Richard de Montbaston et collaborateurs. Saint Fursy et le moine (Saint Fursey, Forseus)..
Vies de saints. Cote : Français 185 , Fol. 218. Paris, XIVe siècle
Saint Fursy
abbé (✝ v. 650)
abbé (✝ v. 650)
Moine irlandais, disciple desaint Colomban, fondateur de l’abbaye de Lagny (qui devint bénédictine).
Moine à Mézerolles en Ile de France. D’origine irlandaise si l’on en croit la tradition qu’il n’y a pas de raison de mettre en doute, il prêcha l’Evangile durant douze années dans son pays où il fonda l’abbaye de Burghcastle dans le comté de Suffolk puis vint en Gaule vers 646. Il fut sans doute "chorévêque" desaint Landry de Paris.
Au martyrologe, il est indiqué qu'il est fêté, à Mézerolles dans le Ponthieu, saint Fursy, abbé, qui fonda et dirigea des monastères d’abord en Irlande, puis en Angleterre, enfin en Gaule, à Lagny-en-Brie. il mourut en allant visiter ses frères restés en Angleterre.
A lire aussi, sur le site de l'Eglise de Polynésie: "De tous les anciens saints Irlandais, Fursy est celui dont la vie nous est le mieux connue..." moine irlandais, mort en 649 à Péronne (dont il est le protecteur). Sa 'vision' du monde spirituel et de la vie d’outre-tombe enthousiasmaSt Bède le Vénérablequi le cite abondamment et inspira aussi plus d’une page de 'La Divine Comédie'.
Martyrologe romain
St. Fursey
An Abbot of Lagny, near Paris, d. 16 Jan., about 650. He was the son of Fintan, son of Finloga, prince of South Muster, and Gelgesia, daughter of Aedhfinn, prince of Hy-Briuinin Connaught. He was born probably amongst the Hy-Bruin, and was baptized by St. Brendan the Traveller, his father's uncle, who then ruled a monasteryin the Island of Oirbsen, now called Inisquin in Lough Corrib. He was educated by St. Brendan'smonks, and when of proper age he embraced the religious life in the same monastery under the AbbotSt. Meldan, his "soul-friend" (anam-chura). His great sanctity was early discerned, and there is a legendthat here, through his prayers, twin children of a chieftain related to King Brendinus were raised from the dead. After some years he founded a monastery at Rathmaton the shore of Lough Corrib which Colgan identifies as Killursa, in the deaneryof Annadown. Aspirants came in numbers to place themselves under his rule, but he wished to secure also some of his relatives for the new monastery. For this purpose he set out with some monks for Munster, but on coming near his father's home he was seized with an apparently mortal illness. He fell into a trance from the ninth hour of the day to cock-crow, and while in this state was favoured with the first of the ecstatic visions which have rendered him famous in medievalliterature.
In this visionwere revealed to him the state of man in sin, the beauty of virtue. He heard the angelicchoirssinging "the saints shall go from virtueto virtue, the God of Gods will appear in Sion". An injunction was laid on him by the two angels who restored him to the body to become a more zealous labour in the harvest of the Lord. Again on the third night following, the ecstasy was renewed. He was rapt aloft by three angels who contended six times with demons for his soul. He saw the fires of hell, the strife of demons, and then heard the angelhostssing in four choirs"Holy, holy, holyLord God of hosts". Among the spiritsof the just made perfecthe recognized Sts. Meldan and Beoan. They entertained him with much spiritualinstruction concerning the duties of ecclesiastics and monks, the dreadful effects of pride and disobedience, the heinousness of spiritualand internal sins. They also predicted famine and pestilence. As he returned through the fire the demon hurled a tortured sinner at him, burning him, and the angel of the Lordsaid to him: "because thou didst receive the mantle of this manwhen dying in his sinthe fire consuming him hath scarred thy body also." The body of Fursey bore the mark ever after. His brothers Foillan and Ultanthen joined the community at Rathmat, but Fursey seems to have renounced the administration of that monastery and to have devoted himself to preaching throughout the land, frequently exorcising evil spirits. Exactly twelve months afterwards he was favoured with a third vision. The angel remained with him a whole day, instructed him for his preaching, and prescribed for him twelve years of apostoliclabour. This he faithfullyfulfilled in Ireland, and then stripping himself of all earthly goods he retired for a time to a small island in the ocean. Then he went with his brothers and other monks, bringing with him the relics of Sts. Meldanand Beoan, through Britain(Wales) to East Anglia where he was honourably received by King Sigebertin 633. The latter gave him a tract of land at Cnobheresburgon which he built a monastery within the enclosure of a Romanfort--Burghcastle in Suffolk--surrounded by woods and overlooking the sea. Here he laboured for some years convertingthe Picts and Saxons. He also received King Sigebert into the religiousstate. Three miracles are recorded of his life in this monastery. Again he retired for one year to live with Ultanthe life of an anchorite.
