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Saint ACHILLAS d'ALEXANDRIE, catéchète, patriarche et confesseur



Saint Achillas

Patriarche d'Alexandrie (+ 312)

Patriarche d'Alexandrie, il était d'abord chargé de l'enseignement de la foi à l'École catéchétique d'Alexandrie. Il ne fut patriarche que quelques mois. Il est célèbre par son érudition, sa foi et la sainteté de sa vie. Maître en science philosophique, il le fut plus encore quand il devint disciple du Divin Maître.
À Alexandrie, en 312, saint Achillas, évêque, remarquable par son érudition, sa foi, sa vie et ses mœurs.

Martyrologe romain

SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/7132/Saint-Achillas.html

Saint Achillas

Élevé au sacerdoce par l’archevêque d’Alexandrie Théonas (282-300), en même temps que l’illustre Piérios, saint Achillas se rendit célèbre par sa sagesse et sa conduite évangélique, digne de servir de modèle à tous les chrétiens. Il fut chargé de l’enseignement de la foi et assura quelque temps la direction de l’École catéchétique fondée par Piérios. Après l’exécution de saint Pierre, le dernier martyr de la Grande Persécution (cf. 24 novembre), il fut consacré archevêque d’Alexandrie. Mais il n’occupa cette charge que quelques mois, pendant lesquels il s’efforça de réorganiser l’Église ébranlée par la persécution. Après son décès, survenu en juin 312, saint Alexandre fut élu pour lui succéder (cf. 29 mai).

SOURCE : https://foi-orthodoxe.fr/vie-des-saints/juin/saint-achillas-patriarche-dalexandrie/

Blessed Achilleo of Alexandria

Also known as



13 June

7 November in some calendars


Priestordained in the late 3rd century. Director of the famous school in AlexandriaEgyptBishop of Alexandria in 311. Though he only led his see for a few months, he was known for preaching and writing against Arianism.


13 June 312 of natural causes



Additional Information

Roman Martyrology1914 edition


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Santi e Beati

MLA Citation

“Blessed Achilleo of Alexandria“. CatholicSaints.Info. 8 January 2022. Web. 12 June 2024. <https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-achilleo-of-alexandria/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-achilleo-of-alexandria/

St. Achillas

Feastday: November 7
Death: 313

Bishop and theologian who lived in an era of dispute in the Church. Achillas was the bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, one of the most powerful cities in the world at the time. Succeeding as bishop a man named St. Peter the Martyr, Achillas ordained Arius, who was to begin the influential heresy of Arianism. When Achillas recognized the untruths in Arius' preaching, he took steps to defend the faith and was attacked by Arius and another heretical group called the Meletians. Achillas remained firm in the faith. A council held in Alexandria condemned Arius and forced him to flee to Palestine. Achillas, however, did not live to see this condemnation.

SOURCE : https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=1099

Book of Saints – Achillas


ACHILLAS (St.) Bp. (Nov. 7) (4th cent.) The Patriarch of Alexandria who succeeded St. Peter the Martyr. Deceived by the hypocrisy of the afterwards notorious heretic Arius, he ordained him priest. Two years later (A.D. 313) St. Achillas passed away, reverenced by all for his many virtues, and had for his successor St. Alexander, who was followed by the great St. Athanasius.

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Achillas”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 30 April 2012. Web. 12 June 2024. <http://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-achillas/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-achillas/

Saint Achillas' Story

Bishop and theologian who lived in an era of dispute in the Church. Achillas was the bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, one of the most powerful cities in the world at the time. Succeeding as bishop a man named St. Peter the Martyr, Achillas ordained Arius, who was to begin the influential heresy of Arianism. When Achillas recognized the untruths in Arius' preaching, he took steps to defend the faith and was attacked by Arius and another heretical group called the Meletians. Achillas remained firm in the faith. A council held in Alexandria condemned Arius and forced him to flee to Palestine. Achillas, however, did not live to see this condemnation.

