of the Blessed Maria Maddalena dell'Incarnazione, foundress of the Perpetual
Adoratrices of the Most Saint Sacrament, circa 1820
Marie-Madeleine de l'Incarnation
Fondatrice de l'institut
de l'Adoration Perpétuelle du Très Saint Sacrement (+ 1824)
Religieuse, fondatrice de l'institut de l'Adoration Perpétuelle du Très Saint Sacrement qui compte à ce jour plus de 90 monastères à travers le monde, María Magdalena de la Encarnación (1770-1824) a été béatifiée, le 3 mai 2008, en la basilique Saint-Jean-de-Latran à Rome - Homélie (en espagnol) du Card. José Saraiva Martins lors de la béatification de Mère Marie-Madeleine de l'Incarnation.
Biographie en espagnol - site du Vatican
SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/12464/Bienheureuse-Marie-Madeleine-de-l-Incarnation.html
Marie-Madeleine de l' Incarnation
Catherine Sordini naquit
à Porto Santo Stefano, le 17 avril 1770. A seize ans, elle était promise à un
heureux mariage ; mais elle déclina la proposition et entra chez les Tertiaires
Franciscaines à Ischia di Castro, près de Viterbe, où elle reçut l'habit
religieux en 1799.
Elle avait comme père
spirituel Don Baldeschi qui l'inspira dans la fondation d'un futur institut
religieux dédié à l'adoration perpétuelle. Entre temps, elle fut élue, à
seulement 32 ans, comme abbesse des Tertiaires Franciscaines. Elle se dédia
alors à retrouver la règle originelle et à renflouer les comptes...Elle fut
aussi favorisée de dons et de faveurs mystiques extraordinaires. Sa réputation
d'abbesse dynamique se répandit dans la région ; mais elle n'abandonnait
pas son idée de fondatrice. Avec l' accord de l'évêque du lieu, elle quitta
ses Soeurs et s'installa, avec la bénédiction du Pape Pie VII, à Rome dans un
ancien couvent de Carmélites pour ouvrir la première maison des Soeurs de l'Adoration Perpétuelle du Très Saint Sacrement.
Pendant l'occupation
française de Rome, les Congrégations contemplatives furent dispersées et
Mère Marie-Madeleine de l'Incarnation dut prendre le chemin de l' exil à
Florence. Elle y fit la connaissance de jeunes femmes qui furent le noyau des
nouvelles Adoratrices, lorsqu'elle put revenir à Rome dans une nouvelle
maison, en 1814.
En 1818, Pie VII approuva
définitivement la Règle de l'Institut, dédié à l' exposition solennelle du
Saint Sacrement et à son adoration continue.
La Mère fondatrice
mourut en odeur de sainteté, le 29 novembre 1824, accompagnée de
phénomènes mystiques, Elle fut inhumée en l'église Sainte-Anne du
Quirinal avec la permission du Pape qui à l'époque demeurait au Palais du
Quirinal*. En 1839, sa dépouille fut transférée en l'église
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine du Monte Cavallo, nouveau siège des Adoratrices.
Aujourd'hui les Adoratrices
sont présentes en Amérique, en Afrique et dans plusieurs pays européens. En
Italie, elles sont regroupées en une douzaine de maisons.
Marie-Madeleine de l'
Incarnation vient d'être béatifiée, le 3 mai 2008, en la basilique
* Aujourd'hui palais du
président de la république italienne.
SOURCE : http://ut-pupillam-oculi.over-blog.com/article-25261806.html
29 novembre 2008
Mère Marie-Madeleine de
l'Incarnation Sordini
Née le 16 avril 1770,
entrée dans la Vie, le 29 novembre 1824, fondatrice de l'Ordre de l'Adoration
Prière pour obtenir la
béatification de Mère Marie-Madeleine de l'Incarnation
Trinité Sainte! Père,
Fils et Saint-Esprit! Nous Vous remercions pour toutes les grâces, que Vous
avez accordées à Votre Servante Marie-Madeleine de l'Incarnation. Accordez-nous
aussi votre miséricorde, ô Dieu par l'intercession de votre servante ainsi que
l'aide spirituelle et temporelle dans toutes nos préoccupations, en particulier
la grâce, (...) et de toujours vivre et mourir dans votre amour et enfin que
nous devenions, à son exemple, de vrais adorateurs du Très Saint Sacrement. Par
les mérites de Jésus-Christ et de sa très sainte, Mère douloureuse écoutez nos demandes
et qui glorifiez Votre humble servante, si cela est pour votre plus grande
gloire honneur et à contribue au bien et à la sanctification des âmes.
Notre Père ... Je Vous
salue Marie... Gloire au Père ...
Béni soit Jésus dans le
Très saint sacrement de l'autel!
Tous ceux qui, ayant
invoqué la mère de Marie-Madeleine de l'Incarnation, obtiendraient des grâces
particulières, sont priés de le faire savoir au monastère de l'Adoration
Perpétuelle à Innsbruck (Autriche).
Avec la permission de
pression religieux. Kinderfreundanstalt Innsbruck
SOURCE : http://imagessaintes.canalblog.com/archives/2008/05/06/9080883.html
Benoît XVI encourage la
formation de groupes d’adorateurs du Saint-Sacrement
Béatification de Mère
Marie-Madeleine de l’Incarnation Sordini
ROME, Mercredi 7 mai 2008
(ZENIT.org) – Benoît XVI souhaite la
constitution de groupes d’adorateurs du Saint-Sacrement.
Le pape a souligné le
charisme de la bienheureuse Marie-Madeleine Sordini, béatifiée dimanche
dernier, 3 mai, en la basilique Saint-Jean de Latran. Mère Marie-Madeleine de
l’Incarnation Sordini est née le 16 avril 1770, et elle est « entrée dans
la Vie » le 29 novembre 1824.
« Je salue les
pèlerins de langue italienne, à la fin de l’audience du mercredi. En
particulier, j’adresse une pensée cordiale au pèlerinage promu par les
Adoratrices perpétuelles du très saint sacrement, à l’occasion de la
béatification de Marie
Madeleine de l’Incarnation, et je les encourage à promouvoir toujours
plus l’amour de l’Eucharistie afin que surgissent, à côté de tout monastère de
l’Ordre, des groupes « d’adorateurs ». C’est ainsi que se réalisera
l’aspiration de votre bienheureuse fondatrice qui aimait répéter :
« Que Jésus soit connu de tous, aimé, adoré, et remercié à tout moment
dans le très saint et très divin sacrement ».
