». Et le cardinal sarde de conclure : Edwige Carboni « est un modèle encore actuel, parce qu’elle montre que même dans une vie simple et ordinaire, il est possible de faire l’expérience d’une communion solide avec Dieu et d’un apostolat caractérisé par la passion pour l’humanité blessée et défavorisée ».

Voici notre traduction de l’homélie du cardinal Becciu.


Homélie du cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Chers frères et soeurs,

Nous venons d’entendre la page d’Évangile dans laquelle saint Jean rapporte les paroles de Jésus adressées aux apôtres à la veille de sa passion et de sa mort sur la croix. Il parle de lui-même et dit : « Moi, je suis la vigne, et vous, les sarments. Celui qui demeure en moi et en qui je demeure, celui-là porte beaucoup de fruit, car, en dehors de moi, vous ne pouvez rien faire » (Jn 15,5).

L’invitation est claire : nous sommes tous appelés par le Père, qui est le vigneron, à porter du fruit en restant unis au Christ, comme les sarments portent du fruit en restant unis à la vigne. Dans ces paroles, nous trouvons le secret de l’efficacité de notre témoignage chrétien et de notre apostolat : nous produirons de bons fruits si nous accueillons la parole de Jésus et si nous nous efforçons de vivre en communion avec lui, véritable sève vitale.

À cette source divine inépuisable, beaucoup de fils et de filles de cette terre de Sardaigne ont copieusement puisé et c’est vers eux que se tourne notre pensée aujourd’hui : ce sont des martyrs, des saints, des bienheureux et des vénérables qui, par leur témoignage chrétien héroïque, ont fécondé notre chère île. Leur exemple et leur enseignement constituent un patrimoine spirituel et culturel d’une valeur inestimable, à conserver, à valoriser et à imiter pour accomplir pleinement notre vocation et notre mission chrétienne.

Nous avons aujourd’hui la joie d’associer la Bienheureuse Edvige Carboni à cette foule admirable de croyants qui ont atteint le sommet de la sainteté. Et je suis particulièrement heureux de me trouver ici, en tant que représentant du Saint-Père François, pour proclamer Bienheureuse une fille de la Sardaigne, dans le lieu précis où elle est née. À Pozzomaggiore, elle a vécu pendant de longues années une vie ordinaire, apparemment semblable à celle de nombreux laïcs, mais extraordinaire par son intimité avec Dieu, son union avec lui, jusqu’à parvenir à s’identifier à Jésus, à l’union parfaite et transformante en lui, époux des âmes. Elle est aujourd’hui inscrite au Livre de la Vie, afin que tout le peuple de Dieu puisse devenir toujours plus témoin courageux de la vérité de l’Évangile. La reconnaissance de la sainteté de vie d’une fille de cette terre est certainement un grand motif d’orgueil, mais c’est aussi la démonstration des profondes racines chrétiennes qui ont toujours inspiré les valeurs humaines les plus élevées de notre peuple.

L’Église qui est en Sardaigne est appelée par les circonstances actuelles à servir la renaissance de nos villes et de nos pays, en mobilisant les énergies que le Seigneur lui renouvelle constamment, pour être inlassablement active au service du bien, en particulier de ceux qui sont en marge de la société. C’est justement dans cette perspective qu’a œuvré la bienheureuse Edvige Carboni, poussée par une incessante charité envers les autres, surtout les plus faibles et les plus démunis. Amie des pauvres et des personnes marginalisées, elle avait des paroles de consolation pour tous ; elle aimait répéter : « Il faut toujours donner réconfort et espérance ». Pendant son séjour à Rome, elle avait l’habitude d’envoyer des paquets-cadeaux aux familles indigentes de son pays et elle était en outre tendue de tout son être vers le bien spirituel et matériel des personnes qu’elle rencontrait. Aucune catégorie de pauvres n’était exclue de son coeur et de ses expressions caritatives : elle était engagée à soutenir, comprendre et aider aussi ceux qui ne la comprenaient pas et qui s’opposaient à elle. On est frappé par sa force intérieure et par la foi inébranlable avec laquelle, d’abord dans son pays et ensuite dans les villes du Latium à la suite de sa soeur, la nouvelle Bienheureuse a vécu une existence au service de ses proches et au milieu des occupations domestiques ordinaires, auxquelles s’ajoutait une activité exemplaire dans la paroisse et un fervent apostolat de la charité.

Si nous nous demandons quels sont les points forts de la vie chrétienne de notre soeur et qui font d’elles un exemple d’offrande de soi accueillante, dans une abnégation humble et joyeuse, nous dirons qu’il y en a essentiellement deux : la contemplation constante du Seigneur crucifié et l’adoration de l’Eucharistie.

La contemplation de l’Amour crucifié est, pour Edvige, source de vie. Il ne pouvait pas ne pas en être ainsi. S’arrêter devant la croix signifie se laisser envelopper par l’amour infini de Dieu auquel on ne peut répondre que par le don total de soi et en ayant Jésus comme unique paramètre de mesure. C’est seulement en embrassant la croix que l’on a la plénitude de la vie et que l’on est capable de rayonner de lumière, d’espérance et de réconfort.

Cette spiritualité passioniste et de la Croix a soutenu Edvige dans les fatigues de ses journées quotidiennes et dans les incompréhensions au sein de sa famille et en dehors : elle pouvait ainsi tout inscrire dans l’image du Christ refusé, calomnié et méprisé. Elle priait et faisait prier le Crucifié : s’adresser à la Sainte Croix, répétait-elle souvent, « t’enlève toute amertume ». Sa réponse à l’amour du Seigneur l’a intensément engagée pendant toute sa vie, animée par le désir d’apporter à Dieu toute l’humanité, en commençant par les pécheurs. À cet égard elle écrivait : « Je voudrais mourir brûlée d’amour pour toi, Jésus. Si j’étais un ange, je prendrais une trompette, je ferais le tour de l’océan et je crierais à tous les êtres humains : aimez Jésus, aimez-le, le bon Jésus. Souvenez-vous qu’il est mort sur la croix pour nous sauver, misérables pécheurs » (Positio, Documenta et Testimonia scripta integrativa, pp. 118-119).

La bienheureuse Edvige a partagé la passion du Christ avec des tons d’une intensité particulière, y compris dans son corps, sur un chemin de conformation au Christ souffrant et crucifié. Malgré l’abondance des charismes que Dieu lui a accordés, elle fut toujours modeste. Les dons surnaturels n’étaient pas pour elle un motif pour se vanter : elle se considérait comme une petite créature, mais ayant grandement bénéficié de la grâce divine. Les témoins affirment que ce qui frappait surtout chez cette femme simple et spirituellement fervente, c’était sa grande humilité.

Elle a pu avoir un coeur humble et rempli de charité parce que la prière pendant de longues heures faisait disparaître toute trace d’aridité et de paresse spirituelle. Son dialogue constant avec le Seigneur a atteint des moments de grande intensité, surtout dans l’adoration eucharistique. La prière d’Edvige était simple et efficace, parce que soutenue par une grande confiance en Dieu et protégée par le silence et le recueillement, pratiqués pendant ses haltes prolongées et quotidiennes dans l’église. Par l’oraison, Edvige effectuait des actes de réparation en faveur de ceux qui étaient dans les ténèbres du péché et elle implorait la miséricorde divine sur ceux qui s’obstinaient à ne pas se laisser rejoindre par la grâce. Elle vivait et transmettait sa foi avec ardeur, par son exemple et par l’enseignement catéchétique, qu’elle commença à apprendre dès son plus jeune âge. Dans sa vie quotidienne à la maison, elle offrait tout pour la gloire de Dieu et pour l’Église !

Humble et forte, généreuse et patiente, travailleuse et fière, la bienheureuse Edvige incarne les plus belles vertus de la femme sarde de cette époque. Et pourtant, de son vécu humain et chrétien, émergent des aspects qui rendent son témoignage plus actuel que jamais : Edvige est une référence efficace pour les femmes d’aujourd’hui, de tous âges et de toutes extractions sociales. Son expérience spirituelle simple et profonde, marquée par une charité sans limites, une humilité sans mesure et une prière incessante, est un modèle encore actuel, parce qu’elle montre que même dans une vie simple et ordinaire, il est possible de faire l’expérience d’une communion solide avec Dieu et d’un apostolat caractérisé par la passion pour l’humanité blessée et défavorisée.

En somme, la vie d’Edvige était plongée en Dieu, dont la présence transparaissait dans sa petitesse évangélique et dans son humilité. Son point fixe était le paradis où elle espérait arriver en expérimentant, dans l’épreuve, le secours de la miséricorde du Seigneur.

Elle a totalement vécu son don de soi au Seigneur, lui faisant confiance pour parvenir à « une grande sainteté », comme elle l’a souvent écrit dans son journal. Ses vertus brillèrent ici, en Sardaigne, et ensuite dans le Latium et à Rome, édifiant ceux qui l’ont connue de près. Maintenant, c’est à nous tous, surtout à vous, chères soeurs dans le Christ, qu’il revient de garder allumée cette flamme, en gardant et en donnant une impulsion à l’héritage spirituelle de cette figure singulière de femme, disciple du Seigneur.

Nous nous tournons vers elle en l’invoquant : Bienheureuse Edvige Carboni, prie pour nous !

© Traduction de Zenit, Hélène Ginabat

SOURCE : https://fr.zenit.org/2019/06/17/italie-bienheureuse-edvige-carboni-une-vie-ordinaire-mais-extraordinaire/

La bienheureuse Edvige Carboni

le mercredi, 01 mai 2019. Dans Apparitions

Laïque et mystique italienne

Le 15 juin 2019 aura lieu à Sassari, sur l’île de Sardaigne, en Italie, la béatification d’Edvige Carboni (1880-1952), laïque et mystique italienne. Elle avait été déclarée vénérable le 4 mai 2017 par le pape François qui, un an plus tard, le 7 novembre 2018, reconnaissait comme authentique une guérison inexplicable attribuée à l'intercession d'Edvige Carboni, rendant ainsi possible sa béatification.

Edvige Carboni était un mystique extraordinaire. Elle a passé sa vie entre le naturel et le surnaturel; entre l'humain et le divin. Son interaction avec le monde surnaturel était un événement presque quotidien. Jésus, Marie et les saints lui sont apparus constamment. Elle a également reçu les stigmates et eu de nombreux autres dons spirituels tels qu'extases, bilocation, lévitation, lecture de cœur, discernement des esprits et visites fréquentes d'âmes du purgatoire.

Edvige était une femme laïque qui vivait avec sa famille et a passé les dernières années de sa vie avec sa sœur Paulina à Rome. Elle a vécu une vie de charité en aidant les nécessiteux, en rendant visite aux malades, en priant et en souffrant pour la conversion des pécheurs et les âmes du Purgatoire.

Son enfance et sa jeunesse

Edvige est né le 2 mai 1880 à Pozzomaggiore sur l’ïle de Sardaigne, en Italie. Elle était la deuxième plus âgée des six frères et sœurs de la famille Carboni. Le jour de sa naissance, quelque chose d'extraordinaire s'est passé. Sa mère lui a dit que le jour de sa naissance, elle avait vu une hostie lumineuse dans un ostensoir. À cause de cela, sa mère très malade lui disait: «Si je meurs, tu dois recevoir la Sainte Communion tous les jours et tu dois être très bonne, parce que Jésus, quelques instants après ta naissance, m'a montré une hostie, comme je te l'ai dit.»

