Sainte Marie de Jésus du Saint-Sacrement
Fondatrice des Filles du Coeur de Jésus au Mexique (+1959)
Sainte María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas, première Mexicaine canonisée, sut rester unie au Christ au cours de sa longue existence terrestre et c'est pourquoi elle porta des fruits abondants de vie éternelle. Sa spiritualité fut caractérisée par une singulière piété eucharistique, car il est clair que le chemin par excellence pour s'unir au Seigneur est de le chercher, de l'adorer, de l'aimer dans le très saint mystère de sa présence réelle dans le Sacrement de l'Autel.
Elle voulut prolonger son œuvre par la fondation des Filles du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus, qui poursuivent aujourd'hui dans l'Eglise son charisme de la charité envers les pauvres et les malades. De fait, l'amour de Dieu est universel, il désire parvenir à tous les hommes; c'est pourquoi la nouvelle sainte comprit que son devoir était de le diffuser, en prodiguant ses attentions à l'égard de tous jusqu'à la fin de ses jours, même lorsque son énergie physique diminua et que les dures épreuves traversées au cours de son existence affaiblirent ses forces. Très fidèle dans l'observance des constitutions, respectueuse envers les évêques et les prêtres, attentive aux séminaristes, sainte María de Jesús Sacramentado constitue un témoignage éloquent de consécration absolue au service de Dieu et de l'humanité qui souffre. (homélie de Jean-Paul II pour la canonisation)
Née Marie Venegas de la Torre à Zapotlanejo, Jalisco le 8 septembre 1868 - Fondatrice des Sœurs Filles du Cœur de Jésus - Béatifiée le 22 novembre 1992 par Jean-Paul II canonisée le 21 mai 2000 (première femme mexicaine à être canonisée) - biographie en espagnol.
À Guadalajara au Mexique, en 1959, Marie de Jésus du Saint-Sacrement (Marie Venegas de la Torre), vierge, qui passa cinquante-quatre ans à soigner les malades dans un petit hospice pour les pauvres, où elle fonda la Congrégation des Filles du Sacré-Cœur.
Martyrologe romain
SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/12053/Sainte-Marie-de-Jesus-du-Saint-Sacrement.html
Saint of the Day – 30 July – Saint María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas de La Torre (1868-1959)
In un piccolo villaggio del municipio di Zapotlanejo, Jal., Messico, l'8 settembre 1868 nasce Maria Navidad Venegas de la Torre. La sua vita si sviluppa in un clima di semplicità, senza eventi straordinari. Nella sua infanzia rimane orfana di madre e all'età di 19 anni muore suo padre e lei viene affidata alle cure di una zia paterna. Maria Navidad sentiva una forte attrazione per la vita religiosa; l'8 dicembre 1898 entra a far parte dell'Associazione delle Figlie di Maria e rafforza con questa esperienza il suo spirito di preghiera e con questo la sua vita interiore mentre cresce in lei l'amore per Gesù Eucaristia.
Era l'anno 1905 e Maria Navidad desiderava ardentemente consacrare la sua vita al servizio dell'Amato, perciò, su invito del suo direttore spirituale partecipa ad alcuni Esercizi Spirituali nella città di Guadalajara, e come frutto di questi decide di entrare a far parte di una piccola comunità di signorine dedite alla cura degli infermi nell'Ospedale del Sacro Cuore fondato dal Vescovo Atenogene Silva y Alvarez Tostado.
Esercitò come infermiera con abnegazione, era servizievole e squisitamente caritatevole; si distinse per la sua umiltà, semplicità per modi affabili con le sorelle, gli ammalati e le persone in genere; aveva un particolare modo di comportarsi con i vescovi e i sacerdoti in cui vedeva il prolungamento di Gesù Cristo Sommo ed Eterno Sacerdote. Il 25 gennaio 1921 fu nominata Superiora Generale; poco tempo dopo scrive le Costituzioni delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, che vengono approvate nel 1930 e con questo avvenimento l'Istituto è riconosciuto dalla Chiesa Diocesana; in questa data emette la sua Professione Perpetua prendendo il nome di Maria di Gesù Sacramentato.
