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Saint AVENTIN de TROYES, prêtre et ermite



Saint Aventin de Troyes

Ermite (+ v. 538)

Berrichon d'origine, il vint à Troyes attiré par la réputation de saint Loup. Ermite à Verrières, il se consacra à la contemplation et à l'ascèse. Ce qui lui valut une grande réputation de sainteté et les honneurs de voir ses reliques reconnues dans la cathédrale de Troyes jusqu'à la Révolution.

Aventin, originaire de Bourges, vint à Troyes pour devenir le disciple de St Loup. A la mort de ce dernier, il devint cellérier de son successeur, l'évêque Camélien, et fut à l'origine de plusieurs miracles. Il quitta alors l'enceinte de Troyes pour vivre en ermite aux abords de la ville, dans une chaumière située près d'une chapelle déserte. Il mourut en 537, et les miracles continuèrent à se produire sur sa tombe. (Source: site du Vieux Troyes)

"Né dans le centre de la France, il était aumônier de saint Loup, l'évêque de Troyes, jusqu'à ce qu'il se retire pour vivre en ermite dans un endroit baptisé par la suite Saint-Aventin." 10 000 saints, Brepols

À Troyes, vers 537, saint Aventin, prêtre, que l'on tient pour un disciple de l'évêque saint Loup.

Martyrologe romain

SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/9925/Saint-Aventin-de-Troyes.html

Saint Aventinus of Troyes

Also known as




4 February


Almoner for Saint Lupus of Troyes and Saint Camelianus of Troyes; legend says that his wine barrel never ran dry. Hermit in a place now known as Saint-Aventin, France in his honour. People and animals sought refuge with him – animals hiding from hunters, people from their temptations.




c.538 of natural causes

relics destroyed during the French Revolution



Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

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One day, according to his custom, Aventine quitted his cell and betook himself to a grove overlooking the vale of Aosta, that he might pray there quietly amidst its mysterious shade. On his knees, with uplifted eyes and glowing heart, he blessed God whom he inwardly adored. A very deep silence favoured his recollection, and his happy soul seemed to be as serene as paradise. Suddenly the silence was broken hy the plaintive roar of a bear which was laboriously coming down from the mountains. Aventine saw it, but was not alarmed; he knew that He who watched over Daniel in the den of lions would also watch over him. It was not the wild animals of the forest that were to shed his blood – this blood was reserved to gratify the rage of human persecutors far more savage than they. As if led by an invisible hand or by some kindly instinct the wounded animal came straight to him as quietly as a lamb, and lifted its heavy paw in which was a long thorn, and laid it quite confidingly in the hands of Aventine, as if imploring help.

The servant of God kindly examined the wound and extracted the cruel thorn, and then the grateful bear left him after loading him with caresses.

This fact, which we have taken from the chronicle, is not without a certain authority. There still exists in a parish of the valley, and not far from the hermitage of Saint Aventine, another ruin, a precious remnant of the little oratory raised by the faithful to preserve the memory of this remarkable event. Tradition persistently reports that it is here that the Saint met the bear. A wood carving on the reredos of the church of Saint Aventine recalls this circumstance in the life of the Saint, and the old wood-work showed a similar incident. A bear was seen standing before the Saint, who was taking the thorn out of its paw with a pointed instrument. – from “The Little Bollandists” by Monsignor Paul Guérin, 1882

MLA Citation

“Saint Aventinus of Troyes“. CatholicSaints.Info. 18 February 2022. Web. 4 February 2024. <https://catholicsaints.info/saint-aventinus-of-troyes/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saint-aventinus-of-troyes/

Charles Fichot  (1817–1903), L'église Saint-Aventin de Creney-près-Troyes, dessin, 1884

St. Aventine of Troyes

Death: ~538

Aventine, of Bourges, France, was schooled in the spiritual life by the bishop of Troyes, Saint Loup. Loup's episcopal successor, Saint Camelianus, selected Aventine to be Troyes's steward and almoner, in charge of the cathedral's possessions and the distribution of alms. Having served the Church thus with humility, purity, and charity, Aventine thereafter obtained permission to withdraw into the woods to live as a hermit. He had a particular fondness for animals, never wanting to kill any of the forest creatures except when necessary. Whenever he found any tiny fish in a pitcher of water drawn from a nearby brook by a monk who assisted him, he made a point of placing the fish unharmed back into the stream. When on one occasion a deer pursued by hunters rushed into the cave that served as Aventine's hermitage, Aventine protected the frightened animal by closing the door in order to hide it from the hunters until they had passed. He habitually fed the small birds of the forest that flocked onto his fingers as he offered them a handful of crumbs.