Un autre événement important survenu lors de sa naissance est qu'une croix faite de sa propre chair s'est formée sur sa poitrine, comme si Jésus l'avait prédestinée à être son épouse. Elle a été baptisée deux jours après sa naissance. Elle a été confirmée à l'âge de quatre ans et a fait vœu de virginité à l'âge de cinq ans. Dans la maison de sa grand-mère se trouvait une réplique du tableau de Raphaël représentant la Vierge Marie avec l'enfant Jésus dans ses bras. Quand Edvige était seule, elle montait sur une chaise et disait à la Vierge Marie: "'Ma mère, je t'aime. Donne-moi ton enfant pour que je puisse jouer avec lui''.' Elle m'a souvent laissé jouer avec lui. Jésus était si bon avec moi.

Chaque après-midi, sa mère l'emmenait faire une visite au Saint-Sacrement et Edvige renouvelait son voeu de virginité par une prière que Jésus lui avait enseignée lors de leurs jeux: «Mon Dieu, je fais voeu de chasteté perpétuelle, je te consacre ma virginité.»

Elle a seulement fini sa troisième année scolaire. Comme sa mère était très malade, elle envoyait Edvige faire les courses le soir. Edvige obéissait toujours à ses parents mais avait peur de marcher seule tard dans la nuit. Une fois, elle a vu son ange gardien qui lui a dit: «N'aie pas peur. Je suis avec toi et je t’accompagne. » Elle a dit que l'ange l'attendait à l'extérieur du magasin, puis l'a raccompagnait chez elle et puis disparaissait.

Elle apprit à faire du travail de broderie pour pouvoir vendre ce qu'elle avait brodé et apporter de l'argent à la maison. À l'âge de onze ans, elle fait sa première communion. À cette occasion, Jésus lui a demandé: «M'aimes-tu?» Et elle a répondu: «Oui, beaucoup.» Après cela, elle priait constamment.

Une fois, lorsqu'elle priait avec ferveur, elle vit un jeune prêtre qui lui sourit et lui dit: «Me connais-tu?» «Non» répondit-elle. «Je suis saint Louis de Gonzague. Je suis venu te dire que je t’aime beaucoup et que tu devrais toujours aimer Jésus.» Edvige déclara que saint Louis de Gonzague lui apparut plusieurs fois pour lui apprendre à prier.

À l'âge de quinze ans, Edvige voulait devenir religieuse, mais sa mère ne la laissa pas faire. Elle accepta cela comme étant la Volonté de Dieu. La même année, sa soeur Paulina est née. Jusque-là, Edvige n'avait que des frères. Elle devait donc aider sa mère à faire le ménage et s'occuper de sa grand-mère malade. Après l'âge de seize ans, les apparitions de Jésus, de Marie, des saints et des anges sont devenues plus fréquentes.

Âme victime pour la conversion des communistes

Jésus avait choisi Edvige pour être une âme victime et elle s’est offerte généreusement pour le salut des autres. Jésus lui a demandé beaucoup de prières et de sacrifices parce que beaucoup d'âmes étaient en danger de damnation éternelle. Edvige écrivait dans son journal le 25 mai 1941: «Pendant que je priais devant le Saint-Sacrement, je suis entrée en extase et j'ai vu Jésus sur la croix qui saignait de chaque blessure. Le sang tombait sur le sol. J'ai vu des anges tenant des calices d'or sous les plaies. Les calices se remplirent rapidement et bientôt le sang retomba à nouveau sur le sol. Jésus pleurait. Je lui ai dit: «Pourquoi pleures-tu?» Il a répondu: «Ma fille, je pleure parce que le sang que j'ai versé au cours de Ma Passion est gaspillé sans porter de fruits.»

À une autre occasion, elle écrit: «Après la sainte communion, j'ai vu trois croix. Jésus était sur celui du milieu, les deux autres étaient vides. Alors saint Jean Bosco est venu vers moi et m'a dit:

«Ma fille, Jésus m'a confié la tâche de trouver des âmes victimes pour réparer pour tant d’offenses qu'il reçoit constamment, surtout à cause des modes indécentes, et pour obtenir la paix entre les nations. Ma fille, après avoir cherché pendant un moment, je t'ai trouvée, toi et Gracia. Ces deux croix seront une pour vous et une pour elle» (Journal, 12 juin 1941).

Gracia était l'une des amis proches d'Edvige qui, à l'âge de 33 ans, s'est consacrée à Jésus et s'est offerte comme âme victime pour obtenir la paix pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Jésus a demandé à Edvige de s'offrir comme victime, spécialement pour les communistes. Elle écrit: «Je rêvais que la Vierge Marie me disait: " Ma fille, promets-moi de supporter toutes les tribulations, le rejet, le mépris et les souffrances pour la conversion des communistes."»

Un jour, la bienheureuse Gabriela Sagheddu, une religieuse trappiste qui s'était offerte comme victime afin que l'Église anglicane se réunisse avec l’Église catholique, apparut à Edvige et lui dit: «Offrez-vous comme victimes afin que les communistes puissent revenir à l'Église mère.»

En juin 1941, elle écrivait dans son journal: «Pendant que je priais, je suis entrée en extase. Saint Jean Bosco est apparu et m'a dit: “Ma petite fille, souviens-toi que tu t'es offerte comme victime pour la libération des pauvres Russes du bolchévisme, ennemi juré de Dieu. Prie pour que bientôt le crucifié puisse entrer en Russie.”»

Les stigmates du Christ

Edvige écrit comment elle avait reçu les stigmates dans son journal le 16 novembre 1938:

«Un jour, alors que je priais, je suis entrée en extase, Jésus est apparu et m'a dit: “Ma fille, veux-tu souffrir?” J'ai répondu: “Oui. Pour l'amour de toi, je veux souffrir.”

«Puis il m’apparut sur le crucifix, de ses blessures jaillirent des rayons de lumière et ces rayons m’atteignirent me blessant les mains, les pieds, la tête et les côtés. J'ai ressenti une douleur dans toutes les parties blessées et je suis restée sur le sol pendant plusieurs heures. Quand je me suis réveillée, j'ai vu que du sang coulait de mes blessures et j'ai ressenti une grande douleur. Depuis ce jour, j'ai commencé à méditer sur la Passion matin et soir.»

Elle a également reçu la couronne d'épines et la transverbération, la blessure à son cœur. Ce phénomène est arrivé à de nombreux autres mystiques tels que Padre Pio et Sainte Thérèse d’Avila. Edvige a écrit: «Je priais pour le bon Jésus, et tout à coup un ange est apparu et a blessé mon cœur. Je sens toujours cette blessure maintenant. C'est une blessure qui me brûle d'amour pour Jésus.»

Flora Argenti a témoigné qu'elle avait vu la peau du cœur d'Edvige brûlée et boursouflée et qu'une chaleur intense se faisait sentir. Elle avait des chemises de nuit avec des marques de brûlures autour de son cœur.

Sa piété et ses vertus

Edvige a vécu une vie de pénitence et de charité. Elle n'a pas accompli de grands actes de pénitence comme les autres saints mais elle a patiemment accepté l’inconfort, les souffrances et la persécution de la part de personnes qui la considéraient comme une folle ou une voyante. Elle jeûnait souvent et ne mangeait en général qu'un morceau de pain au petit-déjeuner et au souper.

Tout au long de sa vie, Edvige a dû s'occuper de sa mère, de sa tante, de sa grand-mère, de son père et enfin de sa soeur Paulina. Elle l'a toujours fait avec amour et patience. Elle a particulièrement aimé les pauvres. Si quelqu'un de pauvre frappait à la porte pendant qu'elle mangeait, elle leur donnait toute sa nourriture. Edvige disait: «Les pauvres sont mes plus chers amis. Je donnerais tout pour eux, boucles d'oreilles, bagues… Je les aime parce que Jésus les aime… Au Ciel, nous verrons tout le bien fait aux pauvres. Ils nous ouvriront les portes du ciel.»


Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, Edvige se rendait fréquemment en bilocation sur le champ de bataille, puis elle rapportait des informations sur des soldats disparus ou morts.

Paulina se souvient qu'Edvige avait été emmenée deux fois rendre visite au cardinal Mindzenty en prison et qu'elle lui avait parlé et à Jésus. (Le cardinal Mindzenty a également reçu des visites de Padre Pio en bilocation pendant son emprisonnement.)

Edvige se rendit également à Moscou en bilocation et entra dans la chambre de Staline au Kremlin. Elle le vit bouger son poing en disant: «Je suis le puissant et terrible ennemi de Dieu.»

Edvige a déclaré que Staline avait un regard si vilain que vous en aviez peur. Vitalia se souvient: «Un jour, j'étais chez Edvige et Paulina. Nous avons vu Edvige en prière profonde et l'avons entendue dire: “Vous devez vous convertir. Mais si vous voulez être l'ennemi éternel de Dieu, vous le serez.” Quand elle est sortie de l'extase, sa sœur lui a demandé à qui elle parlait et elle a répondu qu'elle était allée dans la chambre de Staline à Moscou… à son invitation à se convertir, il avait répondu: “Je ne me convertirai jamais. Je serai l'ennemi de Dieu pour toujours.”»

Communions surnaturelles

Plusieurs fois au cours de sa vie, Edvige a reçu la Sainte Communion de Jésus lui-même ou d'un saint. Son amie Vitalia raconte qu'elle avait trouvé Edvige en prière à plusieurs reprises, avec une hostie sur sa langue, sans pouvoir expliquer comment cela s'était passé. Paulina a déclaré qu'un matin, en se réveillant, elle avait trouvé Edvige en extase avec une hostie sur sa langue. Elle lui a ensuite posé des questions à ce sujet et Edvige lui a dit que saint Paul de la Croix et deux autres passionistes (dont saint Gabriel de l’Addolorata) étaient venus la lui donner. D'autres fois, elle a reçu la communion de saint Jean Bosco, de saint Dominique Savio, de saint Vincent Strambi et d'autres.

L'Ange gardien d'Edvige était son ami fidèle et l'a aidée dans tous ses besoins. Soeur Teresa Josefina Azzena a dit: «Mon oncle m'a fait lire des lettres qui semblaient avoir été écrites par des personnes très instruites, alors qu'Edvige n'était pas scolarisée. Ces lettres avaient été dictées par son ange gardien. Certaines d'entre elles ont été écrites en latin, une langue qu'Edvige ne connaissait pas.»

Son amour pour Marie et le chapelet

Depuis l'âge de cinq ans, Edvige a vu la Vierge Marie prendre vie sur un tableau chez sa grand-mère. Tout au long de sa vie, la Vierge Marie lui est apparue maintes fois en lui disant d'aimer Jésus, de lui offrir des souffrances et de réciter le chapelet pour les pécheurs.

Elle écrivait dans son journal de mars 1942: «La Vierge Marie m'est apparue les larmes aux yeux. Je me suis approchée d'elle et j'ai dit: “Pourquoi pleurez-vous?” “Je pleure parce que je ne peux pas apaiser la colère de mon Fils contre la race humaine. Si les hommes ne font pas pénitence, la guerre ne se terminera pas et beaucoup de sang sera versé. Ma fille, les modes impudiques et la malhonnêteté ont mis Dieu en colère. Priez et faites pénitence. Priez fréquemment le chapelet. C'est la seule arme puissante qui puisse attirer les bénédictions du ciel.”»