Il 30 luglio 1959 spirò affidando la sua anima al Creatore, piena di pace, dopo aver ricevuto i sacramenti.
Fu beatificata da Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II il 22 novembre 1992, Festa di Cristo Re, nella Basilica di San Pietro a Roma. Il miracolo riconosciuto per la sua Canonizzazione, riguarda il Sig. Anastasio Ledezma Mora, che fu portato all'Ospedale del Sacro Cuore, per essere sottoposto ad operazione chirurgica. Dopo l'anestesia, si manifestò una lentezza cardiaca, che aumentò gradatamente fino all'arresto totale del cuore e delle arterie. Al momento si tentarono terapie di rianimazione, ma invano, tanto che l'infermo cadde in coma profondo. I medici e gli infermieri presenti nella sala operatoria, così come sua moglie e le religiose Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, invocarono l'intercessione della Beata Maria de Jesùs Sacramentado. Dopo 10 o 12 minuti i battiti si ristabilirono e aldilà di quanto i medici potevano aspettarsi, l'infermo non patì alcun danno cerebrale e dopo pochi giorni fu sottoposto ad emicolectomia con colostomia definitiva, senza alcuna complicazione. Si considerò come sorprendente la ripresa del battito cardiaco gravemente interrotto.
Saint María Natividad Venegas de La Torre
Also known as
- María de Jesús Sacramentado
- María of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
- Mary of the Blessed Sacrament Venegas de la Torre
- Nati (childhood nickname)
Youngest of twelve children in a pious Bible-reading, Rosary–praying family; her father was an accountant and her mother a homemaker. Natividad was early drawn to prayer and contemplation, and made her first Communion at age 9. Her mother died when Nati was 16. The family moved to Compostela, Nayarit, Mexico for financial reasons, and Nati spent even more time in church and in prayer. Her father died when she was 19, and her paternal uncle and aunt took over care of the children who were still at home.
Nati began teaching local children to read, was very active in parish life, became a catechist, and attended daily Mass. She joined the Daughters of Mary on 8 December 1898, and began discerning a call to religious life. Following an Ignatian retreat, she joined the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 8 December 1905; the pious union was dedicated to care of the sick, elderly and abandoned. She worked the next 54 years with the poor and sick in the small Sacred Heart hospital in Guadalajara, Mexico. She served as a nurse, pharmacist, housekeeper, and the community’s accountant and the hospital‘s bookeeper. Chosen Superior General of the Daughters in 1921. By 1924 she had written the formal constitutions of the Order, obtained diocean approval, and is considered the founder of the Congregation. She served as leader of the Daughters for 35 years during which they inceased vocations, opened hospitals and clinics, and founded several houses; she took the name María of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Wrote a number of pieces about her region.
Beginning in 1926, President Plutarco Elías Calles began enforcing anti-clerical laws, seizing Church property, shutting down Church institutions including schools, hospitals, orphanages and homes for the elderly. Mass was prohibited, religious education outlawed, and all bishops were exiled from Mexico; this persecution started the Cristero War. Mother Nati managed to keep Sacred Heart hospital open during the repressions; when soldiers arrived to close it down, she overwhelmed them with kindness, and she and her sisters treated both soldiers and Cristeros, so the military held off enforcing the order to shut her down. Mother Nati insisted that the Eucharist not be removed from the hospital, and to prevent the soldiers from committing sacrilege, it was often hidden in bee hives on their property.
Mother Nati continued working with the patients until her last days, even when she had to get around in a wheelchair. Her final, bed-ridden days were spent in prayer for them, her hospital and her sisters.