SOURCE : https://www.saintsfeastfamily.com/copy-of-st-achillas-nov-7

Saint of the Day – 7 November – Saint Achillas (Died 313) Bishop, Confessor

Posted on November 7, 2023

Saint of the Day – 7 November – Saint Achillas (Died 313) Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, Confessor, Scholar particularly in Philosophy and Theology. Bishop St Theonas had Ordained him to the Priesthood and appointed Achillas as the Head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria upon the departure of St Pierius, for Rome, who we celebrated on 4 November. Born in Alexandria, Egypt and died there in 313 of natural causes. Also known as – Archelaus, Achillas of Alexandria, … of Egypt, “Achillas the Great.”

The Roman Martyrology states of him today: “At Alexandria, blessed Achillas, a Bishop renowned for erudition, faith and purity of life.”

Achillas is less well-known than his contemporary, Arius. But, while one has gone down in history as one of the most notorious of all heretics, the other is honoured, as one who kept the True Faith to the end.

Achillas was, a complete Alexandrian, where he was born some time in the 3rd Century. The City was one of the theological centres of Christendom – which made it an attractive target for heretics. Sabellius came to Alexandria in the early 3rd Century, teaching the heresy that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were all just different modes of one Divine person.

St Theonas, excommunicated Sabellius. His successor, Peter, had to contend with Meletius, who preached that those who had fallen away in persecution would have to be re-Baptised. Peter also had to discipline Arius. Before Peter was Martyred he nominated Achillas to succeed him.

As a former Head of Alexandria’s Catechetical School, Achillas was unlikely to be deceived by theological error. But, he was able to be deceived by his own kindness and merciful gentleness towards repentant sinners and by such a clever and wily man as Arius. Arius seems to have convinced Achillas that he, Arius, had changed and should be allowed back into the fold of the Church. Achillas eventually realised his mistake and started to oppose Arius publicly. He died without seeing the final victory of orthodoxy. After his death, Arius nominated himself to become Bishop of Alexandria but the clergy and the people, chose Alexander.

St Jerome lamented that “because, as a spark in Alexandria, he was not extinguished, Arius became a conflagration which laid waste the world!” But, for his efforts, Achillas has, nevertheless, been recognised as a Saint. St Athanasius (297-373), later the Archbishop of Alexandria and, the Doctor of the Church, described our St Achillas by the honourific “Achillas the Great.”

Author: AnaStpaul

Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! VIEW ALL POSTS

SOURCE : https://anastpaul.com/2023/11/07/saint-of-the-day-7-november-saint-achillas-died-313-bishop-confessor/

Saint of the week Achillas

(November 7)

Staff Reporter

November 2, 2017 at 12:00 pm

An Alexandrian life

Achillas is less well-known than his contemporary Arius. But while one has gone down in history as one of the most notorious of all heretics, the other is honoured as one who kept the faith.

Achillas was, through and through, a man of Alexandria (pictured), where he was born some time in the 3rd century. The city was one of the theological centres of Christendom – which made it an attractive target for heretics. Sabellius showed up in the early 3rd century, teaching that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were all just different modes of one divine person.

Heresies and patriarchs

St Theonas, the “pope” of Alexandria, excommunicated Sabellius. His successor, Peter, had to contend with Meletius, who preached that those who had fallen away in persecution would have to be re-baptised. Peter also disciplined Arius.

Achillas succeeded Peter. As a former head of Alexandria’s catechetical school, Achillas was unlikely to be deceived by theological error. But he was able to be deceived by as smooth an operator as Arius.

Arius’s spark

Arius seems to have convinced Achillas that he, Arius, had changed and should be allowed back into the fold of the Church. Achillas eventually realised his mistake and started to oppose Arius publicly. He died without seeing the final victory of orthodoxy.

St Jerome lamented that “because as a spark in Alexandria he was not put out, Arius became a conflagration that laid waste the world.” But for his efforts, Achillas has nevertheless been recognised as a saint.