En janvier 1942, elle écrivait: «Après la communion, j'étais en extase. J'ai vu la Vierge Marie tenant un panier rempli de chapelets blancs et d'autres couleurs différentes. La Vierge prenait ces chapelets et les donnait aux gens qui étaient là pour prier. De chacune des perles de ces chapelets une sorte d’eau parfumée est descendue. Il y avait des milliers de chapelets et elle les a tous distribués. Puis, se tournant vers ces âmes, elle leur dit:

«“Fils et filles, ces chapelets vous permettront d'éteindre le feu qui s'est propagé dans le monde entier. C'est l'arme la plus puissante. L'homme ne peut pas trouver une arme plus puissante.” Et cela dit, elle disparut.»

Jésus lui a permis d'avoir une vue sur le ciel. En août 1941, elle écrivait: «Jésus m'a dit: “Viens et tu verras de belles choses.”

«Je m'approchai d'une belle porte qui avait deux anges, un de chaque côté la gardent. La porte avait un panneau qui disait: “Ceux qui sont malhonnêtes et impudiques ne peuvent pas entrer.” Les anges m'ont fait entrer. Je suis entrée avec joie. C'était un morceau de paradis. Tellement beau! Des plantes et des fleurs que je n'avais jamais vues auparavant. Le sol était recouvert de perles et de fleurs précieuses. Puis ils m'ont fait signe de ne pas aller plus loin. J'ai vu un prêtre salésien s'approcher de moi tenant une clé dans sa main. Il ouvrit la porte où il était écrit “Jardin salésien”. À l'intérieur, il y avait des prêtres et des laïcs de tous les temps. C'était un beau jardin avec des plantes et des fleurs que je n'avais jamais vues et tout le monde chantait joyeusement.»

Sa sainte mort

Le 17 février 1952, Edvige se leva tôt le matin et alla à la messe comme d' habitude. Elle revint à la maison et prépara un repas avant de retourner à l'église pour entendre le Père Lombardi prêcher. Edvige et Paulina sont rentrées chez elles vers 20h30 en train. Peu de temps après, Edvige a commencé à se plaindre qu'elle ne se sentait pas bien. Elle a dit deux fois: «Je meurs» et ensuite «Je ne peux pas voir.»

Paulina appela le médecin et les prêtres de leur paroisse Marie Auxiliatrice. Deux prêtres vinrent lui donner les derniers sacrements. Elle est décédée le même soir à 22h30 d’une angine de poitrine, un manque de sang dans son cœur. Elle était réputée sainte à sa mort et de nombreuses personnes témoignent déjà des miracles qu’elle a accomplis après sa mort.

Source: www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2014/02/edvige-carboni.html

SOURCE : https://www.versdemain.org/articles/eglise-catholique-romaine/item/la-bienheureuse-edvige-carboni

17 February in Rome (Italy)


layperson of the vicariate of Rome and the diocese of Alghero-Bosa

born: 02 May 1880 in Pozzomaggiore, Sassari (Italy)

competent forum: Rome

CCS protocol number: 1178

type of cause: heroic virtues

opening of diocesan inquiry: 06 December 1968

closing of diocesan inquiry: 13 May 1971

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 29 April 1994

opening of supplementary inquiry: 18 October 1999

closing of supplementary  inquiry: 01 June 2001

rescript on validity of diocesan and supplementary inquiries: 01 March 2002

submission of Positio to CCS: 2008

particular meeting of theological consultors: 29 November 2016

session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 04 April 2017

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 04 May 2017    

     opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

     closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

     rescript on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle:

     meeting of the Medical Board: 23 November 2017

     particular meeting of theological consultors: 26 April 2018

     session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 06 November 2018

     promulgation of decree on miracle: 07 November 2018

beatification: 15 June 2019

postulator: Dr. Andrea Ambrosi

petitioner: Comitato SD Edvige Carboni, Via Sac. Don Angelico Fadda, 2, 07018 Pozzomaggiore (SS), ITALY

website: www.edvigecarboni.it

SOURCE : http://newsaints.faithweb.com/year/1952.htm#Carboni

Cardinal Becciu, in the beatification of Edvige Carboni, praises the new Blessed’s passion for wounded humanity, 15.06.2019

Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints celebrated the Holy Mass for the beatification of Edvige Carboni (1880-1952) today in Pozzomaggiore, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy. A Franciscan tertiary, she supported the work of her brothers through her work as an embroiderer, and spent her life alternating between domestic work and prayer. She had extraordinary supernatural gifts and in 1911, the wounds of the passion of Christ appeared on her body.

In his homily, the Cardinal remarked that for many years Edvige Carboni “lived an ordinary life, from the outside the same as that of so many laypeople, but extraordinary in terms of her intimacy with God, her union with Him, to the point of identifying with Jesus in a perfect and transforming union with Him, the spouse of souls. Friend of the poor and the marginalized, she had words of consolation for everyone; she loved to repeat, ‘One must always infuse comfort and hope’”.

“One is struck by the inner fortitude and by the granitic faith with which, first in her town and then in the cities of Lazio following her sister, the new Blessed lived a life in the service of the family and among simple household chores, to which she added exemplary activity within the parish and a fervent apostolate of charity”, he continued. “If we ask what are the strong points of the Christian life of this sister of ours, and which lead her to be an example of welcoming prayerfulness and humble and joyful abnegation, we would say that there are essentially two: constant contemplation of the Crucified Lord and the adoration of the Eucharist. … Only by embracing the cross can one have fullness of life and be capable of radiating light, hope and comfort”.

“This spirituality, Passionist and of the Cross, sustained Edvige in the hardships of her daily life and in the misunderstandings within the family and outside it”, the prefect observed. “All of this could be inscribed in the image of Christ, denied, slandered, and despised. She prayed and asked prayer of the Crucified: addressing the Holy Cross she repeated often, ‘you resolve every bitterness. Blessed Edvige shared the Passion of Christ with special intensity, also in the body, in a journey of conformation to the suffering and crucified Christ. Despite the abundance of charisms granted to her by God, she was always modest. The supernatural gifts were not a source of pride to her: she considered herself a small creature, but greatly blessed by divine grace”.

The new Blessed had “a heart that was humble and full of charity, because the long hours of prayer banished any trace of barrenness and spiritual idleness. Through prayer, Edvige performed acts of reparation for those who were in the shadows of sin, and implored divine mercy for those who insisted upon not allowing themselves to be reached by grace”.

“Humble and strong, generous and patient, laborious and proud, Blessed Edvige incarnated the most beautiful virtues of the Sardinian woman of the age. Even from her human and Christian lived experience, there emerge facts that make her witness more relevant than ever: Edvige is a valid point of reference for women of today, of every age and every social level. Her simple and profound spiritual experience, marked by charity without limits, boundless humility and ceaseless prayer, is a model that remains current, as it demonstrates that even in a simple and ordinary life, it is possible to experience a solid communion with God and an apostolate characterized by the passion for wounded and disadvantaged humanity”.

Homily of the Holy Father at the Funeral Mass of Archbishop Léon Kalenga Badikebele, concelebrated with Papal Representatives

Audience with participants in the General Chapter of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives (Trinitarians)

Message of the Holy Father to participants in the international conference organized for the centenary of Don Luigi Sturzo’s Appeal “To all free and strong men” (Caltagirone, 14-16 June 2019)


Resignations and Appointments

From the Oriental Churches

SOURCE : https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2019/06/15/190615b.html

Blessed Edvige Carboni



The second child of Giovanni Battista Carboni and Maria Domenica Pinna, Edvige had to leave school at the 4th grade. She felt drawn to the religious life, but stayed at her parents’ home to care for her chronically ill mother; she spent all her free time there in prayer. On 14 July 1911 she received the signs of the stigmata; she tried to hide it and the blood stains that resulted, but it soon became obvious. She moved to RomeItaly just prior to the outbreak of World War II; she spent the war years working with charities and praying for all the dead. She reported apparitions of Jesus Christ, Saint AnneSaint Catherine of SienaSaint Dominic SavioSaint Francis of AssisiSaint Gemma GalganiSaint Genaro of NaplesSaint John BoscoSaint Paul the ApostleSaint Rita of CasciaSaint SebastianSaint Thérèse of Lisieux, and attacks by demons.





Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Edvige Carboni“. CatholicSaints.Info. 13 January 2020. Web. 17 February 2021. <https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-edvige-carboni/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-edvige-carboni/

Il santuario di Nostra Signora delle Grazie e di Santa Maria Goretti, a Nettuno. Nell'agosto 1970 fu elevato da papa Paolo VI alla dignità di basilica minore.

Saint of the Day: Blessed Edvige Carboni

Modern-day Mystic


Her life

+ Edvige was born in Pozzomaggiorage, Italy. Although she felt called to religious life at an early age, she left school in the fourth grade to stay home with her chronically ill mother. She was known to devote her free time to prayer.

+ In 1911, she received the stigmata. Although she tried to hide it, the signs of this grace became known to others.

+ Edvige moved to Rome shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War and she spent the war years dedicating herself to charitable acts and praying for those who had died.

+ Known as a visionary, she reported visions of Jesus and various saints, including Saint Anne, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Rita, and Saint Therese of Lisieux.

+ During the final years of her life, Edvige spent her time teaching catechism and caring for the poor and sick.

+ Blessed Edvige Carboni died on February 17, 1952; she was beatified in 2019.

For prayer and reflection

“Even from her human and Christian lived experience, there emerge facts that make her witness more relevant than ever: Edvige is a valid point of reference for women of today, of every age and every social level. Her simple and profound spiritual experience, marked by charity without limits, boundless humility and ceaseless prayer, is a model that remains current, as it demonstrates that even in a simple and ordinary life, it is possible to experience a solid communion with God and an apostolate characterized by the passion for wounded and disadvantaged humanity”—Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu at the Beatification of Blessed Edvige Carboni


Hear us, God our Savior, that, as we rejoice in commemorating the Virgin blessed Edvige, we may be instructed by her loving devotion. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal: Common of Virgins)

Saint profiles prepared by Brother Silas Henderson, S.D.S.

Access our archives of daily saint biographies here

SOURCE : https://aleteia.org/daily-prayer/sunday-february-16/

The Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, (1880-1952) Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul & Laywoman

The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for translating from the original Italian & Spanish the inspiring and informative passages below. May God reward her for her efforts. 

***Update: On November 8, 2018 Pope Francis approved the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, thereby giving the green light for the beatification of this extraordinary mystic.


Edvige Carboni was an extraordinary mystic. She spent her life between the natural and the supernatural; between the human and the divine. Her interaction with the supernatural world was an almost daily occurrence. Jesus, Mary and the saints appeared to her constantly. She also received the stigmata, and had many other spiritual gifts such as ecstasies, bilocation, levitation, reading of hearts, discernment of spirits and frequent visits from souls in purgatory.

Edvige was a lay woman who lived with her family and spent the last years of her life living with her sister Paulina in Rome. She lived a life of charity helping the needy, visiting the sick, and praying and suffering for the conversion of sinners and the souls in Purgatory.

Her Childhood and Youth -The luminous Host

Edvige was born on May 2nd, 1880 in Sardinia, Italy. She was the second oldest among six siblings in the Carboni family. On the day she was born something extraordinary happened. Her mother told her that the day she was born she had seen a luminous host in a monstrance. Because of this, her mother who was very sick used to tell her, “If I die, you must receive Holy Communion every day and you should be very good, because Jesus, a few moments after you were born, showed me a host, as I have told you.”

Another significant event that happened upon her birth was that a cross made of her own flesh was formed on her breast, as if Jesus had predestined her to be His spouse. She was baptized two days after her birth. At the age of four, she was confirmed and at the age of five, she made a vow of virginity. In her grandmother’s house there was a replica of Rafael’s painting of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus in her arms. When Edvige was alone, she would climb on a chair and say to the Virgin Mary: "'My mother, I love you. Give me your child so that I can play with Him'.'  Many times she let me play with Him. Jesus was so good to me.”