- 8 September 1868 in La Tapona, Zapotlanejo, Jalisco, Mexico
- 13 May 1989 by Pope John Paul II (decree of heroic virtues)
- 22 November 1992 by Pope John Paul II
- beatification celebrated in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy
- 21 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II
- first canonized Mexican
- canonization celebrated in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome, Italy
- her canonization miracle involved the healing of Anastasio Ledezma Mora whose heart stopped during surgery, who went into a coma following resuscitation, and was healed following the prayers by the family for the intercession of Mother Nati
- Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Guadalajara
- nurses
Saint of the Day – 30 July – Saint María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas de La Torre (1868-1959)
Posted on 9
Saint of the Day – 30 July – Saint María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas de La Torre (1868-1959) Religious Nun and Founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Guadalajara of which she is the Patron and of Nurses – Born María Natividad Venegas de la Torre on 8 September 1868 in La Tapona, Zapotlanejo, Jalisco, Mexico and died on 30 July 1959 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico of natural causes, aged 90.
María de Jesús Sacramentado – María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas de la Torre, was born in a town in the municipality of Zapotlanejo, Jalisco (Mexico) on 8 September 1868, baptised with the name of María Natividad. The life of the young María Natividad was developed in a climate of simplicity, without extraordinary events, her childhood and adolescence with the nuances thatlife gives. At the age of 19, she was orphaned and lived thereafter in the care of a paternal aunt. María Natividad felt a strong attraction towards religious life and on 8 December 1989, she entered the flourishing Association of Daughters of Mary, in her native town.
On 8 December 1905 she attended some Spiritual Exercises and as a result of these, she decided to be part of the group of “Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus”, who cared for the sick in the Hospital of the Sacred Heart, newly founded by Canon Don Atenógenes Silva and Alvarez Tostado. She distinguished herself by her humility, simplicity, affable relationship with the sisters, the sick and people in general, this immense charity drunk from the source of the Divine Heart of Jesus, whom she loved, in whom she always waited and whose devotion sought to instil in all.
She manifested a special treatment for the bishops and priests, attending them with true love, respect and obedience, seeing in them the prolongation of Christ High and Eternal Priest. In the year of 1912 she was elected as the new Prioress, which position she held until 25 January 1921 when, at the first canonical elections, she was elected Superior General, shortly after, she wrote the Constitutions that would govern the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, these were approved in 1930, thus recognising the new Institute.
On 30 July 1959, she gave her soul to the Creator, full of peace, after receiving sacramental aid. The miracle recognised for her Canonisation concerned Mr Anastasio Ledezma Mora, who was taken to the Hospital of the Sacred Heart to undergo a surgical operation. After anesthesia, a cardiac arrest was manifested, which gradually increased until it ended in a complete arrest of the heart and arteries. Immediately, resuscitation therapies were tried, although in vain, so the patient fell into a deep coma.
The medical nurses who were in the operating room, as well as the wife of the sick and the sisters (Daughters of the Sacred Heart), invoked the intercession of the Blessed Mary of Jesus Sacramented. After 10 or 12 minutes, his heartbeat was restored to normal amazing the doctors especially as the patient suffered no damage to the brain. A few days later he underwent a hemicolectomy with definitive colostomy without any complications and left the hospital after recuperation, a perfectly well man….Vatican.va
J.D. Long-García
St. María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas (1868-1959), foundress of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, became Mexico’s first female saint in 2000. (Photo courtesy of the Hijas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Guadalajara, Mexico)
Santa Maria Venegas Assembly in Lake County, Ind., bears a unique name. It’s not often that a Knights of Columbus assembly or council is named after a woman, let alone a saint related to one of the assembly’s members.
Michael Velasco, the culture of life director for the Indiana state council, grew up hearing stories about his great-grandaunt, Sister María Natividad Venegas de la Torre, whom the family affectionately called “Tia Nati.” When his late father, John C. Velasco, was just a boy, Tia Nati nursed him back to health from malaria. John later fled to the United States as a teenager with his mother and two brothers, during the period of religious persecution in Mexico in the 1920s.
“After the announcement was made that Tia Nati was going to be canonized,” Michael recalled, “my father wept.”
