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Saint CASTE et saint ÉMILE de CARTHAGE, martyrs



Yerville (Seine-Mar.) église, statue Saint Émile tenant le bûcher dans sa main

Saint Émile

Martyr à Carthage (+ v. 250)

Saint Caste et saint Émile qui après avoir faibli devant la torture ont repris courage pour affirmer leur foi devant les juges et furent brûlés.

En Afrique, vers 250, les saints martyrs Caste et Émile, qui achevèrent leur martyre par le feu. Comme l'écrit saint Cyprien, ces deux chrétiens vaincus dans un premier combat, le Seigneur les fit triompher dans un second, afin qu'après avoir cédé aux flammes, ils deviennent ensuite plus forts que les flammes.

Martyrologe romain

SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/2132/Saint-%C3%89mile.html



Publié le 21/05/2015 à 07:00 - Mis à jour le 21/05/2015 à 16:56

C’est par le grand évêque de Carthage, saint Cyprien, lui-même martyr en 258, que nous connaissons l’histoire d’Emile et de Caste qui moururent brûlés vifs, huit ans avant lors de la persécution de Dèce.

Chrétiens de Carthage, ils sont arrêtés et interrogés par le préfet qui leur ordonne de se sacrifier aux dieux. Faibles et craintifs des supplices dont ils ont vu la cruauté sur leurs amis, ils jettent de l’encens sur les braises qui scintillent devant la statue des dieux. «Enfin, des citoyens raisonnables», pense le préfet qui les relâche.

Mais la nuit de liberté fut terrible pour eux. Remords et repentir agitent leur esprit. Le lendemain, ils reviennent au tribunal qui poursuit ses sentences meurtrières sur les chrétiens. «Mais je vous ai déjà vus hier ! Votre cas est tranché ! Vous êtes libres», s’exclame le préfet ahuri. «Hier, tu as vu deux renégats, aujourd’hui tu vois des chrétiens qui viennent réparer leur lâcheté. Nous voulons recevoir aujourd’hui le baptême de sang.» Furieux et stupéfait, il ordonne de les jeter dans le feu.

Pensée spirituelle de sainte Rita (qui refuse que ses deux enfants vengent la mort de leur père) :

«Plutôt la mort que la vendetta.»

Courte prière à sainte Rita :

«Sainte Rita, exaucez nos prières, soulagez nos souffrances, et essuyez nos larmes.»

Éphéméride du 22 mai :

En 1823, Monseigneur Lartigue, premier évêque de Montréal, au Canada, pose la première pierre de la cathédrale Saint-Jacques. Un incendie la détruit en 1852. L’évêque d’alors décide de la reconstruire ailleurs. En 1858, un second incendie la détruit. Reconstruite une deuxième fois, elle est bénite en 1860. Après un nouvel incendie en 1933, elle est reconstruite et devient l’église de l’Exposition universelle de 1967. Trois ans après, elle est intégrée à la construction du campus de l’université du Québec. Le clocher, le plus haut de Montréal, est mis en valeur et ce qu’il reste de l’édifice désacralisé est classé monument historique. 

SOURCE : https://www.cnews.fr/racines/2015-05-21/22-mai-saint-emile-467858

Saint Emile et saint Caste

Book of Saints – Castus and Aemilius


CASTUS and AEMILIUS (Saints) Martyrs (May 22) (3rd century) Two celebrated African Martyrs of the persecution of Decius (A.D. 250) who, having first given way when put to the torture, repented, and on being seized a second time, bravely won their crown. They were burned to death, their love of Christ, as their contemporary Saint Cyprian tells us, proving itself “stronger than fire.” One of Saint Augustine’s sermons is a panegyric of these holy men.

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Castus and Aemilius”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 1 October 2012. Web. 22 May 2024. <http://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-castus-and-aemilius/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-castus-and-aemilius/

Saints of the Day – Castus and Aemilius, Martyrs


Died c.250. Castus and Aemilius suffered martyrdom in Africa under Decius. The first time they were captured, they gave way under torture. Upon their release they repented of their failure to remain steadfast in their faith. On being seized a second time, the were burned to death. Their contemporary Saint Cyprian in De lapsis, and later Saint Augustine in Sermon 285, were loud in their praise of these two martyrs (Benedictines, Husenbeth).

MLA Citation

Katherine I Rabenstein. Saints of the Day1998. CatholicSaints.Info. 18 May 2024. Web. 22 May 2024. <https://catholicsaints.info/saints-of-the-day-castus-and-aemilius-martyrs/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saints-of-the-day-castus-and-aemilius-martyrs/

Castus and Emilius were two men who lapsed, and then made renewed confession; mentioned by Cyprian, under Decius, as having suffered some time before (Cyp. Laps. c. 13; Tillemont, 3, 125); and commemorated in the calendar of Carthage, by Bede, etc., on May 22.