Le postulateur de la
cause de béatification, le P. Ernesto Piacentini, a déclaré à Radio Vatican :
« Le charisme de la nouvelle bienheureuse a été de donner de l’importance
dans sa vie et dans la vie des autres, à l’adoration perpétuelle de Jésus
Sacrement. Depuis son enfance, elle sentait cet attachement, cette attention et
ce transport pour Jésus. Il faut dire que ce charisme de mettre en relief
l’adoration perpétuelle de Jésus Eucharistie est un charisme fondamental aussi
dans l’Eglise parce que si l’Eglise catholique a une caractéristique
fondamentale c’est bien la présence en Corps, Sang, Âme et divinité, de Jésus
dans l’Eucharistie. Toutes les dévotions peuvent être importantes dans
l’histoire de l’Eglise, mais aucune n’est aussi importante que celle de
l’Adoration perpétuelle ».
Anita S. Bourdin
commemorativa all'ingresso della casa natale della Santa in Via del Molo a
Porto Santo Stefano.
Bl. Mary Magdalene of the
Incarnation (1770-1824)
Foundress, Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament
Caterina Sordini was born on 16 April 1770 at Grosseto, Italy, the fourth
of nine children born into a deeply Catholic family. When she was 17 her father
arranged for her to marry a maritime merchant. At first she was against it, but
later complied with her father's wishes. The young man gave her a casket of
jewels and, having adorned herself, turned to admire her reflection in the
mirror but saw the image of the Crucified Christ who asked: "Do you want
to leave me for another?".
She took the question
seriously and in February 1788 visited the Franciscan Tertiary Monastery in
Ischia di Castro. Caterina entered then and there, thus shocking her father who
had thought it was merely a visit. She was clothed six months later, taking the
name of Sr Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation.
On 19 February 1789, she
fell into ecstasy and saw a vision of "Jesus seated on a throne of grace
in the Blessed Sacrament, surrounded by virgins adoring him" and heard him
telling her: "I have chosen you to establish the work of perpetual adorers
who, day and night, will offer me their humble adoration...". Thus, she
was called to become a foundress and to spend her life adoring Jesus in the
Eucharist. In that turbulent period for the Church she set an example to all.
She was elected Abbess on
20 April 1802. The period of her governance was accompanied by extraordinary
phenomena and an increasingly fervent spiritual life, and the abbey thrived.
With the consent of her spiritual director and the local Bishop she drafted the
rules of the new Institute and set out for Rome on 31 May 1807.
On 8 July that year, she
and a few Sisters moved into Sts Joachim and Anne convent, near the Trevi
Fountain. Under the French occupation it was confiscated and the Napoleonic
laws suppressed her Order. She was exiled to Tuscany.
There she formed a new
group of Adorers. On 19 March 1814, when they could return to Rome they settled
at Sant'Anna al Quirinale. On 13 February 1818, Pope Pius VII approved the
Institute dedicated to perpetual, solemn, public exposition of the Most Blessed
Mother Mary Magdalene
died in Rome on 29 April 1824. She was buried at Sant'Anna al Quirinale and in
1839 her remains were translated to the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, the
new generalate of the Perpetual Adorers in Rome. Pope John Paul II decreed her
heroic virtues in 2001 and in 2007, Benedict XVI recognized a miracle
attributed to her intercession.
3 May 2008
Bl. Caterina Sordini (1770-1824)
Foundress, Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament
Caterina Sordini was
born on 16 April 1770 at Grosseto, Italy, the fourth of nine children born into
a deeply Catholic family. When she was 17 her father arranged for her to marry
a maritime merchant. At first she was against it. but later complied with her
father's wishes. The young man gave her a casket of jewels and, having adorned
herself, turned to admire her reflection in the mirror but saw the image of the
Crucified Christ who asked: "Do you want to leave me for another?".
She took the question
seriously and in February 1788 visited the Franciscan Tertiary Monastery in
Ischia di Castro. Caterina entered then and there. thus shocking her father who
had thought it was merely a visit. She was clothed six months later, taking the
name of Sr. Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation.
Heavenly inspiration for
an Order
On 19 February 1789, she
fell into ecstasy and saw a vision of "Jesus seated on a throne of grace
in the Blessed Sacrament, surrounded by virgins adoring him" and heard him
telling her: "I have chosen you to establish the work of perpetual adorers
who, day and night, will offer me their humble adoration...". Thus, she
was called to become a foundress and to spend her life adoring Jesus in the
Eucharist. In that turbulent period for the Church she set an example to all.
She was elected Abbess on
20 April 1802. The period of her governance was accompanied by extraordinary
phenomena and an increasingly fervent spiritual life, and the abbey thrived.
With the consent of her spiritual director and the local Bishop she drafted the
rules of the new Institute and set out for Rome on 31 May 1807.
The Perpetual Adorers in
On 8 July that year. she
and a few Sisters moved into Sts Joachim and Anne convent, near the Trevi
Fountain. Under the French occupation it was confiscated and the Napoleonic
laws suppressed her Order. She was exiled to Tuscany.
There she formed a new
group of Adorers. On 19 March 1814, when they could return to Rome they settled
at Sant'Anna al Quirinale. On 13 February 1818, Pope Pius VII approved the
Institute dedicated to perpetual. solemn, public exposition of the Most Blessed
Mother Mary Magdalene
died in Rome on 29 April 1824. She was buried at Sant'Anna al Quirinale and in
1839 her remains were translated to the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, the
new generalate of the Perpetual Adorers in Rome. Pope John Paul II decreed her
heroic virtues in 2001 and in 2007, Benedict XVI recognized a miracle
attributed to her intercession.
SOURCE : https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/biographies-of-new-blesseds--2008-5257
Bl. Mary Magdalene
1770 - 1824
Blessed Mary Magdalene
was born as Catherine mutes in (it: Caterina) on 16 April 1770 in Porto
Santo Stefano, now in the municipality of Monte Argentario in the province of
Grosseto in Tuscany in central Italy. Her parents were Lorenzo and Teresa
Sordini Moizzo and she was the fourth of nine children, five of whom grew
up. She was baptized the day after the village church, and were named
Caterina Francesca Maria Antonia. Her godparents were Bartolomeo and Maria
Anna Giovine Schiano. She had a curious and self-conscious nature and was
very independent and often rude. Her family was quite wealthy and
Catherine grew up in an atmosphere of comfort and prosperity. Yet she was
always aware of their parents' deep spirituality. The model that devotion
to the sacrament of the altar in her family was and compassionate work that was
practiced there, had a lasting influence on Catherine.