At age 87, the senior Velasco traveled to Rome with his wife, June, to attend the canonization Mass on May 21, 2000. A year later, just months before his death, John became a charter member of Santa Maria Venegas Assembly, named after his grandaunt, the first Mexican woman to be declared a saint.
The youngest of 12 children, María Natividad Venegas de la Torre was born in Zapotlanejo, near Guadalajara, in the Mexican state of Jalisco on Sept. 8, 1868. Raised in a deeply religious household, Natividad, or Nati for short, learned to read the Bible at an early age and prayed the rosary each day with her family.
An energetic child, Nati was also drawn to contemplation. When playing hide-and-seek, she sought places where no one could find her so that she could pray.
Her mother, who had prepared Nati to receive her first holy Communion at age 9, died young, when Nati was 16. Her father, an accountant, then moved the family to Compostela, in the state of Nayarit, for economic reasons. Nati made frequent visits to their parish church there to gaze at an image of the crucified Christ called the “Lord of Mercy.” Nati’s father eventually brought the family back to Zapotlanejo, where he entrusted his children into the care of his brother and sister-in-law, Justo and Crispina Venegas Velasco. He died three years later in 1887.
Living with her aunt and uncle, Nati came to know the beauty of nature and agriculture. She would later write about the pastures, wheat, bananas, mangos and sugar cane, reflecting on God’s abundant generosity. Many who worked in the fields were illiterate, and Nati began teaching the children how to read and gave them religious instruction. She also participated in parish life and attended daily Mass.
In 1898, Nati joined the Association of the Daughters of Mary and began to give serious thought to a religious vocation, praying frequently before the Blessed Sacrament. In November 1905, her spiritual director recommended that she make an Ignatian retreat. Less than a month later, on Dec. 8, she joined the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a pious union of women dedicated to caring for poor and abandoned people at Guadalajara’s Sacred Heart Hospital. Sister Nati served in many roles — as nurse, pharmacist and the community’s accountant — and earned a reputation for knowing patients by name and creating a family environment at the hospital.
In 1921, Sister Nati was elected superior general, having made her temporary religious vows in 1915. In order for the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to receive official approval as a congregation, a bishop encouraged Madre Nati, as the sisters now called her, to write the constitutions. Though she did not consider herself competent to do so, she completed the task in 1924.
Beginning in 1926, Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles strictly enforced the persecutory laws of the anti-clerical constitution that had been adopted nearly a decade earlier. The government seized Church property, Catholic schools and seminaries; shut down hospitals, orphanages and homes for the elderly; outlawed religious education; prohibited public worship; and exiled Mexico’s bishops. This sparked a rebellion known as the Cristero War, or Cristiada.
Against all odds, Madre Nati was able to keep the hospital open, said Sister Maria Rosa Bohórquez, a Daughter of the Sacred Heart who serves as the order’s general counsel. “Madre was not afraid. She would always say, ‘The Sacred Heart of Jesus will fix it all.’”
When soldiers tried to shut the hospital down, Madre Nati offered them food, disarming them through her compassion. The sisters treated injured government soldiers and Cristeros alike.
Madre Nati was also adamant that the Blessed Sacrament would be present at the hospital.
“To prevent the soldiers from committing sacrilege, the Eucharist was often hidden with the bees,” recounted Sister Clara Guenoveva Encarnación Luna, who knew the saint for many years. “The sisters always kept an empty hive for the Lord.”
On one occasion, when Madre Nati and a sister transported the Blessed Sacrament to safety in a shoebox, they boarded a bus filled with federal soldiers. If the sisters had been discovered, they would have likely been killed. Still, the saint remained calm, trusting in the Lord.
It was during this same period that John Velasco, who like his Tia Nati was born in Zapotlanejo, fled Mexico at age 15. His father and two uncles fought in the Cristero army against the anti-religious government, and their homes were frequently searched for ammunition and priests in hiding.
In fact, John’s family used to smuggle their parish priest, Father José Isabel Flores Varela, in and out of a secret room in their home so that he could celebrate clandestine Masses.