SOURCE : https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=5997

Book of Saints – Aventinus – 4 February


AVENTINUS (Saint) (February 4) (6th century) Born in one of the Central Provinces of France, he acted as Almoner to Saint Lupus, Bishop of Troyes, until, moved by a desire of living a life of greater perfection, he withdrew from the world into a solitude, and after some time was ordained priest. To the retired spot where he lived and died (A.D. 538) he has left his name, Saint Aventin.

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Aventinus”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 5 August 2012. Web. 4 February 2024. <http://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-aventinus-4-february/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-aventinus-4-february/

Saints of the Day – Aventinus of Troyes, Hermit


Born in central France; died 538. Aventinus served as almoner to Saint Lupus, bishop of Troyes, until he retired to live as a hermit. The site of his hermitage is now called Saint-Aventin (Benedictines).

MLA Citation

Katherine I Rabenstein. Saints of the Day1998. CatholicSaints.Info. 17 January 2022. Web. 4 February 2024. <https://catholicsaints.info/saints-of-the-day-aventinus-of-troyes-hermit/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saints-of-the-day-aventinus-of-troyes-hermit/

Saint of the Day – 4 February – Saint Aventinus of Troyes (Died c538) Priest, Hermit

Posted on February 4, 2023

Saint of the Day – 4 February – Saint Aventinus of Troyes (Died c538) Priest, Almoner and Administrator of the funds for the See of Troyes, Hermit, Miracle-worker, gifted with a great affinity with animals, who came to him for help when ill or hurt. Born in Bourges, France and died in c538 of natural causes. Patronages – headaches, nervous disorders, of ill animals, of Saint Aventin sous Verrières and the Town of Creney, France. Also known as – Aventin, Aventine.

In the heart of ancient Gaul (today’s France), in the second half of the fifth century, Saint Aventinus was born, probably in Bourges. From the few documents which have come down to us, we know that his parents belonged to the middle class and were very religious. According to tradition, Christianity in those lands already spread in the third century. The sound moral and Christian principles of the parents would form the basis of his holiness – from an early age, Aventinus was held up as a model.

As a teenager, he began to wonder about the purpose of his life. He wanted to visit the most famous holy manof that region, the Bishop St Lupus of Troyes who, in the year 451 had saved the city from the invasion of Attila the Hun, by offering himself as a hostage. The elderly prelate was not slow to see sincere Christian virtues in the young man and desiring to see them brought to fruition for the glory of the Lord and the Church and so, St Lupo kept him with him as a disciple and assistant. It was the happy meeting of two true men of God.

Aventinus distinguished himself by the humility and zeal with which he carried out the work; constant in the practices of piety, he was growing internally. He had as an example a Saint who continually turned his attentions to him. The virtue that shone most in him was charity towards others. Slavery of foreign prisoners of war was widespread in those days – St Lupus and Aventinus did not remain indifferent to the children of God who were treated like beasts. They ransomed as many as they could, collecting alms for this purpose. Given their freedom, they worried about their spiritual health, often helping them to approach the Sacraments. St Luuso died in 479 and was succeeded by St Camelianus, who, knowing well the virtues of Aventinus, made him Steward, with ample power to manage alms.

God only knows how widespread poverty was and Aventinus’ attention to the poor was never limited to material aid. He aroused amazement at the miraculous way the Bishop’s finances could cope with so many expenses, there was something supernatural at work. Aventinus fame went on spreading but he, keeping faith with his humility and with the deep regret of the Bishop, decided to retire.

He was welcomed into a hermitage with the will to sanctify himself by living in solitude. Although he was not inclined to lead, he was soon elected Superior of the community. Precious was his example and the retreat became a school of perfection. That place was later named after him.

While living withdrawn from the world, he could not help but think about the redemption of slaves. Among others, news reached him of a certain Fidolus, of rare virtues, perhaps already a cleric, originally from Auvergne, who had lost his freedom at the hands of Theodoric I, King of Austrasia. It was about the year 530. Aventinus ransomed him for twelve gold pieces. Fidolus’ happiness and gratitude was immense and he decided to join the holy community, which seemed a most natural development.

Meanwhile, Aventinus’ fame was spreading again among the people who often visited him. The tranquility of the brothers was compromised and Aventinus decided to leave. It was Fidolus himself who took over the position of Superior (he died with fame as a Saint on 16 May 540).