Her father was a deeply
religious man, holding the Holy Eucharist particularly high. He spent a
lot of money and time to ensure that the sacrament could be out for
worship. Catherine longed for these special days and found joy in to take
its place in the worship of Our Lord. At this time there was a
change in her life. e impulsive child matured into an obedient, diligent,
patient and thoughtful youth. In the Lord's presence was Catherine
prepared for her vocation. Her prayer life intensified, she often
went to Mass and exercised voluntary penance and "spectral contents of the
flesh", and she spent many hours in front of the Lord in worship. During
this period she had many mystical experiences.
When Catherine was
sixteen years old, her father betrothed her to a suitable young man from
Sorrento, Alfonso Capece, who was an expert in maritime trade.But plans for her
upcoming wedding, coal thrown when one day she looked in the mirror wearing the
jewelry her fiancé had sent her and had a vision of the crucified Christ who
said, "You give me up for a carnal creature?".
On the recommendation of
his confessor and his father's permission took seventeen year old Catherine's
Monastery in Ss Philip and James in Ischia di Castro in the province of
Viterbo, which belonged to the Franciscan third order. They were
originally devoted to the education of young girls, but in 1795 they went over
to the purely contemplative life. After eight months as a postulant, she
received on the 26th October 1788 the Franciscan order habit and the name
of Maria Magdalena of the Incarnation (Maria Maddalena dell'Incarnazione). Even
as a novice she distinguished themselves by their humility, obedience,
patience, kindness and gentleness, and her love for God was so great that the
tears she could pronounce the name of Jesus.
On 19 February 1789,
a year after she entered the convent and while she was still a novice, she was
responsible for the work in the refectory and ran and cleared the dining
room. She became more and more absorbed in thoughts of the tabernacle in
the chapel, which stood on the other side of the wall of the refectory.
Suddenly the wall vanished before her eyes and she saw the Sacred Host
surrounded by ethereal glory and angels in white robes, carrying a red
scapular. Another time when she was sitting with his superior and was
engaged in a difficult craft, she was suddenly surrounded by a tremendous light
and fell into a miraculous delight. There the Lord gave her the task of
founding an order of perpetual adoration so that the sacrament of the altar to
be worshiped night and day.
On 28 October 1789,
she made her vows. But after this purified and tested the Lord's
servant for many external conditions and internal struggles. Finally, she was
almost overwhelmed and fell down in front of a crucifix and begged for
help. Then she heard the voice of the Lord's heart assured her that he was
with her, and he promised to send her someone who would lead her on the right
path and help her with the founding of the order.
This person turned out to
be the most pious priest Don Giovanni Antonio Baldeschi in Ischia. But it
would take ten years before she met him and only after long hesitation he
agreed to be her soul out, once the Holy Father Claudius la Colombière
(1641-1982) had helped St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647 - 90) with the spread
of devotion to and worship of the Sacred Heart.
The chapter on the 20th
April 1802 was sr. Mary Magdalene, all conjectures against elected
superior of the monastery in Ischia di Castro, 32 years old. At that time,
the monastery of material in a sorry state. Buildings threatened to
collapse and sisters' outfits were worn and tattered. The warehouse
of food was not sufficient for more than a week's consumption and in case was a
single small coin. The new superior lost, however, not discouraged, but
turned with trustful prayer to the divine providence, and exhorted her sisters
to do the same. God rewarded her confidence to such an extent that
by the end of her tenure was the convent to everyone's amazement in the best
condition. On 21 November 1803 the monastery was visited by Charles
Emmanuel of Savoy VI, King of Sardinia, who spoke about two hours with the
At this time turned
sr. Mary Magdalene in the Lord's command back to his confessor and soul
leads Don Giovanni Baldeschi to talk to him about the plans to found an
order. But he told her how impossible this was, since she had no funds on
hand. But she replied that it was not she, but the Lord himself who wanted
to raise funds, so he did not have to be concerned. When writing his
father remarked that the new foundation needed a rule and that he did not know
of any similar order of rule, she replied that if it was God's will, he would
advise her to write such a rule.
Amazed by her confidence
in God and full of appreciation of her piety and virtue, he no longer dared to
resist, so he explained everything to his bishop, Msgr Flor Into Pierleone of
Acquapendente. After careful investigation and full of joy of the
initiative commanded the bishop sr. Maria Magdalena write an order
rule. He even promised to do everything he could, and when the rule was
finished, he therefore went to Rome to misplace the case to the Pope. In
1807 Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) gave their permission and blessing for the
founding of the first house in Rome.
After everything was
arranged in the monastery of Ischia di Castro, went Mary Magdalene on
31 May 1807 with his substitute, sr. Marianna and another young nun,
followed by Bishop Pierleone and his confessor, through Viterbo to Rome, where
the nuns were still living in an Augustinian monastery Santa Lucia in
Selce. But already the 8th July 1807, they could move into their new
home, the small monastery of Sant'Anna all Quattro Fontane, who had been a
Carmelite convent.After the necessary repairs and improvements of the
dilapidated buildings and seedy church was ready, the nuns began under the
leadership of Mother Mary Magdalene's eternal adoration of the Sacrament, first
privately and behind closed doors at night.
In the middle of
September 1807 the sisters had permission from Pope Pius VII from the third
Sunday in September (the feast of Mary's pain) to keep the public and solemn
worship according to their regulations on all Sundays and feast days as far as
their funds managed. But yet they had not received preliminary
approval of the rule and the statutes of its ordenshus from the General
Vicariate of Rome despite gjentanne requests.All sorts of difficulties and
concerns were raised, and even the Pope's otherwise benevolent Vicar General,
Cardinal Somaglia, seemed to share this concern. Again and again, they
were also granted Mother Mary Magdalene, but each time she replied, full of
confidence: "Our heavenly protectress and mother Maria will also learn to
solve these difficulties in its own time. And it happened then too.