Every afternoon her mother would take her to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and Edvige would renew her virginity vow with a prayer that Jesus had taught her when they were playing: “My God, I make a vow of perpetual chastity, I consecrate my virginity to You.”

She only finished third grade. Since her mother was very ill, she would send Edvige to do the grocery shopping at night. Edvige always obeyed her parents but felt afraid of walking alone late at night. Once, she saw her guardian angel who told her, “Don’t be afraid. I am with you and I keep you good company.” She said the angel waited for her outside the store and then walked her back home and disappeared.

She learned to do embroidery work so she could sell what she embroidered and bring money into the house. At the age of eleven she made her first Holy Communion. On this occasion Jesus asked her, “Do you love Me?” and she said, “Yes, very much.” After this, she used to pray constantly. She would go to a corral to pray so that her family would not see her. Once when she was fervently praying she saw a young priest who smiled at her and said, “Do you know me?” 

“No,”she answered. “I am St. Luis Gonzaga. I have come to tell you that I love you very much and that you should love Jesus always.” Edvige said that St. Luis Gonzaga has appeared to her many times to teach her how to pray.

At the age of fifteen, Edvige wanted to become a nun, but her mother did not let her. She accepted this as if it were the Will of God. That same year, her sister Paulina was born. Up to then Edvige had only brothers, so she had to help her mother with the housework and also take care of her ailing grandmother. After the age of sixteen, the appearance of Jesus, Mary, the saints and the angels became more frequent.

Victim Soul for the Conversion of Communists

Jesus had chosen Edvige to be a victim soul and she offered herself generously for the salvation of others. Jesus asked her for many prayers and sacrifices because many souls were in danger of eternal damnation.  Edvige wrote in her diary on May 25, 1941: “While I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I went into ecstasy and I saw Jesus on the Cross bleeding from each wound. The Blood was falling on the ground. I saw angels holding gold chalices up to the Wounds. The chalices filled up quickly and soon the Blood was falling on the ground again. Jesus was crying. I told Him, “Why are You crying?”

He answered, “Daughter, I cry because so much of the Blood that I shed during My Passion is wasted without bearing fruit.”

On another occasion she wrote, “After Holy Communion, I saw three crosses. Jesus was on the one in the middle, the other two were empty. Then Don Bosco came to me and said,

 “Daughter, Jesus has given me the task of finding victim souls to repair for so many offenses that He constantly receives, especially because of immodest fashion, and for there to be peace among nations. Daughter, after looking for a while, I found you and Gracia. Those two crosses will be one for you and one for her” (Dairy June 12, 1941).

Gracia was one of Edvige’s close friends, who at the age of 33 consecrated herself to Jesus and offered herself as a victim soul in order to obtain peace during WWII.

Jesus asked Edvige to offer herself as a victim especially for communists. She wrote, “I dreamt that the Virgin Mary told me, ‘My daughter, promise me to suffer all tribulation, rejection, scorn, and sufferings for the conversion of communists.’”

One day Sister Gabriela Sagheddu, a Trappist nun who had offered herself as a victim so that the Anglican Church would reunite with the Catholic, appeared to Edvige and told her, “Offer yourselves as victims so that communists can come back to the Mother Church.”

In June, 1941, she wrote in her dairy, “While I was praying, I went into ecstasy and St. John Bosco appeared and said to me, ‘My little daughter, remember that you have offered yourself as victim for the liberation of poor Russians from Bolshevism, sworn enemy to God.Pray so that soon the Crucified One can enter Russia.’”

Partaker in the Sufferings of Christ and the Stigmata

Edvige wrote down how she received the stigmata in her diary on November 16, 1938:

“One day while I was praying, I went into ecstasy and Jesus appeared to me and said,

‘My daughter, do you want to suffer?’ I answered, ‘Yes. For love of You, I want to suffer.’

Then he appeared to me on the Crucifix, from His Wounds came out rays of light and those rays reached me wounding my hands, feet, head and side. I felt pain in all the wounded parts and I stayed on the ground for several hours. When I woke up, I saw that blood was coming out of my wounds and I felt a great pain. Since that day I got into meditating on the Passion morning and evening.”

It is not clear how old she was when she received the stigmata. She recalls being about 29 and her spiritual director thought it was when she was around the age of 33.

She also received the crown of thorns and the transverberation, the wounding of her heart. She wrote that, “One night while I was praying, an angel appeared with a crown in his hand. He put it on my head and I felt a great pain, because it pierced all my head so that during several days I could not open an eye, because it was red and it seemed that there was a thorn in it.”

Another time the angel wounded her heart. This phenomenon called transverberation has happened to many other mystics such as Padre Pio and St. Teresa of Avila.  Edvige wrote, “I was praying to good Jesus, and suddenly an angel appeared and wounded my heart. I still feel that wound now. It is a wound that makes me burn with love for Jesus.”

Flora Argenti testified that she saw the skin on the part of Edvige’s heart burned and blistered and that an intense heat could be felt. She had night shirts with burnt marks around her heart.

The Devil

The devil used to make Edvige suffer in many ways. She offered it all to Jesus for the salvation of souls. VitaliaScodina, a friend of Edvige says: “Many times the devil used to burn the money she had to go shopping. He also poured water on her bed, which later the Blessed Virgin Mary dried. He used to tie her to the bed, scratch her, throw stones at her head; he burned the book that Monsignor Vitali gave her; he would throw around her flour, polenta, pasta, and other things. Some of these happenings I have witnessed myself. For example when the devil hit her with a stick and tied her to her bed. She told me about the other events.  I remember that I could not untie the knots that the devil had tied her with to her bed until I called on the Virgin Mary.”

Once, Edvige saw in a vision that the devil was infuriated and took her “Diary” and wanted to throw it out the window.When she woke up, she found it near the window slightly burned. To prevent this from happening in the future, Mons. Massimi blessed the “Diary” and gave them a box with relics in which to keep it.

She wrote on her diary entry on December 1941, “After Holy Communion, in the chapel dedicated to St. Ann, I saw an ugly beast approach me. He grabbed my bag and took the 100 liras that I had to go shopping. He took the money and turned it into ashes. When I came out of the ecstasy, I found on top of my bag the 100 liras turned to ashes.”

Whenever Edvige was on the way to see Fr. Ignacio (her last spiritual director), the devil hit her hard and kicked her legs so that she would not be able to walk. This also happened when she went to other confessors. Edvige, however, even if she had to limp managed to continue and Satan was defeated.

The devil made her suffer in many ways. Sometimes he would break her dishes, mirrors or glass windows. He would undo her knitting and hit or scratch her. Once he even took the gold fillings from her teeth. On another occasion she had to stay in bed for a while because the devil hit her on the knee with a hammer.

Moving to Mainland Italy

In 1929 things changed in Edvige’s life. Her sister Paulina who was a teacher found a job and was sent to a school in MarcellinaScalo, a town between Rome and Tivoli. Edvige’s father did not want Paulina to live alone so the whole family moved from Sardinia. For the next 23 years until her death, Edvige would live on the mainland. The last 14 years of her life she spent in Rome. In MarcellinaScalo, Edvige took care of her father and taught catechism. She asked Jesus to hide the stigmata in her hands so she could work and Jesus acquiesced to her humble request.

In 1932 Paulina was transferred to Agosta and then to La Forma. In La Forma, Edvige continued teaching catechism and embroidery to some girls. In 1934 they moved to Albano Laziale. In 1937 their father, Giovanni Battista Carboni, died. They said that when he died his emaciated face became beautiful.  He had led a very holy life.

A year after this, Edvige and Paulina moved to Rome permanently. They moved near the Salesian Church named Mary Help of Christians. In 1940 in Rome she met VitaliaScodina who became one of her closest friends and a witness to the supernatural graces that Edvige was enjoying.

Her Piety and Virtues

Edvige lived a life of penance and charity. She did not perform great acts of penance like other saints but she patiently accepted discomfort, sufferings and persecution from people who considered her to be crazy or a seer. She often fasted and generally only ate a piece of bread for breakfast and dinner. Vitalia, her friend, says that one day during the war she found Edvige baking bread made out of flour and ashes because they did not have anything else to eat. Because of eating ashes, Edvige got a stomach ulcer which Jesus later on cured miraculously.

Throughout her life, Edvige had to take care of her mother, her aunt, her grandmother, her father and finally her sister Paulina. She always did it with love and patience. She particularly loved the poor. If someone poor knocked at her door while she was eating, she would give them all her food.  Paulina remembers: “Once we saw an old man sitting on the stairs in front of the Church of St. Paul. My sister approached him, caressed him like you would a little child and gave him her scarf. Another day she gave her skirt to a poor lady.” Edvige used to say: “The poor are my dearest friends. I would give everything for them, earrings, rings… I love them because Jesus loves them… In Heaven we will see all the good done to the poor. They will open the gates of Heaven to us.”

The Holy Father and the priests were very dear to her. She prayed much for them and would not be afraid to defend them when others made uncharitable comments against them. In December 1944, she wrote in her Diary: “On Thursday afternoon, I dreamt I was in the Vatican Church. There were a lot of people. Many were foreigners from many nations. Suddenly the Holy Father came to the balcony and started to speak. He said: ‘Children, in these very sad times which we live, we need to do penance to appease the anger of God, gravely offended by the sins of men.’ He just stopped speaking, when many men and women started throwing stones at the Pope causing him several wounds. Upon seeing him bleeding, some were laughing. He had to leave the balcony. An angel came down on St. Peter’s Square and said: ‘The world is going to ruins. They don’t want to hear the words of the Vicar of Christ.’ I asked him, ‘Who are you?’ -‘I am the Angel of Rome and I live in the Vatican.’”

Edvige had enrolled in many confraternities since she was young. She belonged to the Daughters of Mary in Pozzomaggiore. She also became a Third Order Franciscan in 1906. She belonged to an Association called Friends of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. From 1941 on she joined the Confraternity of the Passion at Scala Santa (The Holy Stairs) in Rome. This is where she met Passionist priest, Fr. Ignacio Parmeggiani, who was her spiritual director from that time until her death. She also had a special relation with the Salesians in Rome since she lived near their Church, Mary Help of Christians. Here is where she used to go to Mass daily and had many visions, including visions of St. Bosco and St. Dominc Savio. In fact, St. Bosco himself invited her to enroll as a Salesian Helper on September 25, 1941.

Supernatural Gifts:

Reading of Hearts and supernatural knowledge

Edvige demonstrated to have supernatural knowledge and the gift of reading hearts. Constantina Sanna says that she took her mother to see Edvige because she was worried about her son, Salvatore, who was in the war and they had not received any news from him. Edvige prayed for a while and then told Constantina’s mother that her son Salvatore was fine and that they would receive a letter from him in two days. She also told them where he was at that moment.  Two days later, the letter arrived confirming all that Edvige had said.

Sor Maria Longaroni declared: “She had the gift of reading hearts because many times she would tell me things that I had thought and help me with doubts that I had and had not told anyone.”


Many people can attest that Edvige frequently levitated during her ecstasies. Mariangela Oggianu declared: “One afternoon, I found the servant of God in the Church, elevated some 20cm over the kneeler without any support. She had her hands together and was gazing upwards and praying fervently.”


During WWI Edvige would go in bilocation frequently to the battlefield and then she would bring back news about soldiers who had disappeared or died. She told Fr. Carta about the death of Luigi Meloni, a young soldier who was believed to be lost in war.