When war threatened East Anglia, Fursey, disbanding his monks until quieter times should come, sailed with his brothers and six other monks to Gaul. He arrived in Normandy in 648. Passing through Ponthieu, in a village near Mézerolles he found grief and lamentation on all sides, for the only son of Duke Hayson, the Lordof that country, lay dead. At the prayer of Fursey the boy was restored. Pursuing his journey to Neustria he cured many infirmities on the way, by miracles he converteda robber and his family, who attacked the monks in the wood near Corbie, and also the inhospitable worldling Ermelinda, who had refused to harbour the weary travellers. His fame preceded him to Péronne, where he was joyfullyreceived by Erkinoald, and through his prayers obtained the repriveof six criminals. He was offeredany site in the king's dominions for a monastery. He selected Latiniacum (Lagny), close to Chelles and about six miles from Paris, a spot beside the Marne, covered with shady woods and abounding in fruitful vineyards. Here he built his monastery and three chapels, one dedicatedto the Saviour, one to St. Peter, and the third, an unpretending structure, afterwards dedicated to St. Fursey himself. Many of his countrymen were attracted to his rule at Lagny, among them Emilian, Eloquius, Mombulus, Adalgisius, Etto, Bertuin, Fredegand, Lactan, Malguil. Having certainpremonitions of his end, he set out to visit his brothers Foillanand Ultan who had by this time recruited the scattered monks of Cnobheresburgand re-established that monastery but his last illness struck him down in the very village in which his prayer had restored DukeHaymon's son to life. The village was thence-forward called Forsheim, that is, the house of Fursey. In accordance with his own wish his remains were brought to Péronne, many prodigies attending their transmission, and deposited in the portico of the church of St. Peter to which he had consigned the relics of Sts. Meldanand Beoan. His body layunburied there for thirty days pending the dedicationof the church, visited by pilgrims from all parts, incorrupt and exhaling a sweet odour. It was then deposited near the altar. Four years later, on 9 February, the remains were translated with great solemnityby St. Eligius, Bishop of Noyon, and Cuthbert, Bishop of Cambrai, to a chapel specially built for them to the east of the altar. In the "Annals of the Four Masters", Péronne is called Cathair Fursa.
In art St. Fursey is represented with two oxen at his feet in commemoration of the prodigy by which, according to legend, Erkinoald'sclaim to his body was made good; or he is represented striking water from the soil at Lagnywith the point of his staff; or beholding a vision of angels, or gazing at the flames of purgatory and hell. It is disputed whether he was a bishop; he may have been a chorepiscopus. A litany attributed to him is among the manuscripts in Trinity CollegeDublin. An Irishprophecyis attributed to him by Harris.
Mulcahy, Cornelius."St. Fursey."The Catholic Encyclopedia.Vol. 6.New York: Robert Appleton Company,1909.16 Jan. 2016<>.
Monument à Saint Fursey, Bellefontaine (Bièvre)
Fursey of Lagny OSB, Abbot (RM)
(also known as Fursa of Pérrone)
Born Island of Inisquin(?), Lough Corri, Ireland; died in France c. 648. After Saint Columbanus, Fursey is perhaps the best known of the Irish monastic missioners abroad in the earlier middle ages. Born of noble parents, Saint Fursey left home to build a monastery at Rathmat (probably Killursa), attracted throngs of disciples, and then after a time at home began preaching.
Twelve years later, sometime after 630, with his brothers SS. Foillan and Ultan, he travelled to East Anglia (England) as a "pilgrim for Christ," and was welcomed by King Saint Sigebert of the East Angles, who was encouraging the work of Saint Felix of Dunwich at just this time. Sigebert gave them the old fortress of Cnobheresburg (Burgh Castle, Suffolk) and its adjacent lands for a monastery.