Rule and the statutes of
the new order of the house was after a rigorous examination approved by the ecclesiastical
authorities, and the Cardinal Vicar Somaglia had already had them lying some
time in his office for signature, but without signing them. On the feast
of Mary's Purification [now Lord's Presentation] on 2 February 1808 he was to
go to Capella Papale in the Quirinale Palace, but an invisible force
was holding him back at the door of his room, and despite repeated attempts he
was unable to leave the room. When he came to think that perhaps his lack
of signature on the order of the rule was the reason for this inexplicable
When he signed without
hesitation rule and the statutes of the Monastery of the eternal worship, and
thus he could soon leave the room. That same day he personally brought the
gun to rule the monastery Sant'Anna, and he allowed from this day the public
and solemn grace and adoration of the Sacrament of the altar under
ordensregelens regulations, while he told Mary Magdalene what had happened that
The same day, the 2nd February
1808, Rome was occupied by the French General Miollis with 12,000
men. They possessed Montecavallo kanonmunningene and directed against the
Pope's residence, and from then on, the pope was a prisoner in his own house.
The French immediately began to implement its policy of hostility church, and
Pope Pius VII and the Cardinals were expelled or taken away as prisoners. Now
also in Rome, the monasteries closed and dissolved. Only a single
monastery was spared and overlooked by the enemy: the recently founded
monastery of the eternal worship. In the midst of this storm and
without interruption continued where the eternal worship of Jesus in the
Sacrament. But this oasis of peace and uninterrupted prayer would be
Mother Mary Magdalene had
because of alms, who came from far and near to the foundation of the monastery,
corresponded with those of highest rank in society. This circumstance led
to a Roman family that was hostile to the new monastery, the community reviewed
the French bykommandanten. He undertook a thorough house searches in the
monastery, where it was found eventually in grunnleggersken a stack letters
from the displaced King Charles Emmanuel VI of Sardinia, from the Spanish
ambassador Marquis del Campo to Lisbon and other high-ranking people who had
sent alms to the foundation of Abbey and recommended themselves and future
tribulations of the community pious intercession. They also found a
strange prophecy grunnleggersken had written in Ischia di Castro about current
events that are now all had happened as she had said, and these writings were
now regarded as highly compromised.
The abbey was dissolved
and the nuns were brought back to their individual homes. Their confessor was
thrown into a dark cell in Castel Sant'Angelo, while their superior in 1811 was
sent into exile, first to Porto Santo Stefano, and then to
Florence. There, she was taken into custody by police, and little was
missing that she was there sentenced to death. It seemed now as if the new
monastery forever worship in Rome was passed into history. But when
Emperor Napoleon I (1804-1814: March to June 1815, d. 1821) was overthrown on
May 6 April 1814, was the Church and the peoples of Europe freed from the
oppressive slavery.
Already on 19 March
1814 Mother Mary Magdalene went back to the monastery of Sant'Anna in Rome with
some young graduates from Florence, and the others scattered sisters also
gathered again in Rome. On 24 May 1814 did Pope Pius VII returned to
Rome in triumph after five years of exile, and the first monastery he
recovered, was the monastery of Sant'Anna perpetual adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. On 13 July 1814 was their church reopened and the solemn
worship could be reopened, much to the delight of a cheering crowd that flocked
to. After this, the worship of the sacrament in this place never
interrupted, either day or night, although the number of nuns in the beginning
was so small that the majority of them were sick of this the-clock service.
Now it was again the community
together, but Mother Mary Magdalene had to immediately complete another
difficult task, namely to equip the monastery. With real confidence
in God's providence, she went away at this task, and Our Lord rewarded this
time her full confidence. Ecclesiastical and secular, high and low gave
alms and gifts in order to show their love for Jesus in the Sacrament. So
it was not long before klostergrunnleggelsens substantive future was also
The only thing now
missing, was the papal approval of order rule. It was eventually released after
long and thorough investigation on 22 uly 1818 in the bull In Supremo
militantis same day delivered the joyful grunnleggersken. Five
months earlier the Pope had given it ordenssuperioren he himself had appointed
Msgr Menochio Bartolomeo, Bishop of Augustinian and Porfirio, the mission to
clothe grunnleggersken and her sisters the track suit, which was prescribed in
the rule. This happened behind closed doors on the third Sunday in
September 1817, the feast of Our Painful Mother (Mater Dolorosa), the
order's special protector and mother. Those who received the suit, the mother
was Mary Magdalene, sr. Marianna, sr. Marianna, sr. Maria
Giuseppa og sr. Giuseppe and Maria sr. Serafina, a former
Dominican grunnleggersken who met in Florence. The same bishop also
presided at Menochio ikledningen the first ten postulant, this time in a
ceremony open to the public on 4 oktober samme år. October the same
year. On 12 May 1818 took Mother Mary Magdalene and the other three
sisters eternal promises.
On 25 March 1823
death of Bishop Menochio, and the young community got a new superior, Cardinal
Annibale della Genga.In the beginning, he showed little sympathetic to the new
department, and when Pope Pius VII died on May 20 August 1823 and Cardinal
Della Genga was elected the new pope with the name of Leo XII (1823-1929), the
sisters feared the worst. MBut Mother Mary Magdalene exhorted them to have
confidence in divine providence, and she assured them that the new pope would
protect them. It happened then, too, and he appeared very generous towards them
and sent every now and then presents to the monastery. Also Popes Gregory
XVI (1831-1846) and Blessed Pius IX (1846-78) equipped with the order of many
privileges and indulgences.
Through all temptations,
persecutions and schisms that this order, "Sisters of the perpetual
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament" (Adoratrici Perpetua del
Santissimo Sacramento), experienced in their first year, remained the Lord
grunnleggersken close and assured her of his grace and love and its wish that
she had to remain steadfast. But she survived the formal approval of the
rule with only six years. In 1824 she predicted that she would die in the
autumn, and she sent word of this to his eleven years younger brother
Giovanni. He went in haste to Rome, but when he saw that she was in good
health, he took not her words seriously. But at eleven o'clock on the evening
of 29 November 1824 death of Mother Mary Magdalene of the
Incarnation in Rome, surrounded by his daughters, 54 years and 7 months
old. With permission from Pope Leo XII, she became the 30th November
buried at the altar of Maria SS. della Speranza i klosterkirken
Sant'Anna alle Quattro Fontane ved Quirinalet, della Speranza in the
monastery church of Sant'Anna all Quattro Fontane at the Quirinale Palace,
where the Pope had his residence.