Aventinus withdrew to a solitary place along the Seine, about seven miles distant from Troyes. He had only brought with him some bread, legumes, a hoe and some seeds. He did not want to be a burden to anyone. Finally he had achieved the desired tranquility, dividing his time between prayer, work and penance. He slept little, wore a poor and rough dress, ate only three days a week.

A few years passed but even here he could not escape the admiration of the people, while not even the Bishop St Camelianus had forgotten about him. The latter, who also knew well of his knowledge of the Psalms and Sacred Scripture, conferred upon him Sacred Orders. The maturity of the years was crowned by the Priesthood. He lived peacefully the last period of his life celebrating Mass near his hut, for the benefit of the locals.

Demanding with himself, he looked to the needs of his neighbour with his big heart, also curing those who were sick. His charity became legendary and it is said that even a bear knocked on his door one night. He lay down on the ground and held out a paw in which a thorn was stuck. The hermit assisted him by releasing the thorn and bandaging his wound.

He fell asleep in the peace of the Lord on 4 February of the year 538. Acclaimed Saint and Patron of those places he had lived, a few years later Bishop Vincent had a Church built in his honour, where he placed his precious Relics and in which he then wanted to be buried. Chapels and Churches were erected in his honour, even outside France. From time immemorial he has been particularly invoked against headaches and nervous diseases. Today, near Troyes, a Town has his name (Saint Aventin sous Verrières) and Creney venerates him as Patron.

St Aventinus, Hermit and Priest, is not to be confused with the Aventinus, the Saint Bishop of Chartres, who died in 520, also venerated on today, 4 February.


Among the many graces
which the Lord grants through your intercession,
glorious Saint Aventinus,
frequent are the cures from headaches
and other nervous diseases,
of which you have been a singular protector
since time immemorial.
With all humility and trust
I resort to your patronage
and I ask you to obtain
from the Supreme Giver of all good,
health of mind and body
so that I may serve God with greater fervour
and attend to the duties of my state.
I ask you, not only for freedom from headaches
but also for the grace
to live as a studious emulator of your examples,
that I may one day attain eternal happiness,
where faith guides me
and hope invites me.

Author: AnaStpaul

Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! VIEW ALL POSTS

SOURCE : https://anastpaul.com/2023/02/04/saint-of-the-day-4-february-saint-aventinus-of-troyes-died-c538-priest-hermit/

Sant' Aventino di Troyes

4 febbraio

m. 4 febbraio 538

Nasce in Gallia, nella seconda metà del V secolo, a Bourges. Grazie all'educazione cristiana ricevuta, fin da giovane Aventino viene additato come modello. Da adolescente fa visita al vescovo san Lupo di Troyes che nell'anno 451 ha salvato la città dall'invasione di Attila offrendosi come ostaggio. Il presule lo tiene con sé come collaboratore. Insieme i due santi riscattano quanti più prigionieri stranieri di guerra possono, prendendosi cura di questi uomini resi schiavi. Lupo muore nel 479 e gli succede san Cameliano, che nomina Aventino economo. Questi però decide di ritirarsi a vita eremitica. Sebbene non sia incline alle cariche di comando, dopo poco tempo viene eletto superiore della comunità dove è stato accolto. La sua fama, però, va nuovamente diffondendosi tra la gente che spesso lo visita. Decide così di ritirarsi in un luogo solitario lungo la Senna, a sette miglia da Troyes. È il vescovo Cameliano a conferirgli gli ordini sacri. Vive l'ultimo periodo della vita celebrando la Messa nei pressi della sua capanna, per gli abitanti del posto. Muore nel 538. (Avvenire)

Martirologio Romano: A Troyes nella Gallia lugdunense, ora in Francia, sant’Aventino, che si ritiene sia stato al servizio del vescovo san Lupo

Nel cuore dell’antica Gallia (l’odierna Francia), nella seconda metà del V secolo, nacque sant'Aventino, probabilmente a Bourges. Dai pochi documenti a noi pervenuti sappiamo che i genitori appartenevano a un ceto sociale medio ed erano molto religiosi. Secondo la tradizione il cristianesimo in quelle terre si diffuse già nel III secolo. I sani principi morali e cristiani dei genitori costituiranno la base della sua santità: fin da giovane era additato come modello.