Fursey, therefore, established a monastery on this land, and ministered from there for about ten years. About 642, on the death of Sigebert in battle against King Penda of Mercia, Fursey left on a pilgrimage to Rome. He never returned. Instead he moved on to Gaul, where he was given land by Mayor Erchinoald of Neustria (into whose household Saint Bathildis had recently been sold). There Fursey founded a monastery at Lagny- sur-Marne, near Paris, c. 644.
Fursey died at Mezerolles (Somme) while on a journey, and was buried at Péronne (Picardy), where his tomb became a place of pilgrimage and the monastery there an Irish center.
Saint Bede wrote more about Fursey than any other Irish missionary, except Saint Aidan. Fursey, says Bede, was 'renowned for his words and works, outstanding in goodness,' and it is Bede who relates the visions of the unseen world of spirits, good and evil, which account for much of Fursey's fame. From time to time he would fall into a trance-like state for a considerable period, during which he would see such things as the fires of falsehood, covetousness, discord, and injustice lying in wait to consume the world. He also had a vision of the afterlife, which Bede recounts--one of the earliest such. Together with those of the English Drithelm (also recorded by Bede), Saint Fursey's visions had considerable influence in the religious thought of western Europe in the later middle ages, notably as expressed in Dante's Divine Comedy.
Fursey made a big impression on everyone that met him. So many miracles were attributed to him in his own lifetime that he should be counted among the greatest of saints. He initiated his mission in France by restoring to life the son of a local nobleman, Count Haymon, who begged him to build his monastery on the nobleman's land. The saint declined, but this is the very site on which he died. Fursey's sanctity was a topic of conversation and came to the attention of French kings and nobles, who vied with each other to attract him to their territory, even after his death.
Count Haymon intended to inter Fursey in Mezerolles, but the Chancellor of Péronne, Erchinoald, sent a royal guard to seize the remains. His holy body lay in a portico for four years, awaiting the completion of a magnificent new church to receive him. Bede records "concerning the incorruption of his body, we have briefly taken notice so that the sublime character of this man may be better known to the readers."
In 654, Fursey's relics were translated to a shrine "in the shape of a little house," supposedly made by Saint Eligius. They were translated again in 1056. King Saint Louis, in 1256, declared his desire to be present for the retranslation of his remains to a new shrine at Péronne. On his return from a crusade, Louis went straight to Péronne, where he placed his own seal on the sepulchre. Most of the relics remained until the French Revolution; a head reliquary survived even the Prussian bombing of 1870. French, Irish, and English calendars (especially at Canterbury, which claimed his head relics) attest to his cultus. (Attwater, Benedictines, Delaney, Encyclopedia, Farmer, Montague).
In art Saint Fursey is portrayed as an abbot raising from the dead a youth, son of a nobleman. He may also by shown in ecstasy (Roeder). The figure of Fursey is now carried on the banner of the city of Péronne (Montague).
Saint Fursey of Péronne
Saint Fursey of Péronne
Also known as
- Fursey of Lagny
- Fursa
- Furseo
- Furse
- Fursae
- Fursu
- Fulsey
- Furseus
Son of an Irishprince. Related to SaintFoillan and SaintUltan of Péronne. Educated by SaintBrendan the Voyager. Priest. Abbotof a house at Rathmat, Ireland. Preached, evangelized, and established monasteriesin Ireland for twelve years. Evangelized in England, building monasteries. Evangelized in France, working with SaintBlitharius; they had great success. Clovis, king of the Franks, received him, and asked that he build a house at Lagny, France. Raised the young son of a court nobleman from the dead. Given to ecstaciesand trances during which he received visions of a immense struggle between good and evil, with glimpses of heaven and hell. The visions were described in the aptly named Visions of Fursey, and had a great effect on such works as Dante’s Divine Comedy. Bedewrote extensively and glowingly of Fursey. His image is on the banner of the city of Peronne, France.