After her death,
followed by many miraculous answers to prayer at her grave, and the authentic
acts attesting to these are held in order's archives in Rome. In 1839, her
mortal remains moved to the church of Santa Maria Maddalena a Monte Cavallo,
who was the new seat of Adoratrici Perpetua in Rome. Later, the
order's headquarters after many difficulties, moved to Via Casaletto 268, which
forty years ago, built a new monastery and where grunnleggerskens mortal remains
were moved in 1968. On 28 January 2004, they moved to an altar
dedicated to her.
On 24 April 2001,
her "heroic virtues" recognized by Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) and
she got the title Venerabilis ("Renowned"). On 17
December 2007 signed Pope Benedict XVI canonization decree from the
Congregation which approved a miracle for her intercession. She was
beatified on Saturday, 3 May 2008 in Rome. As usual during this
pontificate ceremony was not led by the pope himself, but by his personal
envoy, in this case, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins CMF, prefect of the
Congregation in the Vatican canonization. Koncelebrant were Cardinal
Camillo Ruini , papal vicar of the Diocese of Rome, around 300 of the order's
sisters were present. Her memorial day is the day of death
29 April.
SOURCE : https://stevenwood.com/reflections/franciscan/0429-26.htm
(AP, Official Catholic
Directory #3190); a cloistered community of nuns with papal approbation,
dedicated to an apostolate of contemplative prayer, primarily through the
perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The order was founded at Rome,
Italy, on July 8, 1807, by Mother Mary
Magdalene of the Incarnation (Catalina Sordini Movizzo, 1770–1824), a
Franciscan sister from the convent on the island of Ischia in the bay of
Naples. The nuns, who take solemn vows, are engaged in constant prayer,
including the Divine
Office, before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. In the U.S. they are located
in El
Paso, Texas (1925), and San
Francisco, Calif. (1928). Worldwide, the congregation has houses in Spain,
Mexico, Chile and Africa.
[J. H. McNeely]
New Catholic Encyclopedia
Beata Maria
Maddalena dell'Incarnazione (Caterina Sordini) Fondatrice
29 novembre Porto Santo Stefano,
Grosseto, 17 aprile 1770 - Roma, 29 novembre 1824
Nasce a Porto Santo
Stefano, nel Grossetano, il 17 aprile 1779. A sedici anni Caterina Sordini,
promessa in sposa ad un marittimo di Sorrento, si oppone al matrimonio ed entra
nelle Terziarie Francescane di Ischia di Castro, nel Viterbese e riceve l'abito
religioso il 26 ottobre 1799. Cambia il nome in Maria Maddalena
dell'Incarnazione e nel Capitolo del 20 aprile 1802 viene eletta badessa a soli
32 anni. Si dedica al riordino economico della Casa e ad una restaurazione
della vita regolare delle Terziarie. L'8 luglio 1807 lascia Isola di Castro e
le Terziarie e con l'incoraggiamento di Pio VII inaugura a Roma la prima Casa
delle Adoratrici perpetue del Santissimo Sacramento. Durante l'occupazione
napoleonica di Roma, la congregazione viene sciolta e Maria Maddalena mandata
in esilio in Toscana. Qui incontra alcune giovani che tornano con lei a Roma
nel marzo del 1814. E proprio a Roma muore il 29 novembre 1824. È stata
beatificata il 3 maggio scorso in San Giovanni Laterano a Roma. (Avvenire)
Bella, giovane, ricca: un
buon partito per molti. E lei nel 1787, poco più che sedicenne, dice di sì ad
un facoltoso padrone di bastimenti, che le promette una vita serena e
avventurosa. Prima di partire per un viaggio a Costantinopoli le fa anche dono
di un cofanetto di gioielli, quasi una promessa di matrimonio, e la ragazza è
ben contenta di farne sfoggio ad una messa domenicale. Peccato che in chiesa,
prima che da altri, venga notata da papà, che senza tanti complimenti la
rispedisce a casa con l’ordine di togliersi di dosso tutto quel ben di Dio. Il
papà, ricco commerciante che sa fare buon uso delle sue ricchezze e che è
specialista in beneficenza, l’ha allevata ad una fede salda, senza bigottismi e
senza smancerie, e lei, da irrequieta e turbolenta bambina, con il passare
degli anni è diventata riflessiva, devota e pia, anche se con una punta di
civetteria, propria dell’età. Arrivata a casa e, specchiandosi per vedersi
un’ultima volta con tutti i gioielli di cui è agghindata, invece della sua vede
riflessa l’immagine del Cristo nello strazio della passione. E’ una vista che
la folgora e che le fa capire, meglio ancora dei rimbrotti di papà, tutta la
vanità e l’inutilità della ricchezza, del lusso, dei miraggi che il mondo le
sta offrendo. Conseguenza logica di quella “visione” è posare i gioielli,
rompere il fidanzamento e, pochi mesi dopo, entrare nel Monastero delle
Terziarie Francescane di Ischia di Castro. Sembra un “colpo di testa”, perché
in monastero vi entra con un balzo, il giorno in cui papà lì l’accompagna per
una visita che, lui crede, dovrebbe essere di piacere. Invece papà deve tornare
a casa da solo, perché la figlia è passata al di là della grata, lasciandolo di
stucco. Con il nuovo nome di suor Maria Maddalena dell’Incarnazione, per 19
anni è una religiosa modello e, ad appena 32 anni, badessa di un monastero che
vive in povertà estrema e che lei riesce a far rifiorire. Il fatto è che
comincia anche a far miracoli, come quello del pugno di farina, moltiplicatasi
al punto da poter preparare pane per l’intera comunità e per più di 20 giorni.
