Maître à l'œillet de Baden, peintre suisse, Saint Fridolin accompagné du mort qu'il a ressuscité.
fin XVe siècle. Musée des beaux-arts de Dijon
Saint Fridolin de Säckingen
Moine près de Bâle (7ème s.)
Originaire d'Irlande, dit-on, il s'en vint en Bourgogne. Grâce à Clovis, il fit reconstruire la basilique de saint Hilaireà Poitiers, puis évangélisa la Lorraine, la Suisse et l'Alsace. Il se retire enfin à Säckingen, sur le Rhin, dans un monastère qu'il avait fondé. Il est le patron du canton suisse de Glaris.
Des internautes nous signalent
- "Sankt Fridolin est l'un des compagnons de saint Gallqui avec saint Colombanet tant d'autres moines irlandais évangélisèrent la Francie et la Germanie."
- "L'histoire est racontée par Joseph Victor von Scheffel (Karlsruhe 1826-1886) dans son roman en vers Der Trompeter von Säkkingen- 1853" (site en allemand)
À Säckingen sur le lac de Constance, en Suisse(*), vers le VIIe siècle, saint Fridolin, abbé. Venu, dit-on, d’Irlande, il séjourna d’abord à Poitiers près du tombeau de saint Hilaire, puis pérégrina à travers la Gaule, et aboutit à Säckingen, où il fonda un monastère double en l’honneur de saint Hilaire.
(*) Un internaute nous signale que Säckingen se situe en Allemagne à la frontière Suisse sur la rive droite du Rhin. L'église du monastère St-Fridolin de Säckingen a inspiré fortement l'architecture de l'église St-Fridolin de Mulhouse.
Martyrologe romain
Fridolin of Säckingen, OSB, Abbot (AC)
Died c. 650. Saint Fridolin, the Irish Wanderer, gained his nickname in the 7th century by his endless journeyings--through Gaul, Germany, and Switzerland. He began his missionary work in Poitiers, France. An assiduous founder of monasteries, Fridolin also found the body of Saint Hilary of Poitiers, which had been lost when the Vandals destroyed the monastery in that city, and restored the church itself. He became devoted to St. Hilary and established other monasteries under his patronage, including the abbey of Säckingen. Started as a school for young boys on an island in the Rhein, Säckingen was no somber place. Here Fridolin happily encouraged the boys to play many different sports. He also established an Irish-influenced abbey at Chur, Switzerland, where stones sculpted in the Irish fashion can still be seen. His vita was recorded by a monk of Säckingen five centuries after his death; however, he claimed to have based it on a much earlier biography. He is venerated as the apostle of the Upper Rhein and on his feast, the houses of Säckingen are decorated with the flags of Germany, Switzerland, and Ireland (Benedictines, Bentley, Montague).
Saint Fridolin is depicted in art as an abbot leading a skeleton by the hand, a pilgrim with a staff and book (Roeder). He is patron of Alsace, Glarus, Sachingen, and Strasbourg and is invoked for fine weather (Roeder).
St. Fridolin
Missionary, founder of the Monasteryof Säckingen, Baden(sixth century). In accordance with a later tradition, St. Fridolin is venerated as the first Irish missionary who laboured among the Alamanni on the Upper Rhine, in the time of the Merovingians. The earliest documentary information we possess concerning him is the biography written by Balther, a Säckingenmonk, at the beginning of the eleventh century (Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script. rer. Merov., III, 350-69). According to this life, Fridolin (or Fridold) belonged to a noble family in Ireland (Scottia inferior), and at first laboured as a missionary in his native land. Afterwards crossing to France, he came to Poitiers, where in answer to a vision, he sought out the relics of St. Hilarius, and built a church for their reception. St. Hilarius subsequently appeared to him in a dream, and commanded him to proceed to an island in the Rhine, in the territories of the Alamanni. In obedience to this summons, Fridolin repaired to the "Emperor"Clovis, who granted him possessionof the still unknown island, and thence proceeded through Helion, Strasburg, and Coire, founding churches in every district in honour of St. Hilarius. Reaching at last the island of Säckingen in the Rhine, he recognized in it the island indicated in the dream, and prepared to build a churchthere. The inhabitants of the banks of the Rhine, however, who used the island as a pasturage for their cattle, mistook Fridolin for a cattle-robber and expelled him. On his production of Clovis'sdeed of gift, he was allowed to return, and to found a church and monastery on the island. He then resumed his missionary labours, founded the Scottishmonastery in Constance, and extended his mission to Augsburg. He died on 6 March, and was buriedat Säckingen. The writer of this legend professes to have derived his information from a biography, which he discovered in the cloister of Helera on the Moselle, also founded by Fridolin, and which, being unable to copy from want of parchment and ink, he had learned by heart.
POTTHAST, Bibliotheca historica medii ævi (Berlin, 1896), II, 1322-23; Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, ed. BOLLANDISTS, I, 478; WATTENBACH, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, I (7th ed., Berlin, 1904) 155; HEFELE, Geschichte der Einführung des Christenthums in Südwestl. Deutschland (Tübingen, 1837); LÜTOLF, Die Glaubensboten der Schweiz vor St. Gallus (Lucerne, 1871), 267 sqq.; LEO, Der hl. Fridolin (Freiburg im Br., 1886); HEER, St. Fridolin, der Apostel Alemanniens (Zürich, 1889); VON KNONAU, Nochmals die Frage St. Fridolin in Anzeiger für Schweizergesch. (1889), 377-81; SCHULTE, Beiträge zur Kritik der Vita Fridolini, Jahrbuch für Schweizergesch., XVIII (1893), 134-152.