Divenuto adolescente cominciò ad interrogarsi sullo scopo della sua vita. Volle far visita al personaggio religioso più noto di quella regione, il vescovo S. Lupo di Troyes che nell'anno 451 aveva salvato la città dall’invasione di Attila offrendosi come ostaggio. L’anziano prelato non tardò a scorgere nel giovane sincere virtù cristiane, da far fruttare a gloria del Signore e della Chiesa e lo tenne con sé come collaboratore. Fu l'incontro felice di due veri uomini di Dio. Aventino si distinse per l'umiltà e lo zelo con cui eseguiva il lavoro; costante nelle pratiche di pietà, andava crescendo interiormente. Aveva come esempio un santo che di continuo rivolgeva a lui le sue attenzioni. La virtù che in lui rifulse maggiormente fu la carità verso il prossimo. A quei tempi era diffusa la schiavitù dei prigionieri stranieri di guerra: Lupo e Aventino non rimasero indifferenti davanti ai figli di Dio che venivano trattati come bestie. Ne riscattarono più che poterono, raccogliendo a tale scopo le elemosine. Resa loro la libertà si preoccupavano della loro salute spirituale, facendoli sovente avvicinare ai sacramenti. S. Lupo morì nel 479 e gli successe S. Cameliano, il quale, conoscendo bene le virtù di Aventino, lo fece economo, con ampia facoltà di gestire le elemosine. Dio solo sa quanto diffusa fosse la miseria e le attenzioni di Aventino per i poveri non si limitarono mai ai soccorsi materiali. Destava stupore come le finanze del vescovo potessero far fronte a tante spese, vi era del prodigioso. La fama di Aventino andò diffondendosi, anche con attestati di pubblica riconoscenza, ma egli, tenendo fede alla propria umiltà, col vivo rammarico del vescovo, decise di ritirarsi.

Venne accolto in un romitorio con la volontà di santificarsi vivendo in solitudine. Sebbene non fosse incline alle cariche di comando, dopo poco tempo fu eletto superiore della comunità. Prezioso era il suo esempio e il ritiro divenne una scuola di perfezione. Quel luogo fu chiamato in seguito Isola di S. Aventino. Pur vivendo ritirato dal mondo non poté fare a meno di pensare alla redenzione degli schiavi. Tra gli altri gli giunse notizia di un certo Fidolo, dalle rare virtù, forse già chierico, originario dell’Alvernia, che aveva persa la sua libertà per mano di Teodorico I, Re dell’Austrasia. Era circa l’anno 530. Lo riscattò per dodici monete d’oro. Somma fu la felicità di Fidolo e sembrò quasi naturale la sua decisione di unirsi alla santa comunità. La fama di Aventino intanto andava nuovamente diffondendosi tra la gente che spesso lo visitava. La tranquillità dei confratelli era compromessa e Aventino decise di allontanarsi. Sarà proprio Fidolo a subentrare nella carica di superiore (morì con fama di santo il 16 maggio del 540).

Aventino si ritirò in un luogo solitario lungo la Senna, lontano circa sette miglia da Troyes. Aveva portato con sé solo del pane, dei legumi, una zappa e qualche semente. Non voleva essere di peso a nessuno. Finalmente aveva raggiunto la tranquillità desiderata, dividendo il suo tempo tra preghiera, lavoro e penitenze. Dormiva poco, indossava una povera e rude veste, si cibava solo tre giorni alla settimana. Passò qualche anno ma anche qui non sfuggì all’ammirazione del popolo mentre non si era dimenticato di lui neppure il vescovo S. Cameliano. Questi, che ben sapeva anche della sua conoscenza dei Salmi e della Sacra Scrittura, gli conferì gli ordini sacri. La maturità degli anni veniva coronata dal sacerdozio. Visse serenamente l'ultimo periodo della vita celebrando la Messa nei pressi della sua capanna, a vantaggio degli abitanti del posto. Esigente con se stesso guardava alle necessità del prossimo con il suo grande cuore, operando anche la guarigione di alcuni malati. La sua carità divenne leggendaria e si racconta che anche un orso, una notte, bussò alla sua porta. Coricatosi a terra gli porse una zampa in cui era conficcata una spina. L’eremita lo curò fasciandogli la ferita.

Si addormentò nella pace del Signore il 4 febbraio dell'anno 538.

Acclamato santo e patrono di quei luoghi, qualche anno dopo il vescovo Vincenzo fece costruire una chiesa ove ripose le preziose reliquie e in cui volle poi essere sepolto. Furono erette in suo onore cappelle e chiese, pure fuori dalla Francia. Da tempo immemorabile è particolarmente invocato contro i mali di capo e per le malattie nervose. Oggi nei pressi di Troyes una cittadina ha il suo nome (Saint Aventin sous Verrières) e Creney lo venera Patrono.