Mentre cresce la fama della sua santità, lei sempre più chiaramente sente che
diversi sono i disegni di Dio su di lei. L’amore per l’Eucaristia, che le hanno
instillato in famiglia e che è cresciuto negli anni, la sta orientando a
fondare una nuova congregazione che abbia come carisma specifico l’adorazione
eucaristica in forma perpetua, come un lungo ininterrotto sostare davanti a
Gesù anche a nome di tutta l’ umanità. Questa volta, prima di concretizzarsi,
l’idea di suor Maria Maddalena ha una gestazione lunga, durante la quale lei si
preoccupa di raccogliere autorevoli consensi, “in primis” quello di papa Pio
VII e, ovviamente quello del suo illuminato direttore spirituale, che riesce a
trovare anche i benefattori necessari per la nuova istituzione. E con queste
indispensabili “firme” di Dio su quella che lei è convinta essere la sua vera vocazione,
il 31 maggio 1807 varca la soglia di una chiesa, posta praticamente all’ombra
del Quirinale, dove a quel tempo abitava il Papa. Comincia così l’adorazione
perpetua dell’Eucaristia di un paio di suore, che presto crescono di numero e
che oggi sono presenti in 90 monasteri diffusi in Europa, America e Africa. Non
solo: in questa turnazione davanti all’Eucaristia solennemente esposta per
tutto il giorno suor Maria Maddalena vuole coinvolti anche i laici, che si
moltiplicano dando continuità a questa perenne lode a Gesù Eucaristia. I tempi
sono politicamente torbidi, perquisiscono a più riprese il monastero,
addirittura la esiliano come soggetto pericoloso e disperdono le sue suore, ma
tutto viene arginato dalla sua fede e dal suo amore illimitato a Gesù
Eucaristia. Fino al 29 novembre 1824, quando la sua adorazione da perpetua
diventa eterna, nella festa senza fine del paradiso. Suor Maria Maddalena
dell’Incarnazione (Caterina Sordini) è stata beatificata a Roma lo scorso 3
Autore: Gianpiero
Caterina Sordini nacque a Porto Santo Stefano (Grosseto) il 17 aprile 1770; a 16 anni sembra che fosse stata promessa in sposa ad un marittimo di Sorrento, Alfonso Capece, ma lei declinò la scelta e dando seguito al suo desiderio, entrò fra le Terziarie Francescane di Ischia di Castro (Viterbo), ricevendo l’abito religioso il 26 ottobre 1799.
Ebbe come guida e padre spirituale don Giovanni Baldeschi e come spesso accade, da questo profondo legame spirituale, Caterina ricavò l’ideale di fondare un nuovo Istituto religioso dedito all’adorazione perpetua dell’Eucaristia, centro e culmine di ogni vita cristiana.
Nel frattempo nel Capitolo del 20 aprile 1802 delle Terziarie Francescane, fu eletta badessa a soli 32 anni; aveva cambiato il nome in Maria Maddalena dell’Incarnazione, si dedicò ad un deciso riordinamento economico della casa e ad una restaurazione della vita regolare delle Terziarie.
Il periodo del suo governo fu accompagnato da una serie di fenomeni straordinari e da un crescente fervore di vita spirituale, per cui in tutta la zona si diffuse la fama della giovane badessa, la quale comunque non aveva mai abbandonato l’ideale delle suore adoratici.
Con l’accordo del padre Baldeschi e del vescovo di Acquapendente, mons. Pierleone, iniziò la stesura delle regole del nuovo Istituto. L’8 luglio 1807, lasciò Isola di Castro e le Terziarie Francescane e con l’incoraggiamento di Pio VII, inaugurò a Roma la prima casa delle “Adoratrici Perpetue del SS. Sacramento” in un ex convento carmelitano alle Quattro Fontane.
Durante l’occupazione francese di Roma, la Congregazione fu sciolta forzatamente in base alle leggi napoleoniche e Madre Maria Maddalena dell’Incarnazione, fu mandata in esilio, prima a Porto Santo Stefano e poi a Firenze.
Ma in Toscana ebbe l’opportunità di conoscere alcune giovani, che costituirono il gruppo iniziale delle nuove Adoratrici, quando queste poterono ritornare a Roma in S. Anna al Quirinale, il 19 marzo 1814.
Quattro anno dopo, il 13 febbraio 1818, il papa Pio VII approvò definitivamente l’Istituto, che ormai era dedito alla solenne e pubblica esposizione del SS. Sacramento, con la continua adorazione.
La Madre Fondatrice, morì a Roma il 29 novembre 1824, lasciando una fama di santità e di fenomeni straordinari che l’avevano accompagnata in vita. Fu sepolta in S. Anna al Quirinale, con il permesso del papa, che allora aveva la sua residenza nel palazzo del Quirinale, ma nel 1839 le sue spoglie furono traslate nella chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena a Monte Cavallo, nuova sede di Roma delle Adoratrici Perpetue e contemporaneamente furono avviati i processi canonici per la sua beatificazione, che ad oggi sono in fase avanzata.
La presenza delle suore è attualmente in Europa, America, Africa; solo in Italia dopo Napoli e Roma che furono le prime, sono presenti in dodici case (anno 2001).
Papa Giovanni Paolo II l'ha dichiarata "Venerabile" in data 24 aprile 2001. Benedetto XVI il 17 dicembre 2007 ha riconosciuto un miracolo attribuito alla sua intercessione.
Il 3 Maggio 2008 è avvenuta la celebrazione della beatificazione a Roma presso
la Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano.
Autore: Antonio
Caterina Sordini nasce a Porto Santo Stefano (Grosseto), nel 1770. È una bambina fortunata, bellissima e ricchissima. Quando ha sedici anni un proprietario di navi la chiede in sposa offrendole una vita agiata e avventurosa, fatta di viaggi in luoghi lontani e di ogni lusso. Un giorno le dona gioielli costosissimi che la bella Caterina, vanitosa, sfoggia durante una Messa domenicale. Il padre, facoltoso commerciante, ma anche molto religioso e sobrio, abituato a fare beneficenza, non amante di chi ostenta le proprie ricchezze, ordina alla figlia di andare a togliersi di dosso quei gioielli così appariscenti. Caterina obbedisce al padre, ma prima di riporre quei preziosi che tanto le piacciono, desidera ammirarli specchiandosi. Quale stupore quando invece del proprio volto la ragazza vede l’immagine di Gesù sofferente. Non c’è altro da capire. Caterina si toglie quei gioielli e riflette sulla sua vanità inutile.
Non si sposa più e decide di entrare in convento, tra le Terziarie Francescane, a Ischia di Castro (Viterbo) lasciando di stucco la famiglia. Diventa suor Maria Maddalena dell’Incarnazione e, dopo qualche anno, viene nominata badessa. Grazie alle sue capacità il convento rifiorisce. In questo periodo si narra di alcuni miracoli compiuti dalla suora come quella volta in cui moltiplica la farina, tanto da non fare mancare il pane alle consorelle per quasi un mese.