SOURCE : https://catholicherald.co.uk/saint-of-the-week-achillas-november-7/

Beato Achilleo (Sant'Achilla) Vescovo di Alessandria

Festa: 13 giugno

† 312

Non si hanno molte notizie sulla sua vita, sebbene sia ricordato da Eusebio, da sant' Atanasio e da Socrate, i quali ne tessono grandi lodi. Secondo Eusebio Achilla fu ordinato sacerdote insieme con san Pietro dal vescovo Teona (282-300) e, prima della sua elezione a vescovo, divenne direttore della celebre scuola di Alessandria, allora rinomata in tutto l'Oriente. Nel 311, quando era già vecchio, succedette nella sede episcopale della stessa città a san Pietro, morto martire per la fede il 25 novembre dello stesso anno. L'episcopato di Achilla ebbe la durata di pochi mesi, perché egli morì il 13 giugno 312, come attesta lo scrittore Severo di al-Asmunayn, autore della storia dei patriarchi copti. Secondo altri, invece, Achilla sarebbe morto il 3 giugno, giorno in cui è commemorato in alcuni sinassari greci. Alla morte di Achilla, poi, fu eletto vescovo di Alessandria sant' Alessandro, che insieme con sant' Atanasio doveva divenire campione della fede cristiana contro Ario. I copti hanno escluso Achilla dal loro calendario, per la sua supposta condiscendenza verso Ario; secondo alcune fonti, infatti, il celebre eresiarca avrebbe ricevuto proprio da lui il sacerdozio: della validità di questa affermazione non si ha, tuttavia. nessuna prova. Negli antichi martirologi latini Achilla non è ricordato. Adone per primo, nel sec. IX, lo inserì nel suo martirologio, desumendone l'elogio dalla Storia ecclesiastica di Eusebio, e gli assegnò arbitrariamente, secondo il suo metodo, il 7 novembre.

Etimologia: Achille = bruno, scuro, dal greco

Martirologio Romano: Ad Alessandria d’Egitto, beato Achílleo, vescovo, che rifulse per cultura, fede, condotta di vita e costumi.

La figura di Beato Achilleo, Vescovo di Alessandria vissuto tra la fine del III e l'inizio del IV secolo, emerge dalle pagine di storia come un faro di sapienza e fede in un periodo tumultuoso per il primo Cristianesimo. Sebbene le informazioni pervenuteci siano frammentarie, la sua memoria è stata tramandata da illustri personaggi come Eusebio di Cesarea, Sant'Atanasio e Socrate Scolastico, che ne tessono un elogio unanime.

Secondo Eusebio, Achilleo fu ordinato sacerdote insieme a San Pietro dal Vescovo Teona (282-300). Prima di assumere la carica episcopale, divenne direttore della rinomata Scuola di Alessandria, un centro di cultura e teologia di primaria importanza nel mondo antico. In questo ruolo, Achilleo ebbe modo di trasmettere il suo sapere e la sua fede a numerosi discepoli, contribuendo alla formazione di nuove generazioni di cristiani.

Nel 311, ormai anziano, Achilleo succedette al Vescovo Pietro, martirizzato per la fede il 25 novembre dello stesso anno. Il suo episcopato, seppur breve, fu segnato da un impegno profondo nella guida della comunità cristiana di Alessandria. Achilleo si distinse per la sua saggezza, la sua rettitudine morale e la sua incrollabile fede, diventando un punto di riferimento per i fedeli in un periodo di grandi sfide.

Achilleo morì il 13 giugno 312, lasciando un'eredità spirituale preziosa. La sua figura fu venerata fin dai primi secoli del Cristianesimo, come attestato dalla sua menzione negli antichi martirologi latini. Adone, nel IX secolo, lo inserì nel suo Martirologio, fissandone la commemorazione al 7 novembre, data che oggi non viene più riportata nel Martirologio Romano.

Mentre la sua santità non è mai stata messa in discussione, alcuni scritti copti sollevano dubbi sulla sua posizione in merito all'eresia ariana. Secondo queste fonti, Achilleo avrebbe addirittura ordinato sacerdote Ario, il celebre eresiarca che negava la natura divina di Cristo. Tuttavia, l'attendibilità di tali affermazioni è incerta e non trova riscontro in fonti storiche più autorevoli.

Autore: Franco Dieghi

SOURCE : https://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/57020

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