SOURCE : https://www.biblicalcyclopedia.com/C/castus.html

Butler’s Lives of the Saints – Saints Castus and AEmilius, Martyrs


May 22

They had first fallen in the persecution; but being touched with remorse, rose again with greater fervour, and triumphed over the flames. Saint Austin, in a sermon which he preached on their festival, says, they fell like Saint Peter by presuming on their own strength. They suffered in Africa, probably under Decius, in 250.

MLA Citation

Father Alban Butler. “Saints Castus and AEmilius, Martyrs”. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints1866. CatholicSaints.Info. 20 May 2012. Web. 22 May 2024. <http://catholicsaints.info/butlers-lives-of-the-saints-saint-castus-and-aemilius-martyrs/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/butlers-lives-of-the-saints-saints-castus-and-aemilius-martyrs/

St. Castus & Emilius

Feastday: May 22

Death: 250

Two African martyrs praised by St. Cyprian and St. Augustine. Taken prisoners, Castus and Emilius denied Christ under torture and were released. They were arrested a second time and now, resolved to be loyal to the faith, they refused to abjure Christianity. They were burned to death.

SOURCE : https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=2633

Saint Castus the Martyr

Also known as



22 May


Tortured in the persecutions of Decius, he renounced his Christianity. He later repented, returned to the Church, and when arrested a second time he stood by his ChristianityMartyr.


burned to death c.250 in North Africa




Calvi RisortaItaly

Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

Roman Martyrology1914 edition

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Online


sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati


MLA Citation

“Saint Castus the Martyr“. CatholicSaints.Info. 18 May 2024. Web. 22 May 2024. <https://catholicsaints.info/saint-castus-the-martyr/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saint-castus-the-martyr/

Saint Emilius the Martyr

Also known as




22 May


Tortured in the persecutions of Decius, he renounced his Christianity. He later repented, returned to the Church, and when arrested a second time he stood by his ChristianityMartyr.


burned to death c.250 in North Africa



Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

Roman Martyrology1914 edition

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Online



Santi e Beati

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati


sites en français

Fête des prénoms

MLA Citation

“Saint Emilius the Martyr“. CatholicSaints.Info. 18 May 2024. Web. 22 May 2024. <https://catholicsaints.info/saint-emilius-the-martyr/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saint-emilius-the-martyr/

Santi Casto ed Emilio Martiri

Festa: 22 maggio

† 203

Sono commemorati il 22 maggio nel Calendario cartaginese, nel Martirologio Geronimiano e nel Romano. Arrestati durante la persecuzione di Decio (ca. 250) vinsero la debolezza iniziale e, toccati dalla grazia, affrontarono eroicamente il carnefice, lavando col sangue la vergogna della precedente caduta.
Unica fonte su di loro è san Cipriano, che, nel De lapsis, li addita a esempio di vittoria del coraggio sulla paura. Sant'Agostino compose un sermone in loro onore nell'anniversario del martirio, senza fornire altre notizie.

Martirologio Romano: In Africa, santi Casto ed Emilio, martiri, che conclusero la loro passione nel fuoco. Come scrive san Cipriano, vinti in un primo combattimento, il Signore li rese in una seconda prova vincitori, facendoli più forti di quelle fiamme a cui i corpi avevano precedentemente ceduto.

Santi CASTO ed EMILIO, martiri

Tra i numerosi martiri che hanno segnato la storia della Chiesa primitiva, i Santi Casto ed Emilio si distinguono per una vicenda che incarna la fragilità umana e la potenza salvifica della fede. La loro storia, narrata da San Cipriano nel suo "De lapsis", ci offre un esempio commovente di come la grazia divina possa risollevare anche gli animi più vacillanti, conducendoli alla vittoria sul peccato e sulla paura.

Durante la persecuzione dell'imperatore Decio, scoppiata intorno al 250 d.C., Casto ed Emilio, due cristiani ferventi, furono arrestati per la loro fede. Sottoposti a torture e minacce di morte, inizialmente vacillarono e negarono la loro appartenenza al Cristianesimo. La paura del martirio li indusse a tradire la loro fede, un atto che li lasciò profondamente addolorati e vergognosi.

Tuttavia, la loro rinuncia non portò loro pace interiore. Tormentati dal rimorso e dalla consapevolezza di aver tradito il loro Signore, Casto ed Emilio non trovarono requie. In preda al pentimento, decisero di riparare al loro errore confessando pubblicamente la loro fede e affrontando il martirio con coraggio.

Con rinnovata determinazione, Casto ed Emilio si presentarono nuovamente al cospetto delle autorità romane, proclamando la loro fede in Cristo senza timore. La loro eroica confessione li condannò a morte per incendio. Di fronte alla pira ardente, non mostrarono alcun segno di cedimento, anzi, affrontarono il supplizio con serenità e gioia, consapevoli di aver finalmente lavato la loro vergogna e di essere tornati fedeli al loro Dio.

I Santi Casto ed Emilio sono venerati come martiri dalla Chiesa e la loro memoria è celebrata il 22 maggio.

Autore: Franco Dieghi

SOURCE : https://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/54310

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