Nel 1807 Madre Maria Maddalena si reca a Roma dove, nell’ex Convento carmelitano alle “Quattro Fontane”, fonda l’Istituto dell’Adorazione Perpetua dell’Eucaristia, affinché non venga mai a mancare, 24 ore su 24, la preghiera e la contemplazione rivolte all’ostia benedetta, che racchiude il corpo di Gesù. In seguito all’invasione di Napoleone Bonaparte, Maria Maddalena viene esiliata in Toscana. Dopo la caduta di Napoleone, la suora torna a Roma. Vicino al Quirinale (dove a quei tempi dimorava il papa), nella Chiesa di Sant’Anna insedia la Casa Madre della sua congregazione che si propagherà, fino ai giorni nostri, dall’Italia in tutto il mondo: Europa, Africa, America. Madre Maria Maddalena dell’Incarnazione muore a Roma nel 1824 dove il suo corpo riposa, presso la chiesa del Monastero delle Adoratrici.
Autore: Mariella Lentini
SOURCE : https://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/91249/
María Magdalena de la
Encarnación (1770-1824)
Nació en Porto Santo
Stefano (Italia) el 16 de abril de 1770, en el seno de una familia
fervientemente católica. Fue bautizada al día siguiente con los nombres de
Catalina María Francisca Antonia.
Creció en un ambiente
impregnado de religiosidad ejemplar. Su padre, Lorenzo Sordini, promovió que en
la iglesia parroquial se expusiera a la veneración pública, en circunstancias
especiales, con espíritu de amor y reparación, el Santísimo Sacramento, como
por ejemplo el jueves de carnaval. Así, desde su adolescencia, Catalina pasaba
horas en adoración junto a Jesús sacramentado.
A los 17 años recibió una
propuesta de matrimonio de parte de Alfonso, joven de posición acomodada que le
regaló preciosas joyas. En una ocasión, adornada con ellas, al mirarse en un
espejo se le apareció el rostro doloroso de Jesús crucificado que la invitaba a
entregarse totalmente a él y le decía:"Catalina, ¿me abandonas por un
amor humano?". En febrero de 1788 ingresó en el monasterio de las
Terciarias Franciscanas de Ischia di Castro. Al vestir el hábito religioso tomó
el nombre de sor María Magdalena de la Encarnación.
El 19 de febrero de 1789,
jueves de carnaval, en el refectorio vio a "Jesús como en un trono de
gracia en el Santísimo Sacramento, rodeado de vírgenes que lo adoraban" y
oyó una voz que le decía: "Te he elegido para instituir la obra de las
Adoratrices Perpetuas, que día y noche me ofrecerán su humilde adoración para
reparar las ofensas y las ingratitudes de la humanidad e impetrar gracias y
ayudas de mi divina misericordia". Aquel día se convirtió para ella en el
"día de la luz".
El 20 de abril de 1802
fue elegida abadesa, cargo que ocupó hasta 1807, cuando, siguiendo la voluntad
de Dios que deseaba un nuevo instituto —y escritas las Constituciones—, se
trasladó a Roma, con algunas hermanas y la bendición de Pío VII, para fundar el
primer monasterio de las Adoratrices Perpetuas del Santísimo Sacramento, en el
convento de San Joaquín y Santa Ana, en Quattro Fontane. La fundación tuvo
lugar el 8 de julio de 1807. Por iniciativa suya la iglesia se abrió a la
adoración de los fieles laicos.
Gracias a su unión con
Dios cada vez más íntima, a su gran espíritu de fe y a su intensa oración en
tiempos muy difíciles, por la invasión de los franceses después de la
Revolución, logró realizar muchas obras, en beneficio del monasterio y también
de muchas personas que recurrían a ella.
La madre María Magdalena
profetizó al Papa Pío VII la deportación a Francia: "Pero no tenga miedo;
nadie le podrá perjudicar y volverá glorioso a Roma". También llegó la
cruz para las Adoratrices, en forma de supresión del instituto; y ella fue
exiliada a Florencia.
Caído el régimen
napoleónico, en el año 1814 la madre volvió a Roma con algunas jóvenes
florentinas y el 18 de septiembre de 1817 vistió el nuevo hábito religioso, que
había visto en visión el "día de la luz": sayo blanco y escapulario
rojo, símbolos del candor virginal y del amor a Jesús crucificado y
El 10 de marzo de 1818 la
Santa Sede reconoció oficialmente la congregación, que la madre María Magdalena
puso bajo el patrocinio de la Virgen de los Dolores.
Murió el 29 de noviembre
de 1824 en Roma, donde reposan sus restos.
El instituto cuenta hoy
con más de noventa monasterios esparcidos por todo el mundo.
Sábado 3 de mayo de 2008
Queridos hermanos y
Como los primeros
discípulos, también nosotros elevamos nuestra mirada al cielo para contemplar
la gloria de Jesús, Maestro y Señor, y exultar.
En efecto, en Cristo que
asciende a los cielos está nuestra misma humanidad, la que asumió en la
Encarnación, y es elevada al máximo esplendor de su dignidad.
Por eso, nuestra
esperanza es una certeza, fundada en las tranquilizadoras palabras que
pronunció el Maestro durante la última Cena: "Padre, quiero que los que tú
me has dado estén también conmigo donde yo esté" (Jn 17, 24).
Así pues, los cristianos
son los que siguen a Jesús.
Si se analiza de forma
superficial e inmadura, esta expresión indica simplemente un modo de pensar y
de actuar: los cristianos son los que en su conducta de vida se inspiran en las
palabras y en el ejemplo de Cristo.
Pero, en un nivel más
profundo, en el nivel que han experimentado tantos creyentes y han testimoniado
los santos con su vida, la pertenencia a Cristo, el "seguimiento de
Cristo", implica mucho más: no se trata sólo de una relación entre el
discípulo y el maestro, una relación hecha de escucha, obediencia e imitación.
No. Se trata de un "injerto". Hemos sido injertados en Cristo como
los sarmientos en la vid; le pertenecemos de tal manera que somos los miembros
de su cuerpo, como nos ha recordado la segunda lectura, tomada de la carta
a los Efesios. Con su Ascensión Jesús da fundamento seguro y definitivo a
la esperanza a la que estamos llamados, al tesoro de gloria que
nos ha prometido y que es la herencia de los santos y elegidos de Dios, como
nos ha dicho san Pablo en esa misma carta.