“If the soldiers had found the priest, I wouldn’t be here,” Michael Velasco said. “They would have killed everyone. They were merciless.”
Eventually, the soldiers caught Father Varela and hanged him — three times.
“Each time, just at the point of death, the soldiers let him down and asked the priest to denounce God,” Velasco said, “But he wouldn’t do it. Eventually, a soldier cut his throat.”
In 2000, Father Varela was one of the 25 Mexican martyrs, including six priests who were members of the Knights of Columbus, whom Pope John Paul II canonized together with Madre Nati, now known as Santa María de Jesús Sacramentado.
In 1930, when the constitutions of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus had received approval, Madre Nati declared, “We will celebrate the approval of the congregation without fear.”
This was also the year that she made her final vows and took the name María de Jesus Sacramentado (Mary of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament). She served as superior general of the congregation until 1954.
Sister Clara had met her two years earlier, during her interview for admission into the congregation at age 15.
“She was a very simple woman. You could approach her with confidence,” Sister Clara recalled, noting that the saint always had a ready smile.
All the sisters sought her gentle counsel and guidance, as did the doctors, priests and other coworkers. Together they cared for patients of all ages.
“The elderly are travelers who we must take care of before their life ends,” Madre Nati would say. “We must take care of them with all the tenderness possible.”
Sister Clara explained that the saint had many such sayings, and her words have become teachings for the sisters today:
“Suffering is short. Our joy will be eternal.”
“Those who are merciful with the needy of the world will not lack God’s mercy.”
“The weight of the cross is burdensome for those carrying it, but not for those who embrace it.”
“The hospital is the antechamber to heaven.”
Sister Clara served as Madre Nati’s nurse and shared a room with her for some time. The saint didn’t sleep much, she said, but the alarm was always set for 5 a.m. so that they could attend eucharistic adoration.
“We have to visit my Jesus,” Madre Nati would say.
Even toward the end of Madre Nati’s life, Sister Clara would often find her tending to patients from her wheelchair. Children at the hospital thought of her as a grandmother, and seminarians would sometimes remark that she loved them more than their own mothers did.
In all, Madre Nati lived at the hospital for 55 years until her death on July 30, 1959, at the age of 91.
“She didn’t live an extraordinary life,” Sister Clara said. “She lived an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.”
For Michael Velasco, who recalls growing up with the stories about his great grandaunt’s faith, courage and service to the poor, Tia Nati was always just a part of the family.
Sister Maria Rosa affirmed that Madre Nati continues to inspire all the sisters in their service to the sick and poor.
“She is known for her great charity and is still interceding for us from heaven,” Sister Maria Rosa said. “Even now she fills us up, she loved us so much.”
J.D. LONG-GARCÍA is editor in chief of The Tidings and Vida Nueva, the newspapers of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is a member of Father Marcel Salinas Council 11536 in Mesa, Ariz.
vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
Era l'anno 1905 e Maria Navidad desiderava ardentemente consacrare la sua vita al servizio dell'Amato, perciò, su invito del suo direttore spirituale partecipa ad alcuni Esercizi Spirituali nella città di Guadalajara, e come frutto di questi decide di entrare a far parte di una piccola comunità di signorine dedite alla cura degli infermi nell'Ospedale del Sacro Cuore fondato dal Vescovo Atenogene Silva y Alvarez Tostado.
Esercitò come infermiera con abnegazione, era servizievole e squisitamente caritatevole; si distinse per la sua umiltà, semplicità per modi affabili con le sorelle, gli ammalati e le persone in genere; aveva un particolare modo di comportarsi con i vescovi e i sacerdoti in cui vedeva il prolungamento di Gesù Cristo Sommo ed Eterno Sacerdote. Il 25 gennaio 1921 fu nominata Superiora Generale; poco tempo dopo scrive le Costituzioni delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, che vengono approvate nel 1930 e con questo avvenimento l'Istituto è riconosciuto dalla Chiesa Diocesana; in questa data emette la sua Professione Perpetua prendendo il nome di Maria di Gesù Sacramentato.