- 648 at Mezerolles, France
- buried at Peronne, Picardy, France
- when his relics were translated in 654, his body was found incorrupt
- relics re-translated in 1056
- relics re-translated in 1256
- miracles reported at his tomb
- most relics destroyed in the French Revolution
- abbot raising a young nobleman from the dead
- abbot in an ecstastic trance
- priest in a trance with spectral images hovering nearby
- man with two oxen at his feet
- striking water from the soil at Lagny with the point of his staff
- watching a vision of angels
- watching the flames of purgatory and hell
Saint Fursa
Patron Saint of Killursa Parish, Co. Galway, Ireland
Peronne, France
According to a 12th century written version of his life, ( called Beatha Fursa in Irish or Vita Fursaeus in Latin ), Fursa was born at Rathmat on the island of Inchiquin in Lough Corrib c. 584AD. His father was Fintan, King of Munster and his mother Gelgies, daughter of the King of Connacht. They had fled to sanctuary and St. Brendan's protection in Lough Corrib after some trouble in Munster ( Brendan was Fintan's uncle ). Fursa had two brothers, Enda ( later St. Enda of Aran fame and founder of Killeaney ) and Cunna (later St. Cunna who founded the Kilcoona monastic settlement ). Brendan's successor at his monastic community in Rathmat on Inchiquin was St. Meldan, of the Hua-Cuinn family, from which the island of Inis-Mhic-Ui-Chuinn took its name, and he educated the young boy and groomed him for the religious life. The story goes that Fursa eventually moved across to the mainland and established his own monastery at the site now known as Killursa where the cemetery exists on the road to Headford. Incidentally, the names of the townlands Kildaree, Ardfintan and Cahirfintan supposedly derive their names from Fintan, Fursa's father.
However, this story is at odds with the known information of Fursa's life before the 12thcentury version. The first version of his Vita was written a few years after this death in 650 AD at his monastic foundation in France and paints a different picture of his early life. Fursa was not a native of Inchiquin and indeed originally came from Ulster ( possibly the Cavan area ). He may have indeed visited St. Meldan at Inchiquin but he was not related to him or St. Brendan. He setup his own monastery at Killursa and soon built a thriving monastic settlement in the early 7th century. There is no evidence that he had brothers named Enda or Cunna either. In fact, his brothers as mentioned in his later travels, are stated as being Foltan and Ultan. There is indeed strong evidence that Fursa's early life story was altered in the 12th century to suit political expediency6 at that time.
What is not in dispute between the two versions of his 'Life'is that Fursa founded his monastic settlement at Killursa ( Cill Fhursa or Fursa's Church ) and we are told that the establishment flourished there. Many young men were attracted to the religious life and joined the energetic Fursa. It is likely the early stone church on this site was small but as the years passed and the community grew, it was enlarged and extended over several hundred years. The current structure, with its Gothic pointed doorway and large Gothic mullioned window was almost certainly erected after the Norman invasion ( 13th century ). There are still elements of the existing ruin which may date back to the 7th century so perhaps Fursa's own hands helped construct some of that original building. The monks would have lived in wooden huts around the church and tilled the land and raised cattle for meats, hides, leather, etc. They would have been self-sufficient in every way. Whether Killursa was a centre of scholarship and learning there can be little doubt but no manuscripts or other written material from that era has survived as being authored at this location. The most remarkable thing about Killursa is its founder and his subsequent life.
It was at Killursa that Fursa had his first ecstatic vision, which has made him unique and one of the most famous of 7th century Irish saints. These visions were also to render him famous in later medieval literature.
Fursa was siezed with an apparently mortal illness. He fell into a trance from 9pm until cockcrow next morning and when in this state was favoured by God with the first of his ecstatic visions. In this trance were revealed to him the state of man in sin and the beauty of virtue. He heard the angelic choirs of heaven singing. Two angles restored him to his body and urged him to become a more zealous labourer in the harvest of the Lord. On the third night after the initial vision, the ecstasy was renewed. He was raised aloft by six angels who contended six times with demons for his soul. He saw the fires of hell, the strife of demons and then heard the angels of heaven once more. Among the spirits of the just he recognized were his old tutors Saints Meldan and Beoan. They gave him much spiritual instruction concerning the duties of ecclesiastics and monks, the dreadful effects of pride and disobedience, the heinousness of spiritual and internal sins. They also predicted famine and pestilence. As Fursa returned through the fire with his angel 'bodyguards' a demon hurled a tortured sinner at him. It hit him on the shoulder and cheek and ever afterwards Fursa bore the scar of the burns he received.
These two episodes in quick succession seem to have had a life altering affect on Fursa. His brothers Foillan and Ultan joined him at Killursa but he slowly withdrew from administration of the monastic settlement there and instead devoted himself to preaching throughout the locality, frequently exorcising evil spirits. Exactly twelve months after the first vision, Fursa experienced a third ecstatic trance. This time an angel remained with him an entire day, instructed him for his preaching and prescribed for him 12 years of apostolic labour. This he faithfully fulfilled throughout Ireland and many places have sites attributed to Fursa of Killursa1.