St. Fridolin
Missionary, founder of the Monasteryof Säckingen, Baden(sixth century). In accordance with a later tradition, St. Fridolin is venerated as the first Irish missionary who laboured among the Alamanni on the Upper Rhine, in the time of the Merovingians. The earliest documentary information we possess concerning him is the biography written by Balther, a Säckingenmonk, at the beginning of the eleventh century (Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script. rer. Merov., III, 350-69). According to this life, Fridolin (or Fridold) belonged to a noble family in Ireland (Scottia inferior), and at first laboured as a missionary in his native land. Afterwards crossing to France, he came to Poitiers, where in answer to a vision, he sought out the relics of St. Hilarius, and built a church for their reception. St. Hilarius subsequently appeared to him in a dream, and commanded him to proceed to an island in the Rhine, in the territories of the Alamanni. In obedience to this summons, Fridolin repaired to the "Emperor"Clovis, who granted him possessionof the still unknown island, and thence proceeded through Helion, Strasburg, and Coire, founding churches in every district in honour of St. Hilarius. Reaching at last the island of Säckingen in the Rhine, he recognized in it the island indicated in the dream, and prepared to build a churchthere. The inhabitants of the banks of the Rhine, however, who used the island as a pasturage for their cattle, mistook Fridolin for a cattle-robber and expelled him. On his production of Clovis'sdeed of gift, he was allowed to return, and to found a church and monastery on the island. He then resumed his missionary labours, founded the Scottishmonastery in Constance, and extended his mission to Augsburg. He died on 6 March, and was buriedat Säckingen. The writer of this legend professes to have derived his information from a biography, which he discovered in the cloister of Helera on the Moselle, also founded by Fridolin, and which, being unable to copy from want of parchment and ink, he had learned by heart.
This statement sounds very suspicious, and makes one conclude that Baltherwas compelled to rely on verbal traditionfor the information recorded in his work. Not a single ancient author mentions Fridolin, the life has no proper historicalchronologicalarrangement, and the enumeration of so many wonders and visionsawakens distrust. Consequently, most modern historiansjustly reject the lifeas unauthentic, and as having no historicalfoundation for the facts recorded, while the older historiansbelieved that it contained a germ of truth. In the early Middle Ages, there was certainly some connection between Säckingenand Poitiers, from which the former monastery received its relics, and this fact may have made the author connect Fridolin with the venerationof St. Hilarius of Poitiers, and the churcheserected in his honour. The only portion of the lifethat can be regarded as historically tenable, is that Fridolin was an Irish missionary, who preached the Christian religion in Gaul, and founded a monastery on the island of Säckingen in the Rhine. Concerning the dateof these occurrences, we have no exact information. The monastery, however, was of great importance in the ninth century, since the earliest extant document concerning it states that on 10 February, 878, Charles the Fat presented to his wife Richardis the Monasteriesof Säckingen, of St. Felix and of Regulain Zurich.
Vita Fridolini, auctore Balthero monacho, in the following works: COLGAN, Acta Sanct. Hiberniæ (Louvain, 1645), I, 481 sq.; MONE, Quellensammlung der badischen Landesgeschichte(Karlsruhe, 1845), I; ed. KRUSCH in Mon. Hist., Script. Rer. Merowing., III, 351-69; Acta SS., March, I, 433-441.
POTTHAST, Bibliotheca historica medii ævi (Berlin, 1896), II, 1322-23; Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, ed. BOLLANDISTS, I, 478; WATTENBACH, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, I (7th ed., Berlin, 1904) 155; HEFELE, Geschichte der Einführung des Christenthums in Südwestl. Deutschland (Tübingen, 1837); LÜTOLF, Die Glaubensboten der Schweiz vor St. Gallus (Lucerne, 1871), 267 sqq.; LEO, Der hl. Fridolin (Freiburg im Br., 1886); HEER, St. Fridolin, der Apostel Alemanniens (Zürich, 1889); VON KNONAU, Nochmals die Frage St. Fridolin in Anzeiger für Schweizergesch. (1889), 377-81; SCHULTE, Beiträge zur Kritik der Vita Fridolini, Jahrbuch für Schweizergesch., XVIII (1893), 134-152.
Kirsch, Johann Peter. "St. Fridolin." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909. 6 Mar. 2016 <>.
Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Steven Fanning.
Ecclesiastical approbation.Nihil Obstat. September 1, 1909. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur.+John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York.
March 6
St. Fridolin, Abbot
HE was an Irish or Scottish abbot, who, leaving his own country, founded several monasteries in Austrasia, Burgundy, and Switzerland: the last was that of Sekingen, in an isle in the Rhine, now one of the four forest towns belonging to the house of Austria. In this monastery he died, in 538. He is the tutelar patron of the Swiss canton of Glaris, who carry in their coat of arms his picture in the Benedictin habit, though he was not of that order. See Molanus, Addit. ad Usuard. Pantaleon, Prosopographiæ Vir. Illustr. German, ad an. 502. King, in Calend. Wion, Lignum Vitæ, l. 3.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume III: March. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
Saint Fridolin
Saint Fridolin
Also known as
- Apostle of the Upper Rhine
- Fridolin Vandreren of Säckingen
- Irish Wanderer
Born to the Irishnobility. Evangelist. Benedictinemonkat Luxeuil Abbey and at Poitiers, France. Received a vision of SaintHilary of Poitiers in which he was shown the location of Hilary‘s relics, which had been lost during a Vandal invations. Fridolin found them, and built a chapel to house them. He built churches in Alsace, in Switzerland, and in Burgundy. Missionary among the Alamanni in the Upper Rhine; many thought he was a roaming cattlethief, and chased him away. He founded the monasteryin Säckingen, Baden (part of modern Germany, and served as its abbot. On the date of his feast, the houses of Säckingen are decorated with the flags of Germany, Switzerland, and Ireland.