Sant’Aventino, eremita e sacerdote, non è da confondere con l’omonimo santo vescovo di Chartres, morto nel 520, venerato anch’esso il 4 febbraio.


Fra le molte grazie che il Signore concede a intercessione vostra,
glorioso sant’Aventino,
frequenti sono le guarigioni dai mali di capo e da altri morbi nervosi,
di cui da tempo immemorabile siete singolare protettore.
Con tutta umiltà e fiducia io ricorro al vostro patrocinio
e vi prego d’ottenermi dal Supremo Dator d’ogni bene la salute di mente
e di corpo affinché possa con maggior fervore servire Dio
e attendere ai doveri del mio stato.
Vi domando non solo la liberazione dai mali di capo
ma anche la grazia di vivere emulatore studioso dei vostri esempi
affinché possa un dì pervenire all’eterna felicità,
ove la fede mi guida, la speranza m’invita
e regna eternamente la carità.
Amen .

Autore: Daniele Bolognini

SOURCE : https://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/92200

L'église Saint-Aventin de Creney-près-Troyes, monument de culte classé par arrêté du 6 mai 1907.

L'église Saint-Aventin de Creney-près-Troyes, monument de culte classé par arrêté du 6 mai 1907.


L'église Saint-Aventin de Creney-près-Troyes, monument de culte classé par arrêté du 6 mai 1907.

Den hellige Aventinus av Troyes ( -~538)

Minnedag: 4. februar

Den hellige Aventinus (fr: Aventin) eller Avertinus (fr: Avertin) ble født i andre halvdel av 400-tallet i Bourges i Midt-Frankrike. Han fikk en god kristen utdannelse og dro til Troyes, tiltrukket av ryet til den hellige biskop Lupus av Troyes, som i 451 hadde reddet byen fra hunerne under Attila ved å tilby seg som gissel. Han ble Lupus' almissegiver, og sammen kjøpte de fri så mange slaver og krigsfanger de kunne.

Da Lupus døde i 479, gjorde hans etterfølger Camelianus Aventinus til økonom. Men senere trakk han seg tilbake og begynte et liv som eremitt i Verrières. Der viet han seg til kontemplasjon og askese. Biskop Camelianus viet Aventinus til prest, og på slutten av sitt liv feiret han messe for befolkningen i området.

Han døde en 4. februar rundt 538. Stedet han slo seg ned på, heter i dag Saint-Aventin. Hans relikvier var i katedralen i Troyes frem til Den franske revolusjon. Hans minnedag er dødsdagen 4. februar.

Kilder: Benedictines, Bunson, KIR, Patron Saints SQPN, Infocatho, santiebeati.it - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden - Opprettet: 2000-02-04 19:37 - Sist oppdatert: 2006-08-07 21:26

SOURCE : https://www.katolsk.no/biografier/historisk/atroyes

L'église Saint-Aventin-de-Troyes de Trichey

Aventinus van St-Aventin bij Troyes, Frankrijk; kluizenaar & abt; † 537 of 540.

Feest 4 februari.

Zijn ouders waren eenvoudige mensen uit de stad Bourges. Aanvankelijk stond hij 'als vrijgevige econoom van het bisdom' in dienst van de heilige bisschoppen Lupus († 479; feest 29 juli)en Camelianus van Troyes († 525; feest 28 juli).

Om zich nog meer aan God toe te wijden bouwde hij eerst een kluizenaarswoninkje aan de buitenkant tegen de stadswal. Enige tijd later trok hij zich nog meer terug in de bossen langs het beekje de Verrières.

Hij is één van de heiligen aan wie het wonder wordt toegeschreven dat zijn tonnetje wijn nooit opraakte.
Mensen en dieren zochten bij hem hun toevlucht: de mensen om verlost te worden van de duivel die het op hen gemunt had; de dieren van de mensen die jacht op hen maakten! Zo bood hij onderdak aan een opgejaagd hert en genas hij de poot van een gewonde beer.


[365p:18; Dries van den Akker s.j./2008.01.07]

© A. van den Akker s.j.

SOURCE : https://heiligen-3s.nl/heiligen/02/04/02-04-0540-aventin.php

Voir aussi : http://orthodoxievco.net/ecrits/vies/synaxair/fevrier/aventin2.pdf

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