After his 12 years of labour in the field, he stripped himself of all his worldly goods and retired for a short time to a small island in the ocean to pray and meditate.
Then, along with his brothers and a few other monks and bringing with him relics of Saints Meldan and Beoan, he went through Britain ( via Wales ) to East Anglia where he was received by King Siegbert in 633. St. Bede2 records this arrival in his writings3 :
WHILST Sigbert still governed the kingdom, there came out of Ireland a holy man called Fursa. renowned both for his words and actions, and remarkable for singular virtues, being desirous to live as a stranger and pilgrim for the Lord's sake, wherever an opportunity should otter. On coming into the province of the East Angles, he was honourably received by the aforesaid king, and performing his wonted task of preaching the Gospel, bv the example of his virtue and the influence of his words, converted many unbelievers to Christ, and confirmed in the faith and love of Christ those that already believed. Here he fell into some infirmity of body, and was thought worthy to see a vision of angels; in which he was admonished diligently to persevere in the ministry of the Word which he had undertaken, and indefatigably to apply himself to his usual watching and prayers; inasmuch as his end was certain, but the hour thereof uncertain, according to the saying of our Lord, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour. " Being confirmed by this vision, he set himself with all speed to build a monastery on the ground which had been given him by King Sigbert, and to establish a rule of life therein. This monastery was pleasantly situated in the woods, near the sea; it was built within the area of a fort, which in the English language is called Cnobheresburg, that is, Cnobhere's Town; afterwards, Anna, king of that province, and certain of the nobles, embellished it with more stately buildings and with gifts. This man was of noble Scottish blood4, but much more noble in mind than in birth. From his boyish years, he had earnestly applied himself to reading sacred books and observing monastic discipline, and, as is most fitting for holy men, he carefully practiced all that he learned to be right. Now, in course of time he himself built a monastery, wherein he might with more freedom devote himself to his heavenly studies.
Here, in East Anglia, Fursa laboured for some years converting the Picts and Saxons. He received King Sigebert into the religious state. Three miracles are recorded of his life in this monastery. Again, he retired for one year to live with his brother Ultan in quiet pray and contemplation.
When war threatened East Anglia, Fursa, disbanding his monks until quieter times should come, sailed with his two brothers and six other monks to Gaul ( France ). He arrived in Normandy about 642 AD. At the village of Ponthieu, Fursa raised a young boy to life; he was the only son of Duke Hayson the Lord of that country. His fame preceded him to Peronne, where Fursa and his band were joyously received by the ruler of that region, Erkinoald. He was offered any site for a monastery. He selected Latiniacum ( Lagny ), about six miles from present day Paris beside the river Marne, in a shady spot and abounding in fruitful vineyards. The site is close to present day Euro Disney.
Here, Fursa built his monastery and three chapels, one dedicated to the Saviour, one to St. Peter, and a third unpretending structure, afterwards dedicated to Fursa himself. Many Irishmen were attracted to this location and from here their mission spread throughout Europe.
Having certain premonitions that his end was near, Fursa decided to return to England to visit his brothers who had earlier returned to gather the scattered monks of Cnobheresburg in East Anglia and reestablish that monastery. However, he was struck down with illness in the very village of Ponthieu in which his prayer had raised the boy to life. There, on 16thJanuary in 650 AD, Fursa died. The name of the village was changed at that time from Ponthieu to Forsheim, meaning House of Fursa and has remained so ever since.
In accordance with his own wishes his body was brought to Peronne and buried in the chapel of St. Peter along with the relics of his mentors, Meldan and Beoan. While the chapel was awaiting dedication before his burial, his body lay 'in state' there for thirty days, visited by pilgrims from many parts. His corpse remained uncorrupted and exhaled a sweet odour. Four years later the body was reloacted to a specially prepared place of honour near the altar; it was found his body was still completely free from decomposition. In the "Annals of the Four Master", Peronne is called Cathair Fursa ( Fursa's City ).
As stated earlier, Fursa's visions of Heaven and Hell prompted much later discussion and analysis in medieval times and are thought to have inspired Dante's Divine Comedy5. Most pictorial representations of Fursa show him in a trance-like state undergoing one of his visions. That is the depiction in the stained glass window shown above.