Sin embargo, para los
Apóstoles, esta espera, esta certeza de estar un día con Cristo para siempre,
no debe ser motivo de desinterés o de inercia. Al contrario, la Ascensión marca
el inicio de la misión. Termina el camino terreno de Jesús y comienza el camino
de la Iglesia en la historia del mundo. La Ascensión inaugura el tiempo de la
Iglesia, y da inicio al tiempo de la maduración de la fe de los discípulos: en
definitiva, no se trata de instaurar una doctrina nueva, sino de instaurar el
seguimiento de Cristo.
La Ascensión es la
gloriosa exaltación de Cristo, vencedor del mal y de la muerte.
Es un misterio que, en
primer lugar, se refiere a Jesús mismo. En efecto, en este acontecimiento él,
como Rey de reyes y Señor de señores (cf. Ap 17, 14), entra
definitivamente en su reino, se sienta en su trono a la derecha del Padre y
recibe de él todo poder.
El apóstol san Pablo
proclama que el poder de Cristo está por encima de todo, no sólo de la actual
realidad del universo, sino para siempre: "Bajo sus pies sometió todas la
cosas" (Ef 1, 22).
Por eso, él mismo dice a
sus discípulos: "Me ha sido dado todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra.
Id, pues..." (Mt 28, 18-19). La pequeña palabra "pues" es
importantísima, porque indica claramente que de esta fuerza de salvación brota
el valor y el significado de la presencia de los cristianos en el mundo.
Ahora la mirada vuelve a
dirigirse a la tierra, porque en la tierra deberá desarrollarse y realizarse el
proyecto de la redención: "Galileos, ¿qué hacéis ahí mirando al
cielo?" (Hch 1, 11), nos repiten los ángeles de la Ascensión, como
hemos escuchado en la primera lectura.
Esta es nuestra misión,
queridos hermanos: hemos sido enviados por el Señor al mundo para transformarlo,
para insertar en las realidades terrenas los gérmenes de su reino.
En este proyecto de
transformación del mundo no estamos solos. En realidad, Jesús no nos abandona,
sino que permanece con nosotros.
Ha resonado una vez más,
en medio de esta asamblea, la extraordinaria promesa de Jesús, su palabra más
dulce y consoladora: "No os dejo huérfanos" (cf. Jn 14,
18), "He aquí que yo estoy con vosotros todos los días hasta el fin del
mundo" (Mt 28, 20).
Jesús sigue estando
realmente presente en medio de nosotros como el Maestro que anuncia y explica
las Escrituras, el Siervo que se inclina para lavar nuestros pies, el Médico
que se compadece de nuestra fragilidad humana, el Pobre que nos pide respeto y
Pero el grado máximo de
intensidad de su presencia entre nosotros se realiza en el sacramento de la
Eucaristía, en su doble aspecto de celebración y permanencia, porque en él no
sólo se encuentra la presencia real del Señor, sino también su presencia
"substancial": la substancia misma del pan y del vino, la fibra
íntima de su ser, se convierte en Jesús.
Es el anuncio más
conmovedor de un Amor que se da como alimento y de una transformación del mundo
que puede realizarse verdaderamente.
La nueva beata, María
Magdalena de la Encarnación, creyó firmemente en las palabras de Jesús,
compartió plenamente su mandato y se dejó implicar en el espléndido proyecto de
salvación que el Señor Jesús inauguró en la historia.
Esta mujer, que hoy ha
sido elevada al honor de los altares, nos vuelve a presentar su testimonio de
fe en la presencia del Hijo de Dios en la vida de la Iglesia, centrada en la
Fascinada por el misterio eucarístico, la madre María Magdalena le consagró
toda su vida transfigurándola en un acto de adoración.
Su gran misión, recibida
del Señor mismo, consistió en proponerse a sí misma, al instituto de las
Religiosas de la Adoración Perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento, por ella fundado,
y a la Iglesia entera, la experiencia de una adoración "perpetua":
del mismo modo que Jesús permanece en el sacramento también después de terminar
el momento celebrativo, así es necesario que nosotros permanezcamos con él. Por
tanto, se trata de una adoración que no ha de faltar nunca en la Iglesia, que
ha de nacer y prolongarse en el tiempo, para que la Hostia santa reine en el
mundo, para que triunfe públicamente y sea memoria perenne del amor de Dios a
los hombres, un fuego capaz de incendiar todos los rincones de la tierra.
Así se comprenden bien
las palabras de la madre Sordini: "Jesús, quisiera que todo el mundo te
amara, incluso a costa de mi vida".
La madre María Magdalena nos enseña que del corazón de Jesús eucarístico brota misteriosamente una vida nueva capaz de renovar al pueblo cristiano.
La beatificación de hoy atrae nuestra atención hacia la gracia extraordinaria,
que nos ha sido concedida, de estar en la presencia del Señor. En la carta
apostólica Novo
millennio ineunte, Juan Pablo II escribió: "nuestras comunidades
cristianas tienen que llegar a ser auténticas "escuelas" de
oración (...), una oración intensa, pero que no aparta del compromiso en
la historia: abriendo el corazón al amor de Dios, lo abre también al amor de
los hermanos, y capacita para construir la historia según el designio de
Dios" (n. 33).
La historia fascinante de
la madre María Magdalena de la Encarnación nos ayudará a evitar el lado débil
del apostolado, especialmente en este momento histórico particular, para no
perder nunca la convicción de la importancia fundamental e insustituible de la
oración; y, sobre todo, a reconocer a la Eucaristía su papel de fons et
culmen —fuente y cumbre— en nuestra vida de fe (cf. Lumen
gentium, 11). La beata madre Sordini concebía sus monasterios como centros
de irradiación espiritual para la humanidad entera. En efecto, la adoración del
Pan eucarístico partido debe impulsar al cristiano, a su vez, a
"partir" su persona y a revolucionar su estilo de vida para
entregarse a sus hermanos.
Así pues, la beata
Sordini, alma profundamente contemplativa, como por lo demás todos los santos,
no buscó una fuga ni una evasión de la realidad presente, sino un estímulo,
dirigido a nosotros, a esforzarnos al máximo por comportarnos como creyentes,
siempre y en todas partes, por actuar solícitamente como cristianos auténticos
en el seno de nuestra sociedad, por realizar en nuestro interior y en el mundo
el reino de Dios, que es reino de paz, de justicia, de santidad y de amor.
Voir aussi : https://www.parrocchieportosantostefano.it/Attivita_Pastorali/Ricordi/2014/2_Leccio/Beata.html