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Sainte REINE (REGINA) d'AUTUN, vierge et martyre


Sainte Reine

Martyre à Alésia, en Côte d'Or ( 252)

Ses 'Actes' sont sans valeur car ils sont l'œuvre d'un faussaire qui se contenta de plagier les 'Actes' de sainteMarguerite

Son culte est attesté à Alésia (Alise Sainte Reine -21150- dans la Côte d'Or) dès le Ve siècle, par une basilique érigée au-dessus de son sarcophage ce qui donne à croire que sainte Reine subit le martyre là même où Vercingétorix se rendit à César. 

A Voisines -89260- on trouve une chapelle Sainte-Reine: "bâtie en 1827 par deux habitants à la suite d’un vœu fait lors d’un pèlerinage à Alise-Sainte-Reine. Ce fut longtemps un pèlerinage fréquenté. L’hiver, une messe y est dite les premiers vendredis du mois car la chapelle est plus facile à chauffer que l’église." (Leschapelles du Sénonais et du Jovinien - diocèse de Sens-Auxerre)

D'après la légende qui évolue avec le temps, Reine était une jeune fille, orpheline de mère, instruite dans la foi chrétienne par sa nourrice.

À Alésia chez les Éduens, sainte Reine, martyre.

Martyrologe romain

SOURCE : http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/1807/Sainte-Reine.html

Sainte Reine d’Autun

Vierge et martyre

Fête le 7 septembre

Église de France

† en Bourgogne v. 286 (?)

Autre graphie : Reine ou Régine

Les Actes de cette martyre n’ont aucune valeur historique, on suppose que cette humble bergère se refusant à un païen, fut torturée et décapitée à Autun par le préfet Olybrius parce qu’elle avait refusé de l’épouser. Sa légende est une simple reprise de la vie de sainte Marina.

A Alise en Côte-d’Or (sur le plateau du mont Auxois, site d’Alésia), le culte de sainte Reine est antérieur à 626.

En 1923, on a déblayé à Alésia (Alise-Sainte-Reine) une église mérovingienne, probablement dédiée à notre martyre, peut-être exécutée sur cet emplacement en 252. Ses reliques sont à Flavigny-sur-Ozerain (Côte-d’Or).

Sainte Reine est la patronne des charpentiers.

Regina (Regnia, Reine) of Autun VM (RM)

Born in Alise (Alesia), Burgundy, France; died c. 251 or 286. Regina has been venerated at Autun from an early date and was probably martyred under the persecution of Decius or Maximian Herecleus; however, we have no particulars of her life, so her clients developed a suitable one for her. 

Thus, it is related that Regina's father, Clement, was a prominent pagan citizen; her mother died in giving her life. The baby was entrusted to the care of a Christian nurse who had her baptized, which, to put it mildly, didn't please her father. He repudiated his daughter, refusing to ever see her again. The nurse was poor, so she sent Regina to tend her little flock of sheep. The young saint found this to be a pleasing occupation because it provided her with the time and solitude to pray and read the lives of the saints.

Too soon the little girl grew to womanhood and attracted the attention of the prefect of the province, Olybrius, who decided that she would be his bride. Regina, having dedicated her life to God, rejected his advances. Her father was willing to accept her as his daughter when he knew that she had a distinguished suitor, but she rejected his entreaties as well. As Olybrius was setting out on a journey, he had Regina imprisoned--the chief jailer was her own father, who carefully guarded his daughter in order to ensure his own advancement. He encased her in an iron belt joined by two chains to opposite walls.

When Olybrius returned, he again tried to sway Regina to become his wife. Again she rejected him. In his anger he had her scourged over a wooden horse, her nails torn from their beds, and her skin rent by iron hooks. Regina recovered from her injuries immediately after being returned to her cell. That night in prison, she had a vision of the cross, and a voice told her that her release would be soon. The next day Olybrius began the process again, this time using torches on her side, crucifixion, and finally decapitation. Many witnesses are said to have been converted by the appearance of a dove hovering over her head.

The story is entirely a Burgundian adaptation of the legend of Saint Marina or Margaret of Antioch. Her relics are enshrined in Flavigni abbey, to which they were translated in 864, and where they have been rendered famous by miracles and pilgrimages. There is a miraculous spring with powers to heal ringworm, mange, scurvy, and other illnesses, with a hospital nearby dedicated to Saint Regina founded by Saint Vincent de Paul (Benedictines, Delaney, Encyclopedia, Husenbeth, White).

In art, Saint Regina is portrayed as a maiden bound to a cross with torches applied to her sides. She might also be shown (1) in prison with a dove appearing on a shining cross; (2) with a lamb or sheep near her (not to be confused with Saint Agnes); (3) scourged with rods (Roeder); or (4) in a boiling cauldron (White). She is venerated at Autun, France, and in southern Germany (Roeder). 

September 7

St. Regina, or Reine, Virgin and Martyr

AFTER undergoing many cruel torments, she was beheaded for the faith at Aliza, formerly a large town called Alexia, famous for the siege which Cæsar laid to it, now a small village in the diocess of Autun in Burgundy. Her martyrdom happened in the persecution of Decius, in 251, or under Maximian Herculeus in 286, as some Martyrologies mention. She is honoured in many ancient Martyrologies. Her relics are kept with great devotion in the neighbouring abbey of Flavigni, a league distant, whither they were translated in 864, and where they have been rendered famous by miracles and pilgrimages, of which a history is published by two monks of that abbey. See Lubin, Not. in Martyr. Rom. p. 41. Suassaye, Martyr. Gallic. Suysken, the Bollandist, t. 3. Sept. p. 24 ad 43.

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume IX: September. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

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