And so that believers might understand what Fursa experienced in his visions and how they affected him, Bede writes :
But as for the story of his visions, he ( Fursa ) would only relate them to those who, from desire of repentance, questioned him about them. An aged brother of our monastery is still living, who is wont to relate that a very truthful and religious man told him, that he had seen Fursahimself in the province of the East Angles, and heard those visions from his lips; adding, that though it was in severe winter weather and a hard frost, and the man was sitting in a thin garment when he told the story, yet he sweated as if it had been in the heat of mid-summer, by reason of the great terror or joy of which he spoke.
1St Fursey's Well is situated in the townland of Killurley West, in the Parish of Caherciveen, Co Kerry. It lies at the foot of Knocknadobar (Mountain of the Wells). It supposedly got its name from St Fursey who washed his eyes there and was cured from threatened blindness. Also, a church in the townland of Ballymacgibbon, Cong is called Killarsa ( or Killarsagh ) and is attributed to Fursa.
2Bede was born around the time England was finally completely Christianized ( 672 AD ). Raised from age seven in the abbey of Saints Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-Jarrow, and lived there his whole life. Benedictine monk. Spiritual student of the founder, Saint Benedict Biscop. Ordained in 702 AD by Saint John of Beverley. Teacher and author, he wrote about history, rhetoric, mathematics, music, astronomy, poetry, grammar, philosophy, hagiography, homiletics, and Bible commentary. He died in 725 AD.
3Bede was known as the most learned man of his day, and his writings started the idea of dating this era from the incarnation of Christ. The central theme of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica is of the Church using the power of its spiritual, doctrinal, and cultural unity to stamp out violence and barbarism. Our knowledge of England before the 8th century is mainly the result of Bede's writing. He was declared a Doctor of the Church on 13th November 1899 by Pope Leo XIII when he was canonised.
4This reference to Scotland reinforces the 7th century knowledge that Fursa was probably of Scotch/Ulster extraction and not born in Inchiquin as 12th century texts claim.
5Dante Alighieri ( 1265-1321 AD ), an Italian born in Florence, completed his series of poems in three volumes of the Divina Commedia on the themes of Inferno ( Hell ), Purgatorio ( Purgatory ) and Paradiso ( Heaven ) in the 14th century. It is widely believed he was partly inspired by the visions of St. Fursa.
6See 'Sanctity and Politics in Connacht c. 1100 - the case of St Fursa' by Padraig O'Riain in Cambridge Medieval Studies No. 17 (summer, 1989), pp 1-14. Also, see 'A Very Puzzling Irish Missal' by John A. Claffey in Journal of The Galway Archaeological and Historical Society Volume 55: 2003, pp 1-12. For a summary of the political intrigue that forced a rewrite of Fursa's early life, see here.
Copyright © Michael H. Carroll, 2006
January 16
St. Fursey, Abbot in Ireland
SON of Fintan, king of part of Ireland, he was abbot first of a monastery in his own country, in the diocess of Tuam, near the lake of Orbsen, where now stands the church of Kill-fursa, says Colgan. Afterwards travelling with two of his brothers, St. Foilan and St. Ultan, through England, he founded, by the liberality of king Sigibert, the abbey of Cnobbersburg, now Burg-castle in Suffolk. Saint Ultan retired into a desert, and St. Fursey, after some time, followed him thither, leaving the government of his monastery to St. Foilan. Being driven thence by the irruptions of king Penda, he went into France, and, by the munificence of king Clovis II. and Erconwald, the pious mayor of his palace, built the great monastery of Latiniac, or Lagny, six leagues from Paris, on the Marne. He was deputed by the bishop of Paris to govern that diocess in quality of his vicar: on which account some have styled him bishop. He died in 650 at Froheins, that is, Fursei-domus, in the diocess of Amiens, whilst he was building another monastery at Peronne, to which church Erconwald removed his body. His relics have been famous for miracles, and are still preserved in the great church at Peronne, which was founded by Erconwald to be served by a certain number of priests, and made a royal collegiate church of canons by Lewis XI. Saint Fursey is honoured as patron of that town. See his ancient life in Bollandus, from which Bede extracted an account of his visions in a sickness in Ireland, l. 3. hist. c. 19. See also his life by Bede in MS. in the king’s library at the British Musæum, and Colgan, Jan. 16. p. 75. and Feb. 9. p. 282.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume I: January. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.