Il 30 luglio 1959 spirò affidando la sua anima al Creatore, piena di pace, dopo aver ricevuto i sacramenti.
Fu beatificata da Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II il 22 novembre 1992, Festa di Cristo Re, nella Basilica di San Pietro a Roma. Il miracolo riconosciuto per la sua Canonizzazione, riguarda il Sig. Anastasio Ledezma Mora, che fu portato all'Ospedale del Sacro Cuore, per essere sottoposto ad operazione chirurgica. Dopo l'anestesia, si manifestò una lentezza cardiaca, che aumentò gradatamente fino all'arresto totale del cuore e delle arterie. Al momento si tentarono terapie di rianimazione, ma invano, tanto che l'infermo cadde in coma profondo. I medici e gli infermieri presenti nella sala operatoria, così come sua moglie e le religiose Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, invocarono l'intercessione della Beata Maria de Jesùs Sacramentado. Dopo 10 o 12 minuti i battiti si ristabilirono e aldilà di quanto i medici potevano aspettarsi, l'infermo non patì alcun danno cerebrale e dopo pochi giorni fu sottoposto ad emicolectomia con colostomia definitiva, senza alcuna complicazione. Si considerò come sorprendente la ripresa del battito cardiaco gravemente interrotto.
Santa Maria de Jesus Sacramentado (Venegas de la Torre) Fondatrice
Zapotlanejo, Messico, 8 settembre 1868 - 30 luglio 1959
Martirologio Romano: Nello stesso luogo, beata Maria di Gesù Sacramentato Venegas de la Torre, vergine, che per cinquantaquattro anni si dedicò alla cura degli infermi in un piccolo ospedale per i poveri, nel quale fondò la Congregazione delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù.
“I vecchi sono viaggiatori che se ne vanno e bisogna accompagnarli con la maggior tenerezza possibile”: una frase così può solo stare sulle labbra di una persona sensibilissima ed attenta, premurosa e delicata, talmente innamorata di Cristo da vederlo in ogni persona anziana e sofferente. Ed è così delineata la figura e la personalità di Maria di Gesù Sacramentato Venegas de la Torre, la prima donna messicana proclamata santa.
Suo papà è un cattolico, tanto fervente e convinto da rinunciare agli studi universitari in giurisprudenza nel momento in cui si accorge che stanno minando la sua fede. Ed è questa testimonianza di cristiano coerente e coraggioso che riesce a trasmettere ai suoi dodici figli, che lo seguono nei suoi vari spostamenti in terra messicana, ma dovunque vanno a stabilirsi per prima cosa imparano a riconoscere nella parrocchia il loro punto di riferimento.
Maria Natividad (così battezzata proprio perché nata l’8 settembre dell’anno 1868) cresce fervorosamente devota e cristianamente convinta, formandosi spiritualmente tra le Figlie di Maria e lasciandosi guidare dai vari parroci che incontra sul suo cammino. A 16 anni è orfana di mamma, a 19 le muore anche il papà e va così a vivere da una zia, mentre in lei comincia a farsi strada l’idea di consacrarsi completamente a Cristo in un ordine religioso: una decisione che medita fino ai 37 anni, quando un corso di esercizio spirituali le chiarisce le idee.
Si consacrerà a Dio ma non, come le consigliano gli altri, in una congregazione di vita contemplativa. Preferisce fare di testa sua e sceglie di aggregarsi alla “Figlie del Sacro Cuore”, una comunità di pie donne che da più di vent’anni gestisce a Guadalajara un piccolo ospedale per i poveri. Non si tratta di una vera e propria congregazione religiosa, ma di un’associazione laicale riconosciuta dalla Chiesa, che sta aspettando il suo leader. Maria Natividad si tuffa per 16 anni nell’assistenza dei poveri e dei malati, accettando i vari incarichi che le vengono assegnati fino a quello di Superiora. Qualche mese dopo l’elezione è lo stesso vescovo diocesano a suggerirle di scrivere le Costituzioni per un’autentica comunità religiosa che poi possa essere approvata come Congregazione.
