Saint Geraldo, Chapelle de Saint Geraldo, Cathédrale, de Braga, Portugal
Saint Gérald
Archevêque de Braga (✝ 1109)
Martyrologe romain
Saint Gérald, archevêque de Braga (1109)
Publié le 4 décembre 2020 parPrésent
Né dans le Quercy, d’une famille noble, Gérald encore enfant fut conduit par ses parents à l’abbaye de Moissac dont l’observance était excellente. Son amour des études lui mérita la charge de bibliothécaire qu’il remplit longtemps. Il faisait des conférences spirituelles au chapitre, dirigeait le chant du chœur, enseignait à ceux qui en avaient besoin la musique, la grammaire et les belles lettres. Son abbé l’envoya souvent visiter les celles dépendant de Moissac et finalement lui assigna comme résidence le prieuré Notre-Dame-de-la-Daurade à Toulouse. L’archevêque de Tolède et légat du Pape travaillait à la réorganisation de l’Eglise d’Espagne. Il se fit aider par des clercs et des moines français. Il remarque Gérald et obtint de l’emmener avec lui. Gérald dirigea si bien le chœur de Braga qu’il attira l’attention du clergé. L’évêque de la ville avait été déposé, et Gérald fut naturellement choisi. Gérald fut un authentique pasteur. Dans ce Portugal à peine libéré de la violence sarrasine, il rappela aux croisés de suivre les lois divines et ecclésiastiques. Un ange lui prédit sa mort. Il mourut le 5 décembre 1109. •
St. Gerald, Bishop of Braga
In the latter half of the 11th century, the Archbishop of Toledo named Bernard was delegated by the Pope to bring about an ecclesiastical reform in Spain. He called in various French clerics and monks, among whom was St. Gerald, Abbot of Moissac, who was appointed choir director for the Cathedral of Toledo.
So well did this saintly man fulfill his duties and so much did he influence the people for good that when the See of Braga became vacant, Gerald was selected by the clergy and people of that city to be their Bishop. Gerald visited his diocese, eradicating the abuse that had cropped up, especially that of the administering of ecclesiastical investiture by laymen.
This man of God was called to his heavenly reward on December 5, 1108, at Bornos, Portugal.
PRAYER: God, Light and Shepherd of souls, You established St. Gerald as Bishop in Your Church to feed Your flock by his word and form it by his example. Help us through his intercession to keep the Faith he taught by his word and follow the way he showed by his example. Amen.
Saint Gerald of Braga
Also known as
- Gérald de Moissac
Born to the French nobility. Benedictine monk at Moissac, France. Taught grammer and music. Worked with the archbishop in Toledo, Spain, and served as cathedral choir director. Reforming bishop of Braga, Portugal in 1100. Stopped ecclesiastical investiture by laymen in his diocese.
- at Cahors, Gascony (in modern France)
- 5 December 1109 at Bornos, Portugal of natural causes
A 16th-century map of Braga, when the city was enclosed by its mediaeval wall. The large building in the centre is the Cathedral, while the Episcopal Palace and courtyards can be seen above the cathedral and the ancient Castle of Braga
Monk, bishop; d. Dec. 5, 1108. Gerald became a Benedictine of the Cluniac observance at the Abbey of moissac. In 1086, another Cluniac, Bernard of Salvetat, abbot of Sahagún, was promoted to the archbishopric of Toledo, which had been recovered from the Moors by King Alfonso VI of León-Castile in the previous year. Then, in 1088, Bernard was named primate of Spain by Pope urban ii. In the process of developing a capable and learned hierarchy, Bernard invited Gerald to join him, consecrating him bishop of Braga, 1096. This see, the metropolitan of Galicia before the Moslem conquest, had been reestablished by King García in 1070, and on Dec. 28, 1099, it was restored to metropolitan status by Pope paschal ii. On Dec. 5, 1100, at the national council of Palencia, Gerald's cult was formally recognized by his suffragans.
Feast: Dec. 5.
Bibliography: M. de Oliveira, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche. (Freiburg 1957–65) 4:707.
[A. G. Biggs]
Statue of Saint Geraldo in the Cathedral, Braga, Portugal.
San Geraldo (Gerardo) di Braga Vescovo
† 5 dicembre 1109
Monaco del monastero cluniacense di Moissac, Francia, eletto Arcivescovo di Braga, Portogallo. Rinnovò il culto divino, restaurò chiese e promosse la disciplina ecclesiastica.
Martirologio Romano: A Braga in Portogallo, commemorazione di san Gerardo, vescovo, che rifulse nell’attività di rinnovamento del culto divino, di restauro delle chiese e di promozione della disciplina ecclesistica e morì nella località chiamata Bornos, mentre svolgeva le sue visite pastorali in una remota regione.
Autore: Manuel Sotomayor