Maria Pinna tells of how Edvige went in bilocation to help obtain a deathbed conversion:

“Between 1928 and 1930. I had gone to Bossa Marina and the parish priest told me that there was a very ill man who had not received the sacraments for a long time. His wife was worried that he would die like that. The priest called an employee and sent him to Pozzomaggiore to ask Edvige to come to Bossa. When the messenger got to Pozzomaggiore, Edvige’s father sent him away. That same day around ten o’clock at night, the wife of the sick man who was alone in the room with him, felt that someone opened the door and came close to her husband. She thought it was the maid but instead saw a person dressed in black with a black scarf over her head leaving the room. She did not see her face. She got up to ask the workers who she was but they said no one had come in. Confused, she went back to her husband’s room where she found he was conscious again (He had been delirious with a high fever). He told her that he wanted to receive the sacrament of penance. They called the priest and he made his confession. The next morning after the priest took Holy Communion to him and celebrated a Mass for him, the man died peacefully in the afternoon.”

In a letter that Edvige wrote to Fr. Ignacio Parmeggiani, she says, “Father, Jesus told me yesterday afternoon:

‘My daughter, pray for the salvation of Chinese communists. They are so bad. So far they have arrested ten Bishops. As I told you the other day, one of them is Mons. Guthberth O’Gara, Passionist Bishop of Nanking.’

Jesus made me see where this Passionist was. He was in a dark cell. The guards were threatening him but he remained silent looking towards Heaven. I was screaming and told those men: ‘You are bad.’

They threatened me but I was high above and they said, ‘She is the witch of the Pope. She is a witch!’

I told them, ‘Remember that one day you will be judged by the good Jesus. If you don’t do penance, you will go to Hell.’

They kept repeating, ‘Witch! Witch!’

Father, pray for the conversion of those lost brothers.”

Paulina remembers that Edvige was taken twice to visit Cardinal Mindzenty in jail and that she talked to him and to Jesus. (Cardinal Mindzenty also received visits from Padre Pio and Sr. Cristina Montella in bilocation during his imprisonment.) 

Edvige also went to Moscow in bilocation and entered Stalin’s room in the Kremlin. She saw him move his fist saying, “I am the strong and terrible enemy of God.”

Edvige said that Stalin had such an ugly stare that it made you afraid to look at him. Vitalia remembers:
“One day I was in Edvige and Paulina’s house. We saw Edvige in deep prayer and heard her say: ‘You have to convert. But if you want to be God’s eternal enemy, you will be.’ When she came out of the ecstasy, her sister asked her to whom she was talking and she answered that she had been to Stalin’s room in Moscow…to her invitation to convert, he had responded, ‘I will never convert. I will be God’s enemy forever.’”

On another occasion, St Sebastian wearing a Roman officer’s uniform came to Edvige and said, “Take 20,000 liras and come.”

Then in bilocation they went to a cave near San Buenaventura del Palatino where there was man about to commit suicide because he was unemployed. Saint Sebastian said,
“Stop. I am St. Sebastian and I have come to save you.”

The man dropped the gun. The saint said, “These two women have brought you 20,000 liras, which is all they have. I promise you that in two days you will find a job.”


Edvige foretold who the next Pope would be to her spiritual director, Rev. Carta. With the election of Pope Benedict XV in 1914 her prediction was confirmed. She also predicted the election of Pope Pius XI. She likewise predicted the softening of the Passionist Rule, which took place nine years later. This was revealed to her by the founder of the Passionists, St. Paul of the Cross who appeared to her.

Supernatural Light

While her sister Paulina was away studying, Rafaela Piu, a friend of Edvige’s used to keep her company at night. On night, she woke up and found Edvige knelt before the Crucifix in ecstatic prayer. The room was filled with a strong blinding light. Adela Ianucci also witnessed this when she was a child. She saw Edvige praying in the midst of a bright light in which figures of angels and saints moved about.

Supernatural Communions

Many times during her life, Edvigereceived Holy Communion from Jesus himself or from a saint. Her friend Vitalia says that several times she found Edvige in prayer with a host on her tongue and could not explain how it got there. Paulina said that one morning when she woke up, she found Edvige in ecstasy with a Host on her tongue. She later asked her about it and Edvige told her that St. Paul of the Cross along with two other Passionists (St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother and Nicolini) had come to give it to her. Other times she received Communion from St. John Bosco, St. Dominic Savio, St. Vincenzo Strambi and others.

Her Guardian Angel

Edvige’s Guardian Angel was her faithful friend and helped her in all her needs.  Sister Teresa Josefina Azzena said, “My uncle made me read some letters that seemed to have been written by highly educated people, while Edvige had no schooling. Those letters had been dictated by her Guardian Angel. Some of them were written in Latin a language that Edvige did not know. My uncle told me that one day the devil gave Edvige a blow to her hand and that the blood which came out of that wound unto the paper made the design of a carnation, which I have seen with my own eyes. My uncle Francesco also told me that on day Edvige had been in ecstasy in Church from the morning until noon. When she went home after a very short time she sent a dish of pasta to the parish priest. My uncle who was curious went to her home to find out who had prepared the pasta. Edvige’s father said it had been Edvige, but later they found out that it was her Guardian Angel that frequently helped her with the household chores.”

Her friend Vitalia says that Edvige could see her Angel who would make their beds when she was ill. The Angel also used to help her wash the clothes she needed to get ready. Even Jesus himself one day came to help her wash and dry the clothes.  She told Paulina and Vitalia that Jesus had pretended to wash the clothes but that He had not touched it. He commanded it and the clothes became white and folded.

Her love towards Mary and the Importance of the Rosary

Since she was five years old, Edvige had seen the Virgin Mary come to life from a painting at her grandmother’s house. Throughout her life, the Virgin Mary appeared to her many times telling her to love Jesus, to offer her sufferings and to pray the Rosary for sinners.

She wrote in her Diary on March 1942: “The Virgin Mary appeared to me with tears in her eyes. I approached her and said, ‘Why are you crying?’

‘I am crying because I cannot appease the anger of my Son against the human race. If men don’t do penance, the war will not end and much blood will be spilled. My daughter, immodest fashions and dishonesty have enraged God. Pray and do penance. Pray the Rosary frequently. It is the only powerful weapon to attract the blessings from Heaven.’”

On January, 1942, she wrote: “After Communion I was in ecstasy. I saw the Virgin Mary holding a basket full of white rosaries and other different colors. The Virgin was taking those Rosaries and giving them to the people who were there to pray. From each of the beads of those Rosaries a kind of fragrant water descended. There were thousands of Rosaries and she distributed all of them. Then turning toward those souls she told them,

‘Sons and daughters, with these Rosaries you will be able to extinguish the fire that has spread throughout the world. This is the most powerful weapon. Man cannot find a more powerful weapon.’ And having said this, she disappeared.”

On another occasion she wrote, “After Holy Communion, I saw an angel that had beautiful irises and roses. He told me, ‘If you pray the Rosary everyday with faith and attention, I will form roses out of the Hail Mary’s and Irises out of the Our Father’s. I will put them together to make a beautiful crown that I will give you in Heaven. That’s why in this month of May, pray the Rosary frequently.’”

She also had the following vision: “One day after Holy Communion, I found myself in a prairie, and on a throne I saw Mary Help of Christians covered with a great mantle. On the plain there was a terrible wind and fire storm, Suddenly, St. John Bosco appeared. He was running through the storm calling men and women to save themselves by taking cover under Mary’s mantle. Thousands took cover under Mary’s mantle, but other thousands did not want to enter and laughed at those who did. Don Bosco in the midst of the storm got on top of a table and started to preach saying, ‘You will die because of your own fault, come under the protection of our Celestial Mother.’

But they, having hard hearts and being indifferent to his words were deaf to the saint’s exhortation. I saw the fire surround them while they were trying to escape. This did not seem as a vision to me, since I felt I was awake with all my senses. Even today when I remember, I shudder seeing those hardened souls that preferred to be burned instead of obeying Don Bosco’s voice. But those who were under Mary’s mantle were safe.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary gave the following prayer to Edvige: “The Celestial Mother appeared to me and said,

‘You are so sad. You and your sister don’t have faith in me, your mama. Don’t you know that I am the treasurer of all the graces? Pray this prayer to the Holy Trinity: -Oh Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Oh Jesus and Mary, Oh Saints in Heaven, I ask this grace through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.’”

The Virgin Mary also taught her another beautiful little prayer: “Madonna of Love, Holy Virgin, help me become a saint, because you can do it and you want it.” In Italian it rhymes.

On September 8th, the Blessed Virgin Mary told her: “Today is September 8th, the feast of my birthday; my daughter, trust in me. All the graces go through my hands. This date is the one the dates that the infernal enemy hates the most, because with my birth came the salvation of the world.”

Moving Saint Statues

Edvige had several statues in her house that were frequently seen by others changing place.  Flora Argenti remembers: “On January 22, 1948 my brother Dyonisio and I went to visit Edvige. We had left our hats on a coat rack at the entrance. Upon leaving, when we were going to get our hats, there were no longer there. We found them in Edvige’s bedroom on the head of the Infant Jesus’ statue. Edvige explained that our heads were in His hands and our hearts in His Divine Heart…on February 29, 1948, we found the statue of the Infant Jesus that was always in her bedroom, at the front door. I can certify that many times I have seen that statue change places.”

Her friend Vitalia says that many time the statue of St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus appeared at the front door or somewhere else in the house. This also happened with the statue of St. Genaro. Once Vitalia came to Edvige’s house and found the statue of St. Joseph on the front door. The door was locked. I knocked on the door and when Edvige opened it she found me with the statue in my arms. She took it and put it back in its place. Edvige used to say, “St. Joseph is so good. He who does not believe let him try. I chose him as my father. In all my necessities I go to him, and he always helps me. St. Joseph is a great saint. Love him and invoke him.”

Visits from Saints

Edvige was frequently visited by saints.We have already mentioned episodes with St. John Bosco, St. Dominic Savio, St. Paul of the Cross and St. Sebastian, but there were many others.

St. Ann: Edvige wrote in her diary, “After Holy Communion, I seemed to be in front of a painting of St. Ann. Suddenly the image became alive and her eyes looked at me. She told me,

‘My daughter, I am praying for world peace. Jesus is outraged and I and His mother cannot appease Him. There are so many sins of impurity. You, my daughter, pray and make people pray for peace.’” Another time she wrote in her diary: “I was praying to the Virgin and to St. Ann for my nephew. My good grandmother St. Ann approached me and said, ‘My daughter, trust your grandma Ann. I will obtain that grace for you.’”

St. Sebastian: Edvige loved St, Sebastian and received many revelations and help from him. He appeared many times in her room to give her advice and exhort her to be humble and to lead a holy life. He usually appeared to her on his feast day. When her spiritual director, Mons. Vitalis died, St. Sebastian told her that he would be her director.

St. Genaro: In 1951 Edvige bought a statue of St. Genaro in Naples. This saint would tell her: “Courage Edvige. I was also a martyr like you.” One day Flora Argenti was sad and when she was leaving Edvige’s house found the statue of St. Genaro at her feet. Edvige told her friend that St. Genaro wanted to console her.

St. Rita of Cascia: During a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia, Edvige went into ecstasy. Her friend Vitalia saw her and at the same time smelled a horrible stench. When Edvige came out of the ecstasy she told Vitalia that the stench was coming from the people visiting the Shrine that were not worthy to be there. St. Rita had told her that only their presence had been pleasing to her.

St. Therese of Lisieux: Edvige wrote in her diary: “I seem to have seen a religious while I was praying. I looked at her carefully and I knew it was St. Therese. Smiling, she said to me,

‘Trust in God. Jesus helped me reached perfection because I abandoned myself completely in His Divine hands like a little girl in the arms of her mother.’

Then she took rose petals and threw them on my bed and on my sister’s bed.”

On another occasion St. Therese appeared and said to Edvige in a dream. After having spread roses on their beds, she told them: “Pray, pray. Jesus is enraged with the sins of men. Instead of reparation, the commit the most horrible sins: dishonesty and shamelessness; sins that God hates the most. For those sins, He has always punished men. Even in the Old Testament He destroyed Sodom and Gomorra. So many get married without thinking of the great duty they have to God. They bring forth many flowers (children) and these flowers belong to God. They have to take care of them; instead, unfaithful gardeners, they don’t water them with the Living water of the Word of God. Unfaithful mothers that ruin their plants, entrusted to them by God…It is a grave sin when a mother does not educate her children Christian faith.”

When she woke up there were five fragrant rose petals on Paulina’s bed and three on mine. The perfume was heavenly.

On September 1943 Edvige wrote in her diary: “I dreamt with St. Therese. She has a bouquet of white roses in her hand. She threw the petals on my sister’s bed. On each petal the words “Hail Mary” were written in red. There were about 50. Then she collected them again and said to Paulina, ‘If every day you say so many Hail Mary’s with devotion and perseverance, after your death, on your tomb there will bloom a flower with petals inscribed with the words ‘Hail Mary’.

That same month Edvige had another dream with St. Therese: “She looked at me happily and said

'Your sister’s name and your name are written in Heaven. However, if you don’t correspond to grace, they will be erased. I mean that you need to correspond with good works, with charity, with humility, with obedience; which are all dear to Jesus. Love everyone as your brother or sister. Forgive all who have wronged you. I always loved Jesus, up to the point of dying for love of Him. My sisters always loved me since I was a child and they rejoiced when the saw how much I loved Jesus. There was no jealousy. Paulina, I love you so much. Correspond to the graces Jesus has given you. Be always good and humble with everyone.”

St. Gemma Galgani: Edvige admired St. Gemma Galgani and considered her to be her spiritual sister. She was even present at St. Gemma’s canonization which took place on May 2nd, 1940 (May 2nd is also the birthday of Edvige and the day of the beatification of Padre Pio). On September, 1943 she wrote: “Again, I dreamt of St. Gemma Galgani. She was as beautiful as an angel. She approached me and said,

‘Love sufferings and scorn. When I was in the world I had to endure so many that no one can imagine.’”

St. Dominic Savio: St. Domini Savio appeared to Edvige several times. One time was on the day of his beatification. He was happy and smiling and told her and her sister: “Become saints. Jesus wants it. Always love Mary and the Pope. Jesus wants it.”
Then he disappeared.

St. John Bosco: This is the saint that appeared to her most frequently. Once she said she had a dream with him. He came to her with a book. I read and saw that all the good works that my sister had done were written there. Then I saw a blank page. St. Bosco told me, ‘That day You and Paulina did not do such and such good work that you were going to do. That’s why Jesus on that day did not write in anything good or bad. But it remains blank, which Jesus does not like when you don’t do something out of weakness.”

St. Francis of Assisi: Edvige wrote: “Jesus made me see the glory of St. Francis. I saw that he was resplendent. The most beautiful one I have seen in Heaven.”

St. Padre Pio: Paulina attested that her sister Edvige had many visits from Padre Pio. One day Edvige said to her, “I spoke to Padre Pio. He was so affectionate with me. Like a father with his daughter.” Jesus had spoken to Edvige about Padre Pio telling her that it was necessary for him to stay in the world until he was old because he needed to convert many souls. It seems that since they met in bilocation, she never felt the need to go meet him in person. Once a lady from the same region as Edvige went to see Padre Pio and he told her, “You have come here looking for me? Well I tell you: In your region there is a saint, her name is Edvige Carboni. In God’s sight she is greater than me.”

St. Paul the Apostle: After Holy Communion, St. Paul the Apostle appeared to Edvige and told her smiling: “Daughter, you are worried about little things. If you only knew how much I suffered in my apostolate! Hunger, thirst, scorn, imprisonment. Tell Jesus to do with you as He wishes for the salvation of souls and for the coming of the Kingdom of His Sacred Heart.”

St Catherine of Siena: On April 9, 1950, Edvige went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Catherine in Siena. After Holy Communion, she saw St. Catherine who approached her all dressed in white and said: “My sister. Become saints. Become saints. Time is short! I wish Pauline were less scrupulous.” Then she caressed Edvige and disappeared.

Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the saints very often provided Edvige with material things she needed, especially during WWII. Jesus gave her some shoes and a skirt. St. John Bosco once brought her half a Kilo of rice and St. Dominic Savio brought her coffee.

Visions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory

Edvige had visions of people who had gone to hell, of souls who were in purgatory and requested her help; and of souls who entered heaven.

Vitalia states: “There was a young man who lived in Edvige’s building. He never listened to her advice to repent. He was a nonbeliever and died suddenly from an electric shock in his place of work. They had enough time to take him to the hospital, but when he was there he rejected the priest and the sacraments. 

One day Edvige saw him surrounded by flames, condemned. He was cursing her and reproached her for not having prayed more for him. Jesus consoled Edvige, telling her that He had mercy on this man by sending him a priest, but that he had rejected him."

There was another case of a man who was leading an honest life but who would never receive the sacraments. Jesus told Edvige to write to this man and tell him that unless he changed his way of life, he would be punished. The man did not want to repent and later on, Jesus let Edvige know that he also had been condemned.

Jesus also let Edvige know of a dentist in Sardinia who had been condemned:

“My daughter, that dentist that died a few months ago did not want to recognize me as His father, and I did not recognize him as a son.”

A well-known case was that of a priest who during WWII would give conferences denying the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at a University in Rome. After his death, he appeared to Edvige who used to pray for him. He told her that he had been condemned because of the books he had written against the faith and because of the scandal he had caused. To prove to Edvige that this was not her imagination, the priest picked up a book in her room and upon his touching it, it was completely burned.

Concerning purgatory, Edvige wrote in her diary on October 1943: “Someone appeared and touched my wrist and burned me. I did not know him. He was dressed as an official. He told me,

‘I died during the war. I would like some Masses celebrated by Mons. Vitali. You and your sister should offer Holy Communion for me.’

After having the Masses celebrated and the Communions offered for his intentions, he appeared to her again surrounded by light and said, ‘I am going to Heaven where I will pray for you two (Edvige and Paulina), and especially for Mons. Vitali. I am a Russian. My name is Paolo Vischin. My mother had educated me in the Faith, but when I grew up I let myself be led by bad influences. At the moment of death I repented and remembered what my mother taught me as a child.’”

Edvige wrote in her diary: “While I was praying in front of the Crucifix, a person appeared to me suddenly all in flames, a heard a voice say, 

‘I am Benito Mussolini. The Lord has allowed me to come to you in order to get some relief from my sufferings in purgatory. I beg you as an act of charity to offer for me all your prayers, sufferings and humiliations for two years, if your director allows it. God’s mercy is infinite but so is His justice. One cannot enter Heaven until one has paid the last penny of the debt owed to Divine Justice. Purgatory is terrible for me because I waited until the last moment to repent.’

On spring day in 1951, Jesus told me after Holy Communion: ‘This morning the soul of Benito Mussolini has entered into Heaven.’”

On another occasion Edvige wrote: “I dreamt with a teacher who had died a month ago because of a bombing. I saw she was in a brilliant light but her arms were a little burned. The rest of her body was healthy and beautiful. She said,

‘Look at me now. All I need is one more Mass and I will be liberated. Please have Mons. Vitali say one for me.’”

The Virgin Mary told Edvige that her aunt was in purgatory because many times she had skipped Mass on Holy Days of obligation. Her brother, Giorgino also appeared to Edvige and told her that he was in purgatory and had to remain there for eight years. He asked for prayers and took her hand when he said goodbye, leaving her a scar from the burn that lasted until her death.

On All Souls Day, Edvige would be filled with joy as she contemplated long lines of souls who came to thank her for her prayers as they entered Heaven.

In 1923, her friend Mercedes Farci died at the age of 28 from TB. A few days after her death, Mercedes appeared to Edvige dressed in white and told her that she was enjoying the presence of God and the joys of Heaven.

Jesus allowed her to have a view of Heaven. On August 1941 she wrote: “Jesus told me, ‘Come and you will see beautiful things.’

I went walking up to a beautiful gate which had two angels, one on each side guarding it. The gate had a sign which read ‘Those who are dishonest and immodest cannot enter.’ The angels made me enter. I happily entered. It was a piece of Heaven. How beautiful! Plants and flowers I had never been seen before. The floor was covered with pearls and precious flowers. Then they signaled me not to go any further. I saw a Salesian priest approach me holding a key in his hand. He opened the door where it was written, “Salesian Garden.” Inside there were priests and lay people of every age. It was a beautiful garden with plants and flowers that I had never seen and everyone was singing happily.”

Her Holy Death

On February 17th, 1952, Edvige got up early in the morning and went to Mass as usual. She came home and prepared a meal before going again to Church to hear Fr. Lombardi preach. Edvige and Paulina got back home around 8:30 pm by train. Soon after, Edvige started complaining that she was not feeling well. She said twice, “I am dying” and then “I can’t see.”

Paulina called the doctor and also the priests from their parish Mary Help of Christians. Two priests came and gave her the last rites. She passed away that same night at 10:30pm from angina pectoris, a lack of blood flow to her heart. She had a reputation of sanctity when she died and many people already testify to miracles she was wrought after her death.


Pena, Ángel, O.A.R., Edviges Carboni:El perfume de Dios, Lima, Perú (www.libroscatolicos.org)

Madau, Ernesto, Ti chiami Edvige, Roma, Ed. G.E.I., 2006


Lord Jesus, with faith we turn to You, remembering the words: “Look and you will find, ask and it will be given unto you, knock and it will be opened.” Deign to glorify on Earth, Your faithful servant Edvige Carboni and through her intercession grant us the grace to imitate her virtues, her steadfast patience, her love towards God and neighbor, and the grace which we humbly implore. Amen.

(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)

For more information or to report graces received:

Padri Passionisti

Santuario Scala Santa

Piazza Giovanni in Laterano, 13

00184 Roma, Italy

***Update: On November 8, 2018 Pope Francis approved the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, thereby giving the green light for the beatification of this extraordinary mystic.

SOURCE : https://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2014/02/edvige-carboni.html

Omelia del Prefetto della Congregazione per le Cause dei Santi alla Messa di Beatificazione di Edvige Carboni, 15.06.2019


Pubblichiamo di seguito l’omelia che il Prefetto della Congregazione per le Cause dei Santi, l’Em.mo Card. Giovanni Angelo Becciu, ha pronunciato questa mattina a Pozzomaggiore (Sassari), presso l’Ippodromo Comunale, nel corso della Santa Messa di Beatificazione di Edvige Carboni:

Omelia del Card. Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Cari fratelli e sorelle!

Abbiamo appena ascoltato la pagina evangelica, nella quale S. Giovanni riferisce le parole di Gesù rivolte agli Apostoli alla vigilia della sua passione e della sua morte in croce. Egli parla di sé stesso e dice: “Io sono la vite, voi i tralci. Chi rimane in me e io in lui, fa molto frutto, perché senza di me non potete far nulla” (Gv 15,5).

L’invito è chiaro: tutti noi siamo chiamati dal Padre, che è il vignaiolo, a portare frutto restando uniti a Cristo, così come i tralci portano frutto rimanendo uniti alla vite. In queste parole troviamo il segreto dell’efficacia della nostra testimonianza cristiana e del nostro apostolato: noi produrremo frutti di bene se accoglieremo la parola di Gesù e se ci sforzeremo di vivere in comunione con lui, vera linfa vitale.

A questa divina sorgente inesauribile hanno attinto copiosamente nel corso dei secoli tanti figli e figlie di questa terra di Sardegna, ai quali va oggi il nostro pensiero: sono martiri, santi, beati e venerabili che, con la loro eroica testimonianza cristiana, hanno fecondato la nostra cara Isola. Il loro esempio e il loro insegnamento costituiscono un patrimonio spirituale e culturale di inestimabile valore, da conservare, da valorizzare e da imitare, per adempiere in pienezza la nostra vocazione e missione cristiana.

A questa schiera mirabile di credenti, che hanno raggiunto il vertice della santità, oggi abbiamo la gioia di accomunare la Beata Edvige Carboni. E io sono particolarmente lieto di trovarmi qui, in rappresentanza del Santo Padre Francesco, a proclamare Beata una figlia della Sardegna, proprio nel luogo in cui è nata. A Pozzomaggiore, Ella ha vissuto per tanti anni una vita ordinaria, esternamente uguale a quella di tanti laici, ma straordinaria quanto a intimità con Dio, all’unione con Lui, fino a pervenire all’identificazione con Gesù, all’unione perfetta e trasformante in Lui, sposo delle anime. Essa viene oggi inscritta nel Libro della vita, affinché tutto il popolo di Dio possa diventare sempre più coraggioso testimone della verità del Vangelo. Il riconoscimento della santità di vita di una figlia di questa terra è certamente un grande motivo di orgoglio, ma è anche la dimostrazione delle profonde radici cristiane, che hanno da sempre ispirato i più alti valori umani della nostra gente.

La Chiesa che è in Sardegna è chiamata dalle odierne circostanze a servire la rinascita delle nostre città e dei nostri paesi, mobilitando le energie che il Signore costantemente le rinnova, per una instancabile operosità a servizio del bene, specialmente di quanti stanno ai margini della società. Proprio in questa prospettiva ha operato la Beata Edvige Carboni, mossa da una incessante carità verso gli altri, soprattutto i più deboli e indifesi. Amica dei poveri e degli emarginati, aveva parole di consolazione per tutti; amava ripetere: «Si deve sempre infondere conforto e speranza». Durante la permanenza a Roma era solita inviare pacchi-dono alle famiglie indigenti del proprio paese, inoltre era protesa con tutta sé stessa per il bene spirituale e materiale di quanti incontrava. Non c’era categoria di bisognosi esclusa dal suo cuore e dalle sue espressioni caritative: era impegnata a sostenere, capire ed aiutare anche quanti non la comprendevano e la avversavano. Si resta colpiti dalla fortezza interiore e dalla granitica fede con cui, prima al suo paese e poi nelle città del Lazio al seguito della sorella, la nuova Beata ha vissuto un’esistenza al servizio dei familiari e tra le semplici faccende domestiche, a cui si aggiungeva una esemplare attività in parrocchia e un fervido apostolato della carità.

Se ci chiediamo quali sono i punti forti della vita cristiana di questa nostra sorella e che la portano ad essere esempio di oblatività accogliente e di abnegazione umile e gioiosa diremmo che sono essenzialmente due: la costante contemplazione del Signore Crocifisso e l’adorazione dell’Eucaristia.

La contemplazione dell’Amore Crocifisso è per Edvige sorgente di vita. Non poteva non essere così. Soffermarsi di fronte alla croce significa lasciarsi avvolgere dall’amore infinito di Dio al quale non si può non rispondere che con il dono totale di sé e avendo come unico parametro di misura Gesù stesso. Solo abbracciando la croce si ha la pienezza della vita e si è capaci di irradiare luce, speranza, conforto.

Questa spiritualità passionista e della Croce sostenne Edvige nelle fatiche della sua giornata quotidiana e nelle incomprensioni in seno alla famiglia e fuori da questa: tutto poteva così inscrivere nell’immagine di Cristo rifiutato, calunniato, disprezzato. Pregava e faceva pregare il Crocifisso: volgersi alla Santa Croce – ripeteva spesso – «ti risolve ogni amarezza». La risposta all’amore del Signore l’ha impegnata intensamente per l’intera vita, animata dal desiderio di portare a Dio tutta l’umanità, a cominciare dai peccatori. Al riguardo scriveva: «Vorrei morire bruciata d’amore per te, Gesù. Se fossi un angelo, prenderei una tromba, farei il giro dell’oceano e griderei a tutti gli esseri umani: amate Gesù, amatelo, il buon Gesù. Ricordate che è morto in croce per salvare noi miseri peccatori» (Positio, Documenta et Testimonia scripta integrativa, pp. 118-119).

La Beata Edvige ha condiviso la Passione di Cristo con toni di speciale intensità, anche nel corpo, in un itinerario di conformazione a Gesù sofferente e crocifisso. Malgrado l’abbondanza di carismi a lei concessi da Dio, il suo tratto fu sempre modesto. I doni soprannaturali non erano per lei motivo di vanto: si riteneva una creatura piccola, ma grandemente beneficata dalla grazia divina. I testimoni asseriscono che di questa donna semplice e spiritualmente fervorosa, colpiva soprattutto la sua grande umiltà.

Ha potuto avere un cuore umile e colmo di carità, perché la preghiera di lunghe ore faceva scomparire ogni traccia di aridità e di pigrizia spirituale. Il suo costante dialogo con il Signore, raggiunse punte di grande intensità soprattutto nel­l’adorazione eucaristica. La preghiera di Edvige era semplice ed efficace, perché sostenuta da una grande fiducia in Dio e protetta dal silenzio e dal raccoglimento, praticati durante le sue prolungate e quotidiane soste in chiesa. Edvige con l’orazione compiva atti di riparazione in favore di coloro che erano nelle tenebre del peccato ed implorava la misericordia divina su chi si ostinava a non lasciarsi raggiungere dalla grazia. Viveva e trasmetteva con fervore la sua fede, con l’esempio e con l’insegnamento catechistico, che iniziò ad apprendere fin da giovanissima. Tutto nella sua vita quotidiana di casalinga offriva per la gloria di Dio e per la Chiesa!

Umile e forte, generosa e paziente, laboriosa e fiera, la Beata Edvige incarna le più belle virtù della donna sarda dell’epoca. Eppure dal suo vissuto umano e cristiano, emergono dati che rendono più che mai attuale la sua testimonianza: Edvige è un valido riferimento per le donne di oggi, di ogni età e di ogni estrazione sociale. La sua semplice e profonda esperienza spirituale, contrassegnata da carità senza limiti, umiltà smisurata e preghiera incessante, è un modello ancora attuale, perché dimostra che anche in una vita semplice e ordinaria è possibile sperimentare una solida comunione con Dio e un apostolato caratterizzato dalla passione per l’umanità ferita e disagiata.

La vita di Edvige insomma era intrisa di Dio, la cui presenza traspariva nella sua piccolezza evangelica e nella sua umiltà. Il suo chiodo fisso era il paradiso cui si augurava di arrivare sperimentando, nella prova, il soccorso della misericordia del Signore.

Visse in modo totalitario la sua donazione al Signore, affidandosi a Lui per raggiungere “una grande santità”, come tante volte ha scritto nel suo diario. Le sue virtù brillarono qui in Sardegna e poi nel Lazio e a Roma, edificando quanti l’hanno conosciuta da vicino. Ora tocca a noi tutti, soprattutto a voi, care sorelle in Cristo, mantenere accesa questa fiaccola, custodendo e dando impulso all’eredità spirituale di questa singolare figura di donna, discepola del Signore.

A lei ci rivolgiamo, invocandola: Beata Edvige Carboni, prega per noi!

[01071-IT.01] [Testo originale: Italiano]


SOURCE : https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2019/06/15/0517/01071.html

Beata Edvige Carboni Laica

4 maggio

Pozzomaggiore, Sassari, 2 maggio 1880 – Roma, 17 febbraio 1952

Edvige Carboni, nata a Pozzomaggiore in provincia di Sassari nella notte tra il 2 e il 3 maggio del 1880, era la secondogenita di Giovanni Battista Carboni e Maria Domenica Pinna. Non ebbe un’istruzione completa: dovette fermarsi alla quarta elementare. Desiderava farsi religiosa, ma dovette restare accanto alla madre, molto malata. Da allora trascorse la sua vita domestica in maniera sobria e raccolta, alternando le faccende di casa ai momenti di preghiera. Il 14 luglio 1911 le si manifestarono sul corpo i segni della Passione di Gesù. Edvige cercava di occultarli, ma in molti sapevano che i suoi vestiti erano macchiati di sangue. Questo e altri fenomeni mistici che le venivano attribuiti furono indagati nel processo canonico del 1925, cui lei si sottopose in completa obbedienza. Si trasferì quindi a Roma col resto della famiglia, proprio negli anni in cui stava per esplodere la seconda guerra mondiale. Anche in quel periodo, Edvige operò silenziosamente la carità, pregando tra l’altro per i morti di qualsiasi parte politica. Morì quasi improvvisamente la sera del 17 febbraio 1952. È stata beatificata il 15 giugno 2019, presso l’Ippodromo Comunale «Generale Eugenio Unali» di Pozzomaggiore. La sua memoria liturgica cade il 4 maggio, anniversario del suo Battesimo. I suoi resti mortali, traslati nel 2015 presso il Santuario di Santa Maria Goretti a Nettuno, riposano dal 25 maggio 2019 presso la parrocchia di San Giorgio Martire a Pozzomaggiore.

Edvige Carboni nacque a Pozzomaggiore, un piccolo centro in provincia di Sassari, la notte tra il 2 e il 3 maggio del 1880. Secondogenita di Giovanni Battista Carboni e Maria Domenica Pinna, crebbe, insieme ad altri quattro fratelli, in un ambiente familiare in cui respirò una fede profonda e autentica.

La mamma fu testimone di alcuni fatti straordinari che accaddero alla nascita della piccola Edvige e che sembravano predestinarla a un’esistenza fuori dal normale. Raccontava di aver visto nella stanza della casa materna in cui partorì, come una sfera luminosa, una sorta di ostensorio che illuminò la camera.

Il giorno dopo scorse sulla parte alta del petto della neonata una croce, che rimase ben visibile per tutta la vita. Ancora qualche giorno dopo la nascita, nella camera in cui la bambina dormiva, uno sciame di api bianche svolazzò per un po’ sopra la sua culla senza farle alcun male.

Il 4 maggio venne battezzata dal vice-parroco don Sanna. A poco più di quattro anni ricevette la Cresima da monsignor Eliseo Giordano, vescovo di Alghero.

Sin da piccola la mamma le fece imparare tutto ciò che serviva ad una giovane per la gestione della casa: le insegnò personalmente l’arte della tessitura. Notando la sua inclinazione all’arte del ricamo la mandò, per un breve periodo, ad Alghero dalle suore di San Vincenzo, che erano esperte ricamatrici e seguivano tutte le fanciulle che volevano imparare quest’arte. Soprattutto, ogni giorno, la bambina, in compagnia della mamma o della zia, seguiva la Santa Messa e al pomeriggio sostava davanti a Gesù Sacramentato.

Già in tenera età iniziarono le visite celesti: il suo Angelo Custode le fece capire che il Signore la voleva tutta per sé. A soli cinque anni, Edvige fece voto di castità: fu una delle sue più grandi virtù. Molti infatti potevano non credere ai fenomeni mistici, ma non certo alla sua indubbia moralità, dichiarata angelica e irreprensibile da tutti i testimoni ai processi canonici.

Edvige era una bambina speciale agli occhi del Signore tanto che, come si legge nel suo diario, spesso un vecchio quadro della Vergine e il Bambinello si animava ed ella poteva giocare con Gesù bambino.

Nel 1886 fece il suo ingresso alle scuole elementari che frequentò con profitto fino alla quarta classe. Cominciò a seguire anche le lezioni di catechismo addentrandosi così, piano piano, nel mistero di Dio.

Edvige cresceva in grazia e sapienza. Nel 1891 ricevette la Prima Comunione, accostandosi per la prima volta a Gesù con trepidazione e un amore infinito. Maturò in questo periodo il desiderio di entrare in convento, di essere solo del Signore e consacrargli tutta l’esistenza. Ma la stessa mamma, che le aveva profetizzato: «Preparati a soffrire con amore» (Diario, p. 156), le chiese di fare la sua più grande e dolorosa rinuncia.

Essendo ormai molto malata, pregò la figlia di accantonare il suo desiderio di consacrazione religiosa per starle accanto ed aiutarla nei lavori di casa. Edvige, dietro consiglio del suo confessore, obbedì: avrebbe potuto servire il Signore anche assistendo l’intera sua famiglia.

Vedere i genitori contenti e i fratelli sereni era per lei motivo di gioia. Si spendeva per tutti senza mai lamentarsi o chiedere qualcosa in cambio. Negli anni perfezionò l’arte del ricamo, tanto da diventare un’abile ricamatrice: i suoi lavori erano apprezzati da tutti. Grazie al suo lavoro, unito a quello del padre, contribuì al mantenimento agli studi del fratello Galdino e della sorella Paolina, che prese il diploma di maestra elementare nel 1918, a Cagliari.

La sua esistenza era sempre più legata al Signore. Offriva a Lui ogni sofferenza: in più, si mortificava a pranzo col prendere poco cibo e solo un pezzo di pane a cena. Pregava per i peccatori e invocava la misericordia di Dio per le anime del Purgatorio.

Tutta la sua vita fu preghiera: pregava mentre lavorava, quando riassettava la casa, quando ricamava; non conosceva l’ozio. Si recava in chiesa solo dopo aver terminato i suoi doveri. Di fronte a tanta generosità, abnegazione e virtù, il Signore non poté che ricompensarla compiendo in lei grandi cose.

Nella chiesa di Santa Croce, dove, nel periodo di carnevale, si tenevano le Quarant’Ore, Edvige ebbe la possibilità non solo di pregare davanti a Gesù Eucaristia, ma anche ai piedi di un antichissimo crocifisso ligneo, posto sopra l’altare della chiesetta. Diverse volte il Crocifisso le parlò e le concesse grazie.

Col passare del tempo, tutti coloro che ebbero la fortuna di incontrarla e scambiare anche solo poche parole con lei si rendevano conto che Edvige era stata toccata dalla Grazia divina.

Fu stimata ed apprezzata da molti sacerdoti: il vincenziano padre Giovanni Battista Manzella (per il quale è in corso la causa di beatificazione), l’arcivescovo di Cagliari monsignor Ernesto Maria Piovella, san Luigi Orione, il gesuita padre Felice Cappello (anche per lui è in corso la causa) e san Pio da Pietrelcina.

La sua umiltà era sotto gli occhi di tutti. Non indossò mai abiti di lusso, non portò mai collane, né orecchini, né spille. Sorrideva molto spesso, ma parlava poco e sempre con lo stesso tono, perché non era capace di alzare la voce.

Edvige, pur nella sua modestia, fu una donna attenta ai problemi e alle difficoltà della vita. Fu piena di premure per tutti. Era anche ben inserita nella comunità parrocchiale: ottima catechista, era disponibile alla pulizia della chiesa e al riassetto dell’altare. Era socia di varie associazioni: le Figlie di Maria, le Guardie d’Onore, il Quadrante della Misericordia.

Quando nel 1910 la sua cara mamma morì, il peso della famiglia ricadde su di lei. Assistette con amore tutti i suoi cari che si ammalarono uno dopo l’altro, ma soprattutto la nonna, che pare fu molto severa con lei nonostante le sue premure.

Edvige operava in silenzio: Gesù era la sua consolazione. Il suo raccoglimento dopo aver ricevuto l’Eucarestia era talmente profondo da non sentire niente e nessuno. Diverse persone la videro in estasi, quasi pietrificata. Oppure la vedevano sollevarsi da terra o dalla sedia su cui stava inginocchiata e tendere verso qualcuno che lei solo vedeva. Molti accorrevano in chiesa per vederla. Ci fu qualcuno che, pensando fingesse, le trapassò due volte la gamba con uno spillone, senza però provocare in lei nessuna reazione di dolore.

I fenomeni mistici nella sua vita furono numerosissimi: bilocazioni, estasi, visioni di santi, persecuzioni diaboliche, misteriosi profumi. Il 14 luglio 1911 ricevette le stimmate mentre pregava davanti a un crocifisso ligneo regalatole dal parroco don Carta. Gesù le chiese se voleva soffrire con Lui. Edvige accettò per suo amore ed ebbe impressi nelle mani, nel costato e nei piedi, i segni della Passione.

Li custodì in segreto come un tesoro prezioso: era qualcosa di più grande di lei. Mai si servì di quei doni per attirare l’attenzione, anzi, cercava di nasconderli portando dei mezzi guanti o coprendosi con i lembi dello scialle. Nonostante ciò, molti videro i suoi abiti o la sua fronte macchiati di sangue: fu una vera effige della Passione.

La sofferenza di Edvige fu moltiplicata dalle calunnie rivoltele da persone invidiose della sua santità, per cui nel 1925 fu sottoposta a un’indagine canonica. Accettò tutto, offrendolo al Signore. Dovette anche essere sospesa dal Terz’Ordine francescano, nel quale era entrata a far parte dall’ottobre 1906, e non essere più maestra delle novizie.

Nel 1929, insieme al vecchio padre, dovette lasciare il suo paese natale per trasferirsi nel Lazio dove la sorella Paolina, alla quale aveva fatto da seconda mamma, poté esercitare la sua professione di insegnante. Dopo essere state in diverse località si stabilirono a Roma, nel 1938.

La sua vita in un ambiente così diverso dalla sua Sardegna non fu facile, ma Edvige aveva il Signore e questo le bastava. Proseguì la sua Via Crucis con la dedizione ai poveri e agli ammalati: aveva una parola buona per tutti.

Durante la seconda guerra mondiale pregò tanto il Signore perché facesse finire quel flagello. Si offrì vittima per il crollo del comunismo ateo in Russia, dove fu spesso trasportata in bilocazione.

Alle vessazioni diaboliche (rumori strani, banconote che diventavano cenere e altro) si accompagnavano apparizioni di Santi che l’accompagnavano e la sostenevano. Particolare rilievo hanno quelle di san Giovanni Bosco e dell’allora Beato Domenico Savio: la sua casa ricadeva sotto la parrocchia di Maria SS. Ausiliatrice, affidata ai Salesiani, che già conosceva perché tra di loro era entrato un suo cugino di secondo grado, don Aurelio Pischedda.

Il 25 settembre 1941 è la data che compare sul diploma, firmato dal Rettor Maggiore (il superiore generale salesiano) don Pietro Ricaldone, con cui Edvige veniva iscritta alla Pia Unione dei Cooperatori Salesiani, oggi Salesiani Cooperatori.

Altri Santi che sentiva particolarmente vicini erano quelli appartenenti all’Ordine Passionista. Nel Diario annota di aver ricevuto, una volta che era malata, la Comunione dal fondatore, san Paolo della Croce, assistito da due chierici: uno era san Gabriele dell’Addolorata, l’altro fu poi riconosciuto, in una seconda visione, come il Venerabile Galileo Nicolini.

Quasi come santa Gemma Galgani, Edvige fu Passionista nello spirito, specie da quando assunse come direttore spirituale, l’ultimo della sua vita, padre Ignazio Parmeggiani, che risiedeva al ritiro (come si chiamano le comunità passioniste) della Scala Santa a Roma. Aderì quindi all’Arciconfraternita della Passione alla Scala Santa.

Dopo la guerra, cominciò a soffrire di cuore e a causa di una nefrite. Il medico le prescrisse cure più intense, a cui si sottopose, ma era certa che non avrebbero avuto esito. Cominciò allora a preparare Paolina al proprio passaggio all’altra vita, che sentiva imminente. La sua esistenza terrena ricca di virtù, di fatti straordinari, sacrificio e preghiera si concluse il 17 febbraio del 1952, a causa di un attacco cardiaco.

A fronte della sua crescente fama di santità, fu deciso di aprire la sua causa di beatificazione e canonizzazione. L’inchiesta diocesana fu aperta nel 1968 presso il Vicariato di Roma, nel cui territorio Edvige era morta, ma venne ripresa dal 18 ottobre 1999 al 1° giugno 2001, secondo le normative aggiornate per i processi di beatificazione e canonizzazione.

L’esame della “Positio super virtutibus” con voti positivi sia dai Consultori teologi della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, sia dai cardinali e dai vescovi della stessa Congregazione, ha portato alla promulgazione del decreto sulle virtù eroiche, autorizzata il 4 maggio 2017.

Come segnala il sito del Comitato attore della sua causa, tra le grazie significative attribuite alla sua intercessione è stata selezionata come possibile miracolo quella avvenuta nel 1954 ad Antonio Fois, spaccapietra di mestiere, che rischiava di perdere una gamba per una cancrena dovuta a un incidente sul lavoro.

Sua moglie fu invitata a chiedere l’intercessione di Edvige da uno dei frati della chiesa di San Francesco ad Alghero, dov’era andata a Messa: era il secondo anniversario esatto del suo transito. Quando tornò a casa, la donna vide Antonio che si toglieva le bende dal piede, che risultava guarito. L’uomo morì nel 1975, per cause estranee all’incidente.

Il 7 novembre 2018, ricevendo il nuovo Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, il cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, papa Francesco ha autorizzato la promulgazione del decreto con cui la guarigione era da ritenere inspiegabile, completa, duratura e ottenuta per intercessione di Edvige Carboni.

La sua beatificazione è stata celebrata il 15 giugno 2019, presso l’Ippodromo Comunale «Generale Eugenio Unali» di Pozzomaggiore, col rito presieduto dal cardinal Becciu come delegato del Santo Padre. La sua memoria liturgica è stata fissata al 4 maggio, giorno anniversario del suo Battesimo.

I resti mortali di Edvige, subito dopo la morte, erano stati portati al cimitero di Albano Laziale, dov’erano stati collocati in una tomba a pozzo, che conteneva altre tre salme a parte la sua. Il 6 ottobre 2015 sono stati sottoposti a ricognizione canonica e, l’indomani, traslati nel Santuario di Santa Maria Goretti a Nettuno.

Lì è stata celebrata la Messa “corpore praesenti” (“col corpo presente”, come non era invece accaduto nel febbraio 1952), al termine della quale le spoglie sono state collocate in un apposito sacello, sempre all’interno del Santuario. Il 25 maggio 2019 sono infine state collocate presso la parrocchia di San Giorgio Martire a Pozzomaggiore.

Autore: Giorgia Piga ed Emilia Flocchini

SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/94545

Voir aussi : https://www.edvigecarboni.it/




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