Forse nessuno poteva essere più inadeguato di lei per simile incarico eppure in tre anni riesce a far prendere forma alla Congregazione Religiosa delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore, che ancora oggi, nello spirito della fondatrice, si prende cura di anziani poveri e malati: in Messico, in Guatemala, nell’Honduras e, più recentemente, anche in Africa. Lei, sorridente e semplice, guida la nuova Congregazione fino al 1954, quando passa la mano alla nuova superiora tornando nell’ombra. Trascorre gli ultimi anni in mezzo a grandi sofferenze fisiche, spirando serenamente ultranovantenne il 30 luglio 1959.
Giovanni Paolo II la beatifica il 22 novembre 1992 e la proclama santa il 21 maggio 2000.
Autore: Gianpiero Pettiti
María de Jesús Sacramentado – María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas de la Torre, nació en un poblado del municipio de Zapotlanejo, Jalisco (México) el 8 de Septiembre de 1868, la bautizaron con el nombre de María Natividad. La vida de la joven María Natividad se desarrolló en un clima de sencillez, sin hechos extraordinarios, su niñez y adolescencia con los matices que da la vida. A la edad de 19 años quedó huérfana de padre y madre quedando al cuidado de una tía paterna. María Natividad sentía fuerte atractivo hacia la vida religiosa, y el 8 de diciembre de 1989, ingresa en la floreciente Asociación de Hijas de María, en su lugar natal.
El 8 de diciembre de 1905 asistió a unos Ejercicios Espirituales y como fruto de éstos, decide formar parte del grupo de “Hijas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús”, que con ella completaban 6 para el cuidado de los enfermos en el Hospital del Sagrado Corazón, recién fundado por el Sr. Canónigo Don Atenógenes Silva y Alvarez Tostado. Se distinguió por su humildad, sencillez, trato afable conlas hermanas, enfermos y personas en general, esta inmensa caridad bebida de la fuente del Corazón Divino de Jesús, a quien amó, en quien siempre esperó y cuya devoción procuró inculcar a todas las personas de su alrededor.
Manifestó un trato especial a los obispos y sacerdotes, atendiéndolos con verdadero amor, respeto y obediencia, viendo en ellos la prolongación de Cristo Sumo y Eterno Sacerdote. En el año de 1912 fue elegida Vicaria, puesto que ocupó hasta el 25 de enero de 1921 en el que, realizadas las primeras elecciones canónicas, resultó elegida Superiora General, al poco tiempo escribe las Constituciones que regirían a las Hijas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, éstas fueron aprobadas en 1930, reconociéndose así el nuevo Instituto.
El 30 de Julio de 1959 entregó su alma al Creador, llena de paz, después de recibir los auxilios sacramentales. El milagro reconocido para su Canonización pertenece al Sr. Anastasio Ledezma Mora, que fue llevado al Hospital del Sagrado Corazón para someterlo a una operación quirúrgica. Después de la anestesia, se manifestó una lentitud cardíaca, que aumentó gradualmente hasta finalizar en un paro total del corazón y de las arterias. Enseguida se intentaron terapias de reanimación aunque en vano, por lo que el enfermo cayó en coma profundo.
Los médicos enfermeros que estaban en el quirófano, así como la esposa del enfermo y las hermanas (Hijas del Sagrado Corazón), invocaron la intercesión de la Beata María de Jesús Sacramentado. Después de 10 o 12 minutos, las palpitaciones se restablecieron y más allá de lo que los médicos esperaban, el enfermo no sufrió ningún daño en el cerebro; a los pocos días fue sometido a una hemicolectomía con colostomía definitiva sin complicación alguna. Se tuvo como admirable la reanudación de los latidos del corazón gravemente interrumpidos.
SOURCE : http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20000521_venegas-de-la